And so, an end is put to those annoying "LFG Fardelver FASTRUN" spam waves in the Atrium.
Not that the boss is a challenge.
Even a non-exploiting run can be an OMGFASTRUN, it's not that taxing. Run to the first door, pulling as little as possible. AoE the mob train down. Open door, run again, etc.. In fact, people pay so little heed to chat that often doing it in this more honest way is actually faster, as herding angry teenage cats that only speak Polish can be rather slow.
I've done plenty of "T1 FARM FAST RUN" that haven't involved any exploits. Luckily, I don't need to right now, as I have the mainhand that I wanted. Maybe if I suddenly want one for another character, I would have to drag my unwilling self back into GG, though.
To be fair, I guess doogbattlesmoke was referring to the amount of people in zone that complain they aren't getting any xp from regular tasks without actually checking how Alchemy levels up.
As tobiasmorgan never stated which Alchemy issue he was referring to, and assuming that doog (like myself) does not use Gateway, this would be a reasonable statement to make, although it could have been done in a politer manner.
How about fixing OBVIOUS bugs like the calendar saying "June", or level 1 rewards for high level zone contests? They make your company look like amateurs.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
2-3 issues fixed and some cosmetics ... It's all what you did from last patch?
How many developers do you have? One student on half?
Just quick look on forum ... bug report has 275 pages! It's about 6500 issues reported! It's ****ing joke!
It's really fully released product? Looks like pre alfa for me! Or maybe I miss something and this is a private server ...
I'm here only for 3 weeks, but I saw many bugs ... bugs reported long ago! And what can I see now, you won't fix that!
I still have unfinished quests on my 60lvl CW ... bugged quests!
Just give me new more bugged content without fix this old **** and I will leave!
How can you complain so much at a free game? If you're so unhappy go play a paid subscription game or just STFU and bear it until they fix it years later.
altreg01Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 18Arc User
Even a non-exploiting run can be an OMGFASTRUN, it's not that taxing. Run to the first door, pulling as little as possible. AoE the mob train down. Open door, run again, etc.. In fact, people pay so little heed to chat that often doing it in this more honest way is actually faster, as herding angry teenage cats that only speak Polish can be rather slow.
I've done plenty of "T1 FARM FAST RUN" that haven't involved any exploits. Luckily, I don't need to right now, as I have the mainhand that I wanted. Maybe if I suddenly want one for another character, I would have to drag my unwilling self back into GG, though.
get a real guild and use Dolby/Mumble/TS/Vent
and then play the game the way MMO's are meant to be played.
Without trying to decipher and read when you should be paying attention.
Then again, do you play on a 17" monitor? Get with the times.
Also if you are good with a T1 MH for your character, why don't you go be a big boy and get your CN drops and start contributing more to the DPS instead of having the GS of a wet newspaper XD
Well, personally, the only problem i have found with GWF is the Unstoppable bug, and 1 of the T1 sets doesn't work properly, and my only other is a Rouge, and only problem i have seen so far is my T1 set doesn't increase some things correctly, and my Gearscore seems to go between 8k to 8.6k every few seconds , and i am not changing anything.
The people that rage over some issue being fixed over some other being fixed don't understand the mechanics of software development. I don't care if they do that for a living and have been in the industry 15 years... They don't understand how it works. If they HAVE been doing it for years and years, god... I sure would never hire them. Cryptic, as I understand, operates with your basic Agile Scrum methodology and different people are working on different things at the same time. Just because some issues isn't fixed, and has been a problem for a long time, doesn't mean they aren't working on it. You can bet, especially on game-stopping issues like the Gateway level up bug, they ARE working on it. Sometimes, these things take time because it's not just some simple oops! I made that a != instead sort of little bug, but rather the fix requires significant changes for one reason or another. So, there's a lot to do in Neverwinter, so go do those things and stop complaining. Other than the server going down repeatedly in early beta and the huge AD exploit, there really has been NO game-stopping bugs ever. Bugs? sure. Sometimes very annoying ones? Definitely. Game-stoppers? No, not really. Just go do something else instead of rage and complain, and you'll be AMAZED how much more fun and less stressed you'll feel -- this is a GAME not you LIFE, so take it easy.
It may be a game, but it is a product. A product that people have invested in, whether it be initial funding for the game, buying founders packs or buying zen, these people have put real life money into the game, regardless of the fact that it is F2P, and feel that their investment is being wasted. Surely anyone who has an interest in the product has a right to be stressed out when they see that a lot of bugs that were around during closed beta are still around and causing complaints from a lot of people.
