With the upcoming release of the Oathbound Paladin as a potential 'tank' type class, for those of us who play a GF, are you likely to continue playing your GF?
If your GF is your main character, will you likely keep it as your main character and continue upgrading it or will you possibly 'shelve' it in favor of the Paladin if the Paladin proves to be a somewhat decent 'tank'?
One thing I learned about MMOs is that The Devs Buffeth, and The Devs Nerfeth Away. If you always go after what is strongest now, you will forever be switching characters, as what was strong before could be nerfed the next day. I'll probably be sticking to my GF, unless the Paladin looks really fun to play (not OP, fun.)
That, and I don't have the time to waste on more alts.
Other. Unless this suddenly becomes a trinity game I'll do the same thing to a pally that I did with the GF. Run one to cap to see what it's like then have it be a leadership alt.
I have my good old dwarf, but he now only sees PvP, a tiny bit solo for old days and makes AD. I don't take him out even for friends now, cause i got annoyed about hearing Knights Valor all the time. If we didn't have that, GF would never see a dungeon.
With a real Knight aka Paladin coming KV and GF will be totally obsolete. Only room i see for us long time GFs is a bit of PVP.
Class is sadly since the beginning of game a stepchild, utterly bugged and has no value amongst most players. If something goes wrong people always blame the GF, not another class. Most don't even know, how hard it is to play a broken class and how much we contribute to team survival.
The real honest man is honest from conviction of what is right, not from policy.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
I have my good old dwarf, but he now only sees PvP, a tiny bit solo for old days and makes AD. I don't take him out even for friends now, cause i got annoyed about hearing Knights Valor all the time. If we didn't have that, GF would never see a dungeon.
With a real Knight aka Paladin coming KV and GF will be totally obsolete. Only room i see for us long time GFs is a bit of PVP.
Class is sadly since the beginning of game a stepchild, utterly bugged and has no value amongst most players. If something goes wrong people always blame the GF, not another class. Most don't even know, how hard it is to play a broken class and how much we contribute to team survival.
Yeah I'm in the "other" category myself; I have one or two (or four (!)) of each class right now in a myriad of races. Among them I have one Dwarves GF and I love to play him. My main, however, always has been my DC and only because there has;t been a Paladin in game until now/soon(™) - which has always been my favorite in table-top.
I'm way too invested in my current "main" (DC) to switch that, but I will definitely go Paladin and level one or two of them. However, and I think this is my main point that the OP is looking for: I will *not* stop playing or in any way abandon my GF. My favorite part of GF play is the Guarding action, I absolutely love that aspect. As for how the Paladin will play: no one has a clue until more information is released.
But here's my hypothesis; current GF fans may be overreacting/stressing for nothing. The Paladin will not be, become a replacement for, or come all that close to what a GF is and how the GF plays. This was the fear with the Warlock (Just another wizard) and yet they play *very* differently (enough that I like my Wizards more than my Warlock).
Yes GFs still need some serious DevLuv, there's no doubt about that. But I also say dreadnaught the Paladin, but embrace him. He'll be a colleague, not a competitor.
I expect to keep running it. I much more prefer solo play to group(I don't know, maybe I'm not a great team player? Anyway.) and I obviously don't use it to tank. In groups it could tank somewhat but so far, it doesn't seem to do a great job and dies easier than I expect. Strangely enough, in soloing PVE, it's pretty much unstoppable, more so than other classes I used. Mind you, my experience with the game is less than 2 months now.
I spent too much AD on my GF to switch to any other class.
psyb3rtr011Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 340Arc User
edited January 2015
My hope, is to respec my GF into a Paladin, since I have been playing him as one all along.
That said, it would be nice if instead of his gear being useless for the new class, either:
1) The Paladin could actually use a combination of either GF or DC gear.
2) Or, they implement a optional "Blessed" Modification (Like the Reinforced Enchantment) that is added to existing gear to make it use able by a Paladin.
I'll roll a Paladin to see what it is all about. It would have to be special to force me off of my GF, especially from a PVP perspective.
I do have a GWF for a change of pace and for some PVE hack and slash fun, but the GF has always been my first choice, even with its myriad of bugs.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited January 2015
GF’s not my main character & I’ll continue to play it but I’m likely to have another class my main.
