That's right folks, almost a month into IWD and I'm still looking for my main hand on my GWF. Mind you, I don't grind it eight hours a day or anything, but I do spend around 1-2 hours a day hopping zones to attempt to get it. Not only have I not gotten my main hand, I haven't seen any purples at all since the changes.
By the way, I'm geared out with a Greater Soulforge, all Rank 9s, Chicken (Rank 9s) and have a Destroyer spec.
I'm in much the same boat, although I haven't gotten my Enchants to 9 Yet (mix of 7&8) and I use the Black Ice Stone. No Main Hand yet. I just reached the point where I don't feel the need to rush or grind anymore. If I get it, I get it. I run my Dailies, mess around with a bit of PvP, and then go play an Alt. for a while so I can unlock all the other Class Artifacts.
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
That's right folks, almost a month into IWD and I'm still looking for my main hand on my GWF. Mind you, I don't grind it eight hours a day or anything, but I do spend around 1-2 hours a day hopping zones to attempt to get it. Not only have I not gotten my main hand, I haven't seen any purples at all since the changes.
By the way, I'm geared out with a Greater Soulforge, all Rank 9s, Chicken (Rank 9s) and have a Destroyer spec.
im on my phone atm. but message me tonight if able and ill teach you how i did it. 2xweapons 5xbracers. gwf.
lazaroth666Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,332Arc User
edited June 2014
Same here, still no MH for GWF even with my gear so DPS isn't so important. But what's the point in making everything so hard to get? Mod 4 is coming, IWD will be a deserted area, there's no really reason to go there more than working in the boons, just like we did in Sharandar/Dread Ring 10 minutes, finish every quest then next area. BI gear looks more like collectible stuff, we needed it for KR? I don't think so since I only need 2 pieces there, dont need weapons, chest, helm, enchantments, anything. These guys worked so hard in something that we don't need, just like the Sharandar/Dread legions sets.
These items should be in the store with a higher cost x3 or x4 if they want, doesn't matter or as I mentioned before, an extra currency some kind of coin that we would receive after every epic encounter which we can trade for the MH or Bracers, 50 epic encounters and no MH? No problem, that's 50 (coins?) that I can change for my weapon/bracers now.
1 weapon from beholder 1 weapon from undead invasion last night. 1 bracer from remo 4x bracer from bear clan invasion. i can solo the lvl 62 encounters np.
Fortunately I got both pieces on all my characters before the nerf. It's simply mind boggling that they would nerf the drop rates. Personally, I didn't have problems getting "credit" before, but still found the drop rate to be way too low. So the geniuses decide to make it easier to get credit but nerf the drop rate. Mind boggling. I would have UPPED the drop rate. Probably even doubled it. It took me about 20-30 runs/per piece/per character even before the patch to get them. I haven't seen 1 piece drop post patch.
I got the Black Ice Dagger on my TR after the change. *shrug* Granted I've only fought the beholder... 4 times now? And two of those were since it dropped. It's too bad you can't sell these things, I have 0 interest in it and no plans to ever use it for anything. I like my DL daggers better.
Largely inactive, playing Skyforge as Nai Calus.
syka08Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited June 2014
I've mainly been focusing on just getting the PVE campaign done, honestly.
After that, maybe I'll take more consideration into instance jumping and such. But what I do of the HEs and such, I can never seem to complete the events on anything greater than a "great success" with my two mains (CW and DC).
I wish devs would confirm or deny the rumor that getting the 180 reward qualifies you to get the epic items. I say that because I see a lot of chatter about how to play, but I find getting the 180 reward is easy, so what is left to do really but show up for more? Maybe there is more to do, maybe this isn't more to do, I dunno the UI doesn't tell me.
1 weapon from beholder 1 weapon from undead invasion last night. 1 bracer from remo 4x bracer from bear clan invasion. i can solo the lvl 62 encounters np.
well, and i'm a DC, and i always need other people , so still no bracers....
