Thank you for your quick and helpful response! I'm glad to see you keep updating on the build and helping players. ^^
EDIT: I guess I would need a party to queue that would leave me alone at the dungeon?
I'd love to hear the answer to this as well. I just started playing this game and am really enjoying the build so far.
Also what should my stats look like at the level cap? I have the 13-15 int and con you suggested and I think STR is 18 DEX is 26 and CHA is 15 at lvl 10 right now.
I chose Human for the race, so the feat list you linked is including the 3 extra heroic feats for Humans right?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
I'd love to hear the answer to this as well. I just started playing this game and am really enjoying the build so far.
Also what should my stats look like at the level cap? I have the 13-15 int and con you suggested and I think STR is 18 DEX is 26 and CHA is 15 at lvl 10 right now.
I chose Human for the race, so the feat list you linked is including the 3 extra heroic feats for Humans right?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Yes, the feat list I provided is accounting for the player choosing human. As to queuing for dungeons solo, it depends on whether or not you are level 60. Before level 60, you can just go up to the door of any non epic dungeon and use it, thereby going into the dungeon solo. At level 60, you need a group of people who are willing to help you queue for epic dungeons, who will then disconnect or switch characters. In mod 6, there are quite a few ways in which a perma tr can actually be used to benefit the party surprisingly enough and I will be adding that information as an aside footnote when I update the build for module 6.
Thanks very much for this OP! Definitely helps a new player trying to wrap their head around all these abilities/items/tactics.
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
edited April 2015
Updated for module 6 all...I will be making further adaptations to this build as mod 6 progress and I get a better idea of the value of mod 6 gear, but for now, the approximate cost of the build has been removed along with the updated feats list. Once the prices of gear on the AH normalises and I can see the full picture with regards to mod 6 blue gear, I will add that to the list of gear to build this type of toon.
Hey, great build! I'm following this guide now in Module 6. I used to be an Executioner in Module 5, but now, with this free respec (and the great nerf to executioners T_T), I consider to make the "perma-stealth" and it's awesome.
Now he is not a "one-shoot destroyer" like he used to be, but can deal a looot of damage through time and mobs don't know where is coming. So Fun! Thanks a lot!
Edit: One more thing! How about the Boons? I don't know how to invest properly >.<
P.S: Sorry for my bad english, cause is not my native language.
First, you still have MI Executioner in the first few paragraphs.
Second, I think the race most definitely has to be human now. While before it was a luxury that could be optional, those extra points for Improved Cunning Sneak are practically mandatory. With high end gear no longer having the option of extending stealth - using whatever methods we can to gain stealth duration is a high priority in my book.
My 2 cents as it's evolved so far. I have no trouble with keeping up in my Skulker gear at 65 but I really feel like a glass cannon at this point, as generally one hit is 25-50% of my health bar. I still usually 2 hit most mobs. Smoke then some variation of DF or Daze.
Bedlam: Creating chaos as a MI Exec TR Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
I quit playing when before mod5 started and my rogue has been sitting at 58 since that time.
I decided to give it another try yesterday and having problems. I have been trying this build but I only see my stealth meter running like I hit tab and just stand. Never get any type of reset. Human with only 17 int. Do I just chunk this chr and start over since the max I will ever have is 19.
58 ability 19 str 13 con 19 dex 17 int 14 wis 13 cha
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
I quit playing when before mod5 started and my rogue has been sitting at 58 since that time.
I decided to give it another try yesterday and having problems. I have been trying this build but I only see my stealth meter running like I hit tab and just stand. Never get any type of reset. Human with only 17 int. Do I just chunk this chr and start over since the max I will ever have is 19.
58 ability 19 str 13 con 19 dex 17 int 14 wis 13 cha
The respec button is on the bottem left on your powers list, it is free to press. I would not recommend chucking your character. If you need any help or advice add me in game @thefabricant.
