You don't know the difference between a wipe and a rollback, a wipe would had been if they would had started over and resetted all chars like on launch, a rollback is a fixup to restore something that got broken to its previous state, and remember this is still a beta, so if you have issue with this and quitting a game for have "wasted" 7 hours of your life, good luck then, we wont miss you.
As an aside, the forums have been a very amusing side to actually playing...however playing would of been nice on my day off.
I hate to see anyone go, as it made me sad in swtor makes me kinda sad here too. Some people just can not be satisfied (and I am a nurse I would know XD) there is no option that would make everyone across the spectrum throw confetti and have a party, as...compromise often goes. I honestly am glad some sort of something was done, I was happily just leveling (late bloomer..sadly) and did not even known any of this till I cam on to notice the severs down. AS someone who lived though days of a game that I paid 15 bucks a month for. (Wow did have full day downs at times...we all know it) the fact that something was done is nice. I always hate to see people go, negative, sad, or positive people, and am only sad you could not find more happiness in the game.
Best of luck to you, if you can find a perfect game tell me what it is because every mmo I end up liking either bores me after seven years, dies, or is anime grind fest...*cough*
Listen you can't prove this exploit affected me for all I know only 1 person ever used it and he might not even have been on my server. You really expect me to re-quest 7 hours worth of content because of this blatant server wipe? I dunno I think people are just too worried about how much AD everyone else has. I'm just here for foundry Quests I think only like 5% of the players use the AH.
Why should I lose 7 hours of game progress because of exploits that don't affect me, I'm out if they roll us back. Anyone else?
Because this is beta and stuff happens. Why is every small thing a huge deal to people? Go without playing, you will make it maybe 3 days and will be back. The fact that you care enough to post this proves my point. Think, then post.
btking01Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero UsersPosts: 5Arc User
Why should I lose 7 hours of game progress because of exploits that don't affect me, I'm out if they roll us back. Anyone else?
Though luck - they were forced into doing it, things happen sometimes. Maybe they'll decide to release a lot of content to bring back users like you, but maybe not since artists are expensive.
Why should I lose 7 hours of game progress because of exploits that don't affect me, I'm out if they roll us back. Anyone else?
edit: In this thread, people who think roll backs are great, but wipes are bad. Will Neverwinter ever have it's economy fixed? Will players ever stop defending Cryptic until they are blue in the face? Will enough people realize this 7 hour roll back is meaningless? Where the hell did all those cats go? Find out the answers to these questions and more on the next episode of Tales From the Defenders of the Zen Realm.
Why should I lose 7 hours of game progress because of exploits that don't affect me, I'm out if they roll us back. Anyone else?
edit: In this thread, people who think roll backs are great, but wipes are bad. Will Neverwinter ever have it's economy fixed? Will players ever stop defending Cryptic until they are blue in the face? Will enough people realize this 7 hour roll back is meaningless? Where the hell did all those cats go? Find out the answers to these questions and more on the next episode of Tales From the Defenders of the Zen Realm.
To fix the issue and erase the time when it was in most effect is the key. There will always be exploiters, always be exploits, and economy will never be perfect as people think it will. This isnt about making a perfect pie here, this stuff happens, but you take the bad with the good in even doses and it gives you a medium. You cant have all good, it just doesnt happen.
I won't quit, I have enjoyed the game thus far and tbh, I didn't even know there was an issue until the game went down. Ya it sucks I'm going to lose a couple levels and have to redo those quests but its only 1 days worth of time spent. Now had they done a wipe ... I would have been gone.
I would have been seriously pissed at a wipe. Not so pissed I would have quit the game permanently though. I played several other games today and LOTRO is the only other game I'm really into right now. I didn't play during the seven hour period they are rolling back so it doesn't directly affect me, but I'd rather not lose any progress I made so I'm fine with no wipe.
As for the economy, well, I'll have to see how that plays out, but in the real world economies eventually recover, it can be painful, but I expect I'll live.
No solution was ever going to satisfy everone, but this one works for me.
Exploits are only real if you choose to use them, I didn't use them so they aren't real, but the punishment of being rolled back 7 hours IS real. If you don't want infinite free AD you just have to not take it, duh. I'll earn my AD fair and square and all those fake ADs won't scare me none.
I'm only level 17 but I'm pretty sure you guys are making too big of a deal about this exploiting business.
drakushgMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
Hey listen I shouldn't have to be punished by having to redo all this hard game content that I lost because of one tiny little exploit that wasn't even a big deal to start with. They advertised no wipes, 7 hours is a wipe FALSE ADVERTISING.
Get over yourself.
drakushgMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 3Arc User
Exploits are only real if you choose to use them, I didn't use them so they aren't real, but the punishment of being rolled back 7 hours IS real. If you don't want infinite free AD you just have to not take it, duh. I'll earn my AD fair and square and all those fake ADs won't scare me none.
I'm only level 17 but I'm pretty sure you guys are making too big of a deal about this exploiting business.
*snicker* Children.
steppenkatMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Listen guys it was PW policy ok, they said no wipes now they are wiping the servers for 7 hours. I think like .00015% of the total player population even knew there was an exploit. I say my seven hours is more important than 1, tops 2 guys making like 3000 AD too much.
