Funny thing to me is I can see why Thorass might be censored right away, the last three letters. If it weren't explained here, I would have never understood the "me in" thing. I guess anything that can be related to that german party from long ago is censored now, even a book reference? Just looking at what is censored and…
You can do this indoor as well, all the detailed parts are there (walls, floors and such). It's quite a bit of work though. You can use the big wall sections for floors, just put -90 in the P box, and -18 or -17.5 in the Y box, and build off it. It depends on what your looking to do. Check out that tutorial "Making a…
Perhaps an addition of the follow option, Have NPC follow NPC. This would allow you to set them one to follow the player, the 2nd to follow the first NPC, and the 3rd to follow the 2nd NPC. A new Follow option would eliminate that problem. The only reason I suggest it is because I have seen the same thing happen in various…
This thread answered absolutely nothing. Just thought I would point that out:). I think the OP is looking to place a bit of humor into his quest, it's what it sounds like to me anyways. I was thinking I was going to see if saying something like "No Ogres Allowed!" on a sign leading into a small town was considered racist…
In other forums that utilize mods, we would make a "Small Questions Thread, so there won't be too many threads", thread. If that makes sense. Most of the time everyone asks questions in that thread, and other forum members would answer them to the best of their knowledge. I really think a thread like that would be great…
Now this sounds more fleshed out, and ways to implement it fairly seems about right, time to comment on some of the new features I tried out. Being able to bring stuff onto the map while you are walking around in it is very beneficial, and should help with detail, encounter, npc, or whatever else your dealing with, as far…
That would be great. How would they be able to determine which is which though? Meaning, How would they know which Foundry quests were done with the stuff already on live, as opposed to the one's that might have newer stuff in them. I get exactly what you're saying though, and I think that's a great idea (remember, I'm…
I am new here, and I seen the reply to this, but wanted to add my own thoughts, something I think slipped Eldarth's mind possibly (unless I'm wrong about the idea here). The idea for this from what I understand, is that we try out new things that haven't gone live yet, and leaving comments about bugs and problems with…