All commentary is related to PvE:
I really do not have any "mains" but I do play some classes more than others. What I do is, each week I know I'll have time to play, I'll choose between one to three characters and then play only those characters for that week, including either 'Old Zeb' or Daxx Dae'Vesh, as they are my favorite two characters. Beyond the initial thrill of playing a new class, I do not see this changing with any class, save for perhaps a druid.
I'll be making four Paladins at least, that's for sure. However, I don't see any class becoming my "main" class, which is currently a toss up between 'Old Zeb' (Spellstorm CW) and Daxx Dae'Vesh (Divine Oracle DC). I played an early version of 'Old Zeb' in Alpha but switched to an early version of Daxx Dae'Vesh when they removed the ability for wizards to cast while moving. Since, I played her as a Divine Oracle through the majority of Alpha, all of the Betas, and now well into release. Upon release, I made 'Old Zeb' and Daxx Dae'Vesh again, naturally, among other characters. They were my first two level 60's since release, and now I have almost 20 level 60 characters.
I cannot see how the paladin class would impact me as a player, for I am an alt-a-holic anyway. I'll have at least 32 characters when I make my first four planned Paladins. Sure, I'll probably play my first Paladin quite a lot initially, but I cannot see the paladin class overtaking my love of full caster classes. The only class that poses a risk of becoming my true "main," would be a druid. In order, my favorite PnP D&D Classes are Druid, Wizard, and Cleric. Followed by Paladin, Ranger, and Fighter for my preferred melee classes, in that order.
The only reason I'd play my GWFs more than my GFs (I have two of each class at level 60), is because my health makes it hard for me to control the block mechanic properly. Otherwise, I still find the GFs adequately fun to play.
"GF's my main character & I'll continue to play it but I'm likely to make Paladin my main character."
But first I've to see how this will be..
I'm very excited that my favorite class is coming!
But the Devs did a lot of bad choises at this nice game.
And new games appear on the horizon..
| Cìrdan - GF | Cìrdan The Lightbringer - OP |
< Guild: Pugno Fiammante >
I have voted for the first option for several reasons.
First I’d like to give some prologue information, I have started playing MMO’s around 1994 and till the day of today I still do but there is changed a lot in this period. The first real fun MMO came alive in May 1999 called (Ever….), that was also the time I became a Game Master on one of the servers and have learned a lot about game mechanics, and one of those where the Pure classes which you have even here in Neverwinter.
It’s my personal opinion that when developers are working with pure classes they will be able to create a much better game and much easier to maintain compared with the hybrid classes we have here in NW (and other games), so it makes no sense to me to put in a Paladin who is able to tank and heal while we have already a tank and healer class in the game… I simply don’t get it. The only reason I can find is that the developers want to get rid of the current tank class with all its bugs and issues which they neglecting for a very long time now by simply introducing a new tank class in NW, that way they are just work around the current issues by starting all over with neglecting in the near future.
I might be a purist, I might be old fashioned or whatever but one thing is for sure is that the GF I have will remain my main character... No matter what. Reason for this is that I am a **** good tank because I play that class for so long now that it’s for me a sort of second nature, many players I have lead through the dungeons and skirmishes here in NW will agreed with this fact so I will refuse (at this point) to change my main character, especially considering all the effort, time and money I have putted into it to become what I am now (a HAMSTER tank) with the advises of a very gifted person who became a friend and really knows about the GF class as whole.
Let me give a few examples how I think it should be.
• A GF is a pure tank class (with some buff / debuffing) and have its own tree builds nothing wrong with that.
• A GWF could have been a great weapon master (melee) class if it is not sharing tree with a GF because it’s a totally different class,
• A DC is a Healer and buff/debuffer (base), no need for DPS.
• A CW is a controlling wizard with some (AoE) dps, no need to be a pure DPS class.
• A SW is a pure ranged DPS caster class with some (support) healing capabilities.
• A TR is a pure DPS (melee) class.
• A HR is a pure ranged DPS class with some melee capabilities.
• A Bard is a pure buff / debuffer class.
When I look at this picture I see that NW (in its current state) is missing a Bard in the game who can take care of the massive Buff / debuffing as main role in groups/raids.
But what we see, GF who is being neglected for a very long time by developers (and staff) then the GWF came in the game (probably their hope was that GF’s would swap to GWF) but a shared tree messed it all up. Frankly it’s all messed up by adding / adjusting classes who are not pure classes on its own.