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I got the gloves / main hand after 2-3 days of occasionally doing the encounters when they popped up, and I recently got another gloves drop from literally doing 10k damage to the final boss because it ended just as I was getting there
Dealing damage becomes an issue when you are banding like crazy as a pack of 100-200 ppl come rushing in to join the fight. Then when u start considering doing this on more than one class, one can only facepalm as he/she reads the set bonuses and how its most likely going to buff the gwf's even more ><
Could someone post a list of which ones drop the MH? ive heard alot of different information about this.
The reality is Grimah,
That you can get them from anything that's 3-5 man or higher. There doesn't seem to be any specific ones they drop from other than the Hammerstone Epic Items drop in the Dwarven Valley and the Elk Tribe Epics drop in the Icewind Pass.
But here's my listing... along with what I got as a measure of Black Ice rewards for performance. (Remember they started as 150 for max and now they're 180 max.
Corrupted Wolf Pack (180 black Ice reward, Black Ice Gloves)
Remorhaz (150 Black Ice reward, Black Ice Gloves)
Yeti Rampage (Elk Tribe Top Knot, don't remember the BI reward)
Black Ice Beholder (150 Black Ice, 180 Black Ice, Black Ice Gloves, Hammerstone Sword, Black Ice Orb)
Save the Prospectors, Icewind Pass Undead, (150 Black Ice, Black Ice Orb, 180 Black Ice, Elk Tribe Battle Axe)
Bear Rider Round Up (150 Black Ice, Elk Tribe Top Knot, Black Ice Gloves)
Ill Gotten Gains (75 Black Ice, Elk Tribe Top Knot)
This is what I remember off the top of my head, as best as I can remember....
I just got another Black Ice Orb off the Beholder today so that's the first time for him. (Not sure why I keep getting Epics of other Classes, but at least the Black Ice gear is Class Specific)
It is all about luck. To me, I have already given up on farming the Gloves and MH weapon. I will just join in any of the Epic Hero Quest and treat the Gloves and MH weapon as a bonus for my reward.
I've already got mine on all toons but I could make a suggestion. I've noticed prospectors being neglected on a lot of instances. And you can free 2 of the first wave without aggroing. So my approach would be to find a prospectors, free 2, then ask in zone for joins to be sure you finish the instance.
Fortunately I got both pieces on all my characters before the nerf. It's simply mind boggling that they would nerf the drop rates. Personally, I didn't have problems getting "credit" before, but still found the drop rate to be way too low. So the geniuses decide to make it easier to get credit but nerf the drop rate. Mind boggling. I would have UPPED the drop rate. Probably even doubled it. It took me about 20-30 runs/per piece/per character even before the patch to get them. I haven't seen 1 piece drop post patch.
They also could have UPPED the encounter spawn rate. Whats the point in hopping instances all the time? What kind of genius came up with that plan? There should always be 1 epic encounter available, 1 or 2 of the 3-5 ones and lots of 1-3 encounters. IN EACH AND EVERY INSTANCE!
This instance hopping in/out/switch/from/to is so stupid ... especially with the new super GFX where my card takes like 3 minutes to load all the textures AGAIN that I just had 30 seconds before ... BRAINS!!!!
I'm done running heroic encounters. I'm not going to spend hours upon hours running the same heroic encounters over and over again just to get some BoP item. After I get my 350 Icewind Dale reputation I'm never going back.
Which brings me to the question, why weren't these items made BoE?
So what exactly are the brackets that can contain the MH as a reward? It's 180 Black Ice for the Beholder and 75 for the various 5-mans? Because, so far, I haven't managed to get anything above that.
silverkeltMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,235Arc User
edited June 2014
I think the common theme is most poeple havent earned, a few have , a few more have gotten mutiple sets and dont know what the issue is =P...
Overall I think its frustrating, imagine if you wanted both sets to play with, curropted and purified.. lord forbid.
Ive run many as well and not one of my characters has BOTH the mainhand and the bracers, 1 MH for gwf, 1 bracers for CW and nothing for my poor DC at all.. plenty of top tier brackets and nothing.
IT blows my mind they made it harder to get, per encounter.
IT should be earned , not a rng type thing imo, its too frustrating for player base this way. I have no qualms having it double price in the shop or .. hey run x # of encounters and you can swap in whatever for them.
