Paingiver is HAMSTER as it can be exploited and doesn't show much of anything besides a epeen boost And though power is not capped it does not work like people believe. If you have 100k power and get 200k through buffs you are not getting 100% damage bonus just because you have double . And no at BiS levels 8k is next to nothing that's 2rings and 2enchants on a companion And a 4% dps increase is not a 4 % damage increase . I really didn't expect most to understand and it's very difficult to explain to non min/maxers but trust me at BiS level power increases of 8k means very little ..I would equate it to an extra hit or 2 It's like if I have 40k power and my lashing blade hits for 110k dAmage if my companions gift procs and I now have 80k power my lashing blade will not now hit for 220k damage.. If at 100k i get an extra 8k power I will prob do 104k damage it's really that slim and as it goes up it gets less and less.
As for the smugness of wanting to keep something the way it is ,you are asking for a communist system so we are all given equal shares So the rich should give away 100 million dollars because you feel 200 mill is just too much to have in your judgement . Maybe we should have power vouchers passed out and we all stand in a bread line to get an equal share .. Joking... well not entirely ! But dude think about what you are saying! You are deeming something is too much in your judgment and thru the godly insight of your judgement alone expecting a whole system to change ,and calling others smug ! That's ironic pot calling kettle stuff right there.
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
edited April 2017
I hate guild.boons... but I'm not going to agree to nerfING people's hard work... no keep it as is. Otherwise there is no reason to work for the boons.
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
Werdandi, as a solo player, I completely sympathize with your position (and your emotions too), but this is absolutely the most hostile and least likely to actually happen way to deal with it. Asking the devs to rob people of something they've worked their butts off for is a good way to set the world on fire, not make it a better place.
A much better and more realistic approach is currently being talked about in this thread over here. We should be proposing ways for players in small guilds or no guilds to catch up, not HAMSTER over everyone else. That said, optimism for any progress is in short supply, but being hostile about it is just gonna rally the beneficiaries of the current regime against the whole idea.
BUT if dev do : for each 700 points 1% do they rob? DO not forget we farmed the stat not the %.
Werdandi, as a solo player, I completely sympathize with your position (and your emotions too), but this is absolutely the most hostile and least likely to actually happen way to deal with it. Asking the devs to rob people of something they've worked their butts off for is a good way to set the world on fire, not make it a better place.
A much better and more realistic approach is currently being talked about in this thread over here. We should be proposing ways for players in small guilds or no guilds to catch up, not HAMSTER over everyone else. That said, optimism for any progress is in short supply, but being hostile about it is just gonna rally the beneficiaries of the current regime against the whole idea.
I agree with all you say. I just want to find a way to rebalance.
Whether or not it was initially "too much", taking it away after the fact is not a good way to rebalance the game.
And I lead a guild that is currently Rank 9, thanks.
Yes it will hurt many people (they are already hurt in this thread ^^). It is hard to "fix" something that was not well planned from the beginning, especially when people commit to achieve it (and spend $$$$$$). (btw, I always like your comments Becky).
I also disagree with the idea that smaller guilds are dying due to other guilds having more powerfull boons. I can buy that smaller guilds some times die due to poor leadership. I hear about that a lot. I have seen a lot of new guilds flourish of late.
This. it is very true. If there is no social activity, people leave. And the contrary is valid too. It is all about group dynamic.
I have spoken a lot recently with guildies and they all agree on the fact that this level of SH boons is unfair when you want to compare properly people in the paingiver/healer/whatever chart at the end of an event. ... Sadly Item level does not work for comparing.
Stop comparing people. Unless you PVP, there are way to many variables to really make a valid comparison, especially with the tools in game.
GH20 takes a tremendous commitment in time, effort, teamwork. They deserve the benefits.
I'll agree power creep is bad again, but nerfing things after they have been obtained is not the way to go.
serious plus 1.
gh 20 takes TREMENDOUS commitment. 8k is a lot but dang it we WORKED for it. no sympathy here. nerfing things that people have worked their hamsters off for is NOT the way to further this game.
checkmatein3Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 525Arc User
Here is a hypothetical story.
