Thank you for giving us this chance! I don't know why my post has been deleted... Let's try again:
1- Legendary companions bonus is fluctuating or not working at all.
2- Wrong IL shown when ispecting players (probably summoned companion doesn't get counted)
3- Items go to overflow when switching loadouts even if you have tons of free bag slots.
4- Icy Terrain, Ice Knife need multiple key presses to cast.
5- Not being able to switch loadouts when items are cooling down. Loadouts could be so useful but since they are so buggy and don't switch enchants, mounts power and so on they are really a lot less useful than what they could be.
6- Please remove all animations from mailbox. It's a pain when collecting attachments and deleting mails.
7- Friends window sorting doesn't work.
8- When switching loadouts IL get "stuck" and sometimes it shows the IL from the previous loadout not the current one.
Storm Spell: Sometimes when it procs on the hit from DOT like Opressive Force, Icy Terrain or Conduit of Ice, it deals much less damage than the other storm spell hits. I'm not quite sure what causes it to deal less damage, All I did was cast Condiut of Ice once.
Storm Spell Off Hand Bonus: Does not adjust to the rank of storm spell, it always uses rank 1 even when the CW has rank 4. Also when it procs on a storm spell hit it will, the additional storm spell strike causes the original to deal less damage because it overwrites it. It does not deal a second strike because there was no first.
CW Teleport: There seems to be a slight pause at the end teleport. Could you please remove it?
- all auras should have a longer base range (like 50 feet or so)
- Aura Gifts should count as an aura (same range, affected by the heroic feat etc...). Its activation time doesn't make sense and should be removed. Why is it not called "Aura of this or that" ?
mayathesoftMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 23Arc User
Good morning, good afternoon, 2 bugs, neither major nor class related, but since they have been reported several times, would be appreciated to have them resolved, especially the maurauders since a double influence event is scheduled 5-9 october: - 2x influence not working on maurauders event - display of hem guild's name iinstead of alliance name if "use alliance title" is enabled in history tab (have been told its the case on inspecting a toon even if disabled) Thank you^^
@rgutscheradev guys, please fix the friend notification in chat when they log on/off, its not showing on Xbox one, i have turned friend notification on in each of my 3 tabs, i have favorites and "normal friends" in my friendlist, neither are showing up when they log onto their toon(s) thank you!
ENERGON Companion's HP buff changes when porting to new zone and requires to be made idle and reslotted to gain max HP.
I think this is due to it not counting in the HP from legendary companion and VIP bonus when porting into new zone. So the effect is still 5%, but it doesnt apply to those two sources of HP when the zone changes.
It is definitely NOT VIP, as I have tested this on Preview and doubt it is related to Legendary bonus as the amount of HP missing is the same regardless of how many Legendary Companions (0 to 5) I have slotted.
I suspect that it is a weird interaction with the Toughness Heroic Feat.
I have just tested this on preview with a naked character, with and without Toughness Feat, and low and behold this issue only happens when you have the Toughness Feat and the Energon. It does not happen when you have only one or the other. I wonder if there are other powers,feats, etc from other classes that may behave similar.
Given the investment needed to get a companion to legendary (which is understandable), I also vote for time spent fixing multiple legendary companion stat bonuses, please. As others have stated, thank you to the management team for endorsing time spent in this manner and to the developers who take these issues to resolution. Thank you again.
@rgutscheradev@noworries#8859@nitocris83 good day on gwf there is a feat called mighty blade that none of our encounter or at wills benefit from. its an easy fix please could you make encounters such as weapon master strike at will ,hidden dagger, grand fissure, not so fast,roar and mighty leap benefit from this feat, thanks for reading.
Question: @rgutscheradev Is this the only time you will be fixing bugs? Or do you plan on doing more in the future? It would be pretty nice to know October isn't the only time you plan on doing this, especially since there are SO MANY class specific bugs. Many of the class specific issues I really never see get fixed.
General Game Pet Peeves
I will edit this post more if more ideas come to mind.
