Items purchased via Seals and Glory are now bound to the character when purchased.
Resources and Assets may no longer be put into banks.
Why? What's the point? Now I have even less incentive to PVP or re-run content I've done. At least make it bound to account and not character. If this is supposed to be a solution to botting, it's a very poor one. Pro-tip: You're supposed to target the ones doing the rule-breaking, not those of use trying to gear out an alt that sucks to play in PVP (Dc!) or make a little extra AD. I predict with this we will see more people in green gear doing PVP. And once you get enough Seals for anything decent, there's not much worth having. If this applies to GG gear, I'll bet fewer people will be willing to run it as well.
And what in the nine hells is the point of not allowing resources in banks anymore? You won't be able put them into guild banks for sharing amongst all now, what a pain.
I am assuming it is to sell more ZEN items. People sharing the same assets between guild members could be "losing them money" I suppose. As long as they don't remove the ability to mail assets I'm fine with it. Once that happens though, unless they allow them to be shared on the same account, I'll be done with it.
End game gear is so easy to obtain anyway i dont really have a problem with them taking another short cut away.
If i want to gear my cleric, ill play my cleric, if i want to gear my CW ill play my CW. I mean not saying its not nice to send an extra epic or two over to help out when dinging 60, but still my very first character skipped straight to T2 dungeons. Have another character that did the same thing.
Actually started a new character to level with my son which will get no help from any of my resources just straight up squeaky clean legit progression just so i can experience content that i just skipped over with other characters.
I think they could actually do more to make each character more independant (not a popular opinion i know lol).
Might want to check out todays patch that they are applying right now.
- JailBreak (in development)
The patch notes that say:
Items purchased for Glory or Grym Coins can no longer be sold for Gold.
Those ones?
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
That's what most legit players are pvp'ing for. Buy pots with glory, sell pots for gold, buy pots to run dungeons. They have also announced bop for glory gear. And when it will go live pvp will become pointless - t1 epic sets are better then pvp ones, you can't earn any gold from pvp or sell pvp gear on AH, and finally 4k AD from pvp daily is a joke as well. Great job.
I would have to say most legit players are playing PvP to play PvP.
I dont think the PvP game mode was intended to be some sort of job like thing with a compensation scale.
Honestly if you approach any aspect of the game outside of an enjoyment of play type thing it is a major fail. I mean you could go work at burger king for 3 hours and get anything and everything you want in the game.
If your motivation is anything besides having fun playing you need to examine your time cost/benefit model.
However there also needs to be some incentive or monetary gain to pvp. Never have I played a game where there is no kind of reward for pvp. This merely reduces the incentive by reducing the effectiveness of rewards to zero.
Even games solely based on "pvp" like call of duty gives incentives to play and rewards.
This patch essentially takes all of that away.
My time cost/benefit model is working perfectly. And it tells me pvp is become pointless.
I can understand that. However the rewards are so pitiful when pitted against the time cost there is no point. I think the environment would be better if PvP was only populated with people that wanted to play PvP for the fun of it. As long as there is a carrot dangling outside of fun there will be people exploiting to get that reward.
I think we are adult enough to realize that we dont need to get compensated to participate in a leisurely activity.
I mean i would still play basketball regardless if i got paid for it. I would still hunt down/listen to old vinyl records even if i didnt get paid to do it.
Yup, exactly the ones that I also quoted.
I'm hoping that if they do make GG/PVP sets BoP, that they'll also release new options for the stores.
Ex: PVP dye packs, New weapon skins, etc.
In some thread they said that at least dungeon drops won't become BoP because of the massive response on the forums. Not sure if they said anything about the GG/PvP items. I couldn't find the thread anymore though.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
if I can't get my easy to earn pvp gold I can't afford the pots/kits to run a dungeon
there needs to be longterm incentive to pvp
you could potentially take away item rewards if they implemented a leaderboard or ranking, something to actually work towards
but after this patch if there is no currency, decent items or fame awarded from pvp than it is just a pointless endeavor.
Now, *if* it is made BoP as well, it would have a big impact on PvP bots, by making PvPbotting not profitable, right .... and that would be a good thing, at least.
I don't think the armor was ever the problem. Most people who just do the regular pvp for the daily can get most of the armor at 60 of which most of it is useless and cheap. Gold on the other hand is needed for pve'rs for the consumables. Bots selling anything for gold to sell to players is the profit market. Don't think bots care about AD too much.
Sure they do, which is why there are bots farming skill nodes for stuff to auction.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
But you can always convert your AD to Gold something popular at the AH (or convert your AD to Zen and buy keys or something) and offer it for sale for gold - another reason why this change is pointless unless the items are made BoP.
I haven't seen any of those yet, but seen plenty of pvp bots. (not saying they don't exist, I just don't stay in any pve area long enough to say "hey..wait..think he's botting"
Below is sad, but since we all dealt with them, this is my summary of pvp bots from my point of view
TR bots
Pro: They will always go to 2 and stand on the node (can be baited off though)
Con: Die pretty easy
CW bots
Pro: They seem to always go to the home node then 2
Con: Often fight off the node
GWF Bots
Pro: Seem to go to all nodes which aren't in team control, stand on nodes
Con: I can't think of any really, other than being able to be baited
Cleric Bots
Pro: None that I can think of
Con: Just spams astral, and rarely stands on nodes
GF Bots
Pro: Harder to kill, usually just goes to 2
Con: They don't block and don't really use the pvp spec
We attempted to allow it but it caused all sorts of weird issues, such as resources being deposited directly in the bank from gather tasks. The patch note must have been caught from when the change was reverted. Sorry for the confusion.
Remote gathering
Something to do with a paired set of atoms across the county being in sync. got it
Yeah, when I saw the whole can't put resources into the bank, it had me scratching my head head since I thought this was the normal behavior as I tried putting resources into both my personal bank and guild bank back during open beta.
The only reason I PvP with my CW (that is not a viable PvP player compared to TRS, GWF, & GFs) is to earn glory, so I can convert to gold so I can buy kits and healing potions. That is the only reason. When you have some classes that can kill with ease and take 2-3 other to kill them it is terribly unbalanced) Anyway...
What cryptic wants you to do is pick up the crappy green gear drops and identify them so you can sell to vendors for the kits. The trick is that the Greater Identify scrolls are rare drops and you will never have enough of them. So basicaly the only way to get them is buy them with AD. They are very expensive. Basicaly 150 AD for a 18 or 10 silver pieces depending upon the drop. They know most comon people do not generate large amounts of AD, in fact they only want people to be able to earn max around 24k AD per day. It is a complete scam that regular identify scrolls that work on items up to 59 drop more frequently but are worthless once you turn to 60. You can't even sell them on the AH market for a reason. It is a way to make you spend money or farm.
They want to push the highly equipped teams with full purple gear out of the PvP game because they are too powerful for the fresh 60s to even compete with, so they are taking the incentive out of high GS score players to play PvP. The only people who will PVP now are the die-hards that like it, and the people coming up who can use the glory for gear upgrade from the green drop HAMSTER from the travel to 60. Everything they are doing is to make money and play within the strict ways they want you to play so that at some point you need to spend money. If you don't spend money the game will not be viable as a business entity. Not evil really, just the way they are doing it likely will cost them potential future customers rather than bring in new ones IMHO.
*the mage cackles wildly*
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