I think you can gat and use race re-rolls on the preview server, with no actual ZEN cost, that might be you best option, test and see if it does exactly what you need.
Perhaps making Augments a stack in the way that Legendary Companions now do would be a way to level that field. While it does not decrease the power creep it would allow someone to use multiple Augments in active slots, with one summoned, to receive a bonus closer to 3xr12. So, a summoned Augment gives the same 100%, a…
The point about temp structures sort of adds to the point about being able to transfer, rank 20 guild could build the influence production temp structure to help the other guilds out.
Not that old of an NWO player, middle aged player and old DnD player, started at the start of mod 6, so it is always funny to me when people talk about the mod 6 issues, I just thought that was the way the game worked, ie red caps were suppose to one shot me.
I have not used a healing companion on any character during the leveling/campaign portion, if I find I am having trouble not dying, I get a tank. I find that the Yeti works well for me, holds aggro and lets me move around to get combat advantage.
The above is a valid point, bring the delve hour back, but make it a quest, that the player activate, go talk to Rhix and say I want to do dungeons, that gives you the quest, which effectively puts you into the 1 hour delve state.
I use 3xr12 bonding, I have 2 sets, working on a 3rd, that I share among 8 characters, 2.6-3.5k. That said, bring what you got and I will happily play with you.
Related issue, we keep a stack of strongbox keys in the guild coffer, to share around as needed. These are completely stuck in the guild coffer, can not be removed, split or interacted with in any way.
The split stack and delete interface caused me some problems as well. I deleted 10 GMoPs, fortunately for me they were returned after I sent in a ticket, so just adding to the thank you CS.