My neighbor has a nice big oak tree in his front yard. I have a smallish kinda tree that just doesn't seem to grow. And my neighbor across the street doesn't have a tree at all. I really hate the fact that my neighbor has this big beautiful tree. So, I go to my neighbor who has no tree, and we start a petition with our homeowner's association and go to our other neighbors and ask them to sign it to force the guy with the big tree to cut off a lot of the branches and make his oak tree like mine. Or maybe, just cut it in half. I mean, he shouldn't have such a big tree in his yard when I have just a little one, and my neighbor has none. Well, when I went to my neighbors, I found it difficult to have anyone agree that my neighbor's tree should be cut in half. But, they are all prejudiced haters because some of them have big trees of their own and all of theirs would need to be cut in half, too. I mean, its not fair that prejudiced haters with big trees make all of us with small trees or no trees feel inadequate, because we don't immediately get big trees in our yards. But, why do I care what they did or didn't do to get that big tree, or how long they planted, trimmed, watered, and waited. All that matters is that I am right, and they are bigots who just want to flaunt their big trees in my face.
If the neighbors don't agree with me, I am gonna move out of my neighborhood where only little trees and no trees are. Then, I will be satisfied. But wait, that guy has a better mailbox then me...
Must every suggestion on how to "improve" the game come in the form of a nerf. People put a lot of time, AD, resources, and in some cases real money in to achieving the boons. Nerfing them is a sure fire way to see another mass exodus of players.
And your statement about people ranking on the paingiver chart....that says all I need to hear about the mentality behind this "common sense" idea.
Do you have a main toon that is 4.0k-4.4k IL yet? And are you running all the end game content?(FBI, MSVA, SP)
If you answer no to either of those questions then you can't see the bigger picture here. If yes, then why are you against this amount of power when bondings blow it out of the water?
You can put 3 offensive rings and 6 Radiant R12s on a pet if you choose to. Just the enchants alone will throw like 12k power at you when proc'd. Now, what are the stats of the rings? Let's say we're using orange rings from MSVA and the power stat is what? 450 per ring?
Per ring were now talking 1850 x 3 = 5550 x 2.85(Bonding proc) = 15,817.
SH boon is spit in the ocean compared to other sources of power in the game. Why is this thread about the boon and not Bondings? I can't help but wonder if you might have bondings and no boon... A little bit of the green eye'd monster coming out?
You see us as resisting, because we have it, we figure your complaining, because you don't...
I agree, we need to find a way for smaller guilds to catch up... Wait, there was something introduced to help! Alliances + Vouchers + professions for the coffer. All things we didn't have when we pushed for MONTHS to get to where we are!!
Do you have a main toon that is 4.0k-4.4k IL yet? And are you running all the end game content?(FBI, MSVA, SP)
If you answer no to either of those questions then you can't see the bigger picture here. If yes, then why are you against this amount of power when bondings blow it out of the water?
You see us as resisting, because we have it, we figure your complaining, because you don't...
Well I am not at 4k but I do run the end game contents (FBI, MSVA etc..). But because I am not 4k, I belong to the majority of players, this majority of players where this level/value of boon counts more in the stats and overall performance than at the 4k stage.
Obviously 8K of lifesteal or power become marginal in a buffed high-end group. But high-end groups do not represent the majority of players.
If I summarize, this value of guild boons has more impact on "lower" players than on BIS players. But I understand you resist .
Still, you cannot deny that 8k stat coming from activating a boon is more than the stats coming from 11 single-stat R12 enchants : to me, it is a severe unbalance but nothing is likely to be changed anyway.
As for bondings, I already wrote that I have R12s and that they should be nerfed a bit as well: I am okay to cut my own leg.
Yea I don't think that will happen either... they want all players to join guilds and work toward advancing a guild.
While I agree it does some what create a 2nd class of citizen in Neverwinter, with many Guilds between 8-20 strongholds many players can easily find one, then gain many of the boons even if they are only starting to contribute.