There is no [Friend Log on Notify] for Xbox Players. PS4 and PC have this feature where you are able to see when a friend has logged on.
Garb of the Wild Noble fashion does not properly attach the mid section to the legs.
Shield: When in Combat, Shield consistently goes up and down when the player is wanting to go into a defensive position and hold their shield up. It usually happens when an enemy player is about to use a daily, or a move like an encounter. It's been around for awhile and really hinders a GF survivability especially during those situations when you need your shield up the most.
Mark: Tab Primary Mark Focused Target's consistently lose there mark and sometimes you need to spam the Tab to keep it on. This is very annoying especially when trying to hold agro or trying to keep a Primary Focus Mark on an enemy player.
Strength Focus: How is the effectiveness of "Strength" increased? The video here clearly shows no ability score stats were increased, how exactly is it supposed to work because I have reports of people using it and then not using it and not really seeing a difference in damage or any attribute in Strength.
Armor Specialization: Similar to above, how is the effectiveness of "Armor Class and Defense" increased? This video here shows no Armor Class was increased from before, and there was no increase in Damage Resistance in anyway.
Jagged Blades: Does not proc correctly. When using an Encounter or Daily sometimes Jagged Blades do not proc onto an enemy like it should.
⚠Villain's Menace: Does not make you CC immune. This has been for a while. You are still able to be Prone, Knocked, Stunned, Dazed, Disabled, Rooted, Paralyzed, and Interrupted and also says (You cannot use this power). Also the Damage Resistance you gain while in the buff is not able to be seen as a stat. I know it is a buff, but for clarity reasons it should be a stat. The cast time is a huge issue as it takes very long to cast, and can easily be interrupted by CC. A QoL change would to change it so it also has a quicker cast time.
Indomitable Strength: Range issue: Uses the Players Action Points and does the animation, but the enemy is not Knocked or Prone, nor are they even hit with the move.
Also @sgrantdev#8718 was looking into this issue, but I thought it would be worth it to also show you since this can also be a good opportunity for you to check it out and get it fixed.
T9G: If someone falls from the platform at the last boss and die, and respawn before they hit the ground, they will respawn dead. Respawning again there will send them back to the trap room with NPCs.
Ras Nsi (3rd boss) - loss of collision detection when he raises his sword for his IBS-style animation attack
FBI: The invisible wall directly before the Hati boss fight is not removed when Hati is killed, preventing anyone who died to Hati from continuing with the dungeon, and they must leave. Extreme priority with random queues.
Feytouch WE: entity powers such as Icy Terrain, Thorn Ward, Cordon of arrows, Smoke Bomb and Pillar of Power cause feytouched to have permanent downtime while in combat. Moreover using a Feytouch cause magistrate's patience insignia bonus to stop working. Also additional damage bonus from said enchantment is not granted to the owner in the preview build
Vorpal WE: Crit severity bonus does not apply to character sheet stats
Primal Ring 1% bonus not stacking if you have 2 rings.
GF bugs:
Shield mechanic: needs looking into - it is laggy especially after prones and on fights such as dragon turtle in fbi where it prones you, you are attacked before the game lets you raise your shield again, it needs to start working as soon as it is pressed and immediately after recovering from being prone/cc'd.
Villain's Menace: does nothing if it follows encounters too quickly, and yet uses up the AP. DOES NOT PROVIDE CC IMMUNITY alot of the time - Very often daze skills and other CC mechanics penetrate through this ability notably TRs ignore control resistance of this daily. Doesn't last as long as it says it does. very delayed activation time causes it not to go off when power activated, even when the buff is active after 4 seconds you can still be cc'd.
Jagged blades: only works on the main target of aoe power Enforced threat, (can confirm magistrates consideration procs on all targets hit so its definitely a problem with Jagged blades) Suggest Jagged blades trigger/flag copies Magistrates consideration for an easy copy/paste code fix.
Commanders Strike: causes instance wide lag/rubber banding especially noticeable when in full party.
