so i lose all the progress from this morning? and was unable to play all day? i mean, i've put money in - and not exploited. **** this ****.
psol1asMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 7Arc User
edited May 2013
ty for the link<3 so happy they didnt wipe...i've been on the forum reading and waiting with agony since the server went down....SO SO HAPPY...waiting a bit more to wake my little elf cw see you all online guys...ty for the company all night and for keeping me informed
Not really. I didn't spend real money on a "beta", much less a game where I don't NEED to spend money to do good. I just think it's funny how they can't just ban exploiters and roll back the AH/AD/Zen exchange. Don't know why they need to go and roll-back the progression system as well but okay.
Update 6 PM Pacific: We're still finalizing the plan of action. Once everything is locked in, we'll be posting everything, so keep your eyes on Facebook, on Twitter and on our forums -- we'll make sure it goes everywhere. Thank you all again, we appreciate your support and patience.
Update 6:35 PM Pacific: We have a plan of action. We're verifying the exact timeline with the Neverwinter team, then we'll be triple-checking the planned forum post with all key stakeholders before posting. We're not finished yet, folks, but we're getting closer.
Update 9 PM Pacific: The post about our plan of action is being confirmed -- stay tuned, folks, we're getting closer.
im vote about bringing a new server so it can give more opt to the player who really want to wipe to change server and the one who didnt want to wipe to stay
Well all I know is I am going to reboot my Server on NWN1 it was a better over all game and the single class might as well play one of the 50k other games on here that you pay cash to better yourself and get stuff no one else can unless you pay or spend months playing non stop. Have fun all NWN FTW
Funny, I was just thinking of NWN as well. Now there was some quality user-created content with a more authentic D&D feel to it. While I think Neverwinter has some potential and I'll probably stick around whatever happens with the current brouhaha at least until I can see the end-game content, I don't really feel like I'm playing a D&D game, more like a cookie-cutter MMO with a D&D veneer. The game currently lacks any real depth or a meaningful narrative to tie everything together (and, no, "Neverwinter is in danger" doesn't cut it). It does look nice though.
So your fix is to wipe away 7 hours of game time when the minimum possible bid auction is 1 day. This is really sad considering you have had this issue in sto and in cbt of neverwinter and havent addressed it until now when the general public became aware of it. Then instead of doing the right thing you opt to show that you dont care (we got your money screw you) you ban a few people at the butt end of it and say oh 7 hours rollback. NEWS FLASH OPEN BETA started 25 APR 2013. This has got to be the biggest shaft a game has done to its players since SWTOR and doh that game went under too.. Ill collect my refund now and you can just wipe my account cause i wont be needing it anymore. Way to build trust. EPIC FAIL. Way to keep your player base. EPIC FAIL. level 60 founder saying you can take your game and HAMSTER off with this bull HAMSTER. EPIC FAIL.
sumnzMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Man this will be the quickest I jump ship from an mmo. 40 bucks down the drain. They can keep it, not going to go thru the hastle of getting my moneyback from chargeback from my bank. I will just make sure to steer clear of this trainwreck of a company and tell anyone who listens to do the same.
im vote about bringing a new server so it can give more opt to the player who really want to wipe to change server and the one who didnt want to wipe to stay
New server will likely happen at launch, other wise any future bugs will likely occur on the new server as well. Best to start a new server when all these issues are solved.
It's not that hard to see who they transferred the funds to. Most of them sold it, Most of them just bought stuff off the AH. It's a fully system roll-back. Meaning that they found the bug, fixed it, and now taking the servers back to before it happened. That means that ALL the AD is gone. It's like it never existed. I'm assuming people who bought Zen during that time will also be refunded. I don't know, though. But everything should be as it was pre-bug.
Keep telling yourself that.
Unless they do a full wipe and that's what they should do chances are right now there are still accounts with billions of AD. Nothing got fixed.
Man this will be the quickest I jump ship from an mmo. 40 bucks down the drain. They can keep it, not going to go thru the hastle of getting my moneyback from chargeback from my bank. I will just make sure to steer clear of this trainwreck of a company and tell anyone who listens to do the same.
And this folks, Is why you don't spend money on games when it's not needed. See, You're pissed off now, wasted $40, and won't be playing.
People like me? Mildly irritated at the time spent being lost, Still a F2P game to me so that's cool, and I'll continue playing on my free, non-funded account.
Word of advice. Don't spend money on games that have clear bugs in them. You should have seen the warning signs LONG before this came about.
nemesis788450Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
your advertising khorne flakes with a picture of a tzeentch chosen? FAIL
kyle0ng1Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 4Arc User
edited May 2013
334 pages in. I think this shows a lot about the community. They care about this game enough to spout their (sometimes wrong) opinion.