I thought some of the boons were initially higher than they should have been out of the gate... yet at the same token getting a guild to 20 is by every means a massive accomplishment that takes considerable effort.
So it likely should have some benefit's for members provided they at least contribute either to the social or growing the guild community a little...
Yes it will hurt many people (they are already hurt in this thread ^^). It is hard to "fix" something that was not well planned from the beginning, especially when people commit to achieve it (and spend $$$$$$).
This. Pretty much true. It's too late to change anything. Less stat per rank is ok, but not when you pay much much much more for next rank. So your "nerf" suggestion is good and valid, but before SH mod, not now. Just FYI, here you can see how much resources you need to rank GH to 20 and four boons to 10.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
This suggestion is just plain bad...for so many reasons. Let it die quietly, please.
The problem is not your statement, but the reasoning, your solution and your arguments (or the lack of arguments).
I will try to explain:
You say, that SH boons are OP.
Your reasons are:
- It equals 2x permanent Ring of Brutality - It makes the game too easy - It pushes players to big guilds, that can provide these boons - Smaller guilds are dying because of these boons
2 Rings of Brutality: That is more of a fact, than a real argument, because it does not explain, why this is a bad thing. You could also say, that the new Armor with around 50k HP is OP because it’s like more than 40 Rank 12 Light Enchantment in one slot. To make this an argument, you need to explain, WHY 2 permanent Rings of Brutality are OP, while comparing it to all other equipment, boons and companions at the same time. If you can, please do so.
Game too easy: At the moment you can do nearly every content up to Mod 9 with Drow Equip, Elemental Artifact Weapons, Rank 7 enchantments and all regular boons of mods 1-9 without any real problem, even WITHOUT SH boons and bonding stones. The only exception may be edemo and Tiamat, which require everyone to exactly know, what he or she needs to do. But that is nothing, SH boons will change. FBI and later content on the other hand is a challenge even WITH SH boons on max and bonding stones.
As you see, that argument does not work, as the only challenges, where the boons have a relevance keep being a challenge.
Players leave their guild / Smaller guilds are dying: That is a believable possibility. Sadly we have no valid information about the real number of players, who leave their small guilds to join bigger guilds. Especially no information, that takes other guild-factors into account, like quests, vendors, HEs with exclusive drops, individual guild activities, sympathies, and so on. Also we have no valid information about the real number of new guilds, how long they have been there and how many have vanished. That makes it impossible to use this as an argument.
But let us assume, that the number of players leaving small guilds for SH boons is relevant and small guilds are dying because of that, just for the sake of the argument itself.
In that case we should be aware, that many big guilds are already full and won’t accept new members, while many more have very harsh requirements for skill and/or equipment. For a “weak” player (who needs these boons to compete) it is very difficult to join one of these guilds.
After that player leaves his guild, and sees, that he will not succeed, what will he do? He can either join a middle guild, that promises boons in the future (which is very distant for boons over 3k and even more for the famous power boon, which is very PvP heavy in its costs), or resignate and come back, join another small guild, build his own guild or completely stop being in a guild.
Now I want you to ask yourself following questions: Is it worth to have a player, who will not stay for the sake of the guild or the company of his fellow gamers? And if it is, why won’t that guild try to work on the SH boons itself, to make that player come back, instead of joining other middle guilds, who are doing that?
And remember, that this is just assuming, that it really is as bad as you say. It is still very possible, that there are not as many small guilds affected, as it seems to you (I for example see many small guilds out there), and that there are many other reasons, that make players leave their guilds.
Then there is your solution, which in itself is a very good approach. Too many people only critizise without offering any solutions. And even if it does not look like it, if a solution is good, the Devs will implement it, as that saves them much time.
But to be useful, your solution needs to be a real solution to the problem. It has to be logical, possible and long-term. (There is no need to implement a solution to a problem, that either solves the problem only for a very short time, or creates other problems instead).
What you propose, is, to reduce the maxed out SH boons to 5k. But you do not differentiate between different game situations and varying power levels, and you do not take into account the different qualities of the different SH boons.
