ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited November 2012
I can't imagine there not being an archer at some point, but right now it looks like only the 4 classes already listed (rogue, wiz, cleric, and fighter) and im not even sure the open beta will have more than one build or path for any of those. So far we've only seen 1 kind of rogue, wiz and fighter, and there hasn't been ANY info released on the cleric, except apparently something translated from chinese about a devoted cleric (heal type).
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited November 2012
It's also not clear if the cleric will be the blunt or other melee weapon type or the holy thrown spear or lance kind of weapon user. I always thought the rogue could use ranged weapons and they used melee, so you never know...
It's also not clear if the cleric will be the blunt or other melee weapon type or the holy thrown spear or lance kind of weapon user. I always thought the rogue could use ranged weapons and they used melee, so you never know...
In 4e the cleric has simple melee weapon proficiency, but channels his spells through a holy symbol. This makes it a very ranged-friendly build, but i guess he will be able to use also a weapon to smack down enemies when needed.
I think that the ranger will be our dedicated archer. Ranger comes, again, in two builds: two weapon and archer. Rogues often uses ranged weapons too, but usually they stick to daggers.
Dilige, et quod vis fac (Love, and do what you will)
well any classes are fine as long as they can use long ranged weapons and have some few tricks of their own..... death from afar, scouting, waiting, patience and tactical thinking are my kind of gameplay ever since i played any RPG game including DnD PnP... but still if there is no long ranged weapon specialist then i think im gonna roll wiz or rogue....
another question i have is about the PvP setting..... do we have to request a duel or can we go to a place where PvP is on and we can just kill anybody with a different affiliation or alignment with us?? im imagining a rogue waiting to ambush some other players or picking their pockets for gold on a town or maybe a tavern brawl hahaha.... or the PvP is the same as the one on DDO?
yes i imagine there will definitly be a ranger class this is D&D forgoten relms based so i expect to see a descent hold to similarities to all D&D games based in forgoten relms. which means a good meld of action role-play and familiarity for fans of both.
Course this is just my opinion.
My question is : how are you going to make the city full of life and interaction between the different players?
I dream of a tavern brawl or some poker tables where anybody could bet its hard-won money or a weekly dueling tournament for a certain amount of money Are those expectations possible?
I hope you see my point!
If I wanted to get caught up on the most recent D&D lore and 4.0 happenings, what are some good media I should check out (including books, games, websites, and movies)? Also, do you go strictly for canon lore, or do you suggest stuff like fanfics?
Actually, maybe this should go in the New User's FAQ...
Hm.... That seems kind of redundant, like trying to appreciate the fabulous sparkling coloration of a Beholder's iris(es).
Standing in the wind, scrolling the camera around your character's head? "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" jk XD
While i am relatively new to this forum, I was a board administrator in another MMORPG game. moving it from closed beta to open play. As NWO is still not even in closed beta, there is, understandably, a huge amount of speculation here. Forum Moderators are generally not privy to the exact plans of the developers. It is good to ask questions, make suggestions, and wonder about the future, although keep in mind game development is not only a slow process, but frequently takes turns, changes plans, and introduces new factors unanticipated just days or hours before.
Forum readers, therefore, must remember that even when the developers issue statements or conduct interviews, what is said can always be changed.
I presume that the moderating team provides weekly summaries of suggestions and comments to the development support staff. If so, can we get any idea how responsive, if at all, the developers have been to suggestions made on these forums?
Hm.... That seems kind of redundant, like trying to appreciate the fabulous sparkling coloration of a Beholder's iris(es).
Standing in the wind, scrolling the camera around your character's head? "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" jk XD
We spend the majority of the game looking at/past the back of our character's heads while jumping, running, sprinting, and fighting. For those of us with long hair, a little bit of physics goes a long way towards improving the look and feel of the game.
Dynamic flowing hair that responds to physics (wind, moving, etc) instead of just being a static wig.
I wish there's that in game. Many games fail at making hair (Clay looking hair)
The tail for the devil race (forgot it's name) seems nice though.
I'm not sure if this is in game but is there decision choices in game? Choices that affects the storyline or no? Can you be evil or good or can the foundry provide those things?
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] I want to HAMSTER in Neverwinter, whenever I want, for as long as I want.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
Is there physics'ed hair? Please say there is physics'ed hair...
They haven't given any information on it as far as I have heard. From the videos it sadly looks like no but I'd be quite thrilled to find out that they did create physics'ed hair. However even if they do based on the NVidia Logo on the home page I'd think they would use the PhysX engine which sadly isn't compatible with my dual Radeon 6850's
I presume that the moderating team provides weekly summaries of suggestions and comments to the development support staff. If so, can we get any idea how responsive, if at all, the developers have been to suggestions made on these forums?