The Paladin, hell yeah… let’s bring in a Paladin class because that way they can work around the long standing issues from GF’s, GWF’s and probably also DC’s by adding the Paladin in the hope players forget their current main’s by starting all over with the “new” Paladin so developers and staff can simply forget the mess they have created and focus on the new class (if they uberhaubt have these intentions)
So, if this new class is indeed a good tank/heal (and probably also a DPS melee) class (as they let us believe) then I have the hope that they will give the current players (who are affected) the change to swap (class change) include their current gear adjusted to the Paladin class… if not, then im afraid that (included myself) a lot of players who have putted much effort, time and dollars in their main class will stick to their class or disappearing into oblivion and seek their fun elsewhere…
(note, if you like to react on my view / thought about what I have written then do so as whole and not pulling a single line out of it and place it in a different context)
Ogguk The Beholder… Justicar Paladin Tank/ Healer
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited January 2015
I play all the classes with equal love. Besides, I dumped 2 million into my GF. No way I'm shelving it.
with the upcoming changes to REGEN, to not work in combat, and Lifesteal will procc by chance, meaning that you may or may not procc lifesteal on a big crit, i think tanks will be more than welcomed in PVE content, not to mention all dungeons will get revamped a little.. so either a DC/GF/PALADING will be more welcomed in a group.
with the upcoming changes to REGEN, to not work in combat, and Lifesteal will procc by chance, meaning that you may or may not procc lifesteal on a big crit, i think tanks will be more than welcomed in PVE content, not to mention all dungeons will get revamped a little.. so either a DC/GF/PALADING will be more welcomed in a group.
This might be the case though I wonder about it.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited January 2015
Will the conqueror be improved. That 250% weapon damage over 15 seconds on a crit sounds god awful.
And crushing shield feat rofl. Like I'm really going to bash something to death with shield spam....
with the upcoming changes to REGEN, to not work in combat, and Lifesteal will procc by chance, meaning that you may or may not procc lifesteal on a big crit, i think tanks will be more than welcomed in PVE content, not to mention all dungeons will get revamped a little.. so either a DC/GF/PALADING will be more welcomed in a group.
GF? No way. Healers. GFs and tank GWFs will be the personae non gratae in any sort of group. Especially if the group has no healers.
People keep saying Regen will not work in combat - this is a plain and simple misunderstanding; Regen WILL work in combat and it will work specifically to the GF and GWF benefit. Only the *healing* aspect of Regen will not work in combat. I' not going to reiterate Devnotes - I highly recommend people go back and reread that note on how Regen will work.
If nothing else, region will at least benefit the the GF and GWF directly and parties should want them more often. As for paladin - it is a divine class, not a fighter class; how this will be implemented game-play wise is unknown at this point. Just because a screenshot shows a what we think is a Paladin (we don't know this) that looks a lot like a GF doesn't mean it will play like one or carry similar skills or party benefits of having one around.
The Devs aren't stupid: They're not going to intentionally create a new class that that plays or has benefits that are too close to an existing class. Short story: if you enjoy playing GF I don't believe the Paladin will change that.
People keep saying Regen will not work in combat - this is a plain and simple misunderstanding; Regen WILL work in combat and it will work specifically to the GF and GWF benefit. Only the *healing* aspect of Regen will not work in combat. I' not going to reiterate Devnotes - I highly recommend people go back and reread that note on how Regen will work.
If anything, region will benefit the the GF and GWF that parties will want them more. As for paladin - it is a divine class, not a fighter class; how this will be implemented game-play wise is unknown at this point. Just because a screenshot shows a what we think is a Paladin (we don't know this) that looks a lot like a GF doesn't mean it will play like one or carry similar skills or party benefits of having one around.
The Devs aren;t stupid. They're not going to intentionally create a new class that that plays or has benefits that are too close to an existing class. Short story: if you enjoy playing GF I don;t believe the Paladin will change that.
The dev's have said it will have tanking and healing tree's.
People keep saying Regen will not work in combat - this is a plain and simple misunderstanding; Regen WILL work in combat and it will work specifically to the GF and GWF benefit. Only the *healing* aspect of Regen will not work in combat. I' not going to reiterate Devnotes - I highly recommend people go back and reread that note on how Regen will work.
If nothing else, region will at least benefit the the GF and GWF directly and parties should want them more often.
It is still trash anyway you try and paint it. A GF that isn't babysat by a DC in PVP will be toast as regen only works off of healing cast against you while in combat. And with all these DOTs, how do you even escape combat in PVP? My GF can run from one node to the other and not be able to mount because he has DOTs and procs ticking away, so how do I regen between nodes? The only thing that sometimes saves me against the tons of DOTs and procs ticking against me is my regen and now they want to take it away?
