Well, I am unable to find that question and answer so I am asking again. Posting weird troll videos of a word not said is very rude btw.
I remember the same question because I asked IT myself. Here IT is:-
Q:-What about exploiting this by having just one empty room with one chest for the loot? Can these kind of missions be monitored by 'official people' to certify the rewards according to non-combat difficulties? A:-Since rewards are based off of the average completion time of the quest, this kind of exploit wouldn't work, and you would just get trash from the chest. This is also why we don't allow authors to directly reward XP for completing tasks. It exposes the Foundry to heavy exploitation.
It better to have some background knowledge before you read above question though. You cannot set rewards on chest - loot is autogenrated.
And I really find it very strange that you were unable to find it when it is under the heading Foundry and if I may say so, very nicely arranged by yours truly.
EDIT: Also IT was an answer and not a troll video - required high perception check though...
zarkaz123Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2013
Yeah, I found the post. The "whereis" and index is what I was going by. I clicked through the parts and found the post in part 5. Hard to find things without an index, sorry. I am also not sure I agree with exactly because it is not hard to make completion time long but easy. Just throw in a bunch of easy mobs and a huge dungeon can consume plenty of time without making people put forth much effort.
.... I am also not sure I agree with exactly because it is not hard to make completion time long but easy. Just throw in a bunch of easy mobs and a huge dungeon can consume plenty of time without making people put forth much effort.
Average completion time means the time taken to complete quest (i.e. average of all previous completion times). I had enquired about it because that was the next doubt in my mind. So even if you bump up the time in your mission ... ... or basically it can't be done. Doing it means 100 people spending 1 hour in single mission so that 5 random person can get a bit more XP by spending less than a minute in the quest.
It can't be done!
Mobs have a limit per map. Also killing easier mobs outside the dungeon in open area is easier. Lastly, easy mobs don't drop cool loot like hard mobs do.
EDIT: Good suggestion about index. I will look into making it better.
How much will the game be loyal to the 4'th edition ? Will the game use some 3E or 3.5E ? (ex: alignment from 3e)
No role of alignments in game according to a reply 1 year ago.
Devs say that they will use elements from other editions which they think are cool - but I abhor that idea and I doubt they will actually do it too. Mixing editions can break the game imo.
No role of alignments in game according to a reply 1 year ago.
Devs say that they will use elements from other editions which they think are cool - but I abhor that idea and I doubt they will actually do it too. Mixing editions can break the game imo.
most of the succesfull games bg2,nwn,icewind dale never copied any edition to it's full. they allways did some neat stuff to ease the gameplay.
most of the succesfull games bg2,nwn,icewind dale never copied any edition to it's full. they allways did some neat stuff to ease the gameplay.
I guess maybe it can be done, but I still don't like it. At the very least it will be very very difficult to pull off even one such change, more so than the earlier non-MMO as this will include a lot of elements like PvP etc. which will need balance.
zarkaz123Member, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2013
So whats your stand point on botting, spamming and gold selling? Please, don't be like GW2 and let thousands of known botters play for months and state that you are "investigating". I hate that whole thing where some games try and just watch the botters to see how they work so they can prevent the botting program from working or patch in a flagging system to detect the bot but because in all my experience with this, IT TAKES WAY TOO LONG! By the time you are able to stop one bot a new one comes out and the problem carries on and in the months it took to do that the damage is already done. Bottom line what needs to happen here is to stress players to report these bots and a recorded video always helps. We need a small team dedicated for getting rid of bots and nothing else, period. Someone reports a player for botting a GM should be responding within the hour to be watching them closely. Bots are actually easy to detect if you know what to look for.
1. Look at where they walk, all mob farming bots have a set route and sometimes they may have more then 1 route and switch between them to seem more random. If you watch closely long enough, the same routes will repeat.
2. Try to talk to the guy/girl in a friendly manner. Ask them to group or just a simple how are you. Try to use very basic words that even someone who does not speak english can understand. Some bots might have automated responses and these responses may read specific words and respond accordingly but it's usually very simple and seems weird, like saying yes or no to something that is not a question, it's easy to trick the bot. NEVER mention to them you will report them, ask them if they are botting or accuse them of it because many bots are set to respond to something like that, like log out.
