How about being creative and increasing the amount of stars rewarded by the quest instead then? I'm pretty sure this is way easier to do than changing the reset period of the quest bound to server reset...
gipsylassMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 61
How about being creative and increasing the amount of stars rewarded by the quest instead then? I'm pretty sure this is way easier to do than changing the reset period of the quest bound to server reset...
Sounds like a perfect solution to me - just reward 2 stars instead of one - problem solved - for most ppl anyway.
I'm also really disappointed that this change didn't make it .
Suggestions for next year, add a search the skys profession task that takes 10-20 light pods 1-3 circle and 1-3 shield lasting 8-18 hours (depending on how many stars per day you want people to get) gives a fortune and a star...
this will solve 1 the excess of pods and two allow extra stars to be given without changing the quest timing.
I think people were really hoping for craftable fashions like.. earmuffs, furry hood or furry/warm looking tunics/leggings. and Fashion scarves not just combat scarves. this is the time of year people expect to get the wintery outfits that their characters can wear when mountaineering. and the closest we got to warm is the merchant tunic...which only looks warm on the female, and the far east outfit. (would have been better for Chinese new year)
more about those excess light pods a way to convert all the stuff we've been hording into lights....
give us a mass pod convert that 6 hours converts 20 pods to motes... and a mass citrine convert or something fun and random like a box of lights 6-8 hr 50 light pods 5 circle and 5 shield that makes a chance box that can spit out 50-500 lights great way to burn light pods and save up for that fawn.
instead we craft heroes feasts.. which I still have 2 stacks of 99 in bank from midsummer and fishing poles.... that we wont be able to use after event... hmmm makes the craft fee hollow if we cant craft something that we can wave around later and say.. look what I made.
Unless you plan to add fishing holes elsewhere in the game I could see if fishing was enabled elsewhere just replacing lightpods with a few copper-silver or little refinement gems/enhanments, and letting people fish in any body of water for fish and purses... maybe in prep for a cooking profession both cooking and fishing are a staple in numerous popular mmos not just wow.
now that ive voiced how id like to see the event improved ill like to voice some praise. Sword coast adventures is AWSOME! I had lack of net during Christmas week do to traveling and played the winter event in Sword coast CONSTANTLY, two thumbs up. it made me feel I was missing a lot less,
I love the purses you can fish up even if the contents are mostly anklets and masks... its fun to have a grab bag now and again. The race was also very fun reminds me a lot of a ski chalet I once knew and loved.
and last of all thank you for making mimics and fawns BOE so people who had no net for a week can just buy the mimic/fawn in the AH! boe holiday items will give people more reason to trade zen for AD thus it is a big help to keeping the economy balanced.
How about being creative and increasing the amount of stars rewarded by the quest instead then? I'm pretty sure this is way easier to do than changing the reset period of the quest bound to server reset...
I thought the timer on the horoscope quest was 8 hours when i did them this morning. Has that changed?
So I have to say i wish this modeled the summer event more. The lack of the ability to turn in the ring of stars or winter kill tokens for anything other than the 2 tasks to lvl your worker does not feel correct. I think the horoscope going to 2 stars is a great suggestion.
As for the sheer number of light pods, i agree they need a task that converts a handful of them to motes. if you have 200 at 2 minutes each is 16 hours straight to convert... only to need a simular timeframe to convert them to the next light then a multi hour task...
I am glad i only grinded for one fawn, but based on what was posted, i assumed i would be able to pull off the additional fawn i wanted.
Hope ther is a 'super zeinth' to address some of the things resounded in this thread.
Per your post, for those that just have to have the sled and the mimic there is a way towards that...but 45 trade bars ea star of fortune? Pfft some of us hapless folk only have 44 or less..guess we are SOL there . Bars for a festival reward..who flubbed that one?
With that, nice that we can exchange excess stars for simiril lights so we can get some other fashion item.
Nice we get other recipes so we can burn pods and have something durable that outlasts the festival.
But one thing kind itchs me, the badges from the ice combat/race. Where are they going? Are they just going to rot, or stay in bag until next 'Fest? After enduring all those battles/races seems a complete waste to me, only use was to lvl craft to L3 than there after nada for a use? How about make them exchangable for simiril lights..say L5 exchange over the candle fishs L4..maybe 1 badge 10 lights? Or maybe tradable in multiples for a shower of stars like the star of fortune is. Or even best of all for folks that get screwed over from lack of tradebars, make stacks of the badges = a star of fortune.
Is there going to be an event up there at the temple area over the pond? Maybe you can use that "everybody deserves a second chance" thing up there for the badges and actually fill 2 needs!
what about the rings of light? like the winter emblems they seems used in profession once and doing nothing after... unless I'm missing some npc that exchange them?
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
edited January 2014
Honestly it seems like they ran out of time for programming the Winter Festival stuff and just said "Heck with it. It's good enough" and put out what they had.
