Thanks everyone, and sorry for bringing that up. I guess I shouldn't judge something I don't know anything about. I have one quick question, if I may. I can't quite find this anything about this. When beta is released, how does one get a beta key? Is is randomly given? I've seen some mentions of Torchlight 2 giving a beta…
That's quite disappointing... But I suppose I shouldn't loose faith. From what I've been told, 4e is far better for video games then tabletop (Like 3e.) Again, not trying to be rude.. Just not at all used to 4e. I'm staying faithful.
Sounds great! Maybe we can create our own guild missions for rookies and such, that are guild-exclusive. I was addicted to making maps on the original NwN, I can only hope that the foundry will be as easy XD. Also, If roleplaying is an option for me, it becomes a must :D. Count me in on that, man.
Yeah, I know, what I really worry about is just how much are they going to follow core rules & the 3rd edition ruleset, like NwN. I kind of hate it when MMOs (And all RPGs really) go off and make their own ruleset.. Because, honestly, the DND rulesets are simply the best. (4th edition excluded, I hate it.) I mean, the…
Hey this looks great! I'm a hardcore nwn fan, and cannot wait till this game is out! When it is, i'm really into joining your guild. Sign me up! When do you plan on having the first meeting or whatnot?