3. This is kind of a last resort and the game's GMs might not agree with this but if you really think someone is botting but you have a hard time proving it, try to get them killed, if they respond to you just apologize no matter how rude they are to you. If you get them killed and they just come back doing the same thing, do it again and again untill it is absolutely obvious they are a bot and then keep doing it because they deserve it . I did this in GW2 a lot but thats mostly because GMs were horrible at getting rid of these guys.
The best way to get rid of these guys though honostly is to not support them. Never buy game currency, items or accounts with real cash or for trade, whatever. The botting might still be around for people who use it for personal use but that number is like 1% of the community of botters, 99% are gold farmers who sell things for real cash. It is pretty lame because they bot, ruin the game, sell game gold to you for real cash and then you use that game gold to buy things in the auction house or whatever that the botters / farmers put up there and the cycle repeats.
PS. Sorry for the typos, grammar mistakes etc. Trying to fix them all it's just that I get SO ANGRY when I think about these botters and farmers!
There was a separate thread about botters and gold spammers somewhere and devs were very concerned about it. However, they will only take ethically clean and professionally efficient action to prevent botting.
After all, they have a reputation to protect while botters ... ... they are just nobodies.
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2013
Ironically, this is one topic the staff can't go into details with their methods of eliminating them, but they are there. Even if I learned any of them... hypothetically speaking...I wouldn't share the methods to risk making said steps more...exposed for the gold farming community.
I have played a lot of mmorpgs over the years but i have never played a Dugeons and Dragons before. What is the concept of that ? I know it was a card game but what is the connection between the card game and this mmorpg ? i am verry noob in D&D but i think this is a good mmorpg so im trying it when it is open beta. ( sorry for bad English )
marenorMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 0Arc User
edited January 2013
D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) was a PnP (Pencil and Paper) rpg that dates back to 1970's. There have been various editions throughout the years and D&D Next (5th Edition) is currently being play tested. This game is based on the 4th Edition rule set and the FR (Forgotten Realms) lore, specifically the city of Neverwinter and surrounding areas. There are many forum users with a much more expansive knowledge of the FR lore than me and they have generously posted their knowledge within these forums, so I will simply allow you to discover that on your own. Most of the posts have been stickied in the forums to make the information relatively easy to find. There have also been some wonderful posts about the history of D&D and how the game developed.
Simply stated, CRPG's (Computer Role Playing Games) are generally adaptations of PnP RPG's. Which involve all of the elements which are being discussed in the forums, character creation, combat, rp (roleplaying), etc. I hope this helps with how the D&D is connected to the MMORPG.
I have played a lot of mmorpgs over the years but i have never played a Dugeons and Dragons before. What is the concept of that ? I know it was a card game but what is the connection between the card game and this mmorpg ? i am verry noob in D&D but i think this is a good mmorpg so im trying it when it is open beta. ( sorry for bad English )
Hi, I'm kind of new here (I made an account yesterday) and when I click on "ACCESS BETA" it leads me to a page and tells me to put in a key of some kind. I never got a key, so I have no idea what they are talking about.
ambisinisterrMember, Neverwinter ModeratorPosts: 10,462Community Moderator
edited January 2013
Welcome to the Forums both of you.
The simple answer to both of your question is the game is still in the Alpha Stage. Closed Beta hasn't started so the game client can't be played yet.
The key it requests on the "Access Beta" page is a Closed Beta Key which some players have received through various promotions already but is essentially useless to them at this point in time. Any game which is in *Closed* Beta is closed to the general public and requires a key, though they tend to be fairly easy to get. If you don't have one you can't access the key.
And before it's asked, the only current promotion which gives a Closed Beta Key is to buy an issue of PC Gamer but I wouldn't advise doing that just for the key. There will be plenty of chances for keys when the Closed Beta is closer to starting.
I'm getting a little bit confused I was going to try some RaiderZ and since Perfectworld is the publisher for US and Gameforge for EU I thought it would be something similar to this game aswell.
I bet this game will be released for EU aswell but who is going to be the publisher ? server location and so on..
I'm getting a little bit confused I was going to try some RaiderZ and since Perfectworld is the publisher for US and Gameforge for EU I thought it would be something similar to this game aswell.
I bet this game will be released for EU aswell but who is going to be the publisher ? server location and so on..
Please don't say Gameforge or Frogster at least.
