I joined this guild over a week ago, and I am thrilled how cool it is. There are always people on teamspeak, and in-game. There are people of all levels. If you want to pvp, you can get guildies to do runs with you, sometimes a full guild party, but always some. Our guild pvp runs CRUSH!!! It's lots of fun.
I've done skirmishes with all guild members. Again, we crush it. I've only done one dungeon run, was level 20's, but that was a full guild run too.
Everyone is very nice, and very cool. I love the fact this is a family oriented guild. That means I'll never have to listen to foul language while hanging with these cool people. If you are a potty mouth, go somewhere else.
I also like the fact the guild enforces the rules, and will kick people that think they can do whatever they want. Disrespect is never tolerated. These are great people folks. If you are a good person, you will love this guild.
This guild goes out of it's way to help all of it's members, no matter if you just started a toon, or you're hitting 60 on your fourth alt. T1/T2 runs all the time, just ask, and people will jump on one of their toons to join you.
I'm glad I found Grievance! I plan to stay with this guild for years, no matter what game I may be playing. Thank you Stealheart for putting together such a fine community, and keeping it nourished over the years.
It's our pleasure brother! We're honored to have you as past of our family
Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
Hi there. I'm interested in joining Grievance. I've been playing Neverwinter since the start of open beta (hero founder) and have a level 60 GF 10.5K GS along with a level 40 TR that I've been working on lately. I'm interested in PVE and have done most of the T1 and T2 dungeons.
I've registered an account and am currently awaiting it to be activated so I can post an application on the forums there.
Boltane level 60 Guardian Fighter
Boltana level 40 Trickster Rogue
Boltana Stark level 21 Control Wizard
Boltana Tully level 20 Devine Cleric
Hi there. I'm interested in joining Grievance. I've been playing Neverwinter since the start of open beta (hero founder) and have a level 60 GF 10.5K GS along with a level 40 TR that I've been working on lately. I'm interested in PVE and have done most of the T1 and T2 dungeons.
I've registered an account and am currently awaiting it to be activated so I can post an application on the forums there.
Welcome to the family!
Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
The player base in Grievance is so diverse! And Memo and our Officers do such a good job with keep drama low to none. The magic behind Grievance's Neverwinter division, is a sleuth of friendly people, as well as a big competitive edge. We have groups killing T1+2 as well as a very strong PvP presence.
Avicious Community Outreach Group Grievance | Dragon Server A Multi-Game Organization - http://www.grievanceguild.com
The player base in Grievance is so diverse! And Memo and our Officers do such a good job with keep drama low to none. The magic behind Grievance's Neverwinter division, is a sleuth of friendly people, as well as a big competitive edge. We have groups killing T1+2 as well as a very strong PvP presence.
It really is a perfect mix of people
Looking for a family that you can game with for life? Check out Grievance at www.grievanceguild.com !
Although I'm not as active as other Grievance in Neverwinter, I'm level 56, and when I get in the Teamspeak channel and ask a question, everyone is so friendly and willing to offer advice. We have a great group here!
Avicious Community Outreach Group Grievance | Dragon Server A Multi-Game Organization - http://www.grievanceguild.com
Our Neverwinter Teamspeak is so nice to be in, just to get tips and friendly advice. Whenever someone asks a question, there are usually several people jumping to help you out.
Couldn't ask for a better group of people!
Avicious Community Outreach Group Grievance | Dragon Server A Multi-Game Organization - http://www.grievanceguild.com
It's our pleasure brother! We're honored to have you as past of our family
I've registered an account and am currently awaiting it to be activated so I can post an application on the forums there.
Boltana level 40 Trickster Rogue
Boltana Stark level 21 Control Wizard
Boltana Tully level 20 Devine Cleric
Welcome to the family!
Community Outreach Group
Grievance | Dragon Server
A Multi-Game Organization - http://www.grievanceguild.com
It really is a perfect mix of people
Community Outreach Group
Grievance | Dragon Server
A Multi-Game Organization - http://www.grievanceguild.com
Tried logging in but it's locked.
Community Outreach Group
Grievance | Dragon Server
A Multi-Game Organization - http://www.grievanceguild.com
Couldn't ask for a better group of people!
Community Outreach Group
Grievance | Dragon Server
A Multi-Game Organization - http://www.grievanceguild.com
You're good to go
Especially with Gauntlgrym around the corner? You wanna win don't you!
LiveStreaming (almost) Daily!