Aprentice Healer --- Stitches
War Dog ----Tamelin (Named after my wife Tammy Lynn)
Wayward Wizard --- Zifnab (Named after a wizard out of another DnD product)
ladymythosMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 637Bounty Hunter
War Dog ----Tamelin (Named after my wife Tammy Lynn)
So the question is whether you named the dog after your wife, or if you're saying your wife's a... oh, look at the time.
myles08807Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 410Arc User
edited August 2014
Because my SW's first companion was a Laughing Skull.."a fellow of infinite jest and excellent fancy"...he of course became Yorick. I've now used Horatio, Polonius, and Gertrude, and just christened my new Sunite Priestess "Ophelia".
Wererat thief -- Pazuzu
Man at arms -- Meat
Phoera -- Nergal
Pig -- Humanity
Green Slime -- Society
Erinies Of Belial -- Lamashtu
Black ice ioun stone -- Azerate
Angel of protection -- Lucifer
Storm rider -- Frost
Illusionist -- Zazass (on one char) and Szass Tam (on another char)
Druid -- Ningishzida
Renegade Evoker -- Legion
Cleric Disciple -- Ereshkighal
After the give-away I had claimed my dog and gave him, what I thought was, a unique name. I am curious to know what other people named theirs.
My skeletal dog's name is Necronomicanis :cool:
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited September 2014
The ones I've bound were from the Valindra invasion event; they are called Medulla Ossium and Harryhausen.
I haven't decided what to do with the new one.
I've been thinking naming him Scraps (like the bone dog from the bride's corpse)
But I haven't decided yet if I'll keep him or not, unless it's bound? I haven't really checked.
Once it is claimed via the reward vendor it is bound to character
bioshrikeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,729Arc User
edited September 2014
I had one form the initial launch event. I took a cue from Corpse Bride and named mine "Scraps".
EDIT: Bah! reiwulf beat me to it...
<::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::::)xxxo <::::::::::::)xxxxxxxx(:::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> oxxx(::::::::::::::> "Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Once it is claimed via the reward vendor it is bound to character
They must have changed it because a ton of them hit the market immediately following that stream. Mine is still awaiting pickup. I'll have to check the tooltip.
My Phoera is named Phoera. I entered a cool name but for some reason it took the default name instead.
You probably bound it during the time period when there was a bug where your chosen name would not be applied if you bound a companion while not having any active companion slots available. The companion would be bound and placed in an idle slot, but it would have the default companion name instead of what you had typed.
I submitted a customer service ticket along with my bug report, but they said they couldn't refund the 6k AD it cost me to fix. Oh well. Didn't hurt to ask.
Anyway, that particular bug has been fixed for many months.
My cleric's free companion was the grumpy-looking (male) wizard. He's truculent, starts fights, causes unnecessary conflict and has as much personal charm as a skip full of offal. His name? Margaret Thatcher.
A lot of mine are punny
Damaran Shepard: Reginald Barkley, Wiley Burp, Thorin Barkinshield
War Dog: Howlitzer
Dog(s): Woofenstien, Doogie Shnauzer, Droolius Caesar
Ghost Paladin: Ezekial
Guard Archer: House Ciannor Archer
Ice Sprite: Cold Shoulder
Apprentice Healer: Brother Ignasio, Sister Haley(did not know it was a guy at the time), Healy MacHealerson, TLC
Frost Mimic: Box
Wayward Wizard: The Guy Who Follows, Darkman
Shieldmaiden: Helga Ironhewer, Shortstack
Con Artist: Stabby McStaberson, Backbiter
Storm Rider: Iris, Glinda, Ixion, Zappy Eyed Lady
orangefireeMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,148Arc User
edited March 2015
Iron Golem: Foespanker ((In character, he was created by a nine year old sorceress by the name of Vlathis who decided to have some fun with the name.))
Neverwinter players are stubborn things....until you strip them down to bone. (Cursed players, my flowers, MINE!) Oh how I plotted their demise.
1. Renegade Illusionist - Mr. Slim
2. Panther - Babu (After my cat. I cry when she faints)
3. Hunter Falcon - Grenault
4. Dog - Dog Meat (Fallout )
"If you only have a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail."
drkbodhiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,378Arc User
edited April 2015
My main has 2 and my GF has one... Damaran Shepherds. Each of them are related and at Max level, without paying to upgrade them. They are named Lucy, Desi and Little Ricki.
I named the first one after my red-nosed pitbull... Lucy.
Atwil "At" - Tiefling TR / Saardush - Black Dragonborn GWF / White - Tiefling OP
Acolyte of Kelemvor: Zane (the name has a religious meaning, and he's an acolyte, so...)
Orc Wolf: Varg (because he's a warg. Nuff said.)
Hawk: Tobias (if you've ever read animorphs, you'll understand.)
I have bad puns, over-obvious references, Mercedes Lackey references, a solitary Terry Pratchett reference, some references to my old D&D group, and some I just gave up on.
My level 53 Hunter's
Fawn of Shiallia: Tender Wolf: Warrl Swashbuckler: Arien
Apprentice Healer: The Doctor - And he kind of looks like a young David Tennant now that I have decent graphics.
