I just don't understand why they can't jut make adjustments for PvP. I want the rogue in my party to destroy stuff! They changed the CC of Wiz's in PvP only so the mechanic i there. I swear these developers just don't think.
Happy my gf is lvl 59. Since my tr is going to be subpar, at best.
My question to the devs is: how is a tr going to to kill a gwf/gf? Even with a lashing blade build i dont see how. Even if i got a 32k lashing blade, that would only be about 14k, leaving the gwf/gf with over 1/2hp. Since all it takes is a gwf to hit you once and they can stunlock you to death how is a tr going to win? Thats right they wont, unless they continue to use a nerfed form of perma stealth. So all you are really doing is forcing trs to sit there in stealth wanting for lashing blade to go off cd. Sounds fun.
Trickster Rogue Upcoming Patch Cloud of Steel: This power now has 8 maximum charges, down from 12. Duelist's Flurry: When the bleed portion of this power is at 10 stacks, further applications now recalculate damage in addition to refreshing the duration. Feat: Speed Swindle: This feat is now properly considered a Control effect for calculations and procs.
Lurker's Assault: This power now grants 5 / 10 / 15% bonus Crit Severity, instead of 20 / 40 / 60% bonus damage. Stealth: At-will powers used from stealth will now partially deplete the Stealth Meter.
This is after some heavy nerf's before. Is this the right course of action for the majority of players? Or do you feel they're going about the sometimes needed balances/nerfs incorrectly?
Everyone that feels Crytic is nerfing TR's incorrectly, please +1 in this thread.
Or if you feel that attempted PVP balance is impairing Rogue PvE play.
If you +1 you are agreeing to the above and one or all of the following :
1. Showing you're disgruntledness rightfully.
2. Possibly leaving the game.
3. Possibly leaving the class.
4. Much less likely to spend money on the game.
Please put you're +1's here to sign the Rogue Nerf Petition. We have a voice, lets make it heard!
(Please note : If you disagree and post, you are still giving a +1 to the thread's post count...)
NW is really digging a deep ditch for themselves with this. Instead of fixing real issues, they are busting out the nerf bat on one of the most played classes. I'm done with the BS, I have already decided to stop spending my money on it, through ZEN but now I'm seriously considering quitting this HAMSTER game for something that charges monthly and doesn't shove a broom stick brush side down up my *** daily with either new things I have to pay real money for or some **** nerf that is going to ruin my fun.
Stop hitting rogues with nerfs just to satisfy nubs who can't play well on pvp, your killing the class on the pve side as well.
rayzlerMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited July 2013
Nothing related to stealth gonna be worth it now. No more skulker, no more grymcoin farm, no more rogues on gaultgrym. Also, I'll just sit and watch how you gonna menage to kill bosses without us.
+1 these are HAMSTER changes due to incessant whining from mostly CW's
Well if this goes live I am done with PW and Cryptic. This was my last F2P/Greed model game I was going to play anyway, I don't even have a perma-stealth rogue and I didn't spend hours on end playing and refining my rogue to get nerfed in to the ground yet again. SO now our two highest daily powers are HAMSTER now. Stealth and ranged both got nerfed in the ground too.
Its not just one nerf, its 4 major nerfs, on the 3 massive nerfs they received previously.
I WAS planning on buying the expansion pack, but if this goes live, I am not giving them another god **** red cent. No people cant have my stuff either, that means supporting a HAMSTER game with HAMSTER support and stupid *** devs. They buffed the biggest whining class in game, don't even bother touching the other 2 classes that have too much power with nerfs, seriously?
Yuppers and they know I have given them money so they can just keep their whiners who probably don't even give them money.
I think the devs accidently failed to see, 90% of their sabotuer tree has the words "while in stealth".
It's ok, i assume this was a mad rush by some individual on the development team to counter the negative posts on TR.
Please do realise though, more thought is needed. The entire paragon tree known as sabotuer is basically void if these changes to tr goes into effect on the live servers.
