What do you think about this? Personally, I think this is MASSIVE. We only had three servers. Now it will be only one. There are some benefits, to placing everyone on one shard. However there are some concerns. This is what people have been asking for, is this a sign that the population growth is dropping or is it truly an upgrade?
Hey adventurers!
For those who have been following Neverwinter since beta, you know that it’s always been our goal to allow all players in Neverwinter to play together on one shard.
Well, we’re almost there! In the very near future, we’ll be performing the long-anticipated server upgrade that will bring all players together in a single, unified shard. Information regarding the specific time and date will be coming soon. For more info about the technical details, check out our updated Extended FAQ on the forums.
Thank you!
Great Weapon Fighter: Because when is today not a good day to die?
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Either way, I'm glad it's happening soon.
But yes, it has been a well telegraphed action, so there is nothing "MASSIVE" about it, other than for perhaps players who fancy themselves at being pro at PvP.
The server merge has little to nothing to do with the player population. Certainly the multiple shards were there partly to deal with the increased load and strain caused by the launch crowd (basically every MMO drops in population in the first few months) but also because while it was the ultimate goal to merge all the servers it was not technically feasible due to the success Neverwinter has been.
Because Neverwinter has been a huge success the Single Server Architecture to get a serious update before it the servers could be merged without causing problems.
This was a post by the former Community Manager, stormshade, back from August of last year:
(long before the game was released)
However, as stated previously, the Single Server Architecture needed a hefty update to improve stability before this could be a reality so a "shard" system was put into place until the point in time the developers were confident they could maintain the single server system without any negative effects to players' gameplay.
So while it was always the plan to have the game appear as a single server that had to be delayed.
This is nothing new. No woah the game is dying. No shameful death throws.
This was the plan all along and while the lowered population (which is to be expected) did play a role in the ability to merge the shards (not servers, shards. Each shard consistences of a network of hundreds of servers) this still would not have been possible without drastically revamping the single server architecture to hold the vast number of players which still continue to play Neverwinter.
Finally we will have some good fun
Looking forward!
I like how they dont say its going to improve anything. Oh i cant wait for this
Will we get five days notice or should we stop listing stuff just in case it's this week?
This again? Serioulsy? This thread isn't even about classes, yet you still find a way to whine about it? Get a life.
Sorry ya maybe but really not that many.
Oh we will see even larger hoards of TR botz in PE and other botz running around or standing around. Gold sellers love this also. No more multi shard accounts to keep track of.
The game will look like its more populated but it wont be because more people are not playing the game.
People dont do dungeons because they suck in the first place and are boring. If they also redo the dungeons to make them interesting sure great.
So you don't go to see a doctor because the doc isn't any good at changing the oil in your car? I would guess you also don't have any HVAC in your home since those HVAC techs usually can't properly design a working three-stage solid fueled rocket...
Two very different things you're conflating.
Our research is easy you log into the game and see how few people are playing compaired to the months or weeks before hand.
If this game company had the stones they would release the metrics for this game. But they never will do that, because we all know the population is dropping and has been from the start of open beta. It hasnt been getting better its gotten worse.
To the point of they sent out emails to bribe people to come back to the game, and now server merger because sometimes you log into the game and its a ****ing ghost town.
I relayed the question to the Community Managers and Sominator said he's sure they'll give enough notice regarding the thread merge so that shouldn't be an issue.
Excellent question though!
Yes, I can turn it off, but I would also like to use it now and then, and the spamming is already pushing limits as it is now.
<Heroes of the Fallen Lands>
B][url=http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?450191-Dragon-FATE-(International)-(Social-PvP-PvE)]Recruitment Topic[/url][/B
Social, PvE and PvP Guild on Dragon Shard!
Not necessarily, as there will be more demand as well. There is no way to accurately predict what the new equilibrium prices will be with the next to no data we have on hand.
Think! You have just tripled the number of items listed in the AH without changing demand (because nothing else in the game changes). Of course, prices that have elasticity will go down to at least whatever is the lowest price across the existing shard AH's at the moment. That additional sudden sell pressure will in-turn lower prices a little below the lowest existing price before stabilizing.
Go for it waist your money or zen whatever.
Please show everyone where they stated this would happen? They didnt say skirmishes and DD queues would get better.
Do they really need to specifically state that with everyone on the same shard instead of split into 3 that queue times will be better?
My point is they wont say it will get better because they know it wont or might only slightly very slightly get better..... But we will expect to see gold spammers like crasy, massive botz all grouped around. Even more botz in your pvp matches.
Then after the merger they will then come out with the way over inflated we still have over 2million users. Because in game it will seem like the game is still healthy but it isnt.
I for one cant wait for the merger at this point, its going to be a sweet show to watch.
I for one, I'm happy to know this, dungeons and such will most probably have shorter queues now.