Today I got my second orb from Prospectors in Ice Pass. Came a few minutes after it started and left before it ended (for pvp encounter). Guess I was lucky).
degraafinationMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Today I got my second orb from Prospectors in Ice Pass. Came a few minutes after it started and left before it ended (for pvp encounter). Guess I was lucky).
So what exactly are the brackets that can contain the MH as a reward? It's 180 Black Ice for the Beholder and 75 for the various 5-mans? Because, so far, I haven't managed to get anything above that.
I know you can get them from the 5 mans,
I know in one Corrupted Wolves I got some, but I soloed most of that encounter up until another two people showed up and we took on the rest of the pack reinforcements. I got 180 Black Ice out of that one.
I also did a similar thing with the Yeti Rampage and rescued all the wolves and got a 180 Black Ice reward. Two people showed up in that one after the initial ones were killed, for the Reinforcements and Yeti Boss.
So the 5 man encounters its possible to score a 180 Black Ice reward as well.
got my GF sword yesterday, but still need gauntlets, i am so close to 350 reps within few days.
today, those hammerstone dwarves seem to be on steroids and i barely made any hits, and i was like what the heck going on, and i think devs made them little too much after recent patch to make more frustrations for players.
i never seen bolters start using kicks before.
also, i am still upset seeing the mobs still drinking potions when they are in groups of mobs, just useless waste of few more hits when i want to kill faster.
i could see why they can drink if they are lone mob, but pointless with cluster mobs.
i am tired of those encounter events and low scoring while someone else still burning them for purple drops for salvaging diamonds.
i am one of others that want "OVERHAUL" loot/crafting/ vendor/achievement rewards for reaching or having so many Heroic events completed, not random rewards that made some folks upset or felt cheated by elite geared players with low end junks.
note to devs, i dont want to see same method to be use in Mod 4's Tyrant of Dragons, i dont mind collecting some amount of tokens that can be useful for exchaning with new armor pieces.
consumeable black ice or decaying make it very boring and tedious to force going back to mine some ice nodes to restock, there no motivation or desire to gather more just to repair them.
Well being geared doesn't necessarily guarantee anything. You have to contribute a lot and for a considerable amount of time.
Anyway, you gotta be there at an early phase and start contributing. I've gotten doubles of black ice gear (which I believe I'll be using to make both corrupted and purified versions) in the first week.
RNG is RNG I guess. Some people get it in their first try, other won't get it in a month.
tang56Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Well being geared doesn't necessarily guarantee anything. You have to contribute a lot and for a considerable amount of time.
Anyway, you gotta be there at an early phase and start contributing. I've gotten doubles of black ice gear (which I believe I'll be using to make both corrupted and purified versions) in the first week.
RNG is RNG I guess. Some people get it in their first try, other won't get it in a month.
RNG is the dumbest possible way to add an item to a loot table. All items should be earnable, in the event the RNG does not favor you or the dice are strongly weighted agaisnt your build(eg, debuff clerics, tank GWF, DPS GF...)
'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
Same here. I have yet to get main/off/glove drop on any of 3 toons played daily. Oh well, at this point I'm just waiting for Mod 4
im on my phone atm. but message me tonight if able and ill teach you how i did it. 2xweapons 5xbracers. gwf.
These items should be in the store with a higher cost x3 or x4 if they want, doesn't matter or as I mentioned before, an extra currency some kind of coin that we would receive after every epic encounter which we can trade for the MH or Bracers, 50 epic encounters and no MH? No problem, that's 50 (coins?) that I can change for my weapon/bracers now.
After that, maybe I'll take more consideration into instance jumping and such. But what I do of the HEs and such, I can never seem to complete the events on anything greater than a "great success" with my two mains (CW and DC).
well, and i'm a DC, and i always need other people
Message sent!
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Backbone - 16.7k PvP HR
and also the featured satirical comedic adventure "A Call for Heroes".
The reality is Grimah,
That you can get them from anything that's 3-5 man or higher. There doesn't seem to be any specific ones they drop from other than the Hammerstone Epic Items drop in the Dwarven Valley and the Elk Tribe Epics drop in the Icewind Pass.
