And what you miss is that stuff is giving 1/5 of what it used to. If I wanted to use a mythic artifact into another of the same type, it would refine it all the way, now IIRC it gives a paltry amount. Similarly an artifact weapon that was legendary into another assuming you didn't get lucky and crit, one stack of sapphires…
Several are complaining. And I think, you miss, that this event is not a substitute for 2xRP but an addition. The new RP requirements of all items have been halved, which results in 2xRP being in effect all the time. So, there is absolutley nothing to complain about. Except perhaps the "drop rate", which really is bad. But…
1. They lowered RP Requirements in a way, that you need only about 1/2 as before, making it 2xRP all the time. 2. The double Enchantment Events are still happening, and they do not only affect Enchantments but ALL RP Stones. 3. While you get RP during this event, you still will get RP Stones as before, so it's an…
You realise, that this is in reaction to a good number of people, who were sad that their twinks, or even their mains (in the case of newer players) were neither able to earn Shards for their guild's Stronghold nor AD, because they could not meet the requirements for this skirmish? Folly is a quite new skirmish with high…
I was under the impression, that the random queue only looks for at least 1 Heal and 1 Tank, not exactly one of both, and I remember running several randoms dungeons with constellations like 3xOP + 1xDC + 1xDD. But even if it would not work, to queue for a dungeon with a premade group of 2xDC, 2xOP and 1xDD, then it still…
I fail to understand, how disabling Private Queue will make people taking you with them. Neither will people stop preforming groups and running ToNG with 2Tank, 2DC, 1DD (mostly because that combination so far has the greatest chance of success), nor will it make people join the queue alone for random parties (as…
The Yuan-Ti Dancers only cast a love spell, making you wander aimlessly for some seconds, and a fright spell, making you run away. So far, I have not once encountered any effect, that makes me unable to move at all, and nothing, that restricts my movement for more than 8 seconds. Neither with GF, CW, GWF or TR. This seems…
The Voodoo Doll seems to be bugged. I was able to use it the first time on a dinosaur, but that one was too strong, so it failed. After that I could not use any more of these dolls. Several other people I talked to through chat had the same problem. I did not find out yet, if it only happens when you fail with one, or if…
That's good to know. The tooltip says otherwise, but it would not be the first time, this happened. That fact definitiely needs to be considered when thinking about the scenarios.
There seems to be one wrong Argument. Stronghold Weapons grant their Bonus only to others, who use Stronghold Weapons. If, for example, your DC and your OP both use Stronghold, and the 3 dd use Relic, then the DD all only will get their Relic Weapon's Bonus of 10%, while DC and OP both will get 4% (2% from own weapon and…
1+2) Both add and then multiply with your power. Example: 5%(Eye) + 3%(Cameraderie) = 8% This results in a bonus of 8% of your Power (Power * 1.08) 3) Legendary companions add a percentage of the summoned companions stats. The bonus of several legendary companions is added, like the bonus of Eye and Cameraderie. Example:…
Thanks. 1 totem is not much, especially when you first have to reach your cap to make them count. But when everyone in the group gets one, this makes it interesting. I can imagine organizing hunting groups in my guild, with everyone collecting trophies and lures and then going to get the prey. Do you perhaps know, if…
Ok, thanks. That rng thing makes hunting very unattractive for me. Not considering the Trex (who obviously does not visit his dentist regularly as there seem to be no teeth left for me to collect) I get 1 trophy from 10 mobs (and 1 Tooth from 5x KoS). And considering I need several of the prey trophies as well, I would…
They proc by activating an Encounter Power. So no attack or hit needed. But the question was about the stacks from the rings, which needs hitting an opponent, and that is something your clones can do. You should be able to test it on a dummy.
I took the hunting quest first, and still am not sure, how everything works. Perhaps you can answer me some questions? I already did Hedetet and Split-Ti, but did not get the trophies from these two. Are they as random, as the trophies from usual monsters, like the ogres bone? Also, I did not get any additional Totems by…
I remember reading, that the clones seem to do a fix amount of damage, that does not scale. Somewhere around 2k each on per each attack. So they also do not get a bonus from the Runestones. I have no idea, if they contribute to the procs of your rings, but I would think, that the game treats them similar to a companion,…
Found a temporary solution for that problem. Had to dismiss the unfinished quest and take it again. Since I get it from the trading prince, this counts as "getting permission".
I got my first quest in Chult, where I have to kindle the torches and then speak with someone in the jungle. Did the torches but then returned to the port for a break. Now I can not enter the jungle. It says, I need permission from the trading prince, but he has nothing to say. Is it bugged, or is there a simple and…
My GM farming includes: 1 rank 12 Quartermaster enchant Doing 2 HEs for influence, all ToD / WoD and DR dailies and weeklies Equipment, influence and ToD campaign currency usually are easy to donate and also easy to aquire in this way. Also, the GM Ratio is quite good. This way I would see the aquisition of 30k GM as…
If there is a Double Refine event, then you should be able to get 4 artifacty to mystic level for around 6-7 million, perhaps even less. Sadly, you just missed the last event. But the next should be here in a month or two. Also a good iLvL source is your companions. Everything you summoned one wears adds to your level. Try…
You will always have that problem, as one healer and one tank are a requirement for this Content. Since These classes are not very common, and they need longer to Progress in campaigns due to less damageoutput, they are very rare. Also it is not unusual, that in PuG groups failing is blamed mostly on the support (even if…
@elmoregemstone 1. "if no one gets them" and "There are people out there with multiples" - This is a contradiction. 2. "The entire community demands answers" - I do not. I know several more who do not. That is not the "entire" community. 3. You want the Devs to say how it is and to prove it - It is as it is. There is a…
First there are bound wards, RP and marks. These can not be made into AD, except by upgrading enchantments and sell them. In that case it's always better to DIY. Otherwise, it CAN be better to DIY, depending on what the prices on the AH are. Sometimes, the difference in the prices of two different ranks of one enchantment…
@"werdandi#8366" The problem is not your statement, but the reasoning, your solution and your arguments (or the lack of arguments). I will try to explain: You say, that SH boons are OP. Your reasons are: - It equals 2x permanent Ring of Brutality - It makes the game too easy - It pushes players to big guilds, that can…
@pterias I see several flaws in your math. 1. It's based on a guild, that has the maximum number of contributing members, where every member contributes the same and regularly. Sadly, this is a rare case. Many guilds work with something around 50-70% capapcity. 2. It does not include gated resources like shards and…
@pterias You have a point. By enabling just more options, where even a guild player can get something out of it (Power boons for example are a problem in non-PvP guilds), and this way does not feel at a disadvantage. (On the contrary I would love to see something to do for non-guildplayers during stronghold related mods)…
I understand the problem, and perhaps the basics of the idea are valid (I understand the Problem, but I have not yet thought about it very much), but your proposed execution is bad. The effort to Level stronghold building is immense, as it is a huge team effort (which also includes that some do more work, and others less).…