First, my campaign information can be found here or by clicking my signature:
-If you add a forum review please provide it there, otherwise your in-game review is sufficient. Thanks!
-This section is for other Authors to add their quest and for me to find and review that quest.
Bringing Truth to Words is the first installment.
Second installment is in development.
Third installment is in development.
Finally, fourth installment is in development.
If you would like me to review your quest, please respond with your quest information.
Here is a quick easy template you can copy/paste and write in your quest information. If you do not want to use the template please provide multiple ways I can find your quest in the Foundry.
Campaign Name:
Quest Name:
Short Code: Authors that have reviewed my quest will receive priority over those who have not.*NOTE* I am not going to test xp grinding or mob farming quests.
Edit: I like feedback, I enjoy bettering my story-lines. Please provide me the courtesy of sensible feedback.
Table layout: Author, Campaign Name, Quest Name, Short Code, Status
A Hero's Tale
A Name For Yourself
Dungeon Delves
Any cave can lead to adventure
In The Streams of Inferno
The Fear That Freeze
The Saga of the Creed
Dirty Politics
Goblin Uprising
Little Red Cap and the Bad Wolf
The Shadows of the Sword Coast
A Fool's Errand
Return to Neverwinter
Cat Chase
The Kidnapped Bride
Quest for gold
Resurrection of Xunvrae
Part 1:The Bones of Xunvrae
The Darkwater Saga
Darkwater Rising
The Battle of Jerosh
Sir Frederic Sword
The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
Campaign Name: Dungeon Delves
Quest Name: Any cave can lead to adventure
Short Code: NW-DQF4T7QYH
In test stage, will end very abruptly. Has 2 "hidden" rooms currently, one of which requires dungeoneering.
Campaign - In The Streams of Inferno
Act I : The Fear That Freeze - nw-dnuzsyeey
Act II : Demons Never Sleep - nw-dbj2us96n
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
Or you could use their @handle. It's impossible to look quests up through the foundry's system.
A Nobleman's Request - NW-DIYMYKKVY (Avg. 33 mins)
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
RIP - Dirty Politics May 21st, 2013 - July 30th, 2013
1 it would be interesting if finding the office key at the beginning were not happy trailed and you needed to interract with each bookshelf till you found the right one it was hidden in.
2. Tabitha runs around rather quick I had my dialog go away 3 times before I finally caught her to speak with her.
3. When you speak with her after defending the library it would be nice if she walked to the office rather than poof there.
4. The clear the infestations seems to be on a patrol, have a hard time running around everywhere trying to find them cause the markers do not move but the mobs do.
5. Loved the fight with the general. I have a love hate relationship with heal mobs stacked with knockdown mobs, but its perfect to be challenging but not impossible great placement.
All and all very nice work, I enjoyed myself and that is the most important part of a foundry quest.
The Sins of the Father NW-DLN6BC8NX
A Name For Yourself NW-DRBWMCFL4
Click Here To Visit The Official Thread
Will review yours today.
Author: @Fugln
Tag: #Combat, #story, #GROUP
NWS-DA213JHNY - The Shadows of the Sword Coast
NW-DE6UU7ZQA - Chapter One - A Fool's Errand.
Author: @Fugln
Tag: #Story #Solo #Group #Humor.
Hello all fans of Neverwinter!
I'm pilator, and this is my first map Foundry. I hope that the story and the gameplay you'll like it. I tried to map was prepared for a really professional. Did I? I'm curious about your comments and feedback
Your name is Argon, you're a former hero of Neverwinter. Its title earned by the defense of the city, defeated the last of the family golden dragons Aldur who wanted to destroy the city Never. For unknown reasons shortly after the victory, decided to go into the unknown. People, however, always remember your name, and believed that one day you will return. It's been 11 years, and you come back to Neverwinter to see how to hold on to things. It's not good, the city returned to the Victoria - once queen golden dragons. Argon will face an important choice.
