So for all those who have been waiting like 10 hours for this game to be back online, why not do something else with ur time? sleep? go on a date? GET LAID? just saying while everyone is posting asking when this is gonna be back on there's so much stuff u COULD be doing else where, <snip>
Who's saying I haven't. Well, Not those things but other things. Among them I've gone grocery shopping. I've cooked and eaten dinner and cleaned the kitchen up. I've made a snack in there too and enjoyed it. I have gotten caught up on Dr Who (had 2 episodes waiting, the midseason! I have also done a load of laundry. In between all of that I've come to check up and see if there are updates, and to read a few pages of this thread, and posted twice. I'm sure I'm not the only one who's been productive while keeping an eye on this and other threads. (oh, and I've learned a few here like pickles. :P) So don't tell me to do things. I am doing things. How I spend my time in between is not your concern. Not flaming, but calm down some
I want to get back to leveling my rouge and finish creating part 1 of my quest in the founder i just have to do a few more touch ups and my quest will be ready.
cooldraufMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited May 2013
dont say its beta itll happen.. ****ing bull**** all the time.. that bug needed to be fixed way earlier...
i like they way they fixed it thou, but servers down for half a day.. :eek:
psol1asMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited May 2013
can someone send me the link with the announces?? pls
It is a beta of sorts, that I will agree to. still not sure what the heck the exploit was, but who ever did it should be put in a submarine, and dropped in the Mariana trench to sink to the bottom. (the submarine is so they do not die to quickly.)
A 7 hour rollback. Nice. So the exploit did not effect me. And since I did not play today this rollback does not effect me. This is good for everyone involved, and I accept with a smile.
^^ this is me also but the thank you gift had better be a **** nightmare horse at least and 50 keys to open the other boxes ive gotten. im tired of seeing so in so has obtained this mount every 5 secs in game.
So for all those who have been waiting like 10 hours for this game to be back online, why not do something else with ur time? sleep? go on a date? GET LAID? just saying while everyone is posting asking when this is gonna be back on there's so much stuff u COULD be doing else where, the staff is not reading half of whats posted anyway so stop being impatient and just GOTO BED, im just saying no one cares what anyones saying if us players are gonna get anything from the down time its a fixes economy, thats that, honestly its all i can ask for from the makers, ive played many games where players screw the economy and it blows. there company is losing money by people not being able to play at this time, while u sit there and get pissed off at them for something A PLAYER CAUSED, just saying use ur brain and stop being so self centered while these people work their asses off to get the game back to the way it should be, so THEY can make money. use ur brains, dont be so ignorant all the time.
well i did all that - after servers were down i made my wife happy, drunk 2 beers, slept for 6 hours, dl e08 of "Game of thrones", made breakfast, wrote post on this thread, eat breakfast, watched "Game of thrones" and came back to this thread ...
it seems i will have to do something IRL now - which i h8 already ...
My quest is called the hidden army ill soon submit it and i hope you all enjoy it.
xerokewlMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 22Arc User
edited May 2013
Am I the only one completely insulted by a 7 hour rollback and a few bans like this does anything the auctions last for much longer how can this possible even begin to address an issue that has been occurring this long really did we all just wake up yesterday and abandon reason?
In the dark hours of this Sunday morning an in-game bug was discovered and taken advantage of by a very small group of villainous Nashers intent on exploiting Neverwinters Open Beta Gateway and Auction House systems for unearned Astral Diamonds.
Thanks in no small part to the efforts of our continually amazing Beta community, we were able to quickly identify the exploit and the perpetrators. Once identified, we took immediate action, calling in the entire development and publishing teams to lock down the Neverwinter OBT as we sought out a solution.
Rest assured, the issue has been corrected and we have taken appropriate action against all players who took advantage of the bug, including but not limited to enforcing permanent bans.
Sadly, the damage to the economy was done.
Rather than let the malicious efforts of a few unsavory players linger and continually impact the games economy and balance as we progress through these later stages of Open Beta, we have made the extremely difficult decision to rollback Neverwinter to a time shortly before the abuse and exploitation began.
This means that roughly seven hours of progress made between 5:20 AM and 12:20 PM Pacific Time will be lost to all players. For that, we do sincerely apologize.
Following an extensive QA check, Neverwinter will begin again later this evening, with servers open for play before midnight Pacific Time. We hope to have them available sooner, and will continue to post updates on the forums and other channels.
When the servers do come back up, a few systems will not be active: the Auction House and the Astral Diamond exchange. When the servers are back up and running, well still be examining these features and preparing some resolutions.
Any attempt to use the Astral Diamond exchange will give an error message. The Auction House, however, wont give an error -- it simply will fail to post the item. This is the known behavior, and were working to bring these systems back up as soon as possible.