Sorry if it sounded like I am flaming your build or anything. I am trying but can't get anywhere with stealth. Running the last level ups to 60 and is there a simple rotation for questing.
zzahhMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited April 2015
@thefabricant, I was wondering if you still had a copy of the original build for Mod 5. I am playing on xbox and really want to try this build. Do you happen to still have the original info(I'm Halfling btw). Thanks & awesome guide!
1) Preface, stats, powers and feats.
2) The budget gear and how to get it.
3) Gearing up beyond this budget.
4) Tips on playing this build.
5) Reserved.
This is a guide for building a TR, in the game at this point in time, for a person new to NWO who doesn't want to have to spend money in order to build a character with the aid of real money. Due to this, not all of the gear choices will be optimal or BiS, as I myself am a 100% f2p person and so please keep the..."This piece of gear is better," stuff to a minimal unless that piece of gear is better, given the circumstances. This build is also NOT designed around party play, as my personal philosophy when building characters is that if you are ever random queueing and you get an abysmal group, you need to be able to complete the content without relying on there being someone else in the group who is actually good enough to help you. Therefore, this is not a glass cannon TR build or a..."more dps" tr build. If you don't agree with that philosophy or way of building a character, then stop reading here as this guide is not for you.
Feats, skills and paragon path:
For this build, I went with MI saboteur for a variety of reasons. The reason I went with MI is because the MI is the only paragon path capable of still reliably going perma stealth, which means for a solo build it is over all a much stronger path. Due to gloaming cut it is a much stronger choice for soloing PVE content and impossible to catch is absolutely necessary for soloing certain fights, (I am looking at you draco.) The reason I went for saboteur is quite simply because in mod 6, it is the safest bet for soloing content and in mod 6 this is an absolute necessity.
For race I would choose either human, dragonborn or tiefling.
Starting stat roll I would recommend is 15 dexterity, 15 strength, 13 charisma, 12 intelligence, 11 constitution and 10 wisdom.
Anywhere between 13-20 int, depending on just how perma you want to go. In mod 6, I would recommend tossing as many extra points into int as possible.
I would recommend on level up to throw every single point into int and strength, the rest will care for themselves.
This is the feats list I went with:
Unfortunately, my level 70 TR on preview got turned into an invalid character, so rather then putting a screenshot of my altered abilities I will list the changes, as nwcalc has not yet been updated for mod 6. Here are the changes:
The key things to note is I took the feats swift footwork, twilight adept and improved cunning sneak, which are going to be necessary for perma stealth. It is also important to note that I ignored weapon mastery, as since you will be stealthed 95% of the time with this build, you will have a base crit of 100% almost all the time anyhow. Whilst in mod 5, I went executioner for the extra damage, in mod 6, survival is going to be of utmost importance for the under geared character and to keep the viability, I went saboteur.
Due to the fact that you can now get all the powers in the game, I will not list which ones to pick rather the ones which are key.
At wills:
Gloaming cut
Sky flourish
Bait and Switch
Path of the Blade
Impossible to Catch
Shadow Strike
Smoke Bomb
Shadowy Disappearance
Whirlwind of Blades
Lurker's Assault
This is where things get interesting as there are many viable choices for mod 6. If you want to stick with survivability I would propose:
Tenacious concealment
Talisman of Shadows
If you want to maximise damage however, then:
Oppressive Darkness
Tenacious Concealment
If you want to maximise movement speed then:
Skillful Infiltrator
Sneak attack
I recommend when attempting to solo team based content using option 1, as painful as it is due to how slow it moves, but for regular content I recommend a hybrid of Tenacious concealment+sneak attack.
Confused on where you are getting the 46 Paragon points for the 5 points in executioner
Oops, I didn't notice I had stuck an additional 5 in, down one of the limes in sab. Thanks for picking that up I can't believe I never noticed that after all this time
bigwhopper, questing on a perma stealth rogue is always painful but I would recommend shadow strike, smoke bomb and blitz for leveling. ZZahh, I am not sure as to whether the xbox version is on mod 5 or mod 4, if it is on mod 5, I will then post the mod 5 version of this build on the xbox forums. If it is on mod 4, then I am unable to as my build never extended that far back in time. I do not own an xbox, so I am unable to verify that for myself
Unfortunately, my level 70 TR on preview got turned into an invalid character, so rather then putting a screenshot of my altered abilities I will list the changes, as nwcalc has not yet been updated for mod 6. Here are the changes:
awesome guide. i don't quite get this one. can you explain the distribution of the paragon points please.
