Is there a way to keep NPCs from stacking on top of each other when they follow the player?
I'm trying to put together a group of 3 NPCs who are rescued by the player and led to a place of safety. However, whenever the player stops, all 3 NPCs try to occupy the same space. The result is this
very weird morphing monstrosity of multiple faces and limbs animating in and out of each other's bodies. Creepy, for sure, but not what I'm going for.
I realize that once the NPCs reach their destination, it's easy enough to have them de-spawn and then create new versions that stand in the right place, animate correctly, etc. Of course, that also means I'm giving up 3 more NPC resources from an already full map, so I'm hoping there's an easier solution.
A new Follow option would eliminate that problem. The only reason I suggest it is because I have seen the same thing happen in various games with just normal encounters.
However, adding in geometry collision for NPC's and not just environment, and if not already in, Encounters as well, would eliminate it without having to do the additional follow feature (which isn't in either).
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