As for PVE? Again, the GF will need a DC to hold his hand.
GFs will need a DC like a crutch.
We'll be nothing more than paper tigers if this sticks. Worst idea they've ever come up with.
PSA: You don't need to grind Spinward Rise for your Elemental artifact main hand if you have some AD lying around. You can craft it via the Tyranny of Dragon's campaign screen.
It is still trash anyway you try and paint it. A GF that isn't babysat by a DC in PVP will be toast as regen only works off of healing cast against you while in combat. And with all these DOTs, how do you even escape combat in PVP? My GF can run from one node to the other and not be able to mount because he has DOTs and procs ticking away, so how do I regen between nodes? The only thing that sometimes saves me against the tons of DOTs and procs ticking against me is my regen and now they want to take it away?
As for PVE? Again, the GF will need a DC to hold his hand.
GFs will need a DC like a crutch.
We'll be nothing more than paper tigers if this sticks. Worst idea they've ever come up with.
Fair statement. But the same will be true for all the other classes, except for DC...and new OP. It's still an even playing field in that regard. I believe this is what the Devs are intending. I'm not saying it's right or even okay. I'm just saying this is apparently what the Devs are intending, so we must adapt as always.
People keep saying Regen will not work in combat - this is a plain and simple misunderstanding; Regen WILL work in combat and it will work specifically to the GF and GWF benefit. Only the *healing* aspect of Regen will not work in combat. I' not going to reiterate Devnotes - I highly recommend people go back and reread that note on how Regen will work.
If nothing else, region will at least benefit the the GF and GWF directly and parties should want them more often. As for paladin - it is a divine class, not a fighter class; how this will be implemented game-play wise is unknown at this point. Just because a screenshot shows a what we think is a Paladin (we don't know this) that looks a lot like a GF doesn't mean it will play like one or carry similar skills or party benefits of having one around.
The Devs aren't stupid: They're not going to intentionally create a new class that that plays or has benefits that are too close to an existing class. Short story: if you enjoy playing GF I don't believe the Paladin will change that.
Neither will regen boost potion healing which I find incredibly stupid. Fighters will be sitting ducks without a healer and that's a fact.
People keep saying Regen will not work in combat - this is a plain and simple misunderstanding; Regen WILL work in combat and it will work specifically to the GF and GWF benefit. Only the *healing* aspect of Regen will not work in combat. I' not going to reiterate Devnotes - I highly recommend people go back and reread that note on how Regen will work.
If nothing else, region will at least benefit the the GF and GWF directly and parties should want them more often. As for paladin - it is a divine class, not a fighter class; how this will be implemented game-play wise is unknown at this point. Just because a screenshot shows a what we think is a Paladin (we don't know this) that looks a lot like a GF doesn't mean it will play like one or carry similar skills or party benefits of having one around.
The Devs aren't stupid: They're not going to intentionally create a new class that that plays or has benefits that are too close to an existing class. Short story: if you enjoy playing GF I don't believe the Paladin will change that.
Sorry man.it seems you are the one that did not understand.
Regen will add a percentage to incoming healing.Which is incoming healing?Dcs and companions.
Regen will work out of combat.But we do not use it for this now.You can use potions out of combat,they have no ICD.
I know that you are a n old player but the thing you said is hilarious.Is like saying "we have Day at Night,just we do not have sun and light'
The primary and only benefit of regen ,and of which Guardian Fighters pend millions of AD to stack,was to stream away DoTs and procs.From mod6 GFs will not have that benefit.
It is a straight nerf to survivability far exceeding the Regen percentage bonus GFs had.It will affect our gameplay.Regen was a way to go for Gfs,since was working beter with high HPs.
Most Gfs had regen about 10-13%.Quaranteed ,both in pve and pvp we will be extremely more squishy,than th mere number seems to point.I ll say GFs survivability might got nerfed by 20-25% outright.
GFs cannot switch to lifesteal as many DPSers seem to forget.Our attacks are slow ,we are slow and our damage minimal.
In pvp tanks will bleed to the ground by the CW/DC/TR/HRs Dots and procs.
In pve tanking against hard adds/minibosses /bosses will be extremey more difficult than now.
Epic garakas and ELOL scorpions they will have a party if a GF tries to tank them with out DC.
