Mine is now done! yay http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?224682-TheEmpires-PvP-Control-Wizard-(Renegade-Paragon-Path)&p=2982092#post2982092 The Empire's PVP CW Build
How about stunlock GWF / GF builds? Anyone crying about that. Because I dont even get to play when I have one on me. The second I manage to teleport dodge away from them they charge and knock me prone again. Thats the most OP in pvp right now IMO
I don't see the problem with it. I am not well informed, other wise I would have the skill in question and I would be informed as to if it is good or not. I've read this on numerous other guides and I think it portrays exactly what I want it to. Take your hate elsewhere son
That depends on your play style. The way it works is, press your hotkey and it brings up a rectangle in front of you to display the area of effect. Its a little wider than your character but the range is only 20' or 30' so its a little short. The casting animation is kinda long too, your charicter lifts their hand up and…