As near as I can tell the development team is very responsive to suggestions. They want to produce the best game possible for us and do often read the forums even if they seldom post. On top of that most of them are avid D&D Fans who truly love the game. It's quite fun and assuring to be able to exchange D&D stories with developers.
These guys are gamers...and not only that they are Dungeons and Dragon's Players. To sum it up this game is in safe hands.
I'm not sure if this is in game but is there decision choices in game? Choices that affects the storyline or no? Can you be evil or good or can the foundry provide those things?
Sadly we don't have confirmation on this either way. However I would expect even if this isn't in Cryptic's storyline players will be able to use the Foundry to create content which has this level of immersion if not at launch then as an added feature later on. I'd be surprised if this wasn't on the to-do list if the Foundry isn't already capable of offering this capability.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2012
One Foundry mission cannot affect the outcome of another. This was mentioned months ago and is on my FAQ. That means the main quest-lines can't work that way either unless they are holding something back.
Sorry to say same thing with there being no alignment in game.
dejoblueMember, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited December 2012
I am most intrigued with the foundry for one reason, DM ability, bringing hobby shop clans online.
Will we be able to take old adventure books and convert them into foundry quest chains with large sprawling dungeons?
Will there be copyright issues?
Can potential copyright issues be avoided by flagging quests as accessible by clan members only?
Will official cannon DND adventure books based on Neverwinter campaign be released via NWO as well?
I am coming from a NWN perspective where this was all possible, but we hosted the servers. But it was a long process to actually build good quality buildings and NPCs etc. The foundry looks to make it MUCH easier.
Thank you for your time.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I am most intrigued with the foundry for one reason, DM ability, bringing hobby shop clans online.
Will we be able to take old adventure books and convert them into foundry quest chains with large sprawling dungeons?
Will there be copyright issues?
Can potential copyright issues be avoided by flagging quests as accessible by clan members only?
Will official cannon DND adventure books based on Neverwinter campaign be released via NWO as well?
I am coming from a NWN perspective where this was all possible, but we hosted the servers. But it was a long process to actually build good quality buildings and NPCs etc. The foundry looks to make it MUCH easier.
Thank you for your time.
A good question.
We want to have users play and run things they bought and owned, but also have to respect the copyright material of actors' likenesses still living. If that ever is an issue, that's the one time the company can't budge.
When it comes to the IP of purchased game modules though, that's the grey area.
We'll need a Cryptic hand to guide our answers, but if any mod makers who have done "episode" recreation for STO want to comment on their answers to this (not counting the faces thing mentioned,) it's likely that also will be true.
I've got a fairly inane question. is there anyway to speed the process or to increase my chances of getting picked for beta? I have a Vanguard account in Champions Online, and have beta tested several well know MMORPGs...I've also played all of NWN and it's official mods and a few of the player mods. and I've played NWN2 and all of it's official mods. so please, how can i get in for a test drive? Believe me, if there are any of the Cryptic guys developing NWNO from CO when it was dieing....they will likely remember my infamous post excoriating them and the CEO of Cryptic for not copying the best systems from the most successful MMOs like Lord of the Rings Online. (yes i have a founders account in that, and play test all the expansions and updates). I even found one bug in LotRO that made them shut down the servers and revert to the pre-patch version because it was a world stability issue. but mostly i seem to be an expert at finding all the places to get stuck in so again please let me test drive this game!!! I know i can find bugs and come up with suggestions to make it a better game.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
I've got a fairly inane question. is there anyway to speed the process or to increase my chances of getting picked for beta? I have a Vanguard account in Champions Online, and have beta tested several well know MMORPGs...I've also played all of NWN and it's official mods and a few of the player mods. and I've played NWN2 and all of it's official mods. so please, how can i get in for a test drive? Believe me, if there are any of the Cryptic guys developing NWNO from CO when it was dieing....they will likely remember my infamous post excoriating them and the CEO of Cryptic for not copying the best systems from the most successful MMOs like Lord of the Rings Online. (yes i have a founders account in that, and play test all the expansions and updates). I even found one bug in LotRO that made them shut down the servers and revert to the pre-patch version because it was a world stability issue. but mostly i seem to be an expert at finding all the places to get stuck in so again please let me test drive this game!!! I know i can find bugs and come up with suggestions to make it a better game.
Saying you're elite so pick me won't help (and repeated requests send you to that circular suggestion box) but proving your history coupled with a lot of productive community involvement on all media does give you a chance of being picked by company people if they are picking selected users.
However, almost all the time beta keys for lifetime subscribers and such is only happening when it starts and when beta starts, activated member phasing is randomly generated.