Only publisher is PWE for all countries except blocked regions (China, etc. and a few more countries, the list is somewhere on PWE site. Search for blocked regions PWE) [blocked due to administrative reasons btw]
China will have wanmei (PWE's colleague in china) publishing it's translation version - translated from this version. For rest of the regions, it has not yet been announced. They may eventually get the game in their regions as a translation or with another publisher.
RaiderZ is completely different as it was made by Maet and its translation sold to PWE and gameforge. It never belonged to PWE who was not involved in its development and stuff.
vitriks2Member, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 6Arc User
edited January 2013
I got some question I wanted to ask:
1. Will you get an option of changing your avatar appearance (like face setting, hair type and color, make-up) later on in the game?
2. I was watching "Foundry" video and there was really cool armor editor. But is there any option to design armor that you can wear?
3. And is the game heavy focused on armor stats, or you can wear whatever you want, knowing that sharp sword and honed skills will do the work.
4. Can you build your own guild(personal) house(castle,town)?
5. Will the texture quality of player model will rice, or you keeping it low budget to save some extra frames?
Ok I do not know if this is the correct spot for this, but I am wondering why this game has no Rangers or Druids since I am pretty loyal to these classes that are such a big part of D&D. can someone please tell me if these classes are in the works or will they be coming soon after release??
ranncoreMember, Moderators, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Knight of the Feywild UsersPosts: 2,508
edited January 2013
It has been stated by a dev that the Ranger class for PCs is currently in the works.
Now I am sold thanks. hope Druid will also be in the works and that they will do more classes after release. the more the better and maybe a few more races.
damionasMember, Neverwinter Beta Users, Neverwinter Guardian UsersPosts: 11Arc User
edited January 2013
I have a question I read somewhere that controller will be able to be used any particular controller recommended for playing by the devs or some one that has had the luxury of playing in alpha. I am wanting to buy a controller to play but dont want to spend a ton of money please advise super soon Or if i need to post else where for the answer please direct me to the right place
iamtruthseekerMember, Moonstars, Neverwinter Beta UsersPosts: 0Arc User
May need to get one of the 360 PC controllers, I already own a 360. Plus it will help since the other Xbox is used by the rest of the family and the throw out my rechargeable batteries when they die.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
edited January 2013
Yeah, as Death said, the controller just has to be one made for computers. You can't just take a normal wireless 360 controller and use it on your PC, not without modifying your 360 Controller and maybe even building a custom reciever or cannibalizing a 360 for it. I own a "Microsoft XBOX 360 Controller for Windows" and it works well in both CO and STO, so I am assuming native support will also be in NWO, since it is a part of the Cryptic Engine already.
(PS - The mentioned controller does come both wired and wireless forms)
I remember the same question because I asked IT myself. Here IT is:-
It better to have some background knowledge before you read above question though. You cannot set rewards on chest - loot is autogenrated.
And I really find it very strange that you were unable to find it when it is under the heading Foundry and if I may say so, very nicely arranged by yours truly.
EDIT: Also IT was an answer and not a troll video - required high perception check though...
Average completion time means the time taken to complete quest (i.e. average of all previous completion times). I had enquired about it because that was the next doubt in my mind. So even if you bump up the time in your mission ... ... or basically it can't be done. Doing it means 100 people spending 1 hour in single mission so that 5 random person can get a bit more XP by spending less than a minute in the quest.
It can't be done!
Mobs have a limit per map. Also killing easier mobs outside the dungeon in open area is easier. Lastly, easy mobs don't drop cool loot like hard mobs do.
EDIT: Good suggestion about index. I will look into making it better.
No role of alignments in game according to a reply 1 year ago.
Devs say that they will use elements from other editions which they think are cool - but I abhor that idea and I doubt they will actually do it too. Mixing editions can break the game imo.
most of the succesfull games bg2,nwn,icewind dale never copied any edition to it's full. they allways did some neat stuff to ease the gameplay.
I guess maybe it can be done, but I still don't like it. At the very least it will be very very difficult to pull off even one such change, more so than the earlier non-MMO as this will include a lot of elements like PvP etc. which will need balance.
1. Look at where they walk, all mob farming bots have a set route and sometimes they may have more then 1 route and switch between them to seem more random. If you watch closely long enough, the same routes will repeat.
