if they wait few weeks after expansion then should be fine but if they marge them as part of expansion or before expansion think we will have huge queues and a lot of lag
I'm guessing they wanted to wait until the population fell to a point where all the merged servers = what 1 server was like from the start of the game.
Why do some people automatically think something's wrong with the game once the developers change something? If you believe the threads, the game was dead back in early June. Now it's the end of September, and the game is doing great. Will people ever stop complaining about stuff they have now clue about, without ever bothering to do some actual research first?
Where did I say something is wrong with the game? All I said is that the population dropped (which is normal) and that I felt that they were waiting until the # of players on all 3 servers = about what they were for 1 server at launch.
Should I now make a post wondering why people read too much into some posts and automatically think others are making negative comments and complaining when they're not?
drbaals, I have seen your latest posts and I get the impresion you're not enjoying your time playing the game, I can't help but wonder why are you still playing it if you seem to be having such a bad time.
I for one, I'm happy to know this, dungeons and such will most probably have shorter queues now.
The thing is if every server has a Queue time problem, then combining them will still have the same problem. A shortage of healers/tanks. after the merge players will log in to see how it is and times will seem better,then they will drop down to the way they were before. A ton of DPS waiting for a healer and tank to Queue up.
I base this off my experience in DCUO when they had a server merge. They essential made a group buff system that gave generic buffs of the missing class(es) and threw 4 random players together. Unless the content was trivial you were almost guaranteed a fail.
Anyways if you have 20 dps, 4 healers and 2 tanks in Queue on each server and then merge them into one big server you will still have the same shortage. Queue time remain basically the same.
Assuming that the only problem for dungeons queues is the lack of healers/tanks.
I'm just lv 50 and I think that sometimes for pre 60 dungeons, a problem is that there isn't enough people queuing, maybe I'm wrong but it's the impression i've gotten.
Also, I might make a healer/tank then, maybe I'll get faster queue time
Please show everyone where they stated this would happen? They didnt say skirmishes and DD queues would get better.
Well, it's 500 Zen that I already have in my wallet which I'd set aside to purchase a couple more character slots. If I didn't spend it on that I'd have spent it on something else but I think the extra character slots are going to give me the best value for that Zen.
As far as speculation on the shorter queue times, we're talking basic math here. More people queueing = shorter queue times. They don't need to explicitly state something so obvious ...
The thing is if every server has a Queue time problem, then combining them will still have the same problem. A shortage of healers/tanks. after the merge players will log in to see how it is and times will seem better,then they will drop down to the way they were before. A ton of DPS waiting for a healer and tank to Queue up.
I base this off my experience in DCUO when they had a server merge. They essential made a group buff system that gave generic buffs of the missing class(es) and threw 4 random players together. Unless the content was trivial you were almost guaranteed a fail.
Anyways if you have 20 dps, 4 healers and 2 tanks in Queue on each server and then merge them into one big server you will still have the same shortage. Queue time remain basically the same.
Hmmm ..... yeah, I don't think so. Even with the shortage of tanks/healers, the queue times should still be shorter overall. A lack of tanks/healers may still cause delays but proportional to a larger number of people queueing, so the wait times will likely be reduced.
"Every adventurer has two things in common: they don't like dying, and they love getting paid. The rest is just semantics." Brecken, famed mercenary of Baldur's Gate
Think! You have just tripled the number of items listed in the AH without changing demand (because nothing else in the game changes). Of course, prices that have elasticity will go down to at least whatever is the lowest price across the existing shard AH's at the moment. That additional sudden sell pressure will in-turn lower prices a little below the lowest existing price before stabilizing.
But you've also tripled the number of people looking at them... so increased demand.
inthefade462Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited September 2013
No Lemonade Stand will kill... everyone.
lol they already did this basically on the PTR open pvp challenge.
Also as far as pve goes, prices on dragon seem to be the cheapest of the 3 shards so MF and beholder players might wanna sell your stuff now because if prices stabilize at dragon supply rates (and we'll still be farming just as much as before) CN mainhands sell for 150-400k depending on class and offhands go for about a coal ward.
(basically every MMO drops in population in the first few months)
Not every MMO.Good MMO grows in the first few months intensely. Good example was WOW which grew from a few hundreds thousands to millions
mostly BAD mmos where people loose interest that drop after a few months which is indication they didnt like it...for example SWTOR
or Age of Conan (and those were payed ones)
The thing is if every server has a Queue time problem, then combining them will still have the same problem. A shortage of healers/tanks. after the merge players will log in to see how it is and times will seem better,then they will drop down to the way they were before. A ton of DPS waiting for a healer and tank to Queue up.
I base this off my experience in DCUO when they had a server merge. They essential made a group buff system that gave generic buffs of the missing class(es) and threw 4 random players together. Unless the content was trivial you were almost guaranteed a fail.
Anyways if you have 20 dps, 4 healers and 2 tanks in Queue on each server and then merge them into one big server you will still have the same shortage. Queue time remain basically the same.
Yes this i agree with. This is why they the devs will not say it will make queues shorter because it wont. The only thing this will do is increase the amount of botz people see in pvp. Increase the gold spammers. Increase the botz swarms in PE. It will make the game LOOK like it has more players. It will cause more lag and rubberbanding . It will let the devs shrink and fine tune the ammount of servers they use. It will increase the times if you get into a dungeon that your going to be asked to go along with exploiting it.
