Here's a big glaring issue with any game when focusing on design. If a player must use a specific load out for all dungeons, it means one of two things. 1. The load out in question is over-powered. 2. The load out in question is the only functional one. Two out of three of my abilities are required (AS/FF). Further, can…
I'm not asking for it to be easy mode, but if this current build is working as intended, this simply isn't the game for me. I don't find this healing to be all that fun. It's really just annoying and stressful. If the mechanics require me to harass the DPS into protecting me, is there is a problem? As far as game design is…
I tried running the epic pirate king last night and our party couldn't take the first boss. Early on, the tank was able to pick up some of the adds with taunt. After we got the boss to around 70% health, though, we had about 12 adds on the party (essentially on me). Since I'm having to run all over the place, the tank has…
That's how DPS classes are in a majority of MMOs. Sometimes they had some pre-fight CC responsibilities, or they needed to be on interrupt duty. For rogues, when things get too hairy, they have stealth that makes them untargetable while they continue to attack (their auto attacks don't break stealth). The sheer number of…
If bosses had mechanics beyond "spawn infinite adds" it would be OK. Since the bosses do spawn too many adds, it becomes the clerics problem. When the cleric dies and the adds go free, it's over fairly quickly. The worst is when people ask - "Why aren't you healing?!?!?!?!?!" I try to explain that if I stop moving I'm…