My level 66 Rogue's (that I acknowledge)
Black Dragon Ioun Stone: Mara Jade Battlefield Medic: The War Doctor - Alas, he does not resemble his fine portrayer. Owl (Snowy): Hedwig Sprite: Star War Dog: Rris Blink Dog: Spark Barbarian Shaman: Danika - Slavic reference. Skeletal Dog: Porsche - Name of a dog we had when I was a child. Cleric Disciple: Trynn - My first D&D character, a bard who was bad at healing and died a lot. Acolyte of Kelemvor: Shava - My most recent D&D char, a Wood Elf Battle Cleric (I know, I know). Ghost: The Grey Lady Frost Mimic: Frostbite Neverember Guard Archer: Tarma Repentant Dragon Cultist: Reimann - Dragonborn fighter my cleric healed. A lot. Traveling Entertainer: Verence
And for the record, even though mount names really don't matter, if I had a Yeth Hound on any character, I'd name him Nope.
Because my SW's first companion was a Laughing Skull.."a fellow of infinite jest and excellent fancy"...he of course became Yorick. I've now used Horatio, Polonius, and Gertrude, and just christened my new Sunite Priestess "Ophelia".
Sheer wise-you-know-whatery bids me to ask if you have Rosencrantz and Guildenstern yet, and do they die a lot?
Man-at-Arms: Man-at-Arms
Apprentice Healer: Imperius
Wayward Wizard: Ergo the Magnificent
Ghost: Moaning Mary
Dire wolf: Doug
Mystagogue: Mystic Mike
Stormrider: Poison Ivy
Leprechaun: Warwick
Pig: Pigzilla
Armored Orc Wolf: Cookie Monster
Dog: Barkman (making fun of Bart simpson, aka Bartman)
Hunting Hawk: Clawdia
Aprentice Healer --- Stitches
War Dog ----Tamelin (Named after my wife Tammy Lynn)
Wayward Wizard --- Zifnab (Named after a wizard out of another DnD product)
Man at arms -- Meat
Phoera -- Nergal
Pig -- Humanity
Green Slime -- Society
Erinies Of Belial -- Lamashtu
Black ice ioun stone -- Azerate
Angel of protection -- Lucifer
Storm rider -- Frost
Illusionist -- Zazass (on one char) and Szass Tam (on another char)
Druid -- Ningishzida
Renegade Evoker -- Legion
Cleric Disciple -- Ereshkighal
My skeletal dog's name is Necronomicanis :cool:
I haven't decided what to do with the new one.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
But I haven't decided yet if I'll keep him or not, unless it's bound? I haven't really checked.
EDIT: Bah! reiwulf beat me to it...
"Is it better to be feared or respected? I say, is it too much to ask for both?" -Tony Stark
Official NW_Legit_Community Forums
They must have changed it because a ton of them hit the market immediately following that stream. Mine is still awaiting pickup. I'll have to check the tooltip.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Yes, really: I'm serious: Fifi.
War Dog - Fluffy
Cold Iron Warrior - Cool Hand Luke
You probably bound it during the time period when there was a bug where your chosen name would not be applied if you bound a companion while not having any active companion slots available. The companion would be bound and placed in an idle slot, but it would have the default companion name instead of what you had typed.
I submitted a customer service ticket along with my bug report, but they said they couldn't refund the 6k AD it cost me to fix. Oh well. Didn't hurt to ask.
Anyway, that particular bug has been fixed for many months.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
That is all
I hate change
Damaran Shepard: Reginald Barkley, Wiley Burp, Thorin Barkinshield
War Dog: Howlitzer
Dog(s): Woofenstien, Doogie Shnauzer, Droolius Caesar
Ghost Paladin: Ezekial
Guard Archer: House Ciannor Archer
Ice Sprite: Cold Shoulder
Apprentice Healer: Brother Ignasio, Sister Haley(did not know it was a guy at the time), Healy MacHealerson, TLC
Frost Mimic: Box
Wayward Wizard: The Guy Who Follows, Darkman
Shieldmaiden: Helga Ironhewer, Shortstack
Con Artist: Stabby McStaberson, Backbiter
Storm Rider: Iris, Glinda, Ixion, Zappy Eyed Lady
I am a Storyteller
2. Panther - Babu (After my cat. I cry when she faints)
3. Hunter Falcon - Grenault
4. Dog - Dog Meat (Fallout
I named the first one after my red-nosed pitbull... Lucy.
Orc Wolf: Varg (because he's a warg. Nuff said.)
Hawk: Tobias (if you've ever read animorphs, you'll understand.)
My level 53 Hunter's
Fawn of Shiallia: Tender
Wolf: Warrl
Swashbuckler: Arien
Apprentice Healer: The Doctor - And he kind of looks like a young David Tennant now that I have decent graphics.
My level 66 Rogue's (that I acknowledge)
Black Dragon Ioun Stone: Mara Jade
Battlefield Medic: The War Doctor - Alas, he does not resemble his fine portrayer.
Owl (Snowy): Hedwig
Sprite: Star
War Dog: Rris
Blink Dog: Spark
Barbarian Shaman: Danika - Slavic reference.
Skeletal Dog: Porsche - Name of a dog we had when I was a child.
Cleric Disciple: Trynn - My first D&D character, a bard who was bad at healing and died a lot.
Acolyte of Kelemvor: Shava - My most recent D&D char, a Wood Elf Battle Cleric (I know, I know).
Ghost: The Grey Lady
Frost Mimic: Frostbite
Neverember Guard Archer: Tarma
Repentant Dragon Cultist: Reimann - Dragonborn fighter my cleric healed. A lot.
Traveling Entertainer: Verence
And for the record, even though mount names really don't matter, if I had a Yeth Hound on any character, I'd name him Nope.
Sheer wise-you-know-whatery bids me to ask if you have Rosencrantz and Guildenstern yet, and do they die a lot?