This only means an extra 5 (for high DPS parties) to 10 (for average parties) minutes getting to the first boss (drops rings). So, no need to panic about the CN ring market.
It may be a game, but it is a product. A product that people have invested in, whether it be initial funding for the game, buying founders packs or buying zen, these people have put real life money into the game, regardless of the fact that it is F2P, and feel that their investment is being wasted. Surely anyone who has an interest in the product has a right to be stressed out when they see that a lot of bugs that were around during closed beta are still around and causing complaints from a lot of people.
No. You might think that if you know nothing about software development or bug fixing processes.
This is a list of bugs that have been fixed - which doesn't tell us much about the order of priority.
It doesn't tell us anything about the bugs that are being worked on actively but are too complex to resolve quickly.
And, yes, some minor bugs that are technically quick fixes may be flagged as low priority compared to a showstopper they'd rather focus on instead.
Devs are way mo stressed out by the bugs in their game than players are. QQing about which bugs you want fixed when isn't going to make the fixes easier to resolve.
[snip] or level 1 rewards for high level zone contests? They make your company look like amateurs.
I was wondering if anyone was going to mention this. It's utterly ridiculous that everything past Vellosk gives you rank 1 enchantments. I didn't plan on saying anything, however, after the brutal BEATING I took in PvP from an entire TEAM of exploiter/cheaters that actually jumped INTO our campsite when we refused to to leave the spawn point, even though Cryptic "fixed that." *rolls eyes*
I am having a problem with the patch and I got a error 36 "a file was locked that could not be open for writing, resarting in 9.8.7...... ?
Is this happening to anybody else?
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
edited July 2013
Problem with fixing the alchemy levelling bug is it doesn't happen consistently to everyone. I have successfully completed research via Gateway multiple times, though I've been avoiding it since the reports started coming in.
Actually identifying the circumstances that cause this is surely a beast.
bloodgirlMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited July 2013
If u guiz stop *****ing about the number of updates done, there are also other updates that aren't wrote there for example in last update now Death Sickness stacks ..... witch sux
2-3 issues fixed and some cosmetics ... It's all what you did from last patch?
How many developers do you have? One student on half?
Just quick look on forum ... bug report has 275 pages! It's about 6500 issues reported! It's ****ing joke!
It's really fully released product? Looks like pre alfa for me! Or maybe I miss something and this is a private server ...
I'm here only for 3 weeks, but I saw many bugs ... bugs reported long ago! And what can I see now, you won't fix that!
I still have unfinished quests on my 60lvl CW ... bugged quests!
Just give me new more bugged content without fix this old **** and I will leave!
good bye... self entitled piece of Shtako
wiserwithageMember, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 49
any ideas regarding what this new maintenance is for?
nick0021Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
How about fixing actual bugs like how people cannot progress alchemy due to an issue through the gateway instead of fixing some crappy T1 dungeon that nobody does anymore? Its been almost 3 weeks. This game has alot of potential to be sucessful if the devs would get their head out of their butts.
asthirsMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 3Arc User
If I hear one more moron telling me that "alchemy works as intended, you need to do experimentations"...
Please tell me again how I don't know how to level up in alchemy.
It's funny, but to unstuck your (and others) profession they just need to do simple update on database -.-
Easy and quick to do without any debugging or code changing ...
abramerlinMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited July 2013
Still no Love for us Alchemists Stuck because of the "Alchemy: Gateway XP Bug convergence".
For the uninitiated Gateway bug means a Profession doesn't level properly just hits the max XP and sticks there, the next XP gaining task will allow you to go into next level (Though XP that would be gained by the one that hit the level change is lost.) Normally not a Major Problem....except that Alchemy does Not allow for this. Alchemy relies on Alchemical Knowledge Scrolls. You cannot get Alchemical knowledge after your level quota has been reached. So we are stuck at the Cusp of leveling forever!
Quick Fix: Give every player with alchemy +1xp if they have an alchemist level 1-19, every player with this bug in effect will thank you (until they hit the bug again!)
Mid-term fix: 1. Give us a task that only appears if XP near level cap, 2. Give an existing task (maybe hire Mixologist) XP
Long-term Fix: Look at the algorithm that keeps falling over at level up and prevent this from happening altogether
Still no Love for us Alchemists Stuck because of the "Alchemy: Gateway XP Bug convergence".
For the uninitiated Gateway bug means a Profession doesn't level properly just hits the max XP and sticks there, the next XP gaining task will allow you to go into next level (Though XP that would be gained by the one that hit the level change is lost.) Normally not a Major Problem....except that Alchemy does Not allow for this. Alchemy relies on Alchemical Knowledge Scrolls. You cannot get Alchemical knowledge after your level quota has been reached. So we are stuck at the Cusp of leveling forever!
