Tondra Armor is Transmuted with Tunic of the Thayan Servitor from DR shop Feet and Arms are Transmuted with the Eternal equipement from WoD Neck is Black Ice (can't really see this pic) All dyed with Searing Magma Dye Pack (the armor also has Red Dye to replace the orange on the front panel that hangs from waist)
PB procs when a curse is consumed/removed. it is 100% of the time. are you says it should only proc a % of the time? that would make it even more useless. xbox probably still isn't broken from the last mods for PB self damage bug. mirajanesitfri, are you also on xbox. I am curious on what your loadout is to make it high…
? ACC procs too much? PB procs too much? PB when procing on lesser curse damages the caster not the target. amount of damage is around 100-200 so not sure how even in the best scenereos that is an op feat. I would love to hear how you are using it in a fashion that makes it op.
I haven't tried with vengeful curse. in the ACT logs it says i am damaging me. so wonder if I would get the lesser curse on myself? lol. several other boons have things that specify the attacker so i stay away from those as I don't want to hurt myself further.
and ya TT doesn't crit so lostmauths shouldn't do damage. i don't seem to get AP gain while TT is active. still seeing if it is everythong or jsut some encounter/at wills that don't give it. makes it hard to go without DC sigil.
I use parting blasphemy with ACC. i have one point in it and negation armor. damage to me is next to nothing but it ramps up negation nicely and procs my on damage taken abilities/boons. I posted on it a while back and got crickets. opened a ticket and it just disappeared. now I hope they never fix it. I am going to see if…
And that's the problem. conflicting information in two places and the "correct" information is in a place people wouldn't normally even know exists. e.i. going to campaign window and looking for a schedule. no other campaign does this. Shar/ToD/etc don't vary reqards. why would one expect DR to? and nothing in any of the…
or just have the binding stay with the original item and not the item used to transmute. there is no reason that has to transfer. i am sure just not having transmutation at all is "easier" - just turn the whole thing off. but it can't be that hard to just not copy that property over.
The Parting Blashpemy bug is here - no mods seemed to want to pass it on to devs either... I tried opening a ticket ingame and it just seemed to disappear. SW seems to be a black hole unless someone cries we are too powerful then it seems they are all too…
but the mods do think it is worth the devs time to "fix" some old set gear that makes some SWs actually useful .... meanwhile all the broken things remain ignored. The only reason I used ACC was for the Parting Blasphemy combo (which now damages us not the mobs) so its kind o f instult to injury that neither parts of the…
so the tab version seems to work in that it damages the enemy instead of me. but if i put a Warlock Curse on a target and let it expire it doesn't do anything when it comes off. If i do something to remove it like Fiery Bolt or put Warlocks curse on more than 3 targets causing it to come off then blasphemy procs normally.