So happy to hear you say this. I took to this thread for the same reason. I play the game with my son (and I'm his Mom, not even his Dad, ha!). I don't see a lot of people like ourselves around, but we enjoy it all the same.
Yeah, I hear that. But it's a tough call...I mean don't you always have to assume that players from the other team will be coming? Faster capping seems always efficient. But yeah, this thing about everyone going to cap the home and leaving you at 2, not cool. The only way I learned the unofficial basic 'rules' were from…
I started out disappointed about the boon requirement - I didn't know about it either, and had only two in each - but I have to admit I'm grateful for it. Grinding these again brought me back to the game in new ways, and I understand the maps and rewards better than I did before. My character is barely 10k gs so it's…
I for one would really like to see a pvp education campaign. Aside from general rules of play, there is an etiquette and an understanding among long-time players that has a steep learning curve. Going back to the OP, occasionally I'll join someone who is about to cap, not for the 300, but because it makes the cap faster…