More to the point:
"Regen WILL work in combat and it will work specifically to the GF and GWF benefit"
No,as i said before regen will not work in combat.Stating otherwise seems to point a reading problem.Please read the aptch notes.regen will work only out of combat.
"Only the *healing* aspect of Regen will not work in combat. I' not going to reiterate Devnotes - I highly recommend people go back and reread that note on how Regen will work."
Does Regen has nay other aspect than healing?lol :)You mean the incoming "healing bonus"?You need a dc for that...
"If nothing else, region will at least benefit the the GF and GWF directly and parties should want them more often."
"As for paladin - it is a divine class, not a fighter class;"
It was described as Tank- healer by GMC.
The Devs aren't stupid: They're not going to intentionally create a new class that that plays or has benefits that are too close to an existing class. Short story: if you enjoy playing GF I don't believe the Paladin will change that.
"3) Regeneration, and its place in statting/gearing. We wanted to drastically reinforce Regeneration as a tanking stat and a really viable stat for high end PVE tanks regardless of the situation they were in. Before it was awful at dealing with large spikes of damage, but could effectively remove small steady streams of damage. Now it is a flat heal out of combat (regardless of your health percentage) as well as a VERY powerful tanking stat because it drastically improves all healing you get from any source. Players who are playing a DPS class will get less from this stat, but it will still make you far easier to heal, which includes healing caused by artifacts and companions. It also helps reduce potion consumption between fights and downtime between fights. This also helps reinforce the roles of players in group content. Tanks cannot easily just mitigate the need for a healer with enough Regen/Lifesteal any more. This was exceptionally important with us adding a new tank and healer this module."
Edit:Nothing personal to you Angry Sprite ,don't take this post as an attack.Just i want to stop the impression that Regen change is nothing to worry about.
Edit:Nothing personal to you Angry Sprite ,don't take this post as an attack.Just i want to stop the impression that Regen change is nothing to worry about.
Pfft. Unlike too many people on these forums I don't take things personally. LOL
As is often the case, I suspect we are actually on the same "track" - but written communication can create confusion in the intended meaning of such. With that said: I agree with what you say.
What I was trying to say is this: Officially in D&D the Paladin is a "Divine" base-class, not a "Fighter" base-class as the base-classes are defined. This is not referring to the "sub-class" - it can still be a "fighter", but it is a fighter of the Divine class. I'm not going to give links and URLs because that just turns my comment into a "I'm rite N UR Rong!" LOL I don't want to do that!
Now, with Regen: Regen is more things than just healing. It also affects things like Stamina and whatnot. I am not saying the other stuff besides healing part of Regen is any useful, noooo, I know better than that. What I *am* saying is this:
REGEN still works during combat. The *healing* //portion// of Regen no longer works in combat, though the *healing* //portion// of regen does increase incoming healing by other-than-pots. So my purview is that it is wrong to say "regen no longer works in combat" - the proper description is "regen-healing no longer works in combat". I'm a believer that specific words have specific meanings, etc. But more importantly there are many who will think that all of region stops working in combat, which isn't true. Think of it as misinformation-prevention attempt.
And the effect of the new Regen and Lifesteal on each class goes across the board. Yes the GF will suffer the old way and have to adapt. But this is true for all other classes as well.
SO, though you are correct in your detailed comment, I hope you can see that what you are discussing and what I am discussing are not *exactly* the same thing, though it is the same subject matter and there's a little overlap - but not much, I think.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
edited January 2015
Simply put. It's UNFAIR.
What, GFs have to cough up a crapton of ADs now to rank cleric companions to legendary THEN invest into bonding runestones JUST to compete with other classes while the others can still relax with their cheap ioun stones of allure? Even the black dragon stone will be a cheaper option.
That, and I don't have the time to waste on more alts.
I have my good old dwarf, but he now only sees PvP, a tiny bit solo for old days and makes AD.
With a real Knight aka Paladin coming KV and GF will be totally obsolete. Only room i see for us long time GFs is a bit of PVP.
Class is sadly since the beginning of game a stepchild, utterly bugged and has no value amongst most players. If something goes wrong people always blame the GF, not another class. Most don't even know, how hard it is to play a broken class and how much we contribute to team survival.
Robert E. Lee
I only believe in statistics that I doctored myself.
Winston Churchill
The human race is a herd. Here we are, unique, eternal aspects of consciousness with an infinity of potential, and we have allowed ourselves to become an unthinking, unquestioning blob of conformity and uniformity. A herd. Once we concede to the herd mentality, we can be controlled and directed by a tiny few. And we are.