Perhaps if this is really your intention, then proceed to delete the sabotuer tree and introduce another one.
Hope you will carefully consider this before you take action.
Thanks for reading.
No need for quotes anymore. Lost City's eyes are wide open now. Thank god!b:victory
aiquesacoMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 19Arc User
edited July 2013
"these are HAMSTER changes due to incessant whining from mostly CW's" totally agree
Typical trickster rogue carioca (Rio de Janeiro/ Brasil), always with the flash of a smile and a hidden dagger.
I am confident that this nerf is going to be nerfed xD
I believe they will manage to nerf tr's where they need to be and thats pvp.
The only reason i believe they are doing this is the unintended perma stealth. I believe its something not anticipated by them and when something isnt anticipated by its creator, it creates problems. So if this goes live (i have to search another mmo and) it means it was the only easy solution.
Thats my opinion.
I do believe the ppl crying for the nerf are the ones who haven't learned their class or how to fight perma stealth rogues.
The problem was there isn't supposed to be a perma stealth rogue. LOL. The bug and problem is getting fixed and the adjustments needed to the broken class.
The problem was there isn't supposed to be a perma stealth rogue. LOL. The bug and problem is getting fixed and the adjustments needed to the broken class.
Yeah, cuz devs weren't aware of how the INT stat effected rogues...or weren't aware that they made lots of gear solely for decreasing cooldowns and extending stealth...including the newest Guant pvp set...
Everyone saying that perma-stealth wasn't considered or intended are dumb and those defending this nerf as a good and well thought out fix to the "unintended" perma-stealth build are even dumber.
+1 but I highly doubt this will do a bit of good for various reasons. The best course of action is to vote with your wallet and your proverbial feet and either stop playing the game entirely or at the very least stop giving them your money. They may ignore these posts, but a significant drop in numbers -- especially in their cashflow -- is hard to ignore.
That said, add my name to the list of people who are going to make themselves scarce if this patch hits as is. I barely even play my rogue anymore as it is, but my level of disappointment with this game and its abysmally bad direction has reached its limit.
+1 but I highly doubt this will do a bit of good for various reasons. The best course of action is to vote with your wallet and your proverbial feet and either stop playing the game entirely or at the very least stop giving them your money. They may ignore these posts, but a significant drop in numbers especially in their cashflow is hard to ignore.
That said, add my name to the list of people who are going to make themselves scarce if this patch hits as is. I barely even play my rogue anymore as it is, but my level of disappointment with this game and its abysmally bad direction has reached its limit.
Well I am sticking around till patch day and holding my money too. If this patch goes live I wont be investing anymore time in to my characters and I was considering buying the expansion module pack for 60 dollars too. Not now...
I also agree in highly doubting this will work, its already on preview shard which pretty much means it goes live unless something is glaringly obvious.
True, but that doesn't mean they delete the whole dungeoun.
Thats virtually what they're doing to the sabotuer tree if these changes go live...
You mean to tell me that all these changes went to the preview shard and not one dev saw all the changes and not one of them said "Hmmmmmm maybe we should review this?"
Its glaringly obvious how big this nerf hammer is for rogues.
The perm invisible is plain op... i do quite a bit of pvp and i have seen perm invisible rogues take down a whole team by them selfs without taking a single hit... come on that is just plain unfair for other classes. 1 rogue can win a complete pvp match by only killing the enemy team non stop basicly...