It's more fun in the Philippines >:)
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited April 2015
Formatting is a little weird to decipher, but it's upper row of paragon feats, capstone is in Sab, lower row of paragon feats. The heroic feats are the first set of numbers under the Scoundrel header.
Formatting is a little weird to decipher, but it's upper row of paragon feats, capstone is in Sab, lower row of paragon feats. The heroic feats are the first set of numbers under the Scoundrel header.
but why return to shadows rather than gutterborn touch ?
Return to shadows seems pretty useless when I tried it. Most of the time, when you manage to get behind the target, either one with the shadows or shadow strike is already up. Also you have to be more careful with timing that one encounter just right behind the target for just 25% of stealth meter which is about 1 to 1,5 sec of stealth, the equivalent of a dodge if you are really in trouble.
Gutternborn touch on the other hand procs all the time with the constant gloaming cuts you are doing in stealth and obviously you are not going to stand still in front of the target to avoid accidents when they do attack you or your companion so you always naturally will be behind him at some point and with constant gloaming cuts, it will proc.
Also with L70, mobs armor and your own power stacking will get much much higher than what we are used to at L60 so that 10% bonus of both the debuff and buff of Gutterborn touch is actually even better now than in Mod 5.
I took gutterborn - it procs all the time. However, stealth is the biggest issue I have right now - I cant get out of skulker gear because stealth runs out on Draconic too fast - which means eventually, I'm gonna have issues with whatever armor becomes BiS in the end game.
I have a feeling that we havnt seen the end of Rogue changes. Either we will get a little swing back from the pendulum of nerf -- or we'll see more problems .. so I think players might should keep another respec in mind.
Bedlam: Creating chaos as a MI Exec TR Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
but why return to shadows rather than gutterborn touch ?
Return to shadows seems pretty useless when I tried it. Most of the time, when you manage to get behind the target, either one with the shadows or shadow strike is already up. Also you have to be more careful with timing that one encounter just right behind the target for just 25% of stealth meter which is about 1 to 1,5 sec of stealth, the equivalent of a dodge if you are really in trouble.
Gutternborn touch on the other hand procs all the time with the constant gloaming cuts you are doing in stealth and obviously you are not going to stand still in front of the target to avoid accidents when they do attack you or your companion so you always naturally will be behind him at some point and with constant gloaming cuts, it will proc.
Also with L70, mobs armor and your own power stacking will get much much higher than what we are used to at L60 so that 10% bonus of both the debuff and buff of Gutterborn touch is actually even better now than in Mod 5.
The reason is because I feel with the changes in mod 6 and the loss of the stealth sets, every single little thing that restores stealth is essential. However, it is not necessarily incorrect to take gutterborn instead and if you feel you prefer it, then by all means, it is a valid choice. If you can afford it, to make this build perform better I recommend the super OP elol set...but then again, it is likely to get nerfed.
are you referring to the alliance assault/raider drops from elol?
This is probably the only non budget thing I will tentatively recommend at the start of mod 6. It is the lostmauth set, Horn, belt and necklace. With them, a stealthed tr can do more damage then anyone else in the party unless they also have the set. The problem is, this set is so broken that it is likely to get nerfed. If I could afford it I would use it on every single one of my characters, CW and DC included, due to how amazing the set bonus is. However, I recommend giving it about a month before buying if you can afford it, that way, you don't lose out when cryptic most likely nerfs it.
Respeced my Scoundrel into this build to level 60-70. Only at L62 at the moment but cruising through the Drowned Shores content using the old T2 PvP set and CN weapons.
Blood Soaked Blades (Tier 3): If a foe you have recently damaged dies, you gain Blood Soaked Blades, which causes your attacks to deal 10/20/30/40/50% of your Weapon Damage as bonus Physical Damage.
