So as the title says, I know we'll have werewolves in game, but I wonder if we'll have any kind of vampire quest we'll be able to play. I really hope so, I always did enjoy whooping some undead bloodsucker HAMSTER!
My first Foundry mission, The Valley of Darkness NW-DG9DOTZLU
So as the title says, I know we'll have werewolves in game, but I wonder if we'll have any kind of vampire quest we'll be able to play. I really hope so, I always did enjoy whooping some undead bloodsucker HAMSTER!
of course how else are we supposed to get the twilight fans in.... sheshhhh
D&D vampires don't sparkle! Lol but they do suck
I hope and think they will have at least a few vampires, not to spoil any recent books, but a couple vampires play parts in the more recent salvatore books.
aesclealMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2013
No no, the werewolf question I'd like answered is, can we contract lycanthropy as a disease? Becoming uncontrollable, running about attacking everything that moves? Only cured by a cleric? Ooh, the fun! The good old D&D complicated FUN!
Or can a Vamp bite you and turn you (diseased)? Again, rendering you an NPC'like toon that we lose control of until won back or slain.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2013
Funny, I saw a whole bunch of GWF people run after they heard the words "rust monster"...
So as the title says, I know we'll have werewolves in game, but I wonder if we'll have any kind of vampire quest we'll be able to play. I really hope so, I always did enjoy whooping some undead bloodsucker HAMSTER!
Without a doubt, yes. I have no proof of this. It's just statistically very unlikely for us not to see vampires.
Edit: Go to 17 minutes and 31 seconds. You will see their are no V monsters between U and W. It goes from Thay undead to wererat. I still seriously doubt they wont be in game on release.
Didn't they say in one of the previews you have to fight a vampire boss in the end of quest? Which area was it - graveyard or ebons down I think but am not sure.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
Without a doubt, yes. I have no proof of this. It's just statistically very unlikely for us not to see vampires.
Edit: Go to 17 minutes and 31 seconds. You will see their are no V monsters between U and W. It goes from Thay undead to wererat. I still seriously doubt they wont be in game on release.
Oh I know . That's why I still believe there will certainly be vamps.
They will be D&D vampire however and not the twilight kind of sparkly vamps. i.e. they will just look like evil necromancer - just a bit pale and doing disappearing act with bats when dead.
If you are not very careful, you may not even ever know that you actually fought a vampire and not just another necromancer using shadow source.
They will be D&D vampire however and not the twilight kind of sparkly vamps. i.e. they will just look like evil necromancer - just a bit pale and doing disappearing act with bats when dead.
If you are not very careful, you may not even ever know that you actually fought a vampire and not just another necromancer using shadow source.
What about my post made you think I thought twilight sparkling vampires would be in NWO? lol... I think you watched those movies to much.
Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
They will be D&D vampire however and not the twilight kind of sparkly vamps. i.e. they will just look like evil necromancer - just a bit pale and doing disappearing act with bats when dead.
If you are not very careful, you may not even ever know that you actually fought a vampire and not just another necromancer using shadow source.
You can see Vampires in True Blood and The Vampires Diaries TV series. They look like humans with long teeth and maybe a bit pale, but not much pale.
A Vampire might look like a monster when it attacks, but Vampires might look also very much as beautiful humans etc. However Vampires might also look more like monster: The blonde Vampire you can see her at 57 second I have seen her in a movie. She is in this movie:
In that movie you can see Vampires that look more like monster however female Vampires can still look beautiful. If you want to see Vampires that look more like humans then see True Blood and The Vampire Diares series.
Anyway Vampires should not look some ugly Undead Zombies. Yes this game can have both Vampires and Zombies but Vampires should not look ugly though when they attack they should also have long teeth etc.
About Vampires series. True Bloodsseason 1 and 2 I think is 7/10. Season 3, 4 and 5 is 9/10.
The Vampires Diares have more romance then True Blood. However The Vampires Diares have good effects. The Vampires Diares season 1 and 2 is 9/10 for me. The Vampires Diares become a bit boring in season 3 and that is 7/10 for me. This season 4... is sigh ever more romance and boring... seems The Vampire Diares get no new good ideas, but it was excellent is season 1 and 2.
If you really want to complain about much romance and boring then try see The Vampires Diares season 4. I still see it because I want to see if it becomes good again. The Vampires Diares Season 4 is 6/10 for me, but mainly since I like the main actors.