...people need to l2p If a whole 5 man team dies to 1 rogue perma stealth or not. Then they just plain suck. A sentinel build GWF can laugh through a teams dps for much longer than a rogue can. There are only 2 encounters that can be used from stealth and stay stealthed, and 1 does no dps(bait and switch) and the other hits for less than 1k(shadow strike). Cloud of steel has 12 charges but takes 8-12 charges to kill a target then has a 36 second cooldown before all 12 charges can be used again. A lot of people don't seem to know how cloud of steel works apparently. The damage ramps up by increasing in dps with each dagger thrown so if only 2 daggers are off CD then you will hit for nearly nothing a few 1000 at best. All of the other at wills put them in melee range and they will get KD/KB/lifted/stunned etc and then killed in 2 seconds. AKA the team sucked. The rogue can however hold a point by running in circles and occasionally killing 1 squishy target. But it is far from godmode.
kingculexMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
This nerf does not really hurt my build. People are still going to be crying about TRs instead of facing the challenge with maturity. Out thinking TRs with different builds is part of the challenge with being a TR. I bet the other classes would get hammered by nerfs if all the TRs in the game banded together to cry for nerfs. This would not be mature but it would be pay back to all of those people crying for TRs to be nerfed.
Trickster Rogue Upcoming Patch Cloud of Steel: This power now has 8 maximum charges, down from 12. Duelist's Flurry: When the bleed portion of this power is at 10 stacks, further applications now recalculate damage in addition to refreshing the duration. Feat: Speed Swindle: This feat is now properly considered a Control effect for calculations and procs.
Lurker's Assault: This power now grants 5 / 10 / 15% bonus Crit Severity, instead of 20 / 40 / 60% bonus damage. Stealth: At-will powers used from stealth will now partially deplete the Stealth Meter.
This is after some heavy nerf's before. Is this the right course of action for the majority of players? Or do you feel they're going about the sometimes needed balances/nerfs incorrectly?
Everyone that feels Crytic is nerfing TR's incorrectly, please +1 in this thread.
Or if you feel that attempted PVP balance is impairing Rogue PvE play.
If you +1 you are agreeing to the above and one or all of the following :
1. Showing you're disgruntledness rightfully.
2. Possibly leaving the game.
3. Possibly leaving the class.
4. Much less likely to spend money on the game.
Please put you're +1's here to sign the Rogue Nerf Petition. We have a voice, lets make it heard!
(Please note : If you disagree and post, you are still giving a +1 to the thread's post count...)
Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
kingculexMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
I could not agree more. It is the cry babies that want everything handed to them instead of learning how to play that are behind this ridiculous nerf. They are unwilling to learn how to kill a stealthed TR which is possible. They are also too ignorant to know that nerfs like this will not solve known exploits player can use on any class.
...people need to l2p If a whole 5 man team dies to 1 rogue perma stealth or not. Then they just plain suck. A sentinel build GWF can laugh through a teams dps for much longer than a rogue can. There are only 2 encounters that can be used from stealth and stay stealthed, and 1 does no dps(bait and switch) and the other hits for less than 1k(shadow strike). Cloud of steel has 12 charges but takes 8-12 charges to kill a target then has a 36 second cooldown before all 12 charges can be used again. A lot of people don't seem to know how cloud of steel works apparently. The damage ramps up by increasing in dps with each dagger thrown so if only 2 daggers are off CD then you will hit for nearly nothing a few 1000 at best. All of the other at wills put them in melee range and they will get KD/KB/lifted/stunned etc and then killed in 2 seconds. AKA the team sucked. The rogue can however hold a point by running in circles and occasionally killing 1 squishy target. But it is far from godmode.
Every class has advantages and disadvantages. Learn the disadvantages of you class to overcome them. Learn the advantages of your class and the disadvatages of other classes to use them in pvp to win.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
While PvP is certainly imbalanced, gutting a class's primary mechanic (stealth), is a heavy handed and irresponsible way to "fix" PvP. Lurker's Assault now falls off before I can finish a single Flurry; the damage boost provided by Lurker's Assault, the daily our class is built around in PvE, is now laughable. For those calling for a nurf to TRs, please understand the simple math behind the actual patch notes; breaking a class's mechanic and only useful PvE daily, rendering it sub-par for PvE content, is a foolish way to address PvP concerns. Implement an intelligent fix, not an insult to the class.