My main concern is that I'm hoping that once the merger is complete, Protector's Enclave doesn't become the new Ironforge. Old school grognards will understand what I mean by that.
At the very least, can we have mailboxes in zones other than Protector's Enclave, so that we're not forced to go from a smooth running zone to HURMEHGURDMOLASSES when zoning into Protector's Enclave?
I just wish there were language channels to filter out the many Polish, French, Russian, Spanish...etc... filling up the chat box that I can't understand.
Of course this is the Neverwinter playerbase we are talking about, that still has a problem moving their trade chat to the trade chat channel, or the LFG / LFM chat to the LFG channel...
Hahahah you all so funny! 1ST you all ask for a server merge.. then when they annouce it you say its bad, and impossible and a big problem.
Why dont we all wait and see? xD
I never asked for the merger. I simply accepted it as fact since it's been planned from Day 1. I'm still not looking forward to the Ironforge-like effect it'll have on Protector's Enclave.
Its not a sign of anything other than the company doing, eventually, what they said they'd do.
Even all the whingers should cheer. Now you'll all be in the one place, crying together and feeding of each others woe while you await your inevitable doom and plunge into the Abyss.
New class to come I'm still pre-booked for the Disco Dancing for Intermediates.
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Where did I say something is wrong with the game? All I said is that the population dropped (which is normal) and that I felt that they were waiting until the # of players on all 3 servers = about what they were for 1 server at launch.
Should I now make a post wondering why people read too much into some posts and automatically think others are making negative comments and complaining when they're not?
The thing is if every server has a Queue time problem, then combining them will still have the same problem. A shortage of healers/tanks. after the merge players will log in to see how it is and times will seem better,then they will drop down to the way they were before. A ton of DPS waiting for a healer and tank to Queue up.
I base this off my experience in DCUO when they had a server merge. They essential made a group buff system that gave generic buffs of the missing class(es) and threw 4 random players together. Unless the content was trivial you were almost guaranteed a fail.
Anyways if you have 20 dps, 4 healers and 2 tanks in Queue on each server and then merge them into one big server you will still have the same shortage. Queue time remain basically the same.
I'm just lv 50 and I think that sometimes for pre 60 dungeons, a problem is that there isn't enough people queuing, maybe I'm wrong but it's the impression i've gotten.
Also, I might make a healer/tank then, maybe I'll get faster queue time
Join Essence of Aggression: PVP-ing Hard Since Beta!
Well, it's 500 Zen that I already have in my wallet which I'd set aside to purchase a couple more character slots. If I didn't spend it on that I'd have spent it on something else but I think the extra character slots are going to give me the best value for that Zen.
As far as speculation on the shorter queue times, we're talking basic math here. More people queueing = shorter queue times. They don't need to explicitly state something so obvious ...
Hmmm ..... yeah, I don't think so. Even with the shortage of tanks/healers, the queue times should still be shorter overall. A lack of tanks/healers may still cause delays but proportional to a larger number of people queueing, so the wait times will likely be reduced.
Who needs healers?
"D*mn wizards," said Morik the Rogue.
Learn what a GWF and GF really are: The History of Fighters
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
But you've also tripled the number of people looking at them... so increased demand.
Also as far as pve goes, prices on dragon seem to be the cheapest of the 3 shards so MF and beholder players might wanna sell your stuff now because if prices stabilize at dragon supply rates (and we'll still be farming just as much as before) CN mainhands sell for 150-400k depending on class and offhands go for about a coal ward.
But seriously, I'll believe it when I see it, the shard merging that is.
Not every MMO.Good MMO grows in the first few months intensely. Good example was WOW which grew from a few hundreds thousands to millions
mostly BAD mmos where people loose interest that drop after a few months which is indication they didnt like it...for example SWTOR
or Age of Conan (and those were payed ones)
Yes this i agree with. This is why they the devs will not say it will make queues shorter because it wont. The only thing this will do is increase the amount of botz people see in pvp. Increase the gold spammers. Increase the botz swarms in PE. It will make the game LOOK like it has more players. It will cause more lag and rubberbanding . It will let the devs shrink and fine tune the ammount of servers they use. It will increase the times if you get into a dungeon that your going to be asked to go along with exploiting it.
At the very least, can we have mailboxes in zones other than Protector's Enclave, so that we're not forced to go from a smooth running zone to HURMEHGURDMOLASSES when zoning into Protector's Enclave?
Of course this is the Neverwinter playerbase we are talking about, that still has a problem moving their trade chat to the trade chat channel, or the LFG / LFM chat to the LFG channel...
If it's done right people will complain, if it's done wrong people will complain.
With a merge the gold spam will become unbearable at least on weekends. Not to mention the trade/LFG massive spam.
Ill have to wait and see.
Why dont we all wait and see? xD
I never asked for the merger. I simply accepted it as fact since it's been planned from Day 1. I'm still not looking forward to the Ironforge-like effect it'll have on Protector's Enclave.
You mean apart from the fact that both their other games on the same engine run on the same single server technology?
What you're merging the servers? Faillll!!!!!!!! :rolleyes:
Its not a sign of anything other than the company doing, eventually, what they said they'd do.
Even all the whingers should cheer. Now you'll all be in the one place, crying together and feeding of each others woe while you await your inevitable doom and plunge into the Abyss.
New class to come