Well The Vampires Diares Season 4 is to much about romance and is a bit boring. However Supernatural, True Blood, Lost Girl all of them have not much romance.
xearrikMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 323Arc User
edited January 2013
This is from a monster manual. They look pretty monsterish to me.
Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited January 2013
Personally, I love the way Vampires are portrayed in both True Blood and Vampire Diaries and am an avid fan of both shows! I love how in VD, vampires are portrayed as having a "emotion switch" where they can simply dismiss their human conscience and all their emotions and sensations are heightened. I also love how in VD, when they get angry or go all vampiric on someone, their veins rip with blood and their face becomes all demonic and evil. This is just how I had always imagined vampires to be. The apitimy of beauty and elegance matched with the fury and destructiveness of the worst of humanity.
Of course, the Nosferatu are a different breed of vampires.
However, I still feel that Kindred: The Embraced was the best vampire drama ever. Especially with it being based of off Vampire the Masquerade. It is a shame it got cancelled. I still have the whole show on VHS but there is no VCR in our house anymore... LOL.
Edit: Go to 17 minutes and 31 seconds. You will see their are no V monsters between U and W. It goes from Thay undead to wererat. I still seriously doubt they wont be in game on release.
That's because they hired Elmer Fudd to populate the data base.
"Ohhhh Wampirahs. We will pit these wight after Wabbits"
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Personally, I love the way Vampires are portrayed in both True Blood and Vampire Diaries and am an avid fan of both shows! I love how in VD, vampires are portrayed as having a "emotion switch" where they can simply dismiss their human conscience and all their emotions and sensations are heightened. I also love how in VD, when they get angry or go all vampiric on someone, their veins rip with blood and their face becomes all demonic and evil. This is just how I had always imagined vampires to be. The apitimy of beauty and elegance matched with the fury and destructiveness of the worst of humanity.
Of course, the Nosferatu are a different breed of vampires.
However, I still feel that Kindred: The Embraced was the best vampire drama ever. Especially with it being based of off Vampire the Masquerade. It is a shame it got cancelled. I still have the whole show on VHS but there is no VCR in our house anymore... LOL.
Yes I am familiar with that slightly. I even created a character for Vampire the Masquerades but at the last minute the GM who was the only one that was experienced Vamp player cancelled the whole stuff due to real life things.
Anyway my old Vampire TV series favorite is actually Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Yes it is a bit silly series but it is fun and cool at the same time. It is lighthearted sometimes. That said I have trained Martial Arts myself and the moves Buffy do are real she can real martial arts. Of course they make her seem more strong then she should be but she is not entirely human... she is a slayer.
Anyway while really ugly Vampires Nosferatu have their fans I really do not want so ugly Vampires. Vampires should look handsome/beautiful though yes they might look more scary then in The Vampire Slayer.
OH God no SPARKLY vampires please!.......unless it's a quest from the other more monstrous vampires begging us to kill off the sparkly ones with extreme prejudice...........and flame throwers!
My first Foundry mission, The Valley of Darkness NW-DG9DOTZLU
What can you say? Vampires are popular with the ladies. I told my ex before we broke up, "You need a romantic, rich, successful, bad-boy vampire/demon for a boyfriend, and sadly, I'll probably be none of those." I think it was Han Solo that said, "Must've hit pretty close to the mark to get her all riled up, huh kid?"
Be careful of chicks that read too many books; they raise their relationship expectations far too high! Wait, what was this thread about again?
No no, the werewolf question I'd like answered is, can we contract lycanthropy as a disease? Becoming uncontrollable, running about attacking everything that moves? Only cured by a cleric? Ooh, the fun! The good old D&D complicated FUN!
Or can a Vamp bite you and turn you (diseased)? Again, rendering you an NPC'like toon that we lose control of until won back or slain.
That would be super cool. Not big on vampires or werewolves, but that does sound cool.
Could have a similar mechanic for vampire bits. Like after you're bit, if you die, you come back as a vampire, and stay a vampire until killed again.
"Truth is absolute, so if you truly seek it, you can find only one answer."
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
OH God no SPARKLY vampires please!.......unless it's a quest from the other more monstrous vampires begging us to kill off the sparkly ones with extreme prejudice...........and flame throwers!
No ugly Nosferatu Vampires those should be burned to Ashes. Sparkly Vampires? If actors in True Blood and The Vampire Diaries are sparkly then they should live. I get some people hate the Twilight movies and personally I am neutral to the Twilight movies. Twilight movies have never been my favorites and I do not rank them high.