---"Old age and deviousness will always overcome youth and enthusiasm." Visit Eminence Gaming | Dragon's All Adult, "Casually Hardcore" PvE/PvP Guild | Now Recruiting Exceptional Applicants
I am feeling more like a tricked rogue than a trickster rogue...
While I cannot realize the effects of this until experiencing it I wonder what the TR is intended to be relegated to as a class based simply on the descriptions of the changes.
Changes are definitely a step in the right direction. I'd nerf stealth further if it was up to me, like making control immunities breaking it. Rogues already have dodge for pve, nothing else is really needed, unless you want to exploit content.
They will still be top dps anyway. (Smart) people will adapt and change their game style and builds accordingly. It's just a required balance pass.
Silly update
The cruel reign of gwfs/gfs has begun it full.
Happy my gf is lvl 59. Since my tr is going to be subpar, at best.
My question to the devs is: how is a tr going to to kill a gwf/gf? Even with a lashing blade build i dont see how. Even if i got a 32k lashing blade, that would only be about 14k, leaving the gwf/gf with over 1/2hp. Since all it takes is a gwf to hit you once and they can stunlock you to death how is a tr going to win? Thats right they wont, unless they continue to use a nerfed form of perma stealth. So all you are really doing is forcing trs to sit there in stealth wanting for lashing blade to go off cd. Sounds fun.
NW is really digging a deep ditch for themselves with this. Instead of fixing real issues, they are busting out the nerf bat on one of the most played classes. I'm done with the BS, I have already decided to stop spending my money on it, through ZEN but now I'm seriously considering quitting this HAMSTER game for something that charges monthly and doesn't shove a broom stick brush side down up my *** daily with either new things I have to pay real money for or some **** nerf that is going to ruin my fun.
Stop hitting rogues with nerfs just to satisfy nubs who can't play well on pvp, your killing the class on the pve side as well.
Nothing related to stealth gonna be worth it now. No more skulker, no more grymcoin farm, no more rogues on gaultgrym. Also, I'll just sit and watch how you gonna menage to kill bosses without us.
Well if this goes live I am done with PW and Cryptic. This was my last F2P/Greed model game I was going to play anyway, I don't even have a perma-stealth rogue and I didn't spend hours on end playing and refining my rogue to get nerfed in to the ground yet again. SO now our two highest daily powers are HAMSTER now. Stealth and ranged both got nerfed in the ground too.
Its not just one nerf, its 4 major nerfs, on the 3 massive nerfs they received previously.
I WAS planning on buying the expansion pack, but if this goes live, I am not giving them another god **** red cent. No people cant have my stuff either, that means supporting a HAMSTER game with HAMSTER support and stupid *** devs. They buffed the biggest whining class in game, don't even bother touching the other 2 classes that have too much power with nerfs, seriously?
Yuppers and they know I have given them money so they can just keep their whiners who probably don't even give them money.
I think the devs accidently failed to see, 90% of their sabotuer tree has the words "while in stealth".
It's ok, i assume this was a mad rush by some individual on the development team to counter the negative posts on TR.
Please do realise though, more thought is needed. The entire paragon tree known as sabotuer is basically void if these changes to tr goes into effect on the live servers.
Perhaps if this is really your intention, then proceed to delete the sabotuer tree and introduce another one.
Hope you will carefully consider this before you take action.
Thanks for reading.
"these are HAMSTER changes due to incessant whining from mostly CW's" totally agree
I do believe the ppl crying for the nerf are the ones who haven't learned their class or how to fight perma stealth rogues.
I am confident that this nerf is going to be nerfed xD
I believe they will manage to nerf tr's where they need to be and thats pvp.
The only reason i believe they are doing this is the unintended perma stealth. I believe its something not anticipated by them and when something isnt anticipated by its creator, it creates problems. So if this goes live (i have to search another mmo and) it means it was the only easy solution.
Thats my opinion.