Flourish: The lag/animation delay on the power when its initially activated causes weird interactions such as missing the target or triggering cooldown but not causing any damage. whole animation from start to finish needs speeding up
Aggravating strike: does not let you cancel the attack/animation and can cause a lot of unwanted deaths especially in tong when fighting Ras Nsi when Ras begins his IBS attack his hit box no longer prevents aggravating strike from advancing through him (thus making him hit you through/over your raised shield) Misc:
on inspection of other players - full Item level not viewable unless in queue group - would be better to be able to see the full ilvl before you party/queue invite.
Legendary companion bonus not applying bonus consistently
Power sharing mechanics in general
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Journal Achievements: - Exploration->'Icespire Mountaineer': Never was able to be completed (already mentioned in 2nd post of 2nd page). Needs to be removed from the journal.
I don't know how a player who reported this achievement as broken way back in the day learned this information, but allegedly the achievement consists of hitting a number of waypoints, two of which are off the map (one can be reached via shenanigans, and the other not at all). The achievement could be fixed by relocating or removing those waypoints. There is no reason to remove it if it can be fixed. Removing features instead of repairing them properly is bad.*
- Quests->'Polices Drunk Orcs': Never worked. I thought I read it was going to be removed long ago, but it's still in my journal, can't be completed. Needs to be removed from journal.
There were patch notes indicating intent to remove this achievement. But presumably it was intended to be completed by killing the fleeing drunk orc before it escapes, which can be done, so the achievement could be made functional, presumably. It's not as though we don't have many other achievements celebrating our homicidal impulses.
good day on gwf there is a feat called mighty blade that none of our encounter or at wills benefit from. its an easy fix please could you make encounters such as weapon master strike at will ,hidden dagger, grand fissure, not so fast,roar and mighty leap benefit from this feat, thanks for reading.
This isn't entirely accurate. My understanding is Mighty Blade applies to any power with an AoE described as "burst", but the tooltip suggests it should apply to anything that hits multiple targets, and does not.
*Neck equipment visuals while mounted. Please make these work again. Party line was that the patch note proudly declaring "cloaks will no longer show up as floating while mounted" did not actually mean "we gave up and just disabled these" and it's an unintended side effect, but we are proud of our appearances and we spend a LOT of time on our mounts. If it's unintended, please put in the time to correct it. I'd rather go back to seeing other people's cloaks float sometimes than not see mine ever.
Another patch note that never actually made it into reality is for all unused overload enchants of the same type to stack. Glyphs/black ice overloads still don't, and oh boy is that annoying.
Journal Achievements:
- Exploration->'Icespire Mountaineer': Never was able to be completed (already mentioned in 2nd post of 2nd page). Needs to be removed from the journal.
I don't know how a player who reported this achievement as broken way back in the day learned this information, but allegedly the achievement consists of hitting a number of waypoints, two of which are off the map (one can be reached via shenanigans, and the other not at all). The achievement could be fixed by relocating or removing those waypoints. There is no reason to remove it if it can be fixed. Removing features instead of repairing them properly is bad.*
- Quests->'Polices Drunk Orcs': Never worked. I thought I read it was going to be removed long ago, but it's still in my journal, can't be completed. Needs to be removed from journal.
There were patch notes indicating intent to remove this achievement. But presumably it was intended to be completed by killing the fleeing drunk orc before it escapes, which can be done, so the achievement could be made functional, presumably. It's not as though we don't have many other achievements celebrating our homicidal impulses.
good day on gwf there is a feat called mighty blade that none of our encounter or at wills benefit from. its an easy fix please could you make encounters such as weapon master strike at will ,hidden dagger, grand fissure, not so fast,roar and mighty leap benefit from this feat, thanks for reading.
This isn't entirely accurate. My understanding is Mighty Blade applies to any power with an AoE described as "burst", but the tooltip suggests it should apply to anything that hits multiple targets, and does not.