GM-run events (beyond the occasional contest or tournament coordination) in a game with number-capped, instanced zones are going to be virtually impossible, unfortunately. I can't speak to a game that doesn't exist yet, of course, but CO and STO, both of which have the same server architecture that NWO is going to have, have had virtually no GM-run events of an actively involved, in-character nature.
i payed into raiderz forsaken and pw any chance of me getting a key i also beat the original neverwinter and would love to get in on this
if not when is estimated release date?
In 4e the cleric has simple melee weapon proficiency, but channels his spells through a holy symbol. This makes it a very ranged-friendly build, but i guess he will be able to use also a weapon to smack down enemies when needed.
I think that the ranger will be our dedicated archer. Ranger comes, again, in two builds: two weapon and archer. Rogues often uses ranged weapons too, but usually they stick to daggers.
St. Augustinus
another question i have is about the PvP setting..... do we have to request a duel or can we go to a place where PvP is on and we can just kill anybody with a different affiliation or alignment with us?? im imagining a rogue waiting to ambush some other players or picking their pockets for gold on a town or maybe a tavern brawl hahaha.... or the PvP is the same as the one on DDO?
Course this is just my opinion.
I dream of a tavern brawl or some poker tables where anybody could bet its hard-won money or a weekly dueling tournament for a certain amount of money
I hope you see my point!
I recently proposed a literature list and here is the thread:http://nw-forum.perfectworld.com/showthread.php?17251-Literary-corner
Be aware that it is hard to give any reliable info but these are mainly canon afaik
i have one question to make and its about pvp !
there is pvp or any other stuff like arenas,bg's ?
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Standing in the wind, scrolling the camera around your character's head? "Ain't nobody got time for dat!" jk XD
Forum readers, therefore, must remember that even when the developers issue statements or conduct interviews, what is said can always be changed.
I presume that the moderating team provides weekly summaries of suggestions and comments to the development support staff. If so, can we get any idea how responsive, if at all, the developers have been to suggestions made on these forums?
We spend the majority of the game looking at/past the back of our character's heads while jumping, running, sprinting, and fighting. For those of us with long hair, a little bit of physics goes a long way towards improving the look and feel of the game.
I wish there's that in game. Many games fail at making hair (Clay looking hair)
The tail for the devil race (forgot it's name) seems nice though.
I'm not sure if this is in game but is there decision choices in game? Choices that affects the storyline or no? Can you be evil or good or can the foundry provide those things?
I want to HAMSTER in Neverwinter, whenever I want, for as long as I want.
They haven't given any information on it as far as I have heard. From the videos it sadly looks like no but I'd be quite thrilled to find out that they did create physics'ed hair. However even if they do based on the NVidia Logo on the home page I'd think they would use the PhysX engine which sadly isn't compatible with my dual Radeon 6850's
As near as I can tell the development team is very responsive to suggestions. They want to produce the best game possible for us and do often read the forums even if they seldom post. On top of that most of them are avid D&D Fans who truly love the game. It's quite fun and assuring to be able to exchange D&D stories with developers.
These guys are gamers...and not only that they are Dungeons and Dragon's Players. To sum it up this game is in safe hands.
Sadly we don't have confirmation on this either way. However I would expect even if this isn't in Cryptic's storyline players will be able to use the Foundry to create content which has this level of immersion if not at launch then as an added feature later on. I'd be surprised if this wasn't on the to-do list if the Foundry isn't already capable of offering this capability.
Sorry to say same thing with there being no alignment in game.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Will we be able to take old adventure books and convert them into foundry quest chains with large sprawling dungeons?
Will there be copyright issues?
Can potential copyright issues be avoided by flagging quests as accessible by clan members only?
Will official cannon DND adventure books based on Neverwinter campaign be released via NWO as well?
I am coming from a NWN perspective where this was all possible, but we hosted the servers. But it was a long process to actually build good quality buildings and NPCs etc. The foundry looks to make it MUCH easier.
Thank you for your time.
A good question.
We want to have users play and run things they bought and owned, but also have to respect the copyright material of actors' likenesses still living. If that ever is an issue, that's the one time the company can't budge.
When it comes to the IP of purchased game modules though, that's the grey area.
We'll need a Cryptic hand to guide our answers, but if any mod makers who have done "episode" recreation for STO want to comment on their answers to this (not counting the faces thing mentioned,) it's likely that also will be true.
Saying you're elite so pick me won't help (and repeated requests send you to that circular suggestion box) but proving your history coupled with a lot of productive community involvement on all media does give you a chance of being picked by company people if they are picking selected users.
However, almost all the time beta keys for lifetime subscribers and such is only happening when it starts and when beta starts, activated member phasing is randomly generated.
*Looks expectantly at Cryptic Staff*
if not when is estimated release date?