David Icke
110% agree with you. Nialed it on the spot.
I'm way too invested in my current "main" (DC) to switch that, but I will definitely go Paladin and level one or two of them. However, and I think this is my main point that the OP is looking for: I will *not* stop playing or in any way abandon my GF. My favorite part of GF play is the Guarding action, I absolutely love that aspect. As for how the Paladin will play: no one has a clue until more information is released.
But here's my hypothesis; current GF fans may be overreacting/stressing for nothing. The Paladin will not be, become a replacement for, or come all that close to what a GF is and how the GF plays. This was the fear with the Warlock (Just another wizard) and yet they play *very* differently (enough that I like my Wizards more than my Warlock).
Yes GFs still need some serious DevLuv, there's no doubt about that. But I also say dreadnaught the Paladin, but embrace him. He'll be a colleague, not a competitor.
Paladin will be an invoking, leadership alt.
Guild--And the Imaginary Friends
That said, it would be nice if instead of his gear being useless for the new class, either:
1) The Paladin could actually use a combination of either GF or DC gear.
2) Or, they implement a optional "Blessed" Modification (Like the Reinforced Enchantment) that is added to existing gear to make it use able by a Paladin.
AKA Cyber Troll and Euben Hadd
I do have a GWF for a change of pace and for some PVE hack and slash fun, but the GF has always been my first choice, even with its myriad of bugs.
All commentary is related to PvE:
I really do not have any "mains" but I do play some classes more than others. What I do is, each week I know I'll have time to play, I'll choose between one to three characters and then play only those characters for that week, including either 'Old Zeb' or Daxx Dae'Vesh, as they are my favorite two characters. Beyond the initial thrill of playing a new class, I do not see this changing with any class, save for perhaps a druid.
I'll be making four Paladins at least, that's for sure. However, I don't see any class becoming my "main" class, which is currently a toss up between 'Old Zeb' (Spellstorm CW) and Daxx Dae'Vesh (Divine Oracle DC). I played an early version of 'Old Zeb' in Alpha but switched to an early version of Daxx Dae'Vesh when they removed the ability for wizards to cast while moving. Since, I played her as a Divine Oracle through the majority of Alpha, all of the Betas, and now well into release. Upon release, I made 'Old Zeb' and Daxx Dae'Vesh again, naturally, among other characters. They were my first two level 60's since release, and now I have almost 20 level 60 characters.
I cannot see how the paladin class would impact me as a player, for I am an alt-a-holic anyway. I'll have at least 32 characters when I make my first four planned Paladins. Sure, I'll probably play my first Paladin quite a lot initially, but I cannot see the paladin class overtaking my love of full caster classes. The only class that poses a risk of becoming my true "main," would be a druid. In order, my favorite PnP D&D Classes are Druid, Wizard, and Cleric. Followed by Paladin, Ranger, and Fighter for my preferred melee classes, in that order.
The only reason I'd play my GWFs more than my GFs (I have two of each class at level 60), is because my health makes it hard for me to control the block mechanic properly. Otherwise, I still find the GFs adequately fun to play.
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But first I've to see how this will be..
I'm very excited that my favorite class is coming!
But the Devs did a lot of bad choises at this nice game.
And new games appear on the horizon..
| Cìrdan - GF | Cìrdan The Lightbringer - OP |
< Guild: Pugno Fiammante >
I will make a paladin because must understand all the mechanics.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
First I’d like to give some prologue information, I have started playing MMO’s around 1994 and till the day of today I still do but there is changed a lot in this period. The first real fun MMO came alive in May 1999 called (Ever….), that was also the time I became a Game Master on one of the servers and have learned a lot about game mechanics, and one of those where the Pure classes which you have even here in Neverwinter.
It’s my personal opinion that when developers are working with pure classes they will be able to create a much better game and much easier to maintain compared with the hybrid classes we have here in NW (and other games), so it makes no sense to me to put in a Paladin who is able to tank and heal while we have already a tank and healer class in the game… I simply don’t get it. The only reason I can find is that the developers want to get rid of the current tank class with all its bugs and issues which they neglecting for a very long time now by simply introducing a new tank class in NW, that way they are just work around the current issues by starting all over with neglecting in the near future.