*Neck equipment visuals while mounted. Please make these work again. Party line was that the patch note proudly declaring "cloaks will no longer show up as floating while mounted" did not actually mean "we gave up and just disabled these" and it's an unintended side effect, but we are proud of our appearances and we spend a LOT of time on our mounts. If it's unintended, please put in the time to correct it. I'd rather go back to seeing other people's cloaks float sometimes than not see mine ever.
Another patch note that never actually made it into reality is for all unused overload enchants of the same type to stack. Glyphs/black ice overloads still don't, and oh boy is that annoying.
I know it's not much of a bug but it is a flaw. Please change the hunter rangers archery capstone from a debuff to a self vbuff. That will help the class build tremendously as it is so low in damage.
Post edited by eliybeats on
rickcase276Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,404Arc User
Also can you remove the lag at the start of forest ghost daily for hr.
mamalion1234Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,415Arc User
edited October 2017
Preview bonding maybe bugs.
Companion refreshes the bonding 3 times at start after 3 companion attacks. Also it refreshes after 27 seconds instead afer 30 ? The timer refreshes back to 00:30 when it reaches 00:03.
IF i remember well you said : 30 sec duration and 30 sec cooldown. So the correct should be:
1: Companion attack. 2: The gift proc with 30 sec timer and at 00:00 companion attack should refresh it not earlier.
In T9G, if you get the tunnel collapse trap where you have to carry the stones to the pile, it can bug out and not give you the final stone and you have to restart the entire instance again.. This may be related if someone disconnects while carrying the stone? I've only had this bug happen twice so I cant be more specific than this.. maybe someone else can elaborate?
CW Bugs: 3. CW Teleport: There seems to be a slight pause at the end teleport. Could you please remove it?
This! (but with some elaboration...I'm so happy I'm not the only one to report this!) Around Mod5 or Mod6, the slight pause ulvien123 describes was added to CW after teleport, where, for all intents, CW has a .5s stun after teleport. Somewhat later a second layer to this bug arose: We can now trigger the animation for encounters during this stun period, but they do not take effect. That is, the visual animation (including effects on the ground or air) and the sounds play, but neither the cooldown nor the actual combat effects are triggered. It simply fools you into believing you should continue your rotation.
There are two work-arounds that I've been using: 1. after teleporting, hold 'w' (forward) until your character takes two steps, then encounters will work as normal; or 2. after teleporting, spam the key for the desired encounter until you see the cooldown timer.
The most obvious powers for reproducing the bug are Icy Terrain and the Oppressive Force daily. Trigger them immediately after teleport, and you will see the animation, but there will be no control.
Another minor issue: "SS" is in the filter list (at least for guild roster comments). While it is understandable given the HAMSTER association, it is also the common abbreviation for Spell Storm. My guild requests ilvl and build info in the guild roster member-comments, and "S S" is awkward.
Lastly a question: Is Icewind Dale domination PVP still broken? I haven't checked in at least a year.
P.S. There were a number of comments re: stat fluctuation. A useful work-around, in case you can't fix that, would be to give us the option to place certain stats on the HUD. I'd kill to see my power/crit onscreen, given the rings-of-rising-X and "companion's gift" procs...not to mention the continually fluctuating buffs during a raid.
[Edit: Extra lols on the forums not censoring SS, but instead censoring my mention of that fascist political movement in Germany in the late 1930s]
I'm using 4K monitor, so using scaling is must, and I set UI scale to 175% for comfortable play.
There are following annoying small problems when UI scale is set to this value (very easy to reproduce at specified scale):
When: Viewing Dread Dring Campaign in journal (some other campaign too) Expected Result: All campaign UI elements are fit into window Actual Results: Top boon campaign element is displayed outside window. Severity: Normal, This feature makes it hard to guess when boon is available, because all boons are moved from their true position.
When: Opening map instance switch window while being in a guild and in a party. Excpected Result: All columns in the table are either visible or in some way accessible. Actual Result: Rightmost columns are not visible, and there is no way to see them. Possible quick fix: Add horizonal scrollbar on "when needed" basis (or always), or add resizing to window. Severity: Major (it is impossible to select instance basing on population)
If needed, I could attack screenshots, but the problems are very easy to reproduce.