The problem was there isn't supposed to be a perma stealth rogue. LOL. The bug and problem is getting fixed and the adjustments needed to the broken class.
Yeah, cuz devs weren't aware of how the INT stat effected rogues...or weren't aware that they made lots of gear solely for decreasing cooldowns and extending stealth...including the newest Guant pvp set...
Everyone saying that perma-stealth wasn't considered or intended are dumb and those defending this nerf as a good and well thought out fix to the "unintended" perma-stealth build are even dumber.
That said, add my name to the list of people who are going to make themselves scarce if this patch hits as is. I barely even play my rogue anymore as it is, but my level of disappointment with this game and its abysmally bad direction has reached its limit.
Well I am sticking around till patch day and holding my money too. If this patch goes live I wont be investing anymore time in to my characters and I was considering buying the expansion module pack for 60 dollars too. Not now...
I also agree in highly doubting this will work, its already on preview shard which pretty much means it goes live unless something is glaringly obvious.
I don't think the game creators would intentionally void a whole paragon tree. Why would they have created it in the first place?
You realize these are the same devs that cant fix exploits in their dungeons right?
True, but that doesn't mean they delete the whole dungeoun.
Thats virtually what they're doing to the sabotuer tree if these changes go live...
You mean to tell me that all these changes went to the preview shard and not one dev saw all the changes and not one of them said "Hmmmmmm maybe we should review this?"
Its glaringly obvious how big this nerf hammer is for rogues.
...people need to l2p If a whole 5 man team dies to 1 rogue perma stealth or not. Then they just plain suck. A sentinel build GWF can laugh through a teams dps for much longer than a rogue can. There are only 2 encounters that can be used from stealth and stay stealthed, and 1 does no dps(bait and switch) and the other hits for less than 1k(shadow strike). Cloud of steel has 12 charges but takes 8-12 charges to kill a target then has a 36 second cooldown before all 12 charges can be used again. A lot of people don't seem to know how cloud of steel works apparently. The damage ramps up by increasing in dps with each dagger thrown so if only 2 daggers are off CD then you will hit for nearly nothing a few 1000 at best. All of the other at wills put them in melee range and they will get KD/KB/lifted/stunned etc and then killed in 2 seconds. AKA the team sucked. The rogue can however hold a point by running in circles and occasionally killing 1 squishy target. But it is far from godmode.
This nerf does not really hurt my build. People are still going to be crying about TRs instead of facing the challenge with maturity. Out thinking TRs with different builds is part of the challenge with being a TR. I bet the other classes would get hammered by nerfs if all the TRs in the game banded together to cry for nerfs. This would not be mature but it would be pay back to all of those people crying for TRs to be nerfed.
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
There is no point to whine for nerfs because you win some and loose some. Crying just makes a player look like a crier and no one, especially the devs, should take them seriously. Have a nice day!:)
Can't begin to comprehend why these nerfs are thought to be a good idea by anyone.
While PvP is certainly imbalanced, gutting a class's primary mechanic (stealth), is a heavy handed and irresponsible way to "fix" PvP. Lurker's Assault now falls off before I can finish a single Flurry; the damage boost provided by Lurker's Assault, the daily our class is built around in PvE, is now laughable. For those calling for a nurf to TRs, please understand the simple math behind the actual patch notes; breaking a class's mechanic and only useful PvE daily, rendering it sub-par for PvE content, is a foolish way to address PvP concerns. Implement an intelligent fix, not an insult to the class.
Visit Eminence Gaming | Dragon's All Adult, "Casually Hardcore" PvE/PvP Guild | Now Recruiting Exceptional Applicants
I am feeling more like a tricked rogue than a trickster rogue...
While I cannot realize the effects of this until experiencing it I wonder what the TR is intended to be relegated to as a class based simply on the descriptions of the changes.
They will still be top dps anyway. (Smart) people will adapt and change their game style and builds accordingly. It's just a required balance pass.