No... Other posts here is asking about do party only with different classes, and the most guys said it's bad cause u need to have freedom to do DGs with who u want. So, to solve that problem, RAID's in my opinion is the best way. Now the game has 6 classes and 5 free slot in partys. 1 class stay out... In raids it's…
This is correct, but most of my friend is leaving game because we are in END GAME, u know? All itens, enchants and etc... Just PVP dont hold people in game... Needs a good PVE too... Valindra is done.. D&D RPG system needs alot of dungeons with many people, like RAIDs.. or game turn boring...
Ok ok.. My pc is and i7, 16Gb mem DDR3, geforce GTX 560Ti, HD 2 Tb... This lag happens only in CTA.. any other DG is normal... So i think the problem is not my pc..
Is impossible to play CTA event. When you find any party the lag inside of CTA is unbelievable. 3 Question When Crypt will fix it? It Will give us more time of event? What about server inspection? when?