quick update, despite still having a few fps drops, in pvp instances seems to be much better and actually playable, will update if something comes up, but still no option to change to DX11.
ok i finished downloading the game and installed, i still have fps stalls but the sound problem appears to be fixed, im also still missing the option to change to DX11 on the graphics menu.
nice computer you have there, i wouldnt be playing NW with these specs tho xD thing is i dont get occasional stalls, its every 3 - 5 secs and when you turn the camera its stops for 2 sec at least. ruins pvp fun (wich is all i paly for) cuz i keep dying or loosing targets over these stupid freezes cause i simply cant move.…
ye i saw that link as well and i am downloading it just now. the option im talking about its manually change to DX11 in game options. i dont have that option. well now i dont have the game to test anything else, downloading it from that link, but im open to suggestions.
trying this out as well will post result soon... i have a lot of FPS problem even if my pc its capable of running the game and i dont have sound for some reason. also im missing the option to switch to DX11 on the game options. hope this fix it or helps.