thelastria... could you let me know how your wandering NPC's look "Wandering"? I'm looking for some good settings for my NPC's and haven't had any luck with it yet. I'd like to find some numbers to use that don't make the NPC's act like robots bouncing off walls or speed walkers on crack. Thanks.
Ok so here goes... - More choices in Livestock. (Horses (not Armored or Saddled), Cows, Chickens (that move), Sheep, (Babies and full grown of all) - Clothing (Folded and/or on display as in a market stall or tailor shop) - ALOT MORE choices for Costumes on NPC's. (Especially Commoners! Everyone starts looking the same…
Apparently this is still an ongoing issue! I ran Craigmire Crypts Last night and the chest at the end was empty and did not receive bonus chest either. Another Guild mate of mine was with me and he experienced the same problem.
I agree! I think the Guild Bank system needs to be addressed DESPERATELY! The way it is right now the purchasing of tabs falls solely on the Guild Leader and leaves no AD for gear and such when needed. I think having an AD deposit that is linked directly to the tab and nothing else would be a great resolution to this…