@terramak can you fix respawn points in dungeons? Whenever a new player gets into some dungeons by the public queue process the spawn place is at the begging not last team visited respawn point and it's a pain in the HAMSTER. Dungeons i know that have this issue: EGWF; ECC; ETOS, ELOL, ESOT.
Hello, i don't come to the forum very often because i exalt very easily but being the class i currently main and spend a lot of cash in under rework i thought i should express my opinion. I play a pure power build virtuous with some feats on faithful, divine oracle, as my recovery is very small i use every outer source of…
I've seen only a hand full of players with deflection builds as hp is much more reliable, deflection cannot avoid tr's 1shots, and survivors blessing, not to mention is just a drop in the ocean, beside the base deflection of some classes can take care of survivors blessing as almost permanent, with hp you get: better 1…
@macjae how many top pvp players( taking apart dc faithfull and trs) have a deflection build? And even so the deflect would cut the control duration in the amount of the deflect severity, so we can assume: Previous stun time - (previous stun time * 0.85) and now: Current stun time, surelly it hasn't decreased by 85% and…
Oh so that means you dont want to see thorned roots damage reduced nice, because reducing it's damage would make rotations like mine weaker. And grabieldourden deals around 30-35% of damage trough roots, good for him, ask him to try the rotation i use in multi target, get the act logs, then repeat the exact same dungeon…
Haha @lirithiel you are so funny, 40% damage from thorned roots? Only if you're using 3 encounter powers applying rotation. My rotation is ls, cordon and constricting arrow, it provides great damage and great party buff anyone that is using a close range rotation with 3 roting powers or is either stupid or jealous of…
It makes no sence nerf thorned roots, it deals so little damage already, a removal of any enchantment or critic effect makes sence to make it a solid damage like someone has said earlier, but if that happens a big, big buff to it's base damage should also come along with it. About melee at wills, a buff seems more than…
Guardian fighter is the way to go, pve protector or tatician, protector is awesome useful because of the melee debuff on target, but not necessarly for you, for your team, i have a tatcian and watch people die because the 50% from KV + 15% from feats are not enough, that's the pro of protector, tatician is very good as…
There is 1 more in the extreme back of the map as i remember, but even if you dont find, just kill the 3 and go back to the first, the refresh is quick.
I find the idea interesting, but it does not seem enough, we are currently beeing passed by new Control Wizards with mulhorand weapons. If needed they heal over 78k of life on each team member in just 10 seconds, not to mention the ease of single player pve for them. I would like to see companions damage provoking heal on…
You dont need, once i did a run, we were all very weak exept the GWF he was a Sentinel, really monster. We maybe did the smoothets run ever, the GF lowered treat and activated KV, most of the hit's were taken by the GWF i dont know really how.