I will try to explain the problems with that solution.
1 – Proportionality: When you say, that 8k power (I focus on the power boon in this argument, as it seems to be the most relevant problem) will break the game, and 5k will not, then you essentially say that a damage bonus of 20% (not taking into account diminishing returns at high power and interdependency of the different mathematics of the game) will break the game, and a bonus of 12,5% will not. You also say, that a difference of 7,5% more damage will be a game breaker.
As you see, this sounds absurd (or in the best case, like a drop in the bucket, as some others already said), especially, since the game has power combinations, which increase the power of characters from 20k to 100k in a heartbeat.
2 – Situationality (Sounds right, but I’m not sure, if that word actually exists): Several have already explained, how 8k Power grants not the same damage increase in different situations. Also several have already explained, how there is a different of the damage bonus’ usefulness, based on content, class, build, situation, PvE/PvP, and so.
Your solution does not respect this. There are individual settings, where your solution is completely irrelevant, and others where your solution becomes a problem.
You either need to present a solution, that works for every eventuality, or a flexible solution, that can be adapted to different situations.
3 – Accuracy: When you say, that +8k to a single stat breaks the game, then you say, that not only +8k power break it, but also +8k defense, +8k ARP, +8k Life Steal and also +8k Recovery. Which is not true, as many of the stats have caps and they differ in usefulness depending on class and situation. My GF with 100%DR (which only reduces 80% of the damage) will be far from breaking the game with another 8k defense on his stats.
Since you mention the paingiver chart (where only power, crit, and to a lesser degree ARP and Recovery are relevant), and most of the time talk about the power boon, I think it is possible, that you only have a problem with the power boon, and this is just a misunderstanding.
But that is not self-evident, and it is important, to make this as clear as possible, if you want to be understood correctly and thus be taken more serious.
4 – Effort / Gain Ratio: Yes, the SH boons are powerful (compared to other boons). But they are very costly, too. The amount of resources you need to invest is insane, especially resources, which have a daily cap, like shards and influence. This means, you have to work and wait for a very long time (or invest huge amounts of real money) to reach the highest ranks for the boon structures. And the very famous power boon additionally requires a shard, that can only be earned by playing PvP, which is a whole new level of difficulty in itself, especially for PvE oriented guilds.
If you reduce the gain, the cost are too much. If you increase the cost, the gain is not enough. If you reduce the gain and then the cost, you will reduce the effective strength of the boon, but you will make it possible to aquire them in a shorter time with shorter work, resulting in more players having boons, which in itself are still remarkable (5k or even 4k ist still not bad).
5 – Plausibility: When you present a decrease of 3k for the stats as a solution for competitive players leaving small guilds, to be able to rock the paingiver chart, then the consequence should be, that the majority of competitive players will NOT leave small guilds for a 5k guild boon.
This does not sound very plausible, especially since competitive players are known to look for every advantage, which they will find even in 5k boons.
6 – Effectivity / Efficiency: To be a good solution, it must be effective, meaning it has to be able to solve the problem without the need of further adjustments and without the possibility of creating new problems, and it must be efficient, meaning it should solve the problem while investing as less time and work, as possible while getting the best results and acceptance.
My arguments already show, how your solution is not very effective, as the decrease of SH boons is damage-wise just “a drop in the bucket”, will probably create new problems and does not really solve the problem.
Also, your solution is not efficient, as it does only reset the power creep for a short time, until the next additional bonus of 7,5%+ damage increase comes along the way. Which it will do.
Another argument for a lack of efficiency is the fact, that there are much more powerful advantages, like bonding runestones or some combinations of different powers and talents. Nearly everything in the game, that makes an 8k power boon look like a drop in the bucket is nearer to break the game. Since a solution to these “problems” will probably require the same amount of time, work and acceptance by the players, but will have a bigger impact, it will be more efficient, to first address these boni.
And though power is not capped it does not work like people believe.
If you have 100k power and get 200k through buffs you are not getting 100% damage bonus just because you have double .