WHAT IS IT? - Map offers a rich, role-playing adventure. Map and NPC are customized, maps were created in 3D mode (independently set). MAP HAD GOT 2 ENDS! I can guarantee you that by this adventure will not soon forget
FOR AUTHOR: I apologize for any grammatical errors! Trying to my English was the best I can be
MINUTES: 40max
PLAYERS: 1-2max
1.1: - 14.05.2013
- Trap in the house Refrot are no longer bugged,
- Respawnpoint at home Refrot has been changed,
- Crystals that you have to collect the Merchant, have been changed to 5,
- Added a variety of costumes creatures of the Mountain of Swords
- Names like "Horse 10" have been changed,
- Added more accessories and decorations to the map,
- Added text traveling, example "Go to Neverwinter" when transporting the maps to the map,
- Flying cobwebs removed from Somewhere
- Added more traps,
Thank playing for finding bugs and made suggestions on what to change
1.0 - oryginal
Foundry is bugged, if you can not find my map, go to the "Best" and the first line, type ONLY id map! You sure will find.
You can play!
Cat Chase
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
Campaign: A Hero's Tale
Quest Name: A Name For Yourself
Here ya go my friend:
-When you first head to the Falcrest home it is night, when you finish dialogue and come out it's day. Add a night backdrop.
-Bag space is a premium in-game. The herbs for the medicine do not stack in your inventory.
-While collecting I noticed I was spending a ton of time running about. Can you try to shrink the questable area? It's going to be a lot of running around for lower levels.
-When giving Sarah Falcrest the meds, she stands up on the bed. Her contact or behavior should be changed.
-Some of the boxes you collect on the ground have you bend over to interact, some do not.
-Can you change up the Recruit appearances a little? Having them all look identical made me freak out.
-Ending: The General, two Commanders and Agent are standing too close to one another making them clip each other.
Overall, I really enjoyed the quest. The dialogue kept me playing which is a good thing in my mind.
Campaign: Dungeon Delves
Quest Name: Any cave can lead to adventure
I REALLY hope you finish this quest up soon Volt. I was freaking out when I experienced your layout and saw the potential(freaking out in a good way). I accidentally finished the quest in probably less than 2 minutes so I replayed it to explore more. You have an amazing platform to build on.
It's entirely to unfinished right now. I hope you finish it up so I can play it again. I would make another account just to give a better review
Mine is:
Quest: "The Kidnapped Bride"
Author @Aristarchos
Short Code : NW-DP3KMHTRP
Duration : About 17-20 minutes
Average difficulty with a (hopefully) flowing storyline
Very flattered. No worries, it gets new bits pushed every day and I have almost got the portion you've seen polished enough to get the other wing of the dungeon started.
Quest Name: Goblin Uprising
I like the layout and feel of your quest hflord. It is nicely detailed and it looks like you put some time in to making sure it didn't feel like an empty one way grind.
I really enjoy detailed maps and I only have a couple suggestions
-It looked like most of your interactables have the default name... example: Small Bag 01
-When the quest said something like "Get Passed the Guards" I literally talked to nobody the entire way to the end, was ambushed once and killed some big dude. Quest still said "Get passed the guards" so I back tracked a ways and talked to random people and eventually talked to a guard that advanced the quest. I was then finally able to complete the quest. Is it suppose to happen this way?
Campaign Name: NA (quest only currently)
Quest Name: Quest for gold
Short Code: NW-DA3A0H4ZF
(it's still in review stage)
need 2 people minimum. (atleast as a TR) have been trying to run through it solo the end of the 2nd floor is ridiculously difficult even i've given up and its my quest!!!