I have enjoyed the festival more than I had expected to. I have only been playing Neverwinter for two weeks, so am quite new, but enjoying the game. Even though I started late I should be able to get a fawn by the end of the festival thanks to the star trade in. That option is appreciated.
I want to add my voice to the plea for a way to trade the Rings of Light and the Winterkill Emblems for Lights of Simril. These other commodities don't have to be worth as much as the stars since they are so easy to obtain.
The other request I have is a way to get motes of light and light clusters by crafting in sessions longer than two minutes. It would be nice if there were 6 hour options akin to the deep wilderness gathering options where the yield per minute is much lower than the short crafting, but we are not required to click through ever 120 seconds.
I want to add my voice to the plea for a way to trade the Rings of Light and the Winterkill Emblems for Lights of Simril. These other commodities don't have to be worth as much as the stars since they are so easy to obtain.
That won't happen this year , the festival is gone with this Thursdays patch , all we can do is hope that they will rework the entire Winter festival crafting profession for next year because I have to agree with -
Honestly it seems like they ran out of time for programming the Winter Festival stuff and just said "Heck with it. It's good enough" and put out what they had.
Since yesterday Tuesday, I've gotten so much lag with the Winter Festival, it's cheating me out of playing it.
I can't do the Twilight Run anymore because of the lag, nothing will register, bonuses or the gates.
The ice fishing, I'm constantly pressing the F just to fish.
Monsters, they have the upperhand as they always do when there's a lot of lag.
These last days of the event are ripping us off.
Since yesterday Tuesday, I've gotten so much lag with the Winter Festival, it's cheating me out of playing it.
I can't do the Twilight Run anymore because of the lag, nothing will register, bonuses or the gates.
The ice fishing, I'm constantly pressing the F just to fish.
Monsters, they have the upperhand as they always do when there's a lot of lag.
These last days of the event are ripping us off.
You probably need to change channel to a less populated one that isn't suffering from the Seismic shot bug , on channels where the MoI event area is spammed with Seismic shot green volcanoes of doom the game can slow down to the point that it begins to look like a hand cranked Victorian slide show amusement machine...
rapticorMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,078Arc User
edited January 2014
Then again the reason some (many) of those instances are less populated is because everyone bailed due to the seismic shot bug so it's a bit of a HAMSTER shoot trying to find one especially 5+ days after the last server restart. The good news? They say they fixed it. The bad news? It doesn't help much because the fix goes in not much before the event ends.
Does anyone know if we are able to collect the craft results that will be in progress after the festival ends? I've been trying to make some use of the light pods but the amounts are just massive and even crafting with 4 toons via gateways seems an impossible task given that I cant spend days changing the 2 min tasks constantly. We should still have an hour or so of the festival after today's maintenance so the question is: if I start on my resplendent citrines then will I be able to collect them or will the in-progress tasks just vanish when the holiday profession does? Any thoughts?
During the midsummer's festival was able to collect my crafting rewards when I logged in after the event had finished, so I would "assume" you will be able to in the winter festival too.
During the midsummer's festival was able to collect my crafting rewards when I logged in after the event had finished, so I would "assume" you will be able to in the winter festival too.
That would be great. Thanks for the info
halejamMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 3Arc User
edited January 2014
Why would the company choose to do maintenance the last few hours of an event? Between the lag, constant disconnects and now this I have not enjoyed the festival. When I could actually play it was fun.
Wait, you guys scheduled maintenance over the exact same time you've been publishing the event was going to end? Didn't you guys factor in that your players might wait until near the end to add up their festival resources and spend them?
Agreed. One of my characters was supposed to be able to get her 18th star (and resulting mimic) this morning, and the shutdown seems to have stolen that opportunity.
Wait, you guys scheduled maintenance over the exact same time you've been publishing the event was going to end? Didn't you guys factor in that your players might wait until near the end to add up their festival resources and spend them?
You can still spend the festival currency even after the event ends , there should be a guy in Protectors enclave that sells the festival stuff , he should be located where the festival guy is now .
You can still spend the festival currency even after the event ends , there should be a guy in Protectors enclave that sells the festival stuff , he should be located where the festival guy is now .
That's good to know, thank you. I'm a little miffed though about that last star, over 4 characters. That's 880 lights, a not inconsiderable sum.
Spoke too soon, it's back up with 2 hours to spare.
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited January 2014
Events are pretty much always scheduled to end right after routine maintenance times, the same as when new events begin.
This is the same regular maintenance window they have nearly every week.
Sounds like a perfect solution to me - just reward 2 stars instead of one - problem solved - for most ppl anyway.
I'm also really disappointed that this change didn't make it
this will solve 1 the excess of pods and two allow extra stars to be given without changing the quest timing.