2. Try to talk to the guy/girl in a friendly manner. Ask them to group or just a simple how are you. Try to use very basic words that even someone who does not speak english can understand. Some bots might have automated responses and these responses may read specific words and respond accordingly but it's usually very simple and seems weird, like saying yes or no to something that is not a question, it's easy to trick the bot. NEVER mention to them you will report them, ask them if they are botting or accuse them of it because many bots are set to respond to something like that, like log out.
3. This is kind of a last resort and the game's GMs might not agree with this but if you really think someone is botting but you have a hard time proving it, try to get them killed, if they respond to you just apologize no matter how rude they are to you. If you get them killed and they just come back doing the same thing, do it again and again untill it is absolutely obvious they are a bot and then keep doing it because they deserve it
The best way to get rid of these guys though honostly is to not support them. Never buy game currency, items or accounts with real cash or for trade, whatever. The botting might still be around for people who use it for personal use but that number is like 1% of the community of botters, 99% are gold farmers who sell things for real cash. It is pretty lame because they bot, ruin the game, sell game gold to you for real cash and then you use that game gold to buy things in the auction house or whatever that the botters / farmers put up there and the cycle repeats.
PS. Sorry for the typos, grammar mistakes etc. Trying to fix them all it's just that I get SO ANGRY when I think about these botters and farmers!
After all, they have a reputation to protect while botters ... ... they are just nobodies.
D&D (Dungeons & Dragons) was a PnP (Pencil and Paper) rpg that dates back to 1970's. There have been various editions throughout the years and D&D Next (5th Edition) is currently being play tested. This game is based on the 4th Edition rule set and the FR (Forgotten Realms) lore, specifically the city of Neverwinter and surrounding areas. There are many forum users with a much more expansive knowledge of the FR lore than me and they have generously posted their knowledge within these forums, so I will simply allow you to discover that on your own. Most of the posts have been stickied in the forums to make the information relatively easy to find. There have also been some wonderful posts about the history of D&D and how the game developed.
Simply stated, CRPG's (Computer Role Playing Games) are generally adaptations of PnP RPG's. Which involve all of the elements which are being discussed in the forums, character creation, combat, rp (roleplaying), etc. I hope this helps with how the D&D is connected to the MMORPG.
This is where the gaming started. Read this article, its well written.
Many concepts which we see today originate from here - crits, HP points, etc. come started from here.
The simple answer to both of your question is the game is still in the Alpha Stage. Closed Beta hasn't started so the game client can't be played yet.
The key it requests on the "Access Beta" page is a Closed Beta Key which some players have received through various promotions already but is essentially useless to them at this point in time. Any game which is in *Closed* Beta is closed to the general public and requires a key, though they tend to be fairly easy to get. If you don't have one you can't access the key.
And before it's asked, the only current promotion which gives a Closed Beta Key is to buy an issue of PC Gamer but I wouldn't advise doing that just for the key. There will be plenty of chances for keys when the Closed Beta is closer to starting.
Please refer to The Beta Anxiety Thread for any further question about the Beta Tests.
Some time during 2013.
I bet this game will be released for EU aswell but who is going to be the publisher ? server location and so on..
Please don't say Gameforge or Frogster at least.
Only publisher is PWE for all countries except blocked regions (China, etc. and a few more countries, the list is somewhere on PWE site. Search for blocked regions PWE) [blocked due to administrative reasons btw]
China will have wanmei (PWE's colleague in china) publishing it's translation version - translated from this version. For rest of the regions, it has not yet been announced. They may eventually get the game in their regions as a translation or with another publisher.
RaiderZ is completely different as it was made by Maet and its translation sold to PWE and gameforge. It never belonged to PWE who was not involved in its development and stuff.
1. Will you get an option of changing your avatar appearance (like face setting, hair type and color, make-up) later on in the game?
2. I was watching "Foundry" video and there was really cool armor editor. But is there any option to design armor that you can wear?
3. And is the game heavy focused on armor stats, or you can wear whatever you want, knowing that sharp sword and honed skills will do the work.
4. Can you build your own guild(personal) house(castle,town)?
5. Will the texture quality of player model will rice, or you keeping it low budget to save some extra frames?
I guess all answers are NO. Kinda pity
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(PS - The mentioned controller does come both wired and wireless forms)
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