I might be a purist, I might be old fashioned or whatever but one thing is for sure is that the GF I have will remain my main character... No matter what. Reason for this is that I am a **** good tank because I play that class for so long now that it’s for me a sort of second nature, many players I have lead through the dungeons and skirmishes here in NW will agreed with this fact so I will refuse (at this point) to change my main character, especially considering all the effort, time and money I have putted into it to become what I am now (a HAMSTER tank) with the advises of a very gifted person who became a friend and really knows about the GF class as whole.
Let me give a few examples how I think it should be.
• A GF is a pure tank class (with some buff / debuffing) and have its own tree builds nothing wrong with that.
• A GWF could have been a great weapon master (melee) class if it is not sharing tree with a GF because it’s a totally different class,
• A DC is a Healer and buff/debuffer (base), no need for DPS.
• A CW is a controlling wizard with some (AoE) dps, no need to be a pure DPS class.
• A SW is a pure ranged DPS caster class with some (support) healing capabilities.
• A TR is a pure DPS (melee) class.
• A HR is a pure ranged DPS class with some melee capabilities.
• A Bard is a pure buff / debuffer class.
When I look at this picture I see that NW (in its current state) is missing a Bard in the game who can take care of the massive Buff / debuffing as main role in groups/raids.
But what we see, GF who is being neglected for a very long time by developers (and staff) then the GWF came in the game (probably their hope was that GF’s would swap to GWF) but a shared tree messed it all up. Frankly it’s all messed up by adding / adjusting classes who are not pure classes on its own.
The Paladin, hell yeah… let’s bring in a Paladin class because that way they can work around the long standing issues from GF’s, GWF’s and probably also DC’s by adding the Paladin in the hope players forget their current main’s by starting all over with the “new” Paladin so developers and staff can simply forget the mess they have created and focus on the new class (if they uberhaubt have these intentions)
So, if this new class is indeed a good tank/heal (and probably also a DPS melee) class (as they let us believe) then I have the hope that they will give the current players (who are affected) the change to swap (class change) include their current gear adjusted to the Paladin class… if not, then im afraid that (included myself) a lot of players who have putted much effort, time and dollars in their main class will stick to their class or disappearing into oblivion and seek their fun elsewhere…
(note, if you like to react on my view / thought about what I have written then do so as whole and not pulling a single line out of it and place it in a different context)
This might be the case though I wonder about it.
And crushing shield feat rofl. Like I'm really going to bash something to death with shield spam....
GF? No way. Healers. GFs and tank GWFs will be the personae non gratae in any sort of group. Especially if the group has no healers.
If nothing else, region will at least benefit the the GF and GWF directly and parties should want them more often. As for paladin - it is a divine class, not a fighter class; how this will be implemented game-play wise is unknown at this point. Just because a screenshot shows a what we think is a Paladin (we don't know this) that looks a lot like a GF doesn't mean it will play like one or carry similar skills or party benefits of having one around.
The Devs aren't stupid: They're not going to intentionally create a new class that that plays or has benefits that are too close to an existing class. Short story: if you enjoy playing GF I don't believe the Paladin will change that.
The dev's have said it will have tanking and healing tree's.
It is still trash anyway you try and paint it. A GF that isn't babysat by a DC in PVP will be toast as regen only works off of healing cast against you while in combat. And with all these DOTs, how do you even escape combat in PVP? My GF can run from one node to the other and not be able to mount because he has DOTs and procs ticking away, so how do I regen between nodes? The only thing that sometimes saves me against the tons of DOTs and procs ticking against me is my regen and now they want to take it away?
As for PVE? Again, the GF will need a DC to hold his hand.
GFs will need a DC like a crutch.
We'll be nothing more than paper tigers if this sticks. Worst idea they've ever come up with.
Fair statement. But the same will be true for all the other classes, except for DC...and new OP. It's still an even playing field in that regard. I believe this is what the Devs are intending. I'm not saying it's right or even okay. I'm just saying this is apparently what the Devs are intending, so we must adapt as always.
Neither will regen boost potion healing which I find incredibly stupid. Fighters will be sitting ducks without a healer and that's a fact.
Sorry man.it seems you are the one that did not understand.
Regen will add a percentage to incoming healing.Which is incoming healing?Dcs and companions.
Regen will work out of combat.But we do not use it for this now.You can use potions out of combat,they have no ICD.
I know that you are a n old player but the thing you said is hilarious.Is like saying "we have Day at Night,just we do not have sun and light'
The primary and only benefit of regen ,and of which Guardian Fighters pend millions of AD to stack,was to stream away DoTs and procs.From mod6 GFs will not have that benefit.