Quick Fix: Give every player with alchemy +1xp if they have an alchemist level 1-19, every player with this bug in effect will thank you (until they hit the bug again!)
Mid-term fix: 1. Give us a task that only appears if XP near level cap, 2. Give an existing task (maybe hire Mixologist) XP
Long-term Fix: Look at the algorithm that keeps falling over at level up and prevent this from happening altogether
You've missed the very important first step ... TALK TO US rather than leaving us sitting here in the dark for weeks getting annoyed !
Even a non-exploiting run can be an OMGFASTRUN, it's not that taxing. Run to the first door, pulling as little as possible. AoE the mob train down. Open door, run again, etc.. In fact, people pay so little heed to chat that often doing it in this more honest way is actually faster, as herding angry teenage cats that only speak Polish can be rather slow.
I've done plenty of "T1 FARM FAST RUN" that haven't involved any exploits. Luckily, I don't need to right now, as I have the mainhand that I wanted. Maybe if I suddenly want one for another character, I would have to drag my unwilling self back into GG, though.
As tobiasmorgan never stated which Alchemy issue he was referring to, and assuming that doog (like myself) does not use Gateway, this would be a reasonable statement to make, although it could have been done in a politer manner.
Have the gear and skills, but lack the friends to play with? Come and apply for Essence of Aggression. We have been here and strong since beta. (Immature, rude, and arrogant people will not be accepted)
How can you complain so much at a free game? If you're so unhappy go play a paid subscription game or just STFU and bear it until they fix it years later.
Also regular maintenance today as there is every Thursday 7-9am PST
get a real guild and use Dolby/Mumble/TS/Vent
and then play the game the way MMO's are meant to be played.
Without trying to decipher and read when you should be paying attention.
Then again, do you play on a 17" monitor? Get with the times.
Also if you are good with a T1 MH for your character, why don't you go be a big boy and get your CN drops and start contributing more to the DPS instead of having the GS of a wet newspaper XD
newbie rogue extraordinaire
Guilds: Greycloaks, Blackcloaks, Whitecloaks, Goldcloaks, Browncloaks, Spiritcloaks, Bluecloaks, Silvercloaks, Black Dawn
Tredecim: The Cloak Alliance
Dimly Witty Productions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ultra quote on the CWs ( especially the tiefling racial ).
This is a list of bugs that have been fixed - which doesn't tell us much about the order of priority.
It doesn't tell us anything about the bugs that are being worked on actively but are too complex to resolve quickly.
And, yes, some minor bugs that are technically quick fixes may be flagged as low priority compared to a showstopper they'd rather focus on instead.
Devs are way mo stressed out by the bugs in their game than players are. QQing about which bugs you want fixed when isn't going to make the fixes easier to resolve.
I was wondering if anyone was going to mention this. It's utterly ridiculous that everything past Vellosk gives you rank 1 enchantments. I didn't plan on saying anything, however, after the brutal BEATING I took in PvP from an entire TEAM of exploiter/cheaters that actually jumped INTO our campsite when we refused to to leave the spawn point, even though Cryptic "fixed that." *rolls eyes*
Anybody want to see screenshots.
Is this happening to anybody else?
Actually identifying the circumstances that cause this is surely a beast.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
...Only me and my best mate would have the misfortune to start our mains on different servers.
good bye... self entitled piece of Shtako
Agreed. I finally started to look into leveling up my Alchemy, but it appears to be unchanged.
He probably should learn to spell too;).
Where is this content?????????
It's funny, but to unstuck your (and others) profession they just need to do simple update on database -.-
Easy and quick to do without any debugging or code changing ...
For the uninitiated Gateway bug means a Profession doesn't level properly just hits the max XP and sticks there, the next XP gaining task will allow you to go into next level (Though XP that would be gained by the one that hit the level change is lost.) Normally not a Major Problem....except that Alchemy does Not allow for this. Alchemy relies on Alchemical Knowledge Scrolls. You cannot get Alchemical knowledge after your level quota has been reached. So we are stuck at the Cusp of leveling forever!
Quick Fix: Give every player with alchemy +1xp if they have an alchemist level 1-19, every player with this bug in effect will thank you (until they hit the bug again!)
Mid-term fix: 1. Give us a task that only appears if XP near level cap,
2. Give an existing task (maybe hire Mixologist) XP
Long-term Fix: Look at the algorithm that keeps falling over at level up and prevent this from happening altogether
You've missed the very important first step ... TALK TO US rather than leaving us sitting here in the dark for weeks getting annoyed !