But here's my listing... along with what I got as a measure of Black Ice rewards for performance. (Remember they started as 150 for max and now they're 180 max.
Corrupted Wolf Pack (180 black Ice reward, Black Ice Gloves)
Remorhaz (150 Black Ice reward, Black Ice Gloves)
Yeti Rampage (Elk Tribe Top Knot, don't remember the BI reward)
Black Ice Beholder (150 Black Ice, 180 Black Ice, Black Ice Gloves, Hammerstone Sword, Black Ice Orb)
Save the Prospectors, Icewind Pass Undead, (150 Black Ice, Black Ice Orb, 180 Black Ice, Elk Tribe Battle Axe)
Bear Rider Round Up (150 Black Ice, Elk Tribe Top Knot, Black Ice Gloves)
Ill Gotten Gains (75 Black Ice, Elk Tribe Top Knot)
This is what I remember off the top of my head, as best as I can remember....
I just got another Black Ice Orb off the Beholder today so that's the first time for him. (Not sure why I keep getting Epics of other Classes, but at least the Black Ice gear is Class Specific)
Ebony (Whisperknife)
This instance hopping in/out/switch/from/to is so stupid ... especially with the new super GFX where my card takes like 3 minutes to load all the textures AGAIN that I just had 30 seconds before ... BRAINS!!!!
Guess I was lucky.
Which brings me to the question, why weren't these items made BoE?
Overall I think its frustrating, imagine if you wanted both sets to play with, curropted and purified.. lord forbid.
Ive run many as well and not one of my characters has BOTH the mainhand and the bracers, 1 MH for gwf, 1 bracers for CW and nothing for my poor DC at all.. plenty of top tier brackets and nothing.
IT blows my mind they made it harder to get, per encounter.
IT should be earned , not a rng type thing imo, its too frustrating for player base this way. I have no qualms having it double price in the shop or .. hey run x # of encounters and you can swap in whatever for them.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
I know you can get them from the 5 mans,
I know in one Corrupted Wolves I got some, but I soloed most of that encounter up until another two people showed up and we took on the rest of the pack reinforcements. I got 180 Black Ice out of that one.
I also did a similar thing with the Yeti Rampage and rescued all the wolves and got a 180 Black Ice reward. Two people showed up in that one after the initial ones were killed, for the Reinforcements and Yeti Boss.
So the 5 man encounters its possible to score a 180 Black Ice reward as well.
today, those hammerstone dwarves seem to be on steroids and i barely made any hits, and i was like what the heck going on, and i think devs made them little too much after recent patch to make more frustrations for players.
i never seen bolters start using kicks before.
also, i am still upset seeing the mobs still drinking potions when they are in groups of mobs, just useless waste of few more hits when i want to kill faster.
i could see why they can drink if they are lone mob, but pointless with cluster mobs.
i am tired of those encounter events and low scoring while someone else still burning them for purple drops for salvaging diamonds.
i am one of others that want "OVERHAUL" loot/crafting/ vendor/achievement rewards for reaching or having so many Heroic events completed, not random rewards that made some folks upset or felt cheated by elite geared players with low end junks.
note to devs, i dont want to see same method to be use in Mod 4's Tyrant of Dragons, i dont mind collecting some amount of tokens that can be useful for exchaning with new armor pieces.
consumeable black ice or decaying make it very boring and tedious to force going back to mine some ice nodes to restock, there no motivation or desire to gather more just to repair them.
ok mud in my eye 20 min after posting i get ice orb........why now?
much happier now
Anyway, you gotta be there at an early phase and start contributing. I've gotten doubles of black ice gear (which I believe I'll be using to make both corrupted and purified versions) in the first week.
RNG is RNG I guess. Some people get it in their first try, other won't get it in a month.
RNG is the dumbest possible way to add an item to a loot table. All items should be earnable, in the event the RNG does not favor you or the dice are strongly weighted agaisnt your build(eg, debuff clerics, tank GWF, DPS GF...)