About the Buffy The Vampire Slayer. When I said she can martial arts and have nice moves check out Season 3 episode 1. Buffy fights many kind of enemies not only Vampires. Wherever she goes she is a Slayer and have excellent martial arts and supernatural Strength. This is the trailer to that episode one of my favorites and great fighting:
I would say pretty good story also because you don't have a clue what the threat is before it is well to late.
If you want to see a more modern TV series with many different kinds of monsters then see True Blood or Supernatural. There are lots of things in the world besides Vampires.
xearrikMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 323Arc User
However, I still feel that Kindred: The Embraced was the best vampire drama ever. Especially with it being based of off Vampire the Masquerade. It is a shame it got cancelled. I still have the whole show on VHS but there is no VCR in our house anymore... LOL.
Amen brother! I miss that show. It's been so long that I totally forgot about it till I read this post. This is why I don't like any of the new stuff. They pale in comparison to what I used to watch ^^. This show was like the vampire version of The Dresdin Files novels(Not the freaking horrible TV series). They pay a lot of attention to detail and cover a large range of lore. They try to make it as realistic as possible.
Though I was able to stomach shows like Buffy mainly because of the humor. I don't expect as much attention to detail from comedies. That Buffy musical episode was amazing!
Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
elewyndylMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
Amen brother! I miss that show. It's been so long that I totally forgot about it till I read this post. This is why I don't like any of the new stuff. They pale in comparison to what I used to watch ^^. This show was like the vampire version of The Dresdin Files novels(Not the freaking horrible TV series). They pay a lot of attention to detail and cover a large range of lore. They try to make it as realistic as possible.
Though I was able to stomach shows like Buffy mainly because of the humor. I don't expect as much attention to detail from comedies. That Buffy musical episode was amazing!
Yeah Buffy musical Episode episode was very good. Pretty interesting Buffy was younger then 18 in the early seasons and when she gets older the series take a new young actress that plays Dawn. This is that song. Whats really nice the actors sing in that song themselves:
Anyway my taste in music is more Electronic. Smallville is more SCIFI series, but season 3 and 4 have slightly fantasy elements in Smallville. One of my favorite SmallVille epdodes is this and the tune is from that episode Smallville-Witches:
That would be super cool. Not big on vampires or werewolves, but that does sound cool.
Could have a similar mechanic for vampire bits. Like after you're bit, if you die, you come back as a vampire, and stay a vampire until killed again.
Harshest death penalty I've heard so far. I'd get that cured and rezzed for everything in my bag o' holding. Hate leeches (I played too much Werewolf: The Apocalypse, if you haven't noticed XD)
xearrikMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Hero Users, SilverstarsPosts: 323Arc User
One of my favorite! An excellent classic. The remake was blah in comparison. "Ohh this movie is to manly! We must make it more girly and have a female lead!" Fail! Not to mention all of the suspense of the original got lost. Oh wait I just mentioned it.... Never mind.
Wait what was the topic again? Horror movies? Hmmmmmmmmm Yea I'm still going to post this lol.
Da kitties don't speak for me, deez kitties speak fur us all!
I'll Keep this up till beta goes live. I'll improve it soon.
of course how else are we supposed to get the twilight fans in.... sheshhhh
I hope and think they will have at least a few vampires, not to spoil any recent books, but a couple vampires play parts in the more recent salvatore books.
Or can a Vamp bite you and turn you (diseased)? Again, rendering you an NPC'like toon that we lose control of until won back or slain.
No idea on vampires though.
It's sad how that terrible series has pretty much ruined the two coolest things ever.
Without a doubt, yes. I have no proof of this. It's just statistically very unlikely for us not to see vampires.
Edit: Go to 17 minutes and 31 seconds. You will see their are no V monsters between U and W. It goes from Thay undead to wererat. I still seriously doubt they wont be in game on release.
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Oh I know
They will be D&D vampire however and not the twilight kind of sparkly vamps. i.e. they will just look like evil necromancer - just a bit pale and doing disappearing act with bats when dead.
If you are not very careful, you may not even ever know that you actually fought a vampire and not just another necromancer using shadow source.