Not related to scaling problem, a bit harder to reproduce, but devs should be able to force graphics downgrade event via debugger:
When: Game downgrades graphics due to performance problems usually after intense HE or dungeon battles Expected Result: Graphics quality is restored after some short time (1-2 minutes) Actual Result: The downgrading is never cancelled until game restarts Possible Quick fix: Add button in settings or console command to restore graphics to former glory (like /reloadui) Severity: Major (some loot is hardly visible after downgrade, so one has to exit and enter game again to restore graphics)
therealprotexMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 526Arc User
edited October 2017
Baphomet's Wall of Stone Even if you move clearly out of the red area (even with teleport for CWs or dodge for TRs), the wall hits you. It does not happen if you manage to teleport/dodge twice before Baphomet finishes his spell
Combo of TR's invisibility and dodge ability blocks encounters Enter invisibility, dodge towards an enemy. Right after the dodge roll hit an encounter (e.g. lashing blade). The encounter animation is shown, but no damage is done and the encounter does not go to cooldown.
"Breakdance" animation with mirage weapons I am not sure when this is triggered (some combo of Duelist's Flurry and encounter power) but at a rate of 50% my TR does not stop with the Duelist's Flurry animation even after the enemy is dead and decayed. Riding a mount does not stop the breakdance - when the TR dismounts, the breakdance continues. Dodging does stop it, however.
Spheres of Decay in CN The damage area is often not top layer of the floor, so it is not obvious when to teleport/dodge/block/... the sphere. Experienced players can guess, but in Orcus' lair too many have died already from guessing wrong. ;-)
1- Legendary companions bonus is fluctuating or not working at all.
2- Wrong IL shown when ispecting players (probably summoned companion doesn't get counted)
3- Items go to overflow when switching loadouts even if you have tons of free bag slots.
4- Icy Terrain, Ice Knife need multiple key presses to cast.
5- Not being able to switch loadouts when items are cooling down. Loadouts could be so useful but since they are so buggy and don't switch enchants, mounts power and so on they are really a lot less useful than what they could be.
6- Please remove all animations from mailbox. It's a pain when collecting attachments and deleting mails.
7- Friends window sorting doesn't work.
8- When switching loadouts IL get "stuck" and sometimes it shows the IL from the previous loadout not the current one.
- Storm Spell: Sometimes when it procs on the hit from DOT like Opressive Force, Icy Terrain or Conduit of Ice, it deals much less damage than the other storm spell hits. I'm not quite sure what causes it to deal less damage, All I did was cast Condiut of Ice once.
- Storm Spell Off Hand Bonus: Does not adjust to the rank of storm spell, it always uses rank 1 even when the CW has rank 4. Also when it procs on a storm spell hit it will, the additional storm spell strike causes the original to deal less damage because it overwrites it. It does not deal a second strike because there was no first.
- CW Teleport: There seems to be a slight pause at the end teleport. Could you please remove it?
Thanks- You can't buy pioneer equipment for other classes at Port Nyanzaru
So you must equip your alters with lower equipment or go for Primal directly.PS: I know this is officially at the backlog (@nitocris83 confirmed it at another thread) I just post it as a reminder
- all auras should have a longer base range (like 50 feet or so)
- Aura Gifts should count as an aura (same range, affected by the heroic feat etc...). Its activation time doesn't make sense and should be removed. Why is it not called "Aura of this or that" ?
2 bugs, neither major nor class related, but since they have been reported several times, would be appreciated to have them resolved, especially the maurauders since a double influence event is scheduled 5-9 october:
- 2x influence not working on maurauders event
- display of hem guild's name iinstead of alliance name if "use alliance title" is enabled in history tab (have been told its the case on inspecting a toon even if disabled)
Thank you^^
maintaining HR, DC, GWF, TR, SW, CW, OP, 4 Kids and 1 wife
Tweet me @ nem3sis_AUT
Streaming NWXbox daily @ 7PM CEST My Twitch
When is this for you? Worldtime Buddy
I miss you Boo
2) PLEASE show the last login for a character in the guild roster - it will hugely simplify roster management in guilds.
