You won't find what you are looking for because any half decent mmo player has alreeady left this friggin disaster of a game. All you have here are PW fanboys, D&D nerds, and crappy players from other MMO's that can pretend they are good.
You are a fuc.king moron in every topic you post in. His response was a direct response to someone saying Blizzard failed (lolwut). Nowhere did he say the game needs to be like WoW. However, it wouldn't hurt at this point because this game sucks balls.
Working as intended. Please check out the new items in the Cash Shop and don't forget: The Neverwinter Founder's Pack Program ends soon! Become one before it's too late:
Just another, in a long line, of PWE failures. What system anywhere, ever, allows you to change your email WITHOUT verifying the old email first. HAMSTER poor systems, HAMSTER poor customer service, HAMSTER poor company. It's beyond laughable at this point with these idiots.
Gratitude would usually come in the form of something people want, not this useless HAMSTER. With that being said, I guess your gratitude is not as important as your cash shop. Plenty of items in there that people would have been overjoyed with, but you choose this HAMSTER.
Of course they weren't going to give you something that the mob of morons (tm) will pay for in this game. I'm amazed the package didn't read like this: Enjoy your cloak. While you are at it, why don't you browse on over to the cash shop and buy some more bank slots to hold your new "rewards" Thank you, PWE
Keep licking the sweat off his balls please. Screenshot upon screenshot provided by his scrub exploit guild showing them exploiting when they were actually trying to help his cause. But hey, cover up what you want, just like PWE did by ignoring all the issues. This game, due to players like this clown, is ruined. Don't…
This may be the worst "guide" I have seen. Nothing you said here couldn't be figured out in 1 minute of playing. In fact, most of the crafting in this game is the same way. Sure there are some faster, easier, and more beneficial recipes out there. That's what people want. Not to be told to cure pelts using AD to speed it…