I always thought Dragon Turtle was quite epic.. Wasnt it's size of a size of a small island and extremely rare.
good old mimic..
dint seem to steal some1s clothes tho in this neverwinter ^^
maybe they'll put the apocalypse dragon "Nebiru The Falling Star" as a uber boss??
might be possible the vampire's scripts n actions might need more time for coding??
turn to smoke. n all that
What about my post made you think I thought twilight sparkling vampires would be in NWO? lol... I think you watched those movies to much.
A Vampire might look like a monster when it attacks, but Vampires might look also very much as beautiful humans etc. However Vampires might also look more like monster:
The blonde Vampire you can see her at 57 second I have seen her in a movie. She is in this movie:
In that movie you can see Vampires that look more like monster however female Vampires can still look beautiful. If you want to see Vampires that look more like humans then see True Blood and The Vampire Diares series.
Anyway Vampires should not look some ugly Undead Zombies. Yes this game can have both Vampires and Zombies but Vampires should not look ugly though when they attack they should also have long teeth etc.
Of course, the Nosferatu are a different breed of vampires.
However, I still feel that Kindred: The Embraced was the best vampire drama ever. Especially with it being based of off Vampire the Masquerade. It is a shame it got cancelled. I still have the whole show on VHS but there is no VCR in our house anymore... LOL.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
That's because they hired Elmer Fudd to populate the data base.
"Ohhhh Wampirahs. We will pit these wight after Wabbits"
Anyway my old Vampire TV series favorite is actually Buffy The Vampire Slayer. Yes it is a bit silly series but it is fun and cool at the same time. It is lighthearted sometimes. That said I have trained Martial Arts myself and the moves Buffy do are real she can real martial arts. Of course they make her seem more strong then she should be but she is not entirely human... she is a slayer.
Anyway while really ugly Vampires Nosferatu have their fans I really do not want so ugly Vampires. Vampires should look handsome/beautiful though yes they might look more scary then in The Vampire Slayer.
My first Foundry mission, The Valley of Darkness NW-DG9DOTZLU
Be careful of chicks that read too many books; they raise their relationship expectations far too high! Wait, what was this thread about again?
That would be super cool. Not big on vampires or werewolves, but that does sound cool.
Could have a similar mechanic for vampire bits. Like after you're bit, if you die, you come back as a vampire, and stay a vampire until killed again.
About the Buffy The Vampire Slayer. When I said she can martial arts and have nice moves check out Season 3 episode 1. Buffy fights many kind of enemies not only Vampires. Wherever she goes she is a Slayer and have excellent martial arts and supernatural Strength. This is the trailer to that episode one of my favorites and great fighting:
I would say pretty good story also because you don't have a clue what the threat is before it is well to late.
If you want to see a more modern TV series with many different kinds of monsters then see True Blood or Supernatural. There are lots of things in the world besides Vampires.
Amen brother! I miss that show. It's been so long that I totally forgot about it till I read this post. This is why I don't like any of the new stuff. They pale in comparison to what I used to watch ^^. This show was like the vampire version of The Dresdin Files novels(Not the freaking horrible TV series). They pay a lot of attention to detail and cover a large range of lore. They try to make it as realistic as possible.
Though I was able to stomach shows like Buffy mainly because of the humor. I don't expect as much attention to detail from comedies. That Buffy musical episode was amazing!
Yeah Buffy musical Episode episode was very good. Pretty interesting Buffy was younger then 18 in the early seasons and when she gets older the series take a new young actress that plays Dawn. This is that song. Whats really nice the actors sing in that song themselves:
Anyway my taste in music is more Electronic. Smallville is more SCIFI series, but season 3 and 4 have slightly fantasy elements in Smallville. One of my favorite SmallVille epdodes is this and the tune is from that episode Smallville-Witches:
Anyway I am likely much younger then you and zebular. That said I am very far from some blue eyed 20 year youngster. If I would talk about really old Horror stuff that I like then these movies:
The Thing(1982)
The Howling(1981):
and Jaws(1975)
is likely the oldest horror movie that I like.
Harshest death penalty I've heard so far. I'd get that cured and rezzed for everything in my bag o' holding. Hate leeches (I played too much Werewolf: The Apocalypse, if you haven't noticed XD)
One of my favorite! An excellent classic. The remake was blah in comparison. "Ohh this movie is to manly! We must make it more girly and have a female lead!" Fail! Not to mention all of the suspense of the original got lost. Oh wait I just mentioned it.... Never mind.
Wait what was the topic again? Horror movies? Hmmmmmmmmm Yea I'm still going to post this lol.