From your build: "I use Impossible to Catch far far to often to give it up. Automatically deflect 75% of damage and resist control effects? Yes please. Plus, it gives me an enormous amount of satisfaction to watch a dragon scatter everyone with a wing blast except me chopping away at his soft underbelly. Did you see how…
Sorry I was tired and didnt mean to type i hate lashing blade (lol), i meant to say i hate using lurkers assault + blade flurry. it feels like a very boring, robotic way to play hitting the key 8 times in a row: swoosh, swoosh, swoosh, etc. it's fine for others, but just not my play style.
Thanks for the input. In short, I hate lashing blade. I don't like that style of play. It may indeed deal more aoe dmg but I just don't like doing it. As for using OPDarkness setup, I don't agree that it is better. Maybe it PvP? But in PvE I don't think so.
Hi, thanks for your question. Yes I favor balancing some survivability with damage output, which is why a chose to take a few deflect boons and a feat. I have not seen that it handicapped my dps in any significant way, but it really made my character able to survive because my deflect is 40% atm. As for your question about…
Hey TS, I think you'll deal more damage if you upped your Strength score by reducing Charisma. If that's possible. I find Strength is much better than Charisma. But, maybe I am wrong, though it seems unlikely.
TS I have a TR as my main. She is 2844 Total Item Level (TiL) and deals really good damage in PvE. She is constantly winning paingiver in groups with equal TiL, and even beating other TR's that are over 3K TiL. Of course she rarely out damages GWF's that are well geared and played properly, but that's a given in…
his post was 100% fail, lol. he also said using a "premade" will avoid the problem, but eDemo is a 10 man, it's not so easy to have 9 friends on whenegver you are wanting to run it, and sync them up in two groups to queue together. sure, it's possible, but how realistic is that for the vast majority?
how about allow players to votekick in eDemo but only during the opening part, then shut votekicking off after everyone is on the circle and the skirmish begins?
how about allow players to votekick in eDemo but only during the opening part, then shut votekicking off after everyone is on the circle and the skirmish begins?
this takes too much effort and time to do. the HAMSTER already ruined 9 players skirmish, and destroyed their ability to play any group content for the next half an hour, do you really think anyone would want to spend the next hour of their life documenting everything with videos and screenshots, then filing it to Cryptic,…
it seems like a pretty useless boon since they dont even say which demons are lesser. and since the chance is likely very small. just take Abyssal Strikes.
you pump the feat full with 5 points (increase stealth bar when you dodge/roll). this gives +10% stealth everytime you dodge. if you also put boons, and feats into extending your stamina you can dodge and roll many times before stamina runs low, and it regen's real fast. the result is you can stay in stealth almost…
It's grazilaxx that's to blame. he suppose to be super brainiac but he was forgot to tell us to use the YELLOW runes to dmg Goristro. he only said, "use the runes to dmg goristro". i imagine new players don't know the black rune heals.
I wonder if most of the players running around with 4K+ Item Level BiS characters did some kind of exploiting. It would cost thousands of dollars in zen to achieve that wouldn't it?