bruggzyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
In other words you were one of the exploiters who used their copious amounts of AD to buy Zen to spend on keys. Unless you are telling us you spent approx $1500 on keys, in which case I am jealous of your paycheck!
bruggzyMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I have opened 20 and have no pets no nightmare horse. Will not buy any more keys, maybe trade for some in game.
adinosiiMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 4,294Arc User
edited June 2013
I opened over 200 - no Heavy Inferno Nightmare *but* I got enough trade bars to buy a Twilight nightmare. I also got a nice pile of idols and other stuff I could sell - ended up with a big pile of AD. Sure, it wasn't efficient - I would have been better off buying Zen, changing that to AD and just buying the regular nightmare at the AH, but, well....
Probably near 100 opened, no inferno, no Phoera. Most of the time I keep getting runestones and enchantments and sell those coffers for 20-25k AD. I've bought 3 blue wards with the tarmalune bars and sold each for 125k so it's quite good return.
Wow seems like crytpic hit the nail with this ugly nightmare thing. obviously its more like a wet dream for all the kids out there.
you all are sick. spending money on a gamble for a mount in an instanced world where you need no mount at all. on top of that it looks like a childs toy. a flaming black horse ... how pathetic. just shows how young gamers are these days. grow up, stop feeding pay2win companys for nonsene items. you ruin the whole gaming industry for mature gamers by supporting this obvious scam.
so you paid 200 key until you get your fire farting horse. then what? idling around in the enclave showing off the nightmare horseNo. 1209381029380123? how special ...
just shows how young gamers are these days. grow up,
Actually it shows no such thing. I would guess that older players with more disposable income (but less available time) might even be more likely to pay some real $$$ than the kids.
Just be happy that there are people willing to spend hundreds of dollars on this - they make it possible to make the game available to those who do not want to spend a dime.
about 30 got a bird but no mount but I did it more to get the jester top, made a small profit also not including the bird by selling the tradeskill packs, coffier,crates ect. also mostly got my keys for 30-40k or equiv zen.
also bought my keys/outfits with zen I converted from in game profits.
Hero of the north was a valentine's day gift from hubby
was my choice the riding spider pack or a fancy meal, chocolates and flowers
Astral diamonds are a girls best friend.
I work very hard on making the initial AD stipend last as long as possible because I don't want to ask for more money. I keep spreadsheets tracking my profit and loss. Sure I sqandered a bit on makeovers and dyes (way more so than lockboxes). but over all its been an excellent run so far.
Still have quite a nice chunk of it.
Wow seems like crytpic hit the nail with this ugly nightmare thing. obviously its more like a wet dream for all the kids out there.
you all are sick. spending money on a gamble for a mount in an instanced world where you need no mount at all. on top of that it looks like a childs toy. a flaming black horse ... how pathetic. just shows how young gamers are these days. grow up, stop feeding pay2win companys for nonsene items. you ruin the whole gaming industry for mature gamers by supporting this obvious scam.
so you paid 200 key until you get your fire farting horse. then what? idling around in the enclave showing off the nightmare horseNo. 1209381029380123? how special ...
"Best" I've gotten has been some blue augs and those idol-things-for-bars.
Ellamae - Level 60 CW (12.1k T2 Geared)
Norros - Level 60 TR (12.1k T2 Geared)
Keira - Level 60 GF (13.2k T2 Geared)
Mialee - Level 60 DC (12.2k T2 Geared)
Thoradin - Level 60 GWF (12.8k T2 Geared)
Uhhh no you didn't. There is no "Purple Ring" that comes from the boxes. Lying is fun!
Your joking right?
No, I legitimately opened that many total but only about 800 of them at the same time.
Ellamae - Level 60 CW (12.1k T2 Geared)
Norros - Level 60 TR (12.1k T2 Geared)
Keira - Level 60 GF (13.2k T2 Geared)
Mialee - Level 60 DC (12.2k T2 Geared)
Thoradin - Level 60 GWF (12.8k T2 Geared)
did u also recieve some very rare crafting resources (tools) from those 1400 boxes?
Ellamae - Level 60 CW (12.1k T2 Geared)
Norros - Level 60 TR (12.1k T2 Geared)
Keira - Level 60 GF (13.2k T2 Geared)
Mialee - Level 60 DC (12.2k T2 Geared)
Thoradin - Level 60 GWF (12.8k T2 Geared)
Won't spend more on keys. Done
[URL]=""]What Class Are You?[/URL]
you all are sick. spending money on a gamble for a mount in an instanced world where you need no mount at all. on top of that it looks like a childs toy. a flaming black horse ... how pathetic. just shows how young gamers are these days. grow up, stop feeding pay2win companys for nonsene items. you ruin the whole gaming industry for mature gamers by supporting this obvious scam.
so you paid 200 key until you get your fire farting horse. then what? idling around in the enclave showing off the nightmare horseNo. 1209381029380123? how special ...
All keys were bought by converting AD to Zen from selling gear.
Actually it shows no such thing. I would guess that older players with more disposable income (but less available time) might even be more likely to pay some real $$$ than the kids.
Just be happy that there are people willing to spend hundreds of dollars on this - they make it possible to make the game available to those who do not want to spend a dime.
then I opened more than 200 and still didn't got the 2nd.
also bought my keys/outfits with zen I converted from in game profits.
Hero of the north was a valentine's day gift from hubby
was my choice the riding spider pack or a fancy meal, chocolates and flowers
Astral diamonds are a girls best friend.
I work very hard on making the initial AD stipend last as long as possible because I don't want to ask for more money. I keep spreadsheets tracking my profit and loss. Sure I sqandered a bit on makeovers and dyes (way more so than lockboxes). but over all its been an excellent run so far.
Still have quite a nice chunk of it.
Sell them for gold
You poor bro?
omg yes