They made billions... AD became so worthless that Cats were the new currency. In a matter of hours.
Characters: - Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer) - Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur) - Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC) - Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
They made billions... AD became so worthless that Cats were the new currency. In a matter of hours.
Again I don't use the AH nor do I ever plan to ride a Cat, I don't see how any of this affects me. Just find some friends to play with who also don't use the AH or Cats. Over reaction by Cryptic 7 hours WIPE is uncalled for. Call it what it is.
Why should I lose 7 hours of game progress because of exploits that don't affect me, I'm out if they roll us back. Anyone else?
7 hour is nothing get over it. Your gonna go wah wah wah over 7 hours. Have a nice day we dont wanna hear your cry baby HAMSTER no go play wow with your elementary school buddies.
The rollback is to het rid of all of the items that were sold on the AH dirt cheap before the servers went down.
There were no items sold dirt cheap, the only items that sold were sold for millions of AD. Either way I will be leaving because today marked the transition between tier 1 dungeons and tier 2 dungeons and I was really lucky with rolls on enchantment shards. I dont want a roll back and I dont want a wipe, I want to play where I left off, especially since this roll back will only take the duped AD away from the novice exploiters. **** THIS
It used to be in MMO's that 7 hours was maybe a level or two. Now, 7 hours is the equivalent of 1 week in EQ.
People just need to stop rushing everything so much. Game as been in Open Beta for just a couple weeks and people have 4-5 level 60's already.
Frankly I say do a server wipe. All these peeps saying 'I would lose my 60's!!! I will quit!" are the same exact players that will leave in a month anyways because they have rushed and blew through all the content and are bored of the game. So why should we listen to them anyways? They don't have any interest in the long term of this game.
phaasmaMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 16Arc User
edited May 2013
If you quit because of a SEVEN HOUR ROLLBACK----I think we will all be glad to see you go! pathetic
And just why should anyone pay attention to this person? His username states his intent.
The only thing I did when I logged on was invoke, get my mail and start to craft. Then bam, disconnected and here we are 14 hours later.
All that wasted craft time..
PC specs:
I hate to see anyone go, as it made me sad in swtor
Best of luck to you, if you can find a perfect game tell me what it is
Because this is beta and stuff happens. Why is every small thing a huge deal to people? Go without playing, you will make it maybe 3 days and will be back. The fact that you care enough to post this proves my point. Think, then post.
Goodbye, the game doesn't need you anyways ^^
Though luck - they were forced into doing it, things happen sometimes. Maybe they'll decide to release a lot of content to bring back users like you, but maybe not since artists are expensive.
Nice work, 4 pages and growing.
To fix the issue and erase the time when it was in most effect is the key. There will always be exploiters, always be exploits, and economy will never be perfect as people think it will. This isnt about making a perfect pie here, this stuff happens, but you take the bad with the good in even doses and it gives you a medium. You cant have all good, it just doesnt happen.
As for the economy, well, I'll have to see how that plays out, but in the real world economies eventually recover, it can be painful, but I expect I'll live.
No solution was ever going to satisfy everone, but this one works for me.
I'm only level 17 but I'm pretty sure you guys are making too big of a deal about this exploiting business.
Get over yourself.
*snicker* Children.
They made billions... AD became so worthless that Cats were the new currency. In a matter of hours.
- Titania Silverblade, the Iron Rose of Myth Drannor (Lvl 60 GWF, Destroyer)
- Gwyneth, the Cowardly Cat Burglar Drowling (Lvl 60 TR, Saboteur)
- Lady Rowanne Firehair, Heartwarder of Sune (Lvl 33 DC)
- Satella, Sensate (LvL 44 CW, Renegade, Non-Active)
Check Steppenkat's Foundry Quest Reviews!
Haha.. cats... i like that... can we get that as a currency sometime?
Again I don't use the AH nor do I ever plan to ride a Cat, I don't see how any of this affects me. Just find some friends to play with who also don't use the AH or Cats. Over reaction by Cryptic 7 hours WIPE is uncalled for. Call it what it is.
7 hour is nothing get over it. Your gonna go wah wah wah over 7 hours. Have a nice day we dont wanna hear your cry baby HAMSTER no go play wow with your elementary school buddies.
Which only confirms my sneaking suspicion that this was industrial espionage perpetrated by Hello Kitty Online: Island Adventures!
There were no items sold dirt cheap, the only items that sold were sold for millions of AD. Either way I will be leaving because today marked the transition between tier 1 dungeons and tier 2 dungeons and I was really lucky with rolls on enchantment shards. I dont want a roll back and I dont want a wipe, I want to play where I left off, especially since this roll back will only take the duped AD away from the novice exploiters. **** THIS
People just need to stop rushing everything so much. Game as been in Open Beta for just a couple weeks and people have 4-5 level 60's already.
Frankly I say do a server wipe. All these peeps saying 'I would lose my 60's!!! I will quit!" are the same exact players that will leave in a month anyways because they have rushed and blew through all the content and are bored of the game. So why should we listen to them anyways? They don't have any interest in the long term of this game.