3) Alliance construction discount is not applied in the Guild - Stronghold menu - you have to go to the Alliance tab to see the discount.
Born of Black Wind: SW Level 80
T9G: If someone falls from the platform at the last boss and die, and respawn before they hit the ground, they will respawn dead. Respawning again there will send them back to the trap room with NPCs.
Ras Nsi (3rd boss) - loss of collision detection when he raises his sword for his IBS-style animation attack
FBI: The invisible wall directly before the Hati boss fight is not removed when Hati is killed, preventing anyone who died to Hati from continuing with the dungeon, and they must leave. Extreme priority with random queues.
Feytouch WE: entity powers such as Icy Terrain, Thorn Ward, Cordon of arrows, Smoke Bomb and Pillar of Power cause feytouched to have permanent downtime while in combat. Moreover using a Feytouch cause magistrate's patience insignia bonus to stop working. Also additional damage bonus from said enchantment is not granted to the owner in the preview build
Vorpal WE: Crit severity bonus does not apply to character sheet stats
Primal Ring 1% bonus not stacking if you have 2 rings.
GF bugs:
Shield mechanic: needs looking into - it is laggy especially after prones and on fights such as dragon turtle in fbi where it prones you, you are attacked before the game lets you raise your shield again, it needs to start working as soon as it is pressed and immediately after recovering from being prone/cc'd.
Villain's Menace: does nothing if it follows encounters too quickly, and yet uses up the AP. DOES NOT PROVIDE CC IMMUNITY alot of the time - Very often daze skills and other CC mechanics penetrate through this ability notably TRs ignore control resistance of this daily. Doesn't last as long as it says it does. very delayed activation time causes it not to go off when power activated, even when the buff is active after 4 seconds you can still be cc'd.
Jagged blades: only works on the main target of aoe power Enforced threat, (can confirm magistrates consideration procs on all targets hit so its definitely a problem with Jagged blades) Suggest Jagged blades trigger/flag copies Magistrates consideration for an easy copy/paste code fix.
Commanders Strike: causes instance wide lag/rubber banding especially noticeable when in full party.
Flourish: The lag/animation delay on the power when its initially activated causes weird interactions such as missing the target or triggering cooldown but not causing any damage. whole animation from start to finish needs speeding up
Aggravating strike: does not let you cancel the attack/animation and can cause a lot of unwanted deaths especially in tong when fighting Ras Nsi when Ras begins his IBS attack his hit box no longer prevents aggravating strike from advancing through him (thus making him hit you through/over your raised shield)
on inspection of other players - full Item level not viewable unless in queue group - would be better to be able to see the full ilvl before you party/queue invite.
Legendary companion bonus not applying bonus consistently
Power sharing mechanics in general
*Neck equipment visuals while mounted. Please make these work again. Party line was that the patch note proudly declaring "cloaks will no longer show up as floating while mounted" did not actually mean "we gave up and just disabled these" and it's an unintended side effect, but we are proud of our appearances and we spend a LOT of time on our mounts. If it's unintended, please put in the time to correct it. I'd rather go back to seeing other people's cloaks float sometimes than not see mine ever.
Another patch note that never actually made it into reality is for all unused overload enchants of the same type to stack. Glyphs/black ice overloads still don't, and oh boy is that annoying.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
so its a bug then
Please change the hunter rangers archery capstone from a debuff to a self vbuff. That will help the class build tremendously as it is so low in damage.
Companion refreshes the bonding 3 times at start after 3 companion attacks.
Also it refreshes after 27 seconds instead afer 30 ? The timer refreshes back to 00:30 when it reaches 00:03.
IF i remember well you said : 30 sec duration and 30 sec cooldown.
So the correct should be:
1: Companion attack.