As a token of our appreciation for you, the community, and all that youve done for the game throughout these days of Beta, we will be sending a thank-you gift to players and opening ourselves up on the forums and various other channels to answer any and all questions we can.
For more exact details on the rollback and other efforts related to it, please see our comprehensive forum FAQ.
With sincerest thanks for the continued support and feedback,
Your Neverwinter Team
Anyone count how many times the safeword was used on that post? Seriously though, I'm glad they did a rollback.. IF the bug was not abused at all before that time (which I assume will be verifiable from transaction logs), then this should fix all the issues related to this bug.
So basically I lose like 6-8 hours of progression thanks to some dumbasses who couldn't earn their AD legit? Nice. Every legit player should get some kind of compensation for this. But, We won't. So we'll just continue playing.
sirfrogMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Oh goodie, a 7 hr roll back.. I might still be lvl 40.
Seriously?? just 7 hours???
fivel44Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 9Arc User
edited May 2013
Give me a new server to play and I will self Wipe to have a chance (as a newer player) to get in and have better then standard Items...
fattynicksMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Kinda sad that more and more MMOs are only about end game... I miss the focus being on the leveling.
Focus has NEVER been on leveling, they just wanted it to take you so long that you kept paying the monthly fee until you got there. You MUST realize these are businesses that are out to make money. For subscription games, making money means keeping you playing for as long as possible. For F2P its about making the game impossible to enjoy without spending cash. They also had to make some sort of content for people to go through to level... and back in the day they actually put effort into it and made the storylines cool and the quests nifty. Then they realized most people will keep paying if they have things to do once they are max level, and realized more people would rather spend time at max level playing with friends that already play, so they made it quicker. (I'm mostly going off what wow has done to its leveling over time, as I honestly couldn't be bothered to spend so much time on building up an account on another game when I already had so much time invested into a game that is still popular) When it was 60, it took forever. When it was 70, it wasn't as bad, when it was 80 they introduced heirlooms which made it even better (you can get up to 50% bonus xp from killing creatures and quest xp, which is HUGE), then they reduced the XP it took, and added recruit a friend. With a dedicated friend you can be out of recruit a friend leveling range (i think its level 85 now, max being 90) in less than a day.
Show me a successful MMO where the focus is still, or ever was at one point, on leveling and not end game. Leveling is what games do to teach you how to play so you aren't a total ******* hitting random spells and abilities. Leveling is also how you get people to explore the game world. With the current state of "stand in town until queue pops" in most games these days, if a game didn't have leveling or queuing you can safely assume most people would only travel from town to the dungeons/events what have you, and never fully explore the game world, making all that effort into making it pointless.
The only game I can even think of (and its not MMO) would be Diablo 2. But even then, the focus was on the "endgame" of farming items. You never had to reach max level to use any items, or solo any of the content. Max level was 99, and everything in the game can be completed/worn in the mid 80's save a single item, a ring that required level 95. Also getting to level 99 in that game is ridiculously time consuming as only about 3 NPCs give you any amount of XP anymore, with the "endgame" boss of Baal being the best XP for a level 98, and even then only if you leave your party and kill him solo. And even then, it takes around 2,000 kills of baal and his minions to level from 98-99 with a game of 7 people. (8 people only increases difficulty, and doesn't result in a gain of XP)
The fastest way to level to 99 is to have multiple groups of people pre-clearing the trash to Diablo and Baal, and letting you come in and kill the bosses. This is the method that the region first 99's use every ladder reset. This takes only about 1,200 runs to level from 98-99. (Baal is 99, and gives more xp than Diablo who is 95)
swagpaysmybillsMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 9Arc User
AMEN, Stuff Happens even in non Beta... It's only a game.
BTW, I was thinking about either 10,000,000 AD for every player so everyone is on the same page, or a little bottle of Neverwinter Brand KY Jelly. The economy is screwed so either make AD worthless to everyone, or make it hurt a little less.
Bet you would prefer the jelly shame you will be made to bite the pillow.
So rather then do a full wipe that would fix this you are going to let tons of people with there ill gotten AD get away. Oh I'm sorry it's a small number, never mind that most of them did this who knows how many times and moved all of the AD over to alt accounts that chances are you haven't found.
It would probably be a good idea to offer some kind of reward to encourage people to report glitches instead of exploiting them. I believe that there are enough honest people out there that will stumble upon a glitch and report it. Even though it wont keep the glitch from being used, it will help catch the exploit before it becomes a major issue.
ishonbuMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 5Arc User
edited May 2013
Hmm, does any Zen purchased at that time go back to the user's account?
So basically I lose like 6-8 hours of progression thanks to some dumbasses who couldn't earn their AD legit? Nice. Every legit player should get some kind of compensation for this. But, We won't. So we'll just continue playing.
