if it is open beta usually lasts for a specific period, and this is not the case. An open beta without any time limit stinks, thy ar hiding release lacks like that so people take it with philosophy cause it's still in beta phase. Wake up guys!
don't nerf any class just balance em all to be competitive against each other in pvp,actually once rogue stuns you are dead, one thing i noticed is rogue's stun duration is too long and control wizard control for some reason is very short,2 secs only. make stuns and control skills lasting equually
so far have to say: 1)lacking a lfg channel chat, and is frustrating that after a certain level you can't queue in "old dungeons". often i get the daily when the dungeon is not available in the queue anymore and have to spam to find a group.. Pls leave all the dungeons in the queue, actually wolfden with my gear score is…
where is throne of idris quest fix? actually you can't finish the quest is bugged and leave all the skirmish in queue pls i can't finish any of them cause i level too fast even without foundry
i7 not for gaming, i5 2500k performs way better with games,i7 is just a waste of money for gaming, other question if you use the pc for something else also.
t and also gold i think is not shared, and pots and enhancements are free to loot, need rolling on everithing, on consumables would be good only greed or pass,because obviously all need. Also at least in th run i just made items were good only for control wizards and clerics, not a single rogue or warriro drop, maybe only…