Many many times from legendary chest I got only seals of brave and seals of protector and sometimes not even aquamarine, black opal, blood ruby, nothing but seals, then I open regular epic key chest and got seals of brave, protector and very often either black opal or blood ruby AT LEAST. How is that possible that P2W chest grants worse rewards most of the time than a regular F2P one? Did anyone else had similar experience?
Today for example, using my campaign key, I got a blood ruby, then the following 3 legendary keys yielded the exact rewards as above. I'm not sure if it's just bad luck, and I don't mean to get all tin-foily-hat-like, but...
I'm all for dropping a bit of cash on keys for a chance at something nice (devs gotta eat), but it's been discouraging lately. On another thought, I'm not sure I've seen a UES in that either. All my stones have come from the Epic Dungeon chest.
So I hope the devs see how bad the situation is. I'm prioritizing HAMSTER-tier boons over an imaginary chance to get a UES.
Ravenskya - TR / Krisha Chaos - OP / Waffles - GF / Dex Domitor - HR
Becky the trendy GWF - GWF / Too Toasty - SW / Falcor - DC / Morrigan - CW / Sir Didymus - OP
T1: R7
T2: R8
Players running the latest and hardest content should always be awarded at minimum a gem based on the tier of content in the extra chest. It would at least push down the pricing of enchantments that are R9 and lower.
But here's the reall question. Are the devs rewarding pug t9s more?
By pug i mean those woeful attemps at a single dc and 3 dps runs.
I did some testing this weekend, not just T9 but a variety of content. In all my runs, the epic dungeon key almost always provided the BETTER award than the chest that a legendary key could be used to open.
I ran the following dungeons.
VT - 5x - Legendary chest had worst awards
MC - 5x - Legendary chest had worst awards
CN - 5x - only 1 of the legendary chest had a better award
T9 - 10x - Legendary had worst awards
So to the OP, the legendary chest is just extra loot, not where the good drops come from for the chest award.
Basically, Legendary Keys = AD sink or real money; either way it benefits Cryptic.
> I posted elsewhere, but I think they should start rewarding epic insignias get rid of the blue. and I'd like to see r9 r10's drop as well. i'm running tong for the ues. with a side helping of seals. tbh I'm kind of happy wiht the gear I already have. although my dc can use the restoration gear.
> I average one UES every 5 runs. I sell that to upgrade my enchantments on my CW. That is roughly a 10% drop rate on UES. I typically do my 5 runs in one day.
Then you’re RNJesus.
I’ve ran T9 147 times and have received 1 UES.
Needless to say I no longer run T9 and just buy the stones now that they sell for 600k
I know many others are not as lucky but we always solve all the puzzles and never use scrolls. When we do use scrolls those runs are when we see no one getting a UES. Maybe it is because of solving the puzzles or not using scrolls or maybe it is the combination of both.
Me and my group run T9G about 5 times a day and I'd say at least 2 of us get an UES every day or at least every other day. Im not sure I believe people anymore when they "ive done T9G 150 times and never got an UES" since most people ive met don't count their runs but instead they just make up a ridiculous number in an attempt to further prove their point.
Man am I tired of those puzzles. Literally one of the boons in the campaign should be "auto solve puzzles in tong".
Last week 62 runs opening both chest with a guildie doing the same that is 62x4 248 chest NOT A SINGLE UES!!!
Overall I have done easy over 200 runs with 1 UE drop total solving all puzzles or not the rng is absolutly pure FLUFFY WHITE KITTENS....
Some get all luck others get zip but getting 1 UE every 3 runs as an average for players is nonsence...
Mod edit. Evade the filter and your profanity will also be "nonsence"
See, this way of thinking is wrong. Most of the people count by number of keys spent. On average I get one UE for every 80 runs; does it mean everybody gets it on 80 runs? - NO. I've been in multi runs where one lucky guy got them in every run, while others just got salvage/rp/seals.
ll of but one player out of my core group is averaging 10% or higher for UES. That one player has only ran it around 9x now. There is still a chance he could get a UES on his 10th run.
A friend pulled out a Shadow Demon and a epic Fire Archon in one run. The pulls are not bad in T9. I don't think the extra key drops are all that bad in T9.
I also keep hearing I did X amount of runs. Yet those same players sit there in the port calling out all day. On Saturday morning I watched a GWF that was 16K+ calling out for T9. I did 3 runs. After my 3 runs (90 minutes) I sent a tell to the GWF. I asked them if they had any luck getting into T9. They said no. I asked how many they run a week. They said about 60. I asked the average run time for his T9 runs. He told me around 40 minutes. I than asked about his UES luck and he stated over 200 runs and zero has dropped. Things are not adding up with anything he stated.
In 90 minutes I did 3 runs and he did zero. T9 run time on my DC average out to about 30 minutes. I do enough to max out my seals each week on my DC, roughly 10 runs. That is 300 mintues or 5 hours of my time each week.
The GWF is averaging 40 minutes, meaning if he did 60 runs that would equal up to 40 hours a week in just T9. That does not include his time waiting to get into T9 and as I noted I did 3 runs and he did zero. That is wasted time just calling out. In fact, I know how hard it is to form a group for T9 but once you get a good group together it is fairly easy to get T9 done. I call BS on the GWF doing 60 runs a week, especially if he spends most of his time just trying to get into a group.
I agree with @ivansinkovic1 that players are over stating their runs. I just find the whole concept of I did 60 runs in a week to be BS, unless you play daily for 10 hours a day and spend roughly 3+ hours of that forming groups.
I agree but during 2x enchant drop some form groups that run Tong in 25 min easy and doing 10 a day is not biggie if you focus it during a week here and there but every week na not likely or realistic tbh..