I think people were really hoping for craftable fashions like.. earmuffs, furry hood or furry/warm looking tunics/leggings. and Fashion scarves not just combat scarves. this is the time of year people expect to get the wintery outfits that their characters can wear when mountaineering. and the closest we got to warm is the merchant tunic...which only looks warm on the female, and the far east outfit. (would have been better for Chinese new year)
more about those excess light pods a way to convert all the stuff we've been hording into lights....
give us a mass pod convert that 6 hours converts 20 pods to motes... and a mass citrine convert or something fun and random like a box of lights 6-8 hr 50 light pods 5 circle and 5 shield that makes a chance box that can spit out 50-500 lights great way to burn light pods and save up for that fawn.
instead we craft heroes feasts.. which I still have 2 stacks of 99 in bank from midsummer and fishing poles.... that we wont be able to use after event... hmmm makes the craft fee hollow if we cant craft something that we can wave around later and say.. look what I made.
Unless you plan to add fishing holes elsewhere in the game I could see if fishing was enabled elsewhere just replacing lightpods with a few copper-silver or little refinement gems/enhanments, and letting people fish in any body of water for fish and purses... maybe in prep for a cooking profession both cooking and fishing are a staple in numerous popular mmos not just wow.
now that ive voiced how id like to see the event improved ill like to voice some praise. Sword coast adventures is AWSOME! I had lack of net during Christmas week do to traveling and played the winter event in Sword coast CONSTANTLY, two thumbs up. it made me feel I was missing a lot less,
I love the purses you can fish up even if the contents are mostly anklets and masks... its fun to have a grab bag now and again. The race was also very fun reminds me a lot of a ski chalet I once knew and loved.
and last of all thank you for making mimics and fawns BOE so people who had no net for a week can just buy the mimic/fawn in the AH! boe holiday items will give people more reason to trade zen for AD thus it is a big help to keeping the economy balanced.
FTW! Best suggestion yet! :-D
Unfortunately, I doubt this is going to happen...
So I have to say i wish this modeled the summer event more. The lack of the ability to turn in the ring of stars or winter kill tokens for anything other than the 2 tasks to lvl your worker does not feel correct. I think the horoscope going to 2 stars is a great suggestion.
As for the sheer number of light pods, i agree they need a task that converts a handful of them to motes. if you have 200 at 2 minutes each is 16 hours straight to convert... only to need a simular timeframe to convert them to the next light then a multi hour task...
I am glad i only grinded for one fawn, but based on what was posted, i assumed i would be able to pull off the additional fawn i wanted.
Hope ther is a 'super zeinth' to address some of the things resounded in this thread.
With that, nice that we can exchange excess stars for simiril lights so we can get some other fashion item.
Nice we get other recipes so we can burn pods and have something durable that outlasts the festival.
But one thing kind itchs me, the badges from the ice combat/race. Where are they going? Are they just going to rot, or stay in bag until next 'Fest? After enduring all those battles/races seems a complete waste to me, only use was to lvl craft to L3 than there after nada for a use? How about make them exchangable for simiril lights..say L5 exchange over the candle fishs L4..maybe 1 badge 10 lights? Or maybe tradable in multiples for a shower of stars like the star of fortune is. Or even best of all for folks that get screwed over from lack of tradebars, make stacks of the badges = a star of fortune.
Is there going to be an event up there at the temple area over the pond? Maybe you can use that "everybody deserves a second chance" thing up there for the badges and actually fill 2 needs!
Please consider this.
Over all, despite a few glitchs, decent event!
I want to add my voice to the plea for a way to trade the Rings of Light and the Winterkill Emblems for Lights of Simril. These other commodities don't have to be worth as much as the stars since they are so easy to obtain.
The other request I have is a way to get motes of light and light clusters by crafting in sessions longer than two minutes. It would be nice if there were 6 hour options akin to the deep wilderness gathering options where the yield per minute is much lower than the short crafting, but we are not required to click through ever 120 seconds.
I can't do the Twilight Run anymore because of the lag, nothing will register, bonuses or the gates.
The ice fishing, I'm constantly pressing the F just to fish.
Monsters, they have the upperhand as they always do when there's a lot of lag.
These last days of the event are ripping us off.
You probably need to change channel to a less populated one that isn't suffering from the Seismic shot bug , on channels where the MoI event area is spammed with Seismic shot green volcanoes of doom the game can slow down to the point that it begins to look like a hand cranked Victorian slide show amusement machine...
That would be great. Thanks for the info
You can still spend the festival currency even after the event ends , there should be a guy in Protectors enclave that sells the festival stuff , he should be located where the festival guy is now .
That's good to know, thank you. I'm a little miffed though about that last star, over 4 characters. That's 880 lights, a not inconsiderable sum.
Spoke too soon, it's back up with 2 hours to spare.
This is the same regular maintenance window they have nearly every week.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia