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Leveling my Item level?

craft#2263 craft Member Posts: 54 Arc User
Now I have played this game for about 2 months and now have 3 lvl 70 characters.
My highest item level is 9800 something, that's my GWF and next is about 8300 my GF. What ever I do, I'm not getting those characters any higher in item level. I know that some players are far over 12000 and how they do that is beyond my understanding. As it is now I'm owned in all the higher lvl 70 zones and I can not go any further in my questing as it is now.
I am to inexperienced in this game to fully understand all there is about it.

So my question is:
1. How am I supposed to get higher Item Level without spending lots of money on Zen store?
2. Is there some way doing this lvling f.ex. doing Epic Dungeons, I have seen that some of the stuff you get there is not that super good?
3. Or do I have to play for several years to get anywhere? I hope not, this game is way to expensive in-game to do that.

I do have Artifacts that can be upgraded four or five times but you need certain stones to do that and I do not have those!
I do have lots of stones that can be upgraded ____ same here and I can keep going.

I know this post is really stupid ;) , but I had to get this out before I get to frustrated, it would be really nice if someone can guide my to a better character build to be able to run those lvl 70 quests.
Thank you


  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Campaign boons are 30 IL each. Not much but they add up.

    Guild boons grant IL based on rank but can grant up to 1500

    Epic Pets contribute a lot. Having runestones and gear on you summoned pet makes a big difference.

    Mounts with 3 insignia each add a lot, quality of the insignia matters but filling the slots matter more.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Oh, most of the refinement items you need can be found running Dread Ring lairs. Marks of Potency are rare drops and require gauntlet upgrades from the campaign store.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    Refine artifacts to Mythic.
    Refine enchants to r14.
    Do hunts in Barovia for higher il gear.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • mdarkangel#4696 mdarkangel Member Posts: 442 Arc User
    At those item levels you should be able to handle Sharandar, Dread Ring and Tyranny of Dragons. As you grind through those you'll get the boons and refinement points you need to progress.

    Work on upgrading your companion first: Bonding Runestones, proper gear and enchantments.

    You should also be able to do the opening quest for Barovia. At the end of the quest you'll get a full kit of decent gear that will help you in the previous campaigns. You should also be able to do the Heart of Fire campaign for those boons.
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    Do what Random queues you can to get to your 100,000 daily A.D. limit on one character. I would recommend the GWF. They can contribute well to a team, even at a lower I.L., at least in most Dungeons.
    Use that A.D. to buy the Stones you need on the Auction House. Do some research on Artifact Sets (that is, a matched pair of Weapons is one set and a Belt, Necklace, and Artifact make up another set) . You will not be in a position to get the BEST one any time soon (one item of the set is ALWAYS rare), but you CAN get a good 'starter' set cheap enough. These items will quickly outclass anything else you might have and the set bonus can be nice. You are nearly to the point where you can unlock the second tier of Random Dungeons on that GWF. Once you do that, you will be able to earn 100,000 A.D. fairly quickly every day, and the rest will come from there.
    Of course, if you have the cash, you can skip all this and just buy stuff. Those Packs will net you plenty of account-wide Mounts and Companions, along with things like Bonding Runestones, Bags, and other useful stuff, and, of course, you can ALWAYS buy A.D. with your Zen and get stuff of the Auction House.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • Now I have played this game for about 2 months and now have 3 lvl 70 characters.
    My highest item level is 9800 something, that's my GWF and next is about 8300 my GF. What ever I do, I'm not getting those characters any higher in item level. I know that some players are far over 12000 and how they do that is beyond my understanding. As it is now I'm owned in all the higher lvl 70 zones and I can not go any further in my questing as it is now.
    I am to inexperienced in this game to fully understand all there is about it.

    So my question is:
    1. How am I supposed to get higher Item Level without spending lots of money on Zen store?
    2. Is there some way doing this lvling f.ex. doing Epic Dungeons, I have seen that some of the stuff you get there is not that super good?
    3. Or do I have to play for several years to get anywhere? I hope not, this game is way to expensive in-game to do that.

    I do have Artifacts that can be upgraded four or five times but you need certain stones to do that and I do not have those!
    I do have lots of stones that can be upgraded ____ same here and I can keep going.

    I know this post is really stupid ;) , but I had to get this out before I get to frustrated, it would be really nice if someone can guide my to a better character build to be able to run those lvl 70 quests.
    Thank you

    NWO is a massive grind. Will it take months, or even a year, to max out one character? Yes. That's possible. It took me the better part of a year to get one character above 17,000 item level. Some campaigns take that long.

    The game is designed like this because the devs want to frustrate you enough to motivate you to buy zen. People who get above 15k ilvl tend to have VIP and log in every day to do dailies. If you get lucky, you can get a high value item from a VIP daily chest. You can trade that single item for a bunch of enchants and mounts to move you up.

    So if you're willing to put in the time, then do the following:
    1. work on finishing all of the campaigns, every day
    2. join a max level guild for max guild boons.
    3. max out on the 100k AD limit, every day
    4. pick one character to level and ignore the rest (unless you live in this game, this game punishes you to level up more than 1 character at a time).
    5. every 5 days (i.e. when you hit 500k AD), buy zen
    6. after 30 to 45 days, you'll get your first order of Zen; buy VIP with it
    7. inspect high item level players in the class you've chosen, then only level up gear that is BIS (best in slot) for your class; otherwise you waste resources and increase the time it'll take you to hit max item level

    for example: It takes tens of millions of AD to reach max item level. Each BIS legendary companion may cost between 2 and 3.5 million AD (and you need to get 5 BIS companions). Choosing the wrong comp may set you back months (since you can only earn 100k ad per day).
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Maybe you do not have real life work or any weekly income. If u do you can invest some money into your character and push his ilvl by buying him all the good stuff. (Asuming 200 Dlls is around 10-12 Millions AD)
    You will need like 65-75 Mills Roughly if u buy everything from AH, let me elaborate:
    Legendary Mount=7-10 Mill
    3 Bondings Rank 14= 7.5 Mill
    2 Unp Enchantants(Weap+Armor)=8-12 Mill
    5 LegendCompanions=5 mill upgrade+3.5 MillCompanions(DPS=Chult=1Mill,Razor=1Mill,Air+EarthArchons+Wathever=1.5Mill)
    6 Rank 14 Enchants for CompanionsGear=1.5Mill*6=9Mill
    12 Rank 14 Enchants for your Gear =1.5 Mill x 12=18 Mill
    15 Average Mount Insignias=100k each=1.5 Mill
    5 Average Purple Mounts=1 Mill
    4 Mythics Arti= 2 Millions
    Upgrading your Artifacts Weapons+Neck&Belt=2 Millions
    I will assume all your Artifacts Weapons would be Primal so are free.
    I will asume all your gear you can get it running Chult&Barovia so it will be 540 and its very easy to get & almost free
    I will asume you have already all your campaings boons for easier calculations(if not well you can investigate how much it cost to buy your way to a tocken of that spcific campaing and ad this the total ammount xD .... )
    Asuming you got smart and buy everything on a Black Friday Sale or Chistmas Sale , when everything is cheaper
    And You would spent the less minimum in your build you would need something like $65 Mill-$71Mill AD if you the math that would be something like $1083 Dlls to $1250 Dlls per Character.
    You can maybe review your own personal finances and balance how much u wish to spend in this game on a Monthly/Weekly Basis so u can get a Toon in game worth around 17-18k ilvl... xD after all this time & Money invested.. hehe
    If you wanna get deeper that ammount of money is like $1250/52 weeks= $26 Dlls a Week or $104 Monthly
    and you will probably will get up there in no time.! GL
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    You will need something like 65-75 Mill Add to invest in your toon... Somthing like $1250 Dlls per character .
    This asuming u grind Barovia and all Campaings and Join a Full Bonus Guild
    If you can invest something like a 104 Dlls a Month and in 1 year you'll be around 17-18 ilvl... probably sooner .
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User

    You will need something like 65-75 Mill Add to invest in your toon... Somthing like $1250 Dlls per character .
    This asuming u grind Barovia and all Campaings and Join a Full Bonus Guild
    If you can invest something like a 104 Dlls a Month and in 1 year you'll be around 17-18 ilvl... probably sooner .

    It doesn't take that much cash. My wife is at 15.3k having played for just 1 year and 1 week, and our guild is only level 9 currently. She's spent $400 US on this game in that time during the Charge Events. Getting to that item level isn't hard, really. It's just about doing the campaigns, earning rAD where you can, and upgrading artifacts, artifact gear, enchantments, and runestones when you're able.
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Well those 3k pending to reach 18k ilvl are more likely to cost you the difference. XD
    Well she will probably have to invest another year to advance to get 18k and probably she will not reach it if she do not invest money...

    That's why the Devs have these Promotional Zen Sales...so u Invest at cheaper prices!!
    You probably do not know the game has walls from which you cannot advance if u dont spend...
    Those 3k will be MUCH HARDER than those first 15k.
    I Leveled a New Character to Lvl 70 in like 2 or 3 days ,got some Barovia Gear+Primal Gear.
    Level up all their Primal Artifact Gear and got some companions, artifacts, cheap necks+Belts and got some R8-9 Enchants, joined a Full Bonus Guild,mounts,insignias,some Armor&Weap Enchants , everything cheap , easy & quick.... invested 50 Bucks on a package to get most of the campaings BOOM Ilvl 13.500...in 2 or 3 days vs 1 year it took her to get to lvl 15.3k... you see the difference...? Probably if i invest those other $350 Dlls i would get to 15.3k ilvl like she did...But Im sure u can see that as u reach certain point the ilvl height become much more expensive >:) (wall)
    13.5k=2 days+50Dlls
    Add another +2k ilvl= $350 Dlls
    Add another +3k ilvl=$650 Dlls or more...
    There are rumors that there were some guys in the earlier mods that even invested as much as $10k Dlls ....so dont fret...with $1250 Dlls >:)
    ...If you wanna reach ilvl 18k with that same character do u know what u have to buy??? Everything Legendary & Mythic... thats easily 1200-1300 Dlls or 65-70 Mill ....if not more...per character... you do the math.
    Post edited by guille23mx on
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    Yes it does.
    I can easily explain this game has walls from which you cannot advance if u do not invest more money.
    IF u think 1250 is a lot of money invested into this game, you're probably not very well informed.
    There are rumors of a guy who invested 10k Dlls in his account, so dont fret with $1250 Dlls per toon.
    When the Bondings Nerf happened everyone knew....(at least the people who invested & had rank 12 at the time)
    that starting from Rank 12 to Rank 14 , and mythic and unparalleled would get us like 50 - 70 Million at least...to get BIS again////you probably dont know that , but you can ask your wife.. thats like $1200 Dlls...only to get u to BIS again...
    And this is assuming you were BIS with Rank 12.
    Now u can get to ilvl 13.500 in like 2-3 days and with 50 bucks and a good guild, but the higher levels makes you invest or get stuck.... you can verify this around ilvl $15.500-$16k ... if you dont invest $ you better live here to grind...
  • jorifice1jorifice1 Member Posts: 1,042 Arc User
    You know, so far no one has asked this:
    O.P., how far do you want to go, exactly?
    Because, unless you plan to live in Castle Ravenloft or the two other End Game Dungeons, it might not be worth it to you to get much past 13k or so. That is a perfectly respectable level that can do most of the content of the game, baring a handful of bleeding edge end game stuff. 15k isn't all that hard for the Power Gamers out there.

    'Wen considered the nature of time and understood that the universe is, instant by instant, recreated anew. Therefore, he understood, there is in truth no past, only a memory of the past. Blink your eyes, and the world you see next did not exist when you closed them. Therefore, he said, the only appropriate state of the mind is surprise. The only appropriate state of the heart is joy. The sky you see now, you have never seen before. The perfect moment is now. Be glad of it.' Terry Pratchet The Thief Of Time
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User
    edited November 2018

    Yes it does.
    I can easily explain this game has walls from which you cannot advance if u do not invest more money.
    IF u think 1250 is a lot of money invested into this game, you're probably not very well informed.
    There are rumors of a guy who invested 10k Dlls in his account, so dont fret with $1250 Dlls per toon.
    When the Bondings Nerf happened everyone knew....(at least the people who invested & had rank 12 at the time)
    that starting from Rank 12 to Rank 14 , and mythic and unparalleled would get us like 50 - 70 Million at least...to get BIS again////you probably dont know that , but you can ask your wife.. thats like $1200 Dlls...only to get u to BIS again...
    And this is assuming you were BIS with Rank 12.
    Now u can get to ilvl 13.500 in like 2-3 days and with 50 bucks and a good guild, but the higher levels makes you invest or get stuck.... you can verify this around ilvl $15.500-$16k ... if you dont invest $ you better live here to grind...

    Well, this simply isn't true that you have to spend thousands of dollars to achieve a high item level. I've already proven that in my previous post. My wife has spent $400, has focused on one character, has a 15.4k SW (got a little new gear last night), spent some of the Zen on VIP, the Dragonborn pack, bank space, inventory space, mounts, and companions. She's also bought coalescent wards and preservation wards to speed up the pace of refining enchantments. However, she's not yet spent all the Zen she bought, as she's sitting on 14k from this most recent Charge Event.

    I have spent $700 over the course of playing this game for a little over 18 months. I've focused on more than one character, yet my own SW is 14.9k IL, while I have a 13.9k OP and a 12.9k HR. I've expanded bank and inventory space on all three of those characters, have bought a couple of mounts, a couple of packs (Knight of the Feywild and the Dragonborn), companion upgrade tokens, and VIP. I've purchased coalescent wards and preservation wards, and have even sold some of the Zen I've purchased for AD.

    So all it takes to get a good IL in this game is a little patience, playing the game, and spending your AD (and Zen, if you buy it) intelligently. To make out to a new player that they're going to have to pour money into this game - money they may or may not have and may or may not be willing to spend even if they have it - is just doing them and the playerbase at large a tremendous disservice.
    Post edited by nunya#5309 on
  • guille23mxguille23mx Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 340 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    @nunya#5309 Well simply youre not there yet.
    We all know we can reach 13-15k Ilvl with minimum investment. That this is not HIGH ITEM LEVEL.
    I would love to see you prove how u can reach 18-19k with just your time xD
    PVP today is not popular but 2 Years ago there where people
    who invested $4800 Dlls and more... Check Darknight here
    So for the OP, these guys are only invalidaing my points but r proving nothing and only masking the real truth :
    $1200 Dlls if u ever wanna reach BIS is a considerable REAL ammount, dont let em tell u otherwise.
    Even More if you wanna get a Guild to LVL 20 or do Mastercraft...LOL
    Op Asnwering your questions:
    1. How am I supposed to get higher Item Level without spending lots of money on Zen store?
    Spending Real Money or Investing a Conbine of the 2. It depends on your Available Time and Needs.
    2. Is there some way doing this lvling f.ex. doing Epic Dungeons, I have seen that some of the stuff you get there is not that super good?
    You are realizing it, dont you... u said the SUPER GOOD... these goodies are mostly reserved for the Harder Dungeons
    which brings me back to my initial point.My personal Suggestion is To get 16-17-18ilvl and access those dungeons not being carried so ...u need to invest hard $
    4. Or do I have to play for several years to get anywhere? I hope not, this game is way to expensive in-game to do that.
    Its designed that way. You spent or be miserable on your stay.
    Wanna be respected and access the best the game has to offer.
    Invest in your Main...I suggest a Support Class... cause they more request in Enclave/Anywhere
    If you do not wanna spent $, Once your around 15-16k it will be supper hard to advance your ilvl
    only playing the game unless you keep grinding on a daily basis and it will be much much slower anyway.
    For the 16-17-18k you will need Bondings(3)&Enchantments Rank 12&Up(+-22) ,Mythic Artifacts, Legendary Equipments,Legendary Companions, Weap&Armor Enchants(prob Trans/Unp)at least 1 Legendary Mount and the Purple Insignias(a lot)and probably on your way there : Coalescents. So yeah expect a good investment of $1000-$1200 if u ever
    want to get up there in the ENDGAME DUNGEONS where u can get the BEST GOODIES.
    Good news are Once u invest in 1 toon you can pretty much gear up all your other toons much more easily and everything gets
    easier because youll get to run good dungeons with the Pro's and Get Much more Satisfaction from paying all Content.

    @nunya#5309 Informing the Thruth, harsh or not is a Better Service, than Masking it... like others do.

  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,173 Arc User
    Actually, the things the company has done lately (even with the in-game aggravation it causes with the old-timers) like the Vistani gear and subsequent Barovia hunts, the Heart of Fire enchant, etc. does a lot to allow newer players to catch up insofar as il goes.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • silverkeltsilverkelt Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,235 Arc User
    you dont need to spend a dime.. but it will advance you further, there are players who never spent anything ever and bis levels in this game. However, some of that was when you could also transfer salvage around to alts and max out daily AD to 36k x whatever.. no limits back then.

    I have mostly kept my spending to as small as possible,though splurged on things like Dragonborn package and SW pack (when it was useful ) , but I do buy vip direct, its a small amount per se, and returns enough to me to make it worthwhile (though those returns have been under direct attack now for awhile.) But frankly, the never injury penalty, convenience issues and free daily key still make it ok.

    I took a year off from the game and I came back with a few observations..

    1. your goal is 700k a week in rough ad to ad, while as a newer player this seems frustratingly hard, the game has made some things easier (nothing was as per se easier then if you had a high enough i level toon, to just wander around bavario all day and get a bunch of salvage.. but hey, that is gone and we will not discuss it any further. THE GOAL is never to miss a day of 100k, This brings you 36,400,000 in one years time, this in itself is not nearly as much as you need, but its a start. You cannot really go ONE day without getting 100k ad, its that simply, if you want to play to advance anyways.
    2. I personally can get to 100k ad by just running the RAQ, RIQ and Leveling queue, that is pretty close to the 100k a day, sometimes you might have to drop back into RIQ a few times to achieve that at the start of the process. Both the TANK classes and Heal classes, get bonus.
    3. You want a backlog, I have now almost 30 days of rough AD backlog, mostly done WITHOUT salvage, remember i came back , and they took it away a few weeks later.
    4. With the changes, you can run things like NDEMO at no charge key cost a day, they give you 1 free chest, you can make 1 free key basically, since you have 3 toons, do it as many times as you can daily on each, this is basically 10k per Toon a day, now its on a personally timer , so that sort of limits it, sometimes you cant run it daily , but say 3 times a week x 3 =that will be roughly 30k a week.
    5. MAKE all 3 of your toons go do weeklies for AD in Sharandar and Dread Ring.. that is 3 x 4.5k (minimum ,you can get more with bonus AD) =13,500 weekly. Never miss this, get it every week.
    6. Free chests are now found in dungeons like Kessell Retreat, Lair of Lostmouth, all the old t2s, CN, Shores of Tuern, old ELOL is easy to run with any group, you get 5k free, no need to queue , you can do this 10 x a week any sort of combination is around 50-60k a week.
    7. Do not look at JUST the day, look at the WHOLE week, you may have times you can play more then others, but you need to play just about EVERY day to advance, or get to a backlog amount that allows you to take a day off here and there.
    8. DO all the campaigns you can do, the easier ones such as Dread Ring and Sharnder can be done with almost no gear at all, in FACT they give you free gear better then the HAMSTER that I did it originally on back in the day (green/blue gear and rank 4s orginally) .
    9. Advance to each campaign, take your 100k a day and invest in bonding's and enchants, you can get REALLY great blue gear for comps for NEXT to nothing right now (10-15k or so) that has great stats on it, fit into your companion and advance yourself easily that way.
    10. I level isnt the end all of things, advance smartly, not just pushing I level, you want to concentrate on stats that work well for your builds and needs.
    11. It will take time, as a new player understand that.. you are looking at YEARS of grind for some poeple to get where they are . If you do not want to do that, then probably find a new game. MMOs are sort of at time consuming affair.
    12. Find people in guilds who do not per se care about you as a player, but you as a person, or at least treat you fairly enough , DO not expect people to grind things for you, do it yourself, but DO expect to be treated as a person, not a machine, people should understand it takes time to advance and not get all prissy with you if you do not have X, Y or Z of best meta build today available.
    13. Do full round of invokes, EVERY day on your 3 toons, open up the coffers, there is a chance at a pward or a cward, this will help.
    14. WINTERFEST is coming, it is the single biggest give away they give us, with luck, you can earn something like a GOND artifact you can sell for some big bucks and advance your toon quickly, or earn some epic mounts and comps that may work for you.
    15. With VIP i get roughly 100k a week to sell of items, I do not personally use.. this = 5.2 million a year give or take in pure AD to use.
    16. Farm things with value, I just make 150k selling tymora boxes by just doing my daily quests, and 50 k in grommets.. thats 200k .
    17. Sell things like dyes, treasures and the such, make as much off these as you can personally.
    18. Get drops from dungeons , I have gotten 3 Manticore Hides last 2 weeks alone, that is almost 300k.
    19. In the last month, I have earned roughly 20 blood rubies I have sold, running Tong, MSP and Fangbreakers Island, I sell all of these usually. Keep the rest and use it to refine things as you go.
    20. Again, this is a marathon, not a sprint.

  • chivonicachivonica Member Posts: 97 Arc User

    So my question is:
    1. How am I supposed to get higher Item Level without spending lots of money on Zen store?

    Time. Game is F2P but for obvious reasons and in line with many other F2P business models limits have been imposed using various methods but none of them stop you from getting BIS with time only. What amount of time is reasonable and/or acceptable to people will vary a lot even affecting their perception on whether the game is F2P or not.

    2. Is there some way doing this lvling f.ex. doing Epic Dungeons, I have seen that some of the stuff you get there is not that super good?

    Unfortunately low lvl Epic dungeons are not really for gear as its usually easier and quicker to obtain upgrades through the AH. Some required upgrade resources are placed solely in higher/end game dungeons as incentives but things like RP and some stones can be gained from low lvl dungeons as well as areas like Dread Ring.

    3. Or do I have to play for several years to get anywhere? I hope not, this game is way to expensive in-game to do that.

    I have a 15.7k GWF which still has a lot of things to upgrade. I have C.wards, P.wards, VIP and other resources in the bank to use. I will also upgrade my companions and enchants when I can be bothered which will take it past 16k maybe even to or close to 17k. This is F2P but it has taken a lot of time in approx 5-6? months. More time then some play in a year+.

    I also have a 12k+ Cleric which is basically geared with hand me down trash and for all purposes except being a buffer/debuffer etc is a trash alt. These are the only 2 worth noting of all my characters as its very easy to get 9.5k iL with a new character atm especially with the event on atm. It only takes 150-200k AD to reach that. That's 2 days max AD cap.

    Low iL characters are not useless to you. Use them to pool your resources and focus on one character. Its also just nice to switch playing styles up once in a while. Your GWF is good to go in RIQ to gain AD and should not have trouble with many of the campaigns. Some you may struggle with might be Cloaked Ascendancy, Sea of Moving Ice, Chult and Barovia. Either leave them for last when you get the other boons or complete with passers, friends/guildies. There are time restraints on most so I would just unlock all and do what you can. Remember zone chat is connected to all channels but don't rely on it.

    With the AD gained from your GWF you might find it better to raise a Tank and/or support character. These roles get bonus AD from RQ more often. Over time this is a big time saver. Get cheap blue mounts from AH for 3 insignia slots, fill them with green/blue insignias, get blue companions and gear one of them (the summoned one) with R7s and gear 420 lvl is very cheap even higher ones. Some epic companions are very cheap too, check them. Refine your weapons and or artefacts to epic and use the gear/enchants from Barovia intro quest. Your GWF can pass Primal 500 iL gear from seals vendor to this character and swap out the Barovia enchants. If you need stones check AH or Wonderous Bizarre. VIP ranks give discount to WB and other discount events happen throughout the year.

    Now you have 2+ characters in RIQ and able to do most over land content with ease. Do not expect any of them to excel at their role in comparison to high iL players but a Cleric or Oathbound Paladin at those lvls and gear can do everything in the RIQ they are meant too.

    I know this post is really stupid ;) , but I had to get this out before I get to frustrated, it would be really nice if someone can guide my to a better character build to be able to run those lvl 70 quests.
    Thank you

    Post is not stupid. A lot of people do get put off and confused by the grind. Do not be in a rush to get to end game. I have not even taken my GWF to Expert Q as it will likely only lead to me taking long breaks from the game. Catch up systems are in places and game changes a lot. Very basic but use a shout, daggers, Indomitable Battle Strike, Slam and Crescendo on the GWF. Choose feats based on these and damage. Old guides in forums and online still work well at these lvls and gear. Gl.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,522 Arc User
    edited November 2018
    OP's item level is only 9800. We don't need to argue about if you need money to get to 17k. Personally, I don't believe you have to but it is not the point. If the consent is you don't need money to get to 15K, that should be good enough for OP until he actually reaches 15K. By the time he reaches 15K, the whole Neverwinter world may change already and the high end could be 25K.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User


    The OP never said he wanted to reach 18k to 19k item level. Granted, he never said he didn't want to, either. To someone who isn't even 10k item level yet, 15k/16k is going to look

    far over 12000

    . Why anyone would "invest" (LOL!) $5k into a single character is beyond me. Those people have money to burn and are not representative of the average player. You don't need to be 18k/19k item level to run Castle Ravenloft or other end-game dungeons. Will it help? Sure. It's not necessary.

  • chivonicachivonica Member Posts: 97 Arc User
    Yes 15k is nice iL if done sensibly. The ability to get higher and trash content is silly imo but that's not just down to iL and like many other games which allow God mode a lot of people like it, a sense of progression and also makes business sense too.

    The Op may only be 9.8k but people are discussing walls within the game and various methods on how to approach them. The walls do not disappear without laying down $£$, time, experience and/or reaching your desired build/goals. You can see how my experience both differ and are similar with other posters here already.

    If he did not ask or is not told he would likely be asking the same questions at higher iLs like a lot of players do. This gives him different perspectives but ultimately he will make the call for himself. If he joined a max guild and got extra 1.5k iL from it he would be in RAQ!!! Would I advise him to do so? No, not without practice. He would probably need carrying or just ignore them dungeons with his current experience and gear.
  • josephskyrimjosephskyrim Member Posts: 356 Arc User
    Just for comparison, I'm a free-to-player and I'm just about to reach 14k on my 2 chars. Here are a few things to look into:

    - If you haven't already now that your are level 70, get to Barovia and get the free Vistani gear (quest starts at Lord Neverember)
    - Try join Barovia hunt groups (you will need to be carried at the start) as the drops are of good quality
    - Try do at least the leveling and intermediate random queue for Astrals Daily (press "K", its on the upper right table).
    - Try do the end of campaign weeklies (anything that gives Astrals)
    - Boons of each campaign and from your guild give ILevel, the order you should tackle them (difficulty wise) is Acquisitions Inc, Elemental Evil, Sharandar, Dread Ring, Underdark / Maze Engine, River District, Ice Wind Dale - Caer Konig, Storm Kings thunder (the last zone - SoMi is a pain, might want to skip), Chult, Barovia (others might offer a better sequence)
    - You active and summoned companions give ILevel
    - The stuff your summoned companion wears gives ILevel (this includes enchants, so more enchant slots, more Ilevel), this is why "ring" companions are popular - there are many rings with two enchant slots
    - Your mounts in the active stable give ILevel
    - Your mount insignias for each mount in the active stable give ILevel
    - Stones you need to upgrade Artifacts and Enchantments can be bought from the Auction House or Astral Diamond store. You can camp the Dread Ring daily lair quests to help that along.
    - Do events that give higher levels of the above for participation.
    If you can't stand on a chest, it is a mimic!
  • utookmynickutookmynick Member Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited December 2018

    Yes it does.
    I can easily explain this game has walls from which you cannot advance if u do not invest more money.

    You have to spend a lot of time OR a lot of money. Not both. If you want to just focus on someone as an example, there are plenty of 18k+ players who did not spend a single penny (and these aren't "rumors", unlike your example).

    Some examples of how people earn AD:

    - farm guild marks to buy resource scrolls to sell resource on AH to masterworkers
    - farm Dread Ring lairs, including buying lair key.
    - AH trading (take advantage of market inefficiencies, anticipate prices moves from upcoming changes, etc.)
    - you said 15k is easy, so once 15k, you can farm for UES. If you are OP or DC, you could have farmed TONG during early days when UES was 1m+ on AH. Do that during 2x refinement weekend for double gains.
    - Farm certain high demand items (ie. Fragmented Key of Stars). Less value now due to re-roll tokens, but new opportunities will come in future
    - In the past, farming hunt trophies (beginning of mod) could be profitable (look for similar future opportunities)
    - with the ZAX backlog, if you get AD exchanged to Zen, you can buy some Zen items to sell on AH (with any discounts you can get).

    The list goes on. Most of these were very profitable early on.
    Post edited by utookmynick on
  • craft#2263 craft Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    I'm sorry it took me so long to respond, but I have been busy with other things.
    OMG, I thought my questions were simple and stupid, but I never imagined that it would generate all this really good input.

    I realize now that there is not a one way to go to get to higher IL without spending a lot of real money and I think the idea of focusing on 1 or 2 toon/s only is a good thing for me as a casual player.

    I'm not trying to achieve IL 15k or higher right now but I want to be able to survive at least the basic 70 zones so IL 10k is my first priority right now.