Review for
Author: @daezo
Campaign: Descendants of Delehna
Quest: Bringing Truth to Words
Short Code: NW-DDE386E52
So far yours is really good. loving the dialogue. gives a good feeling of actually being there (provided your a role player). slowly working my way through it :P
Great storyline. layouts of the areas is well thought out. could do with being longer but thats what future quests are for :P. also a note in the summary to tell players to ensure they have plenty of potions would be nice as on a rogue the last boss was difficult with minimal amount of potions and tank companion. it's doable but requires alot of kiting and deft striking :P
I'm also making a new campaign (this ones alot more detailed and has a story to it. although it will be very long and have alot of dialogue.) i will publish it here once the first quest is finished. Although is there any chance you could give me a tip on how to make npc's follow you. i have one who is set to follow but just dosn't :L its really annoying
A wizard's quest to save himself, and his companions
Quest Name: Cat Chase
Here ya go bud:
-more detail is needed
-transitions need a little work
-when i interacted with the cat the first time, he took off which closed the dialogue, had to interact when he stopped in next room
-clicking the door and transitioning to a jail cell was a little weird
All in all it has a good premise and I know ya need to work on it. I will definitely play the finished version.
Memnon: Invoking the old god.
Code: NW-DJC4R9H3R
PS: The pigs were supposed to be his dream, remember how he went to take a nap? I was just going for a strange adventure, and I have a lot of ideas for it. That was my first attempt at a quest. Thanks for review, I will hit you up with the revised version when I get to it.
PSS: On the current request, there is some story to patch up. Understand that you are jumping into the story with a summarized beginning and end. I am just trying to see how the design and introduction to the characters and situation feel.
Short Code Copy/Paste: NW-DJC4R9H3R
ohhh, yeah yeah, I forgot you had me go to sleep. Lol, my bad, I guess that part slipped passed me when I was remembering what to put for a review.
I took that off the review I made earlier.
Reviewed your quest 16th May 2013, in game feed back left. 5/5, 50 tip.
My Quest
Campaign: Resurrection of Xunvrae (4 parts)
Quest Name: The bones of Xunvrae
Author: Elimgarak83
Tags: Story, Explore, Combat
Tested: 14 GWF, 60 CW, 60 DC, 29 CW
Quest forum post:
Part 1 - The bones of Xunvrae
it's worth another look, a HUGE update got pushed up last night before I went to bed.
Campaign: The Saga of the Creed
Quest Name: Dirty Politics
Overall it was a well designed quest. I have a few recommendations for ya bud:
-I was in a different location when I accepted quest. When I brought up the overhead map it doesn't show an icon where quest starts. Of course I knew it had to be Protector's Enclave but everyone may not know. Is there a way for ya to change that?
-I enjoy me some dialogue. You have a couple dialogues with the default "Continue" still in there. If my memory is correct it was talking with the main guy in the first house, think he says "Seek out Cevon and find the truth" then when interacting with the Pit and lastly when talking to Cevon near the end.
-The Pit has some long empty feeling hallways. I would add some traps or ambush encounters.
-After talking to Cevon you get attacked by spiders. 2 Spiderlings were really close to the wall, they never moved and never attacked until I got closer. But they still never moved.
-Follow Aruken. He tricked me, he didn't move... so I stood there waiting for a surprise. Maybe have him do a One Way Patrol then disappear? Dunno...
That's all bud, I hope this review helps ya out.
Really enjoyed the quest and I will recommend my guildies play it.
Quest Name: Quest for Gold
Code: NW-DA3A0H4ZF
You have a lot of work to do bud, you shouldn't have published yet.
-At the beginning the lady still had the default name "Commoner Woman 1"
-The doorway to enter the castle needs adjusting. Change the "y" value for up and down so a corner isn't hovering.
-Respawn and brazier are clipping one another.
-After killing Foulspawn the quest objective says "Go to next map". You need to change your transition text.
-After killing 3 waves, transition again says "Go to next map".
-Final battle, mob names are Orc names but the encounter is not Orcs.
-You have A LOT of empty hallways, rooms, areas... these need detail or encounters.
-Most importantly.... the chest spawned in the ceiling where it is clearly not reachable thus failing quest completion.
yeah i agree with all of that xD. although the chest didn't spawn in ceiling for me. must have altered it when i republished it.
i'm in the middle of making a much more detailed campaign at the moment though. now that i've got the hang of the foundry. first part is almost finished
A wizard's quest to save himself, and his companions