And no at BiS levels 8k is next to nothing that's 2rings and 2enchants on a companion
And a 4% dps increase is not a 4 % damage increase .
I really didn't expect most to understand and it's very difficult to explain to non min/maxers but trust me at BiS level power increases of 8k means very little ..I would equate it to an extra hit or 2
It's like if I have 40k power and my lashing blade hits for 110k dAmage if my companions gift procs and I now have 80k power my lashing blade will not now hit for 220k damage..
If at 100k i get an extra 8k power I will prob do 104k damage it's really that slim and as it goes up it gets less and less.
As for the smugness of wanting to keep something the way it is ,you are asking for a communist system so we are all given equal shares
So the rich should give away 100 million dollars because you feel 200 mill is just too much to have in your judgement .
Maybe we should have power vouchers passed out and we all stand in a bread line to get an equal share ..
Joking... well not entirely ! But dude think about what you are saying!
You are deeming something is too much in your judgment and thru the godly insight of your judgement alone expecting a whole system to change ,and calling others smug ! That's ironic pot calling kettle stuff right there.
(btw, I always like your comments Becky). This.
it is very true.
If there is no social activity, people leave. And the contrary is valid too.
It is all about group dynamic.
gh 20 takes TREMENDOUS commitment. 8k is a lot but dang it we WORKED for it. no sympathy here. nerfing things that people have worked their hamsters off for is NOT the way to further this game.
Here is a hypothetical story.
My neighbor has a nice big oak tree in his front yard. I have a smallish kinda tree that just doesn't seem to grow. And my neighbor across the street doesn't have a tree at all. I really hate the fact that my neighbor has this big beautiful tree. So, I go to my neighbor who has no tree, and we start a petition with our homeowner's association and go to our other neighbors and ask them to sign it to force the guy with the big tree to cut off a lot of the branches and make his oak tree like mine. Or maybe, just cut it in half. I mean, he shouldn't have such a big tree in his yard when I have just a little one, and my neighbor has none. Well, when I went to my neighbors, I found it difficult to have anyone agree that my neighbor's tree should be cut in half. But, they are all prejudiced haters because some of them have big trees of their own and all of theirs would need to be cut in half, too. I mean, its not fair that prejudiced haters with big trees make all of us with small trees or no trees feel inadequate, because we don't immediately get big trees in our yards. But, why do I care what they did or didn't do to get that big tree, or how long they planted, trimmed, watered, and waited. All that matters is that I am right, and they are bigots who just want to flaunt their big trees in my face.
If the neighbors don't agree with me, I am gonna move out of my neighborhood where only little trees and no trees are. Then, I will be satisfied. But wait, that guy has a better mailbox then me...
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
And your statement about people ranking on the paingiver chart....that says all I need to hear about the mentality behind this "common sense" idea.
Do you have a main toon that is 4.0k-4.4k IL yet? And are you running all the end game content?(FBI, MSVA, SP)
If you answer no to either of those questions then you can't see the bigger picture here. If yes, then why are you against this amount of power when bondings blow it out of the water?
You can put 3 offensive rings and 6 Radiant R12s on a pet if you choose to. Just the enchants alone will throw like 12k power at you when proc'd. Now, what are the stats of the rings? Let's say we're using orange rings from MSVA and the power stat is what? 450 per ring?
Per ring were now talking 1850 x 3 = 5550 x 2.85(Bonding proc) = 15,817.
SH boon is spit in the ocean compared to other sources of power in the game. Why is this thread about the boon and not Bondings? I can't help but wonder if you might have bondings and no boon... A little bit of the green eye'd monster coming out?
You see us as resisting, because we have it, we figure your complaining, because you don't...
I agree, we need to find a way for smaller guilds to catch up... Wait, there was something introduced to help! Alliances + Vouchers + professions for the coffer. All things we didn't have when we pushed for MONTHS to get to where we are!!
But because I am not 4k, I belong to the majority of players, this majority of players where this level/value of boon counts more in the stats and overall performance than at the 4k stage.