    My GF is now at IL 8600 has 2 Epic comp and 1 rare, got barovia gear (I rally like that toon)
    My GWF is IL 9753 1 Epic comp 2 rare and Barovia gear.

    Well, I think I'm going to read all your inputs and advice, print out what I think will benefit most to my playing time, and nunya thank you very much for everything.

    And thank you all for this really good input and advice to my questions.
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User
    @craft#2263 You're welcome. Hit me up in game anytime for help with stuff.
  • happy1go1lucky28happy1go1lucky28 Member Posts: 6 Arc User
    edited December 2018
    I see hunts in Barovia being mentioned. I have been there only to get my gear after 70, are the hunts to difficult with just that gear? Also, where might you go to participate in them?
  • craft#2263 craft Member Posts: 54 Arc User

    I see hunts in Barovia being mentioned. I have been there only to get my gear after 70, are the hunts to difficult with just that gear? Also, where might you go to participate in them?

    I have no idea,just got my gear and ran lol, but I was warned by experienced players not to do Barovia alone, it is really hard and Barovia gear is, as I have heard, not enough to survive there, this is only what I have heard so someone else might give you a better advice regarding that.
  • nunya#5309 nunya Member Posts: 933 Arc User
    Barovia alone when you're undergeared for it is hard. When things have settled down after the new year, look for me on the weekends and my wife and I will be happy to carry you both through hunts, as well as helping you with weekly quests. I'm still looking for Terrored Grips and Hag's Rags for my warlock. She already has them. If I get Heels of Fury for my GWF, that's gravy, but I've got time on those.
  • sandukutupusandukutupu Member Posts: 2,285 Arc User

    Now I have played this game for about 2 months and now have 3 lvl 70 characters.

    I have played for over 5 years, I have 8 characters, all level 70 at 11K (or in that area). Item level don't mean jack. Sorry to tell you about Santa Clau... never mind he's real. Item Level is vague. How vague? Companion summoned 11K, dismissed 9K, but either way I still kick butt. Only 2 months and you want to be done over? Take your time. Get companions, mounts, some fashion items... they mean about as much to Item Level as Item Level means to your skill. My two best butt kickers, that never die in combat, lay waste to all in their wake, are also the lowest Item Level. Why? Because one is my Scourge Warlock and the other is my Great Weapons Fighter. I always think the next mod is going to wreck them but nope. Some developers really have the hots for those classes. I don't know why. The GWF can take off all their clothing and dismiss the pet, they would still kick butt.

    Just have fun and play the game, that is what I do. <3
  • utookmynickutookmynick Member Posts: 206 Arc User
    edited December 2018

    I have no idea,just got my gear and ran lol, but I was warned by experienced players not to do Barovia alone, it is really hard and Barovia gear is, as I have heard, not enough to survive there, this is only what I have heard so someone else might give you a better advice regarding that.

    Same offer as nunya - whisper me online if you want help on doing some hunts.

    As for earning AD, the 100k rad limit should be easy to hit. At your ilvl, I think queuing for Demogorgon while you do quests for your boons is a good way. If you get +5 ring, they're worth a lot of guild marks.

    The upcoming Winter Festival is great event for new players to get RP and maybe stuff you can use. If rewards are same as last year, there is a very small chance for Forgehammer (if you are very lucky). Just make sure to login on all chars to pick up free daily Gift of Simril. The list of stuff from last year: https://neverwinter.gamepedia.com/Starlight_Parcel

    In short, if you are hoping that item lvl progression will be as quick as char level progression (impatient people that want to be bis in a couple of months), you will feel you need to spend. If you can find enjoyment in the game and in steady progression, then you don't need to spend and you will eventually get there. And if you make the effort to learn the game and about future changes, you can really speed up your progress (I rarely do this, but know others that do).

  • craft#2263 craft Member Posts: 54 Arc User
    Well, I agree with you all that getting good gear in a game like this takes lots of time and effort and real money, but there are those who can and have lots of time to be online and learn the game.
    I do not have that time, but I'm going to make good use of all those good pointers and advice in this thread as I can to get at least my 2 toons up to playable state and have lots of fun doing it.

    The only problem I have is that I'm so freaking shy to engage players to group with me lol, it's a huge problem I have.
    I think that playing alone is ok for a while but to go further and be able to get some good gear and stuff then I realize that I have to be willing to group with other players, otherwise I'll just extend the time it takes to get somewhere.
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