Please add me! Me and my buddy would love to join. Tired of the kicking!! We are both dps 10.5k+ gs and we do a decent amount of healing too I will be on later tonight. My GT: RickL420
Ok cool thanks. Will do. I would join the other but I prefer to chat with buddies. I use chat box for chat. But I've ran PK about 100 times now on 2 different characters.
See if you can borrow an external hard drive from someone. Or buy and return it lol. Copy the game to the external. Do a power cycle. Then delete it off external and power cycle. Seems crazy. But after all the factory resets and uninstalls. That's the only thing that has worked.
Yea it's very weird. I hope it works for you. Mine is still working. I even get server errors now. Which oddly enough I'm happy about lol because I know it's working and not crashing anymore
Ok so I got it working finally. I had the game on my internal and my external. When I deleted it from my external hard drive, it began installing again on my internal. (Even though it was already there) took only a few minutes. And now my total game install is at 10.4 gb. I thought it was 10.3 before that. I could be…
Xbox support recommended I try an external hard drive because my internal might have problems playing the game. That wasn't the case. Downloaded the new xbox update today and still having the same issues.