Obviously 8K of lifesteal or power become marginal in a buffed high-end group. But high-end groups do not represent the majority of players.
If I summarize, this value of guild boons has more impact on "lower" players than on BIS players.
But I understand you resist
Still, you cannot deny that 8k stat coming from activating a boon is more than the stats coming from 11 single-stat R12 enchants : to me, it is a severe unbalance but nothing is likely to be changed anyway.
As for bondings, I already wrote that I have R12s and that they should be nerfed a bit as well: I am okay to cut my own leg.
While I agree it does some what create a 2nd class of citizen in Neverwinter, with many Guilds between 8-20 strongholds many players can easily find one, then gain many of the boons even if they are only starting to contribute.
I thought some of the boons were initially higher than they should have been out of the gate... yet at the same token getting a guild to 20 is by every means a massive accomplishment that takes considerable effort.
So it likely should have some benefit's for members provided they at least contribute either to the social or growing the guild community a little...
The problem is not your statement, but the reasoning, your solution and your arguments (or the lack of arguments).
I will try to explain:
You say, that SH boons are OP.
Your reasons are:
- It equals 2x permanent Ring of Brutality
- It makes the game too easy
- It pushes players to big guilds, that can provide these boons
- Smaller guilds are dying because of these boons
2 Rings of Brutality: That is more of a fact, than a real argument, because it does not explain, why this is a bad thing. You could also say, that the new Armor with around 50k HP is OP because it’s like more than 40 Rank 12 Light Enchantment in one slot. To make this an argument, you need to explain, WHY 2 permanent Rings of Brutality are OP, while comparing it to all other equipment, boons and companions at the same time. If you can, please do so.
Game too easy: At the moment you can do nearly every content up to Mod 9 with Drow Equip, Elemental Artifact Weapons, Rank 7 enchantments and all regular boons of mods 1-9 without any real problem, even WITHOUT SH boons and bonding stones. The only exception may be edemo and Tiamat, which require everyone to exactly know, what he or she needs to do. But that is nothing, SH boons will change. FBI and later content on the other hand is a challenge even WITH SH boons on max and bonding stones.
As you see, that argument does not work, as the only challenges, where the boons have a relevance keep being a challenge.
Players leave their guild / Smaller guilds are dying: That is a believable possibility. Sadly we have no valid information about the real number of players, who leave their small guilds to join bigger guilds. Especially no information, that takes other guild-factors into account, like quests, vendors, HEs with exclusive drops, individual guild activities, sympathies, and so on. Also we have no valid information about the real number of new guilds, how long they have been there and how many have vanished. That makes it impossible to use this as an argument.
But let us assume, that the number of players leaving small guilds for SH boons is relevant and small guilds are dying because of that, just for the sake of the argument itself.
In that case we should be aware, that many big guilds are already full and won’t accept new members, while many more have very harsh requirements for skill and/or equipment. For a “weak” player (who needs these boons to compete) it is very difficult to join one of these guilds.
After that player leaves his guild, and sees, that he will not succeed, what will he do? He can either join a middle guild, that promises boons in the future (which is very distant for boons over 3k and even more for the famous power boon, which is very PvP heavy in its costs), or resignate and come back, join another small guild, build his own guild or completely stop being in a guild.
Now I want you to ask yourself following questions: Is it worth to have a player, who will not stay for the sake of the guild or the company of his fellow gamers? And if it is, why won’t that guild try to work on the SH boons itself, to make that player come back, instead of joining other middle guilds, who are doing that?
And remember, that this is just assuming, that it really is as bad as you say. It is still very possible, that there are not as many small guilds affected, as it seems to you (I for example see many small guilds out there), and that there are many other reasons, that make players leave their guilds.
Then there is your solution, which in itself is a very good approach. Too many people only critizise without offering any solutions. And even if it does not look like it, if a solution is good, the Devs will implement it, as that saves them much time.
But to be useful, your solution needs to be a real solution to the problem. It has to be logical, possible and long-term. (There is no need to implement a solution to a problem, that either solves the problem only for a very short time, or creates other problems instead).