2: The gift proc with 30 sec timer and at 00:00 companion attack should refresh it not earlier.
Around Mod5 or Mod6, the slight pause ulvien123 describes was added to CW after teleport, where, for all intents, CW has a .5s stun after teleport. Somewhat later a second layer to this bug arose: We can now trigger the animation for encounters during this stun period, but they do not take effect. That is, the visual animation (including effects on the ground or air) and the sounds play, but neither the cooldown nor the actual combat effects are triggered. It simply fools you into believing you should continue your rotation.
There are two work-arounds that I've been using:
1. after teleporting, hold 'w' (forward) until your character takes two steps, then encounters will work as normal; or
2. after teleporting, spam the key for the desired encounter until you see the cooldown timer.
The most obvious powers for reproducing the bug are Icy Terrain and the Oppressive Force daily. Trigger them immediately after teleport, and you will see the animation, but there will be no control.
Another minor issue: "SS" is in the filter list (at least for guild roster comments). While it is understandable given the HAMSTER association, it is also the common abbreviation for Spell Storm. My guild requests ilvl and build info in the guild roster member-comments, and "S S" is awkward.
Lastly a question: Is Icewind Dale domination PVP still broken? I haven't checked in at least a year.
P.S. There were a number of comments re: stat fluctuation. A useful work-around, in case you can't fix that, would be to give us the option to place certain stats on the HUD. I'd kill to see my power/crit onscreen, given the rings-of-rising-X and "companion's gift" procs...not to mention the continually fluctuating buffs during a raid.
[Edit: Extra lols on the forums not censoring SS, but instead censoring my mention of that fascist political movement in Germany in the late 1930s]
It's not a very infuriating thing, but those everyday waste times stacks up.
There are following annoying small problems when UI scale is set to this value (very easy to reproduce at specified scale):
When: Viewing Dread Dring Campaign in journal (some other campaign too)
Expected Result: All campaign UI elements are fit into window
Actual Results: Top boon campaign element is displayed outside window.
Severity: Normal, This feature makes it hard to guess when boon is available, because all boons are moved from their true position.
When: Opening map instance switch window while being in a guild and in a party.
Excpected Result: All columns in the table are either visible or in some way accessible.
Actual Result: Rightmost columns are not visible, and there is no way to see them.
Possible quick fix: Add horizonal scrollbar on "when needed" basis (or always), or add resizing to window.
Severity: Major (it is impossible to select instance basing on population)
If needed, I could attack screenshots, but the problems are very easy to reproduce.
Not related to scaling problem, a bit harder to reproduce, but devs should be able to force graphics downgrade event via debugger:
When: Game downgrades graphics due to performance problems usually after intense HE or dungeon battles
Expected Result: Graphics quality is restored after some short time (1-2 minutes)
Actual Result: The downgrading is never cancelled until game restarts
Possible Quick fix: Add button in settings or console command to restore graphics to former glory (like /reloadui)
Severity: Major (some loot is hardly visible after downgrade, so one has to exit and enter game again to restore graphics)
Even if you move clearly out of the red area (even with teleport for CWs or dodge for TRs), the wall hits you. It does not happen if you manage to teleport/dodge twice before Baphomet finishes his spell
Combo of TR's invisibility and dodge ability blocks encounters
Enter invisibility, dodge towards an enemy. Right after the dodge roll hit an encounter (e.g. lashing blade). The encounter animation is shown, but no damage is done and the encounter does not go to cooldown.
"Breakdance" animation with mirage weapons
I am not sure when this is triggered (some combo of Duelist's Flurry and encounter power) but at a rate of 50% my TR does not stop with the Duelist's Flurry animation even after the enemy is dead and decayed. Riding a mount does not stop the breakdance - when the TR dismounts, the breakdance continues. Dodging does stop it, however.
Spheres of Decay in CN
The damage area is often not top layer of the floor, so it is not obvious when to teleport/dodge/block/... the sphere. Experienced players can guess, but in Orcus' lair too many have died already from guessing wrong. ;-)