Sounds great but I don't know if it fits with the character.
I loved this build, but in a huge fight against 1 target (ex: Lostmauth) you still use this, or you change some encounter and/or at-wills and/or passives?
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
I loved this build, but in a huge fight against 1 target (ex: Lostmauth) you still use this, or you change some encounter and/or at-wills and/or passives?
I use a combination of some of the encounters I have listed, depending on what encounter I am dealing with.
Xbox one is currently on Mod 5 for the most part. I'd love to see your Mod 5 perma stealth. One the xbox one no one ever does it, more people are all about the gs then actual play style and stuff. I guess in xbox one the bigger the gs more your epeen is. I'd like to bring this play style to xbox one. Any help would be highly appreciated!
thefabricantMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 5,248Arc User
Xbox one is currently on Mod 5 for the most part. I'd love to see your Mod 5 perma stealth. One the xbox one no one ever does it, more people are all about the gs then actual play style and stuff. I guess in xbox one the bigger the gs more your epeen is. I'd like to bring this play style to xbox one. Any help would be highly appreciated!
My char was human, had 14 int, the rest went into strength mainly, with 14 con, as in mod 5 con vaguely mattered. I used shadow strike, smoke bomb and path of the blade to kill random hordes of monsters, then when soloing things like the draco I used shadow strike, itc and smoke bomb/bait and switch. I used tenacious concealment and sneak attack for passives. I might actually suggest, if you want to go a safer, less impatient route, to go saboteur and use a build like:
EDIT: I guess I would need a party to queue that would leave me alone at the dungeon?
I'd love to hear the answer to this as well. I just started playing this game and am really enjoying the build so far.
Also what should my stats look like at the level cap? I have the 13-15 int and con you suggested and I think STR is 18 DEX is 26 and CHA is 15 at lvl 10 right now.
I chose Human for the race, so the feat list you linked is including the 3 extra heroic feats for Humans right?
Thanks in advance for any feedback.
Yes, the feat list I provided is accounting for the player choosing human. As to queuing for dungeons solo, it depends on whether or not you are level 60. Before level 60, you can just go up to the door of any non epic dungeon and use it, thereby going into the dungeon solo. At level 60, you need a group of people who are willing to help you queue for epic dungeons, who will then disconnect or switch characters. In mod 6, there are quite a few ways in which a perma tr can actually be used to benefit the party surprisingly enough and I will be adding that information as an aside footnote when I update the build for module 6.
Now he is not a "one-shoot destroyer" like he used to be, but can deal a looot of damage through time and mobs don't know where is coming. So Fun! Thanks a lot!
Edit: One more thing! How about the Boons? I don't know how to invest properly >.<
P.S: Sorry for my bad english, cause is not my native language.
I found the table of set stat rolls, and I am just wondering what would be best? I am planning on going human I think.
(new to NWN and it is my understanding base stats I can not fix later)
A few comments to make.
First, you still have MI Executioner in the first few paragraphs.
Second, I think the race most definitely has to be human now. While before it was a luxury that could be optional, those extra points for Improved Cunning Sneak are practically mandatory. With high end gear no longer having the option of extending stealth - using whatever methods we can to gain stealth duration is a high priority in my book.
My 2 cents as it's evolved so far. I have no trouble with keeping up in my Skulker gear at 65 but I really feel like a glass cannon at this point, as generally one hit is 25-50% of my health bar. I still usually 2 hit most mobs. Smoke then some variation of DF or Daze.
Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
I decided to give it another try yesterday and having problems. I have been trying this build but I only see my stealth meter running like I hit tab and just stand. Never get any type of reset. Human with only 17 int. Do I just chunk this chr and start over since the max I will ever have is 19.
58 ability 19 str 13 con 19 dex 17 int 14 wis 13 cha
The respec button is on the bottem left on your powers list, it is free to press. I would not recommend chucking your character. If you need any help or advice add me in game @thefabricant.
