Why should I lose 7 hours of game progress because of exploits that don't affect me, I'm out if they roll us back. Anyone else?
edit: So this thread just proved to me that this is the most oblivious gaming community in existence right now. No Full Wipe No Game. GG Terrorists Win.
edit 2:
You're a f2p player and level 17 and crying about a 7 hour rollback? Doesn't even know what a wipe is. Can't. Take. Seriously. Maybe I'll see you when next f2p game comes out. Bai~<3
Better at making green text than reading comprehension. Keep it up guys.
edit 3:
I'm not going to rage quit over seven hours .
Also you have named yourself well.
Nuff said.
Even quoting with the edit saying we need a wipe only sees what he wants. Classic Cryptic defender low on the chromosomes.
Have fun in whatever game you play. Id rather play in a game where the main currency is not cat companions, which is what this game will be if there is no roll back
The rollback is to het rid of all of the items that were sold on the AH dirt cheap before the servers went down.
All this other.....nevermind wasting my time.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Also, you only think it didn't affect you. I'm going to be generous and assume you aren't 60 yet so you don't use the AH. In which case, this would have affected you in future when you began to realize how important the AH is to maximizing your gear, specifically enchants and runestones.
At some point you would either quit anyway or reach a point where this would have affected you in a very bad way.
Bye! See Ya! Hope your next 7 hours of life are better than the 7 that are getting rolled back, not to mention the 9 hours waiting on an answer to everyone's dying questions concerning what they were going to do in the first place.
But nah, haven't played the game for much more than 7 hours.
But also, this is beta, and in beta, the words of the cheek are "everything is subjected to change."
Including your character.
They will affect you, unless you never plan to buy sale or trade on the auction house. I call bull****, there should be a total wipe to fix this.
Character is what a man is in the dark
All the whining here is laughable - every mmo has its teething problems and in the end it is just a game. It is like "oh I am never playing Tennis, monopoly, checkers, chess, 21, poker etc... ever again because my brother/ friend/ father upended the board and stuffed up the game I was playing." - jeez really your never going to play an mmo again, cause they all do it at the start. If is what I say is untrue how do you even know what a rollback is, eh????
ID: NW-DD5FLOBTJ Cult of the Dragon Foundry Contest - Please participate and vote for your favourite - 26/6/2014 contest rating begins.
Sir Camps A Lot. Mr SlingShot Boom. XX Phantasmagorical. Jinn Dragonfeast.
SlingShot Boom Jr. Jocan Traders. Little Lord Forgatty, Dwarf Mean and introducing Necro Torquemada (The Warlock)
Learn the difference between a wipe and a rollback, people.
No Wipe = No Game. Seven hours is adding insult to injury. Grats to the all the exploiters who can go back to having fun after 72 hours, 18 of which were down time fixing exploits. GG to the trolls for killing a franchise hope you guys getting plenty of lulz on the forums.
i hope they quit and take some of the gold sellers with ya, k
Myself.. i was catching zzz when all the mayhem happened.
Neverwinter has potential - and the Foundry, so I will snarl/sigh for a second and continue the ride