Crazy because on my CW i do ok in PVP using PVE gear while my TR, in pvp gear, gets murdered by every other class. ( I refuse to play perma). Either get CC or proned to death, or a gwf does more dmg with reaping strike than i can do in a full rotation. Absolutely ridiculous.
The problem is that everyone wants to do speed runs so unless you already well geared no one wants to party with you. Seems that I can only get groups on my 14.5k gs CW; cant get anything on my TR that I would like to gear so I am stuck in GG gear with him. Sadly I dont see anything changing anytime soon. I guess everyone…
Thank you! I get so sick of being in parties with other CW's that spam Sing when OppForce would be better. The only time I use Sing is to group up a mob when it gets too spread out or when pushing; otherwise OppForce is win.
Thanks for the helpful answers guys. Never thought about not worrying about crit to much because of Eye of the Storm. So after i get my head and arms, already have chest and feet, I need to hit 2500 ArmPen and the stack recovery?