It is a straight nerf to survivability far exceeding the Regen percentage bonus GFs had.It will affect our gameplay.Regen was a way to go for Gfs,since was working beter with high HPs.
Most Gfs had regen about 10-13%.Quaranteed ,both in pve and pvp we will be extremely more squishy,than th mere number seems to point.I ll say GFs survivability might got nerfed by 20-25% outright.
GFs cannot switch to lifesteal as many DPSers seem to forget.Our attacks are slow ,we are slow and our damage minimal.
In pvp tanks will bleed to the ground by the CW/DC/TR/HRs Dots and procs.
In pve tanking against hard adds/minibosses /bosses will be extremey more difficult than now.
Epic garakas and ELOL scorpions they will have a party if a GF tries to tank them with out DC.
More to the point:
"Regen WILL work in combat and it will work specifically to the GF and GWF benefit"
No,as i said before regen will not work in combat.Stating otherwise seems to point a reading problem.Please read the aptch notes.regen will work only out of combat.
"Only the *healing* aspect of Regen will not work in combat. I' not going to reiterate Devnotes - I highly recommend people go back and reread that note on how Regen will work."
Does Regen has nay other aspect than healing?lol :)You mean the incoming "healing bonus"?You need a dc for that...
"If nothing else, region will at least benefit the the GF and GWF directly and parties should want them more often."
.........?????........???? ...... ? ? .......? ???:eek:
"As for paladin - it is a divine class, not a fighter class;"
It was described as Tank- healer by GMC.
The Devs aren't stupid: They're not going to intentionally create a new class that that plays or has benefits that are too close to an existing class. Short story: if you enjoy playing GF I don't believe the Paladin will change that.
"3) Regeneration, and its place in statting/gearing. We wanted to drastically reinforce Regeneration as a tanking stat and a really viable stat for high end PVE tanks regardless of the situation they were in. Before it was awful at dealing with large spikes of damage, but could effectively remove small steady streams of damage. Now it is a flat heal out of combat (regardless of your health percentage) as well as a VERY powerful tanking stat because it drastically improves all healing you get from any source. Players who are playing a DPS class will get less from this stat, but it will still make you far easier to heal, which includes healing caused by artifacts and companions. It also helps reduce potion consumption between fights and downtime between fights. This also helps reinforce the roles of players in group content. Tanks cannot easily just mitigate the need for a healer with enough Regen/Lifesteal any more. This was exceptionally important with us adding a new tank and healer this module."
Edit:Nothing personal to you Angry Sprite
Pfft. Unlike too many people on these forums I don't take things personally. LOL
As is often the case, I suspect we are actually on the same "track" - but written communication can create confusion in the intended meaning of such. With that said: I agree with what you say.
What I was trying to say is this: Officially in D&D the Paladin is a "Divine" base-class, not a "Fighter" base-class as the base-classes are defined. This is not referring to the "sub-class" - it can still be a "fighter", but it is a fighter of the Divine class. I'm not going to give links and URLs because that just turns my comment into a "I'm rite N UR Rong!" LOL I don't want to do that!
Now, with Regen: Regen is more things than just healing. It also affects things like Stamina and whatnot. I am not saying the other stuff besides healing part of Regen is any useful, noooo, I know better than that. What I *am* saying is this:
REGEN still works during combat. The *healing* //portion// of Regen no longer works in combat, though the *healing* //portion// of regen does increase incoming healing by other-than-pots. So my purview is that it is wrong to say "regen no longer works in combat" - the proper description is "regen-healing no longer works in combat". I'm a believer that specific words have specific meanings, etc. But more importantly there are many who will think that all of region stops working in combat, which isn't true. Think of it as misinformation-prevention attempt.
And the effect of the new Regen and Lifesteal on each class goes across the board. Yes the GF will suffer the old way and have to adapt. But this is true for all other classes as well.
SO, though you are correct in your detailed comment, I hope you can see that what you are discussing and what I am discussing are not *exactly* the same thing, though it is the same subject matter and there's a little overlap - but not much, I think.
Oh, and I almost forgot to call you: "Meanie!"
What, GFs have to cough up a crapton of ADs now to rank cleric companions to legendary THEN invest into bonding runestones JUST to compete with other classes while the others can still relax with their cheap ioun stones of allure? Even the black dragon stone will be a cheaper option.