Cryptic/Perfect World - You guys are making all the correct moves in my opinion. The PR work comes across as friendly, professional, and honest. I'm only a casual player of the game and the Open Beta launch seemed a bit messy, but you've responded well. Especially considering the difficult choices you've had to make regarding the latest exploit. I dunno. I just wanted to say good job and keep up the high level of representation. I like you guys/girls and I think you're making the right moves.
internatioMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Either way, the unbalance will not be undone without a full wipe AND a shard roll back. And if the unbalance is not undone, this will harm NW very strongly because it's happening during the soft launch. So Criptic should give the non-exploiters a founders' pack for punishing them because of a few others.
cooldraufMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 12Arc User
edited May 2013
give us a more exact time when servers coming back up??? moe then 2 hours ago we got info?? ppl wanna play or make plan for other stuff to do.... give info?!
I find it really amusing that there are people on here with "this game is dead" and WTF my time is wasted from today!! Its a BETA guys, the whole point of the beta is to let people test the game for bugs EXACTLY like the one they found. Now i understand the whole economy of AD and Zen is screwed up, but for people to be upset over a POTENTIAL wipe or even just a roll back is completely ridiculous. Leave the company alone for trying to correct a mistake in a game that isn't 100% complete yet and relax. It is after all a game....
People need to chill out instead of claiming it's the end of the world. Too many drama queens around.
mirariftMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 8Arc User
edited May 2013
I'm all for a complete do over...wipe everything...then come back with updated content, and refunded real money transactions...throw in a free valuable something for already registered accounts and a clean start.
internatioMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited May 2013
Rofl Good Catch|I Like The Khorne Flakes|kindalikethisdowntime
I find it really amusing that there are people on here with "this game is dead" and WTF my time is wasted from today!! Its a BETA guys, the whole point of the beta is to let people test the game for bugs EXACTLY like the one they found. Now i understand the whole economy of AD and Zen is screwed up, but for people to be upset over a POTENTIAL wipe or even just a roll back is completely ridiculous. Leave the company alone for trying to correct a mistake in a game that isn't 100% complete yet and relax. It is after all a game....
its sad some people feel this is all there is to life...
And this folks, Is why you don't spend money on games when it's not needed. See, You're pissed off now, wasted $40, and won't be playing.
People like me? Mildly irritated at the time spent being lost, Still a F2P game to me so that's cool, and I'll continue playing on my free, non-funded account.
Word of advice. Don't spend money on games that have clear bugs in them. You should have seen the warning signs LONG before this came about.
i didn't pay either but i respect and thank everyone who does its because of them that we even have this as f2p and because of them that the game can evolve yes there's bugs there always is people who say there isn't don't play other games -_- even with full releases servers go down LOL did allllll the time still does the economy is mostly fixed the mass that killed it happened at the times they rolled back there still may be one or two that did it before and manage to escape the ban hammer and the economy will recover from that always does just give it a week or two
Not really. I didn't spend real money on a "beta", much less a game where I don't NEED to spend money to do good.
im vote about bringing a new server so it can give more opt to the player who really want to wipe to change server and the one who didnt want to wipe to stay
Funny, I was just thinking of NWN as well. Now there was some quality user-created content with a more authentic D&D feel to it. While I think Neverwinter has some potential and I'll probably stick around whatever happens with the current brouhaha at least until I can see the end-game content, I don't really feel like I'm playing a D&D game, more like a cookie-cutter MMO with a D&D veneer. The game currently lacks any real depth or a meaningful narrative to tie everything together (and, no, "Neverwinter is in danger" doesn't cut it). It does look nice though.
New server will likely happen at launch, other wise any future bugs will likely occur on the new server as well. Best to start a new server when all these issues are solved.
Unless they do a full wipe and that's what they should do chances are right now there are still accounts with billions of AD. Nothing got fixed.
And this folks, Is why you don't spend money on games when it's not needed. See, You're pissed off now, wasted $40, and won't be playing.
People like me? Mildly irritated at the time spent being lost, Still a F2P game to me so that's cool, and I'll continue playing on my free, non-funded account.
Word of advice. Don't spend money on games that have clear bugs in them. You should have seen the warning signs LONG before this came about.
Translation: "How can I get something as a result of waiting for a free game to come back online, due to some bad people."
You obviously don't know much about video games or what a roll-back does. I'll let you continue to be an idiot, though.
i agree or at least do a full game wipe and reset the servers
Cryptic/Perfect World - You guys are making all the correct moves in my opinion. The PR work comes across as friendly, professional, and honest. I'm only a casual player of the game and the Open Beta launch seemed a bit messy, but you've responded well. Especially considering the difficult choices you've had to make regarding the latest exploit. I dunno. I just wanted to say good job and keep up the high level of representation. I like you guys/girls and I think you're making the right moves.
someone else caught that? lol awesome....
And if they did ultimately decide on a full wipe these same people would be screaming about that too.
its sad some people feel this is all there is to life...
i didn't pay either but i respect and thank everyone who does its because of them that we even have this as f2p and because of them that the game can evolve yes there's bugs there always is people who say there isn't don't play other games -_- even with full releases servers go down LOL did allllll the time still does the economy is mostly fixed the mass that killed it happened at the times they rolled back there still may be one or two that did it before and manage to escape the ban hammer and the economy will recover from that always does just give it a week or two