Confused on where you are getting the 46 Paragon points for the 5 points in executioner
Oops, I didn't notice I had stuck an additional 5 in, down one of the limes in sab. Thanks for picking that up
bigwhopper, questing on a perma stealth rogue is always painful but I would recommend shadow strike, smoke bomb and blitz for leveling. ZZahh, I am not sure as to whether the xbox version is on mod 5 or mod 4, if it is on mod 5, I will then post the mod 5 version of this build on the xbox forums. If it is on mod 4, then I am unable to as my build never extended that far back in time. I do not own an xbox, so I am unable to verify that for myself
awesome guide. i don't quite get this one. can you explain the distribution of the paragon points please.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Updated format to make it easier to read
but why return to shadows rather than gutterborn touch ?
Return to shadows seems pretty useless when I tried it. Most of the time, when you manage to get behind the target, either one with the shadows or shadow strike is already up. Also you have to be more careful with timing that one encounter just right behind the target for just 25% of stealth meter which is about 1 to 1,5 sec of stealth, the equivalent of a dodge if you are really in trouble.
Gutternborn touch on the other hand procs all the time with the constant gloaming cuts you are doing in stealth and obviously you are not going to stand still in front of the target to avoid accidents when they do attack you or your companion so you always naturally will be behind him at some point and with constant gloaming cuts, it will proc.
Also with L70, mobs armor and your own power stacking will get much much higher than what we are used to at L60 so that 10% bonus of both the debuff and buff of Gutterborn touch is actually even better now than in Mod 5.
I have a feeling that we havnt seen the end of Rogue changes. Either we will get a little swing back from the pendulum of nerf -- or we'll see more problems .. so I think players might should keep another respec in mind.
Avariel Merilwen: Burn baby, MoF/Rene
Aejun The Silver: Devoted to Healing, DevOP/Justice
Mina Rosepetal: Super Natural, Pathfinder/Melee
Frost: Benchwarmer, Soulbinder/Fury
The reason is because I feel with the changes in mod 6 and the loss of the stealth sets, every single little thing that restores stealth is essential. However, it is not necessarily incorrect to take gutterborn instead and if you feel you prefer it, then by all means, it is a valid choice. If you can afford it, to make this build perform better I recommend the super OP elol set...but then again, it is likely to get nerfed.
are you referring to the alliance assault/raider drops from elol?
This is probably the only non budget thing I will tentatively recommend at the start of mod 6. It is the lostmauth set, Horn, belt and necklace. With them, a stealthed tr can do more damage then anyone else in the party unless they also have the set. The problem is, this set is so broken that it is likely to get nerfed. If I could afford it I would use it on every single one of my characters, CW and DC included, due to how amazing the set bonus is. However, I recommend giving it about a month before buying if you can afford it, that way, you don't lose out when cryptic most likely nerfs it.
Aelar Hawkwind - Archer
Karrin Feywinter - Mistress of Flame
Errin Duskwalker - Executioner
Darquess - Soulbinder
Blood Soaked Blades (Tier 3): If a foe you have recently damaged dies, you gain Blood Soaked Blades, which causes your attacks to deal 10/20/30/40/50% of your Weapon Damage as bonus Physical Damage.
Sounds great but I don't know if it fits with the character.
I use a combination of some of the encounters I have listed, depending on what encounter I am dealing with.
Here is what my build looked like in mod 5:,1cn050n:155000:100000:1uu0z1&h=1&p=min
My char was human, had 14 int, the rest went into strength mainly, with 14 con, as in mod 5 con vaguely mattered. I used shadow strike, smoke bomb and path of the blade to kill random hordes of monsters, then when soloing things like the draco I used shadow strike, itc and smoke bomb/bait and switch. I used tenacious concealment and sneak attack for passives. I might actually suggest, if you want to go a safer, less impatient route, to go saboteur and use a build like:,1cn050n:15550v:100000:1uu000&h=1&p=min
It kills things slower, but its easier to solo due to the capstone.
Finally, you need to have a stealth set like the GG stealth set or the t2 stealth set. Also, you will need about 2k recovery.