What you propose, is, to reduce the maxed out SH boons to 5k. But you do not differentiate between different game situations and varying power levels, and you do not take into account the different qualities of the different SH boons.
I will try to explain the problems with that solution.
1 – Proportionality: When you say, that 8k power (I focus on the power boon in this argument, as it seems to be the most relevant problem) will break the game, and 5k will not, then you essentially say that a damage bonus of 20% (not taking into account diminishing returns at high power and interdependency of the different mathematics of the game) will break the game, and a bonus of 12,5% will not. You also say, that a difference of 7,5% more damage will be a game breaker.
As you see, this sounds absurd (or in the best case, like a drop in the bucket, as some others already said), especially, since the game has power combinations, which increase the power of characters from 20k to 100k in a heartbeat.
2 – Situationality (Sounds right, but I’m not sure, if that word actually exists): Several have already explained, how 8k Power grants not the same damage increase in different situations. Also several have already explained, how there is a different of the damage bonus’ usefulness, based on content, class, build, situation, PvE/PvP, and so.
Your solution does not respect this. There are individual settings, where your solution is completely irrelevant, and others where your solution becomes a problem.
You either need to present a solution, that works for every eventuality, or a flexible solution, that can be adapted to different situations.
3 – Accuracy: When you say, that +8k to a single stat breaks the game, then you say, that not only +8k power break it, but also +8k defense, +8k ARP, +8k Life Steal and also +8k Recovery. Which is not true, as many of the stats have caps and they differ in usefulness depending on class and situation. My GF with 100%DR (which only reduces 80% of the damage) will be far from breaking the game with another 8k defense on his stats.
Since you mention the paingiver chart (where only power, crit, and to a lesser degree ARP and Recovery are relevant), and most of the time talk about the power boon, I think it is possible, that you only have a problem with the power boon, and this is just a misunderstanding.
But that is not self-evident, and it is important, to make this as clear as possible, if you want to be understood correctly and thus be taken more serious.
4 – Effort / Gain Ratio: Yes, the SH boons are powerful (compared to other boons). But they are very costly, too. The amount of resources you need to invest is insane, especially resources, which have a daily cap, like shards and influence. This means, you have to work and wait for a very long time (or invest huge amounts of real money) to reach the highest ranks for the boon structures. And the very famous power boon additionally requires a shard, that can only be earned by playing PvP, which is a whole new level of difficulty in itself, especially for PvE oriented guilds.
If you reduce the gain, the cost are too much. If you increase the cost, the gain is not enough. If you reduce the gain and then the cost, you will reduce the effective strength of the boon, but you will make it possible to aquire them in a shorter time with shorter work, resulting in more players having boons, which in itself are still remarkable (5k or even 4k ist still not bad).
5 – Plausibility: When you present a decrease of 3k for the stats as a solution for competitive players leaving small guilds, to be able to rock the paingiver chart, then the consequence should be, that the majority of competitive players will NOT leave small guilds for a 5k guild boon.
This does not sound very plausible, especially since competitive players are known to look for every advantage, which they will find even in 5k boons.
6 – Effectivity / Efficiency: To be a good solution, it must be effective, meaning it has to be able to solve the problem without the need of further adjustments and without the possibility of creating new problems, and it must be efficient, meaning it should solve the problem while investing as less time and work, as possible while getting the best results and acceptance.
My arguments already show, how your solution is not very effective, as the decrease of SH boons is damage-wise just “a drop in the bucket”, will probably create new problems and does not really solve the problem.
Also, your solution is not efficient, as it does only reset the power creep for a short time, until the next additional bonus of 7,5%+ damage increase comes along the way. Which it will do.
Another argument for a lack of efficiency is the fact, that there are much more powerful advantages, like bonding runestones or some combinations of different powers and talents. Nearly everything in the game, that makes an 8k power boon look like a drop in the bucket is nearer to break the game. Since a solution to these “problems” will probably require the same amount of time, work and acceptance by the players, but will have a bigger impact, it will be more efficient, to first address these boni.