sasheriaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 1Arc User
edited May 2013
I open 1 cause I use my earn AD to buy 1 key. I'm saving up my Zen for extra character slots and possible future respec. (note: all I got was a profession pack I think. It was HAMSTER to me)
azrael39Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited May 2013
10 and no mount.
trickyflokiMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 28Arc User
edited May 2013
I converted AD to zen and bought 10 keys. 1st box was mount, second was phoera.... should have stopped while I was ahead but next 40 boxes were filled with complete poo.
wesgarMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
I think I bought 6 sets of key's before a Mount dropped for me. it may have been 7... so, let's say 65 Boxes, but with a range of possibly 75.
zWolf / Wesgar
wesgarMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 0Arc User
I haven't opened any yet, though the game appears to have announced that I have a Heavy Inferno Nightmare. I'm not sure if this is a bug, or whether it's part of a con to make people buy more keys, though.
Ye I'm pretty sure the boxes aren't level based which is a shame and also a bit pointless. I treated myself to a few once I got to 60 and ended up with quite a few lvl 49 items which you can't auction as there are or where at the time a load of the same item on the AH
Please review my campaign and I'll return the favor.
I'm up to about 40 boxes now with no mount. Lots of enchantments and idols. Which = AD = more zen.
The good thing is that I'm trading AD for Zen, so it's not costing me anything but time.
zWolf / Wesgar
bah, I wish people would take this serious. A) there is no way you spent that much cash.
zWolf / Wesgar
Lucky.. I've opened 50 and only got 1 phoera and a bunch of HAMSTER
4 Jeweled Idols
4-5 blue/rare Coffers of items (worst one you can get)
4 enchantments (better, slightly)
2 lesser tenebrous gems
No companion, no mount, etc. I suspect I'll need to open about double or triple that number before i'll start seeing purple
I'm with you. This is HAMSTER. I want my mount already.
should be same how much i know
Didn't get the mount once, or the companion :P
But i did get enough trade bars to buy the twilight nightmare horse instead
Head of PR
2 mounts
And 3 pets
Lessee, I've opened 16 or so and never did get the mount. I think it's a myth.