The biggest issue here is that they dont plan to wipe the servers at the end of "Open Beta". If there was an end beta wipe coming and a head start they could have just kept the servers up until the issue was fixed. As it stands it sounds like the early economy is gonna be way out of wack now. This should really hurt their early profit as the cost of zen/diamonds is going to go way up after today gutting of the available coins. means people will buy less from other people and those people win in turn buy less zen. You cant have a "beta" and not wipe it is ludicrous. Still though good game so far.
So rather then do a full wipe that would fix this you are going to let tons of people with there ill gotten AD get away. Oh I'm sorry it's a small number, never mind that most of them did this who knows how many times and moved all of the AD over to alt accounts that chances are you haven't found.
Well it was fun but this game is over.
It's not that hard to see who they transferred the funds to. Most of them sold it, Most of them just bought stuff off the AH. It's a fully system roll-back. Meaning that they found the bug, fixed it, and now taking the servers back to before it happened. That means that ALL the AD is gone. It's like it never existed. I'm assuming people who bought Zen during that time will also be refunded. I don't know, though. But everything should be as it was pre-bug.
Who's saying I haven't. Well, Not those things but other things. Among them I've gone grocery shopping. I've cooked and eaten dinner and cleaned the kitchen up. I've made a snack in there too and enjoyed it. I have gotten caught up on Dr Who (had 2 episodes waiting, the midseason!
i like they way they fixed it thou, but servers down for half a day.. :eek:
^^ this is me also but the thank you gift had better be a **** nightmare horse at least and 50 keys to open the other boxes ive gotten. im tired of seeing so in so has obtained this mount every 5 secs in game.
well i did all that - after servers were down i made my wife happy, drunk 2 beers, slept for 6 hours, dl e08 of "Game of thrones", made breakfast, wrote post on this thread, eat breakfast, watched "Game of thrones" and came back to this thread ...
it seems i will have to do something IRL now - which i h8 already ...
Anyone count how many times the safeword was used on that post?
Seriously?? just 7 hours???
Focus has NEVER been on leveling, they just wanted it to take you so long that you kept paying the monthly fee until you got there. You MUST realize these are businesses that are out to make money. For subscription games, making money means keeping you playing for as long as possible. For F2P its about making the game impossible to enjoy without spending cash. They also had to make some sort of content for people to go through to level... and back in the day they actually put effort into it and made the storylines cool and the quests nifty. Then they realized most people will keep paying if they have things to do once they are max level, and realized more people would rather spend time at max level playing with friends that already play, so they made it quicker. (I'm mostly going off what wow has done to its leveling over time, as I honestly couldn't be bothered to spend so much time on building up an account on another game when I already had so much time invested into a game that is still popular) When it was 60, it took forever. When it was 70, it wasn't as bad, when it was 80 they introduced heirlooms which made it even better (you can get up to 50% bonus xp from killing creatures and quest xp, which is HUGE), then they reduced the XP it took, and added recruit a friend. With a dedicated friend you can be out of recruit a friend leveling range (i think its level 85 now, max being 90) in less than a day.
Show me a successful MMO where the focus is still, or ever was at one point, on leveling and not end game. Leveling is what games do to teach you how to play so you aren't a total ******* hitting random spells and abilities. Leveling is also how you get people to explore the game world. With the current state of "stand in town until queue pops" in most games these days, if a game didn't have leveling or queuing you can safely assume most people would only travel from town to the dungeons/events what have you, and never fully explore the game world, making all that effort into making it pointless.
The only game I can even think of (and its not MMO) would be Diablo 2. But even then, the focus was on the "endgame" of farming items. You never had to reach max level to use any items, or solo any of the content. Max level was 99, and everything in the game can be completed/worn in the mid 80's save a single item, a ring that required level 95. Also getting to level 99 in that game is ridiculously time consuming as only about 3 NPCs give you any amount of XP anymore, with the "endgame" boss of Baal being the best XP for a level 98, and even then only if you leave your party and kill him solo. And even then, it takes around 2,000 kills of baal and his minions to level from 98-99 with a game of 7 people. (8 people only increases difficulty, and doesn't result in a gain of XP)
The fastest way to level to 99 is to have multiple groups of people pre-clearing the trash to Diablo and Baal, and letting you come in and kill the bosses. This is the method that the region first 99's use every ladder reset. This takes only about 1,200 runs to level from 98-99. (Baal is 99, and gives more xp than Diablo who is 95)
Bet you would prefer the jelly shame you will be made to bite the pillow.
Well it was fun but this game is over.
Hey, those dumbasses sent u something...
I'm down for a pirate pickle final boss
It's not that hard to see who they transferred the funds to. Most of them sold it, Most of them just bought stuff off the AH. It's a fully system roll-back. Meaning that they found the bug, fixed it, and now taking the servers back to before it happened. That means that ALL the AD is gone. It's like it never existed. I'm assuming people who bought Zen during that time will also be refunded. I don't know, though. But everything should be as it was pre-bug.