arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
"Regular enchantments and runestones (ones that aren't part of campaigns or events) will no longer drop in normal play. Instead rank 1s of these items can be bought in Protector's Enclave."
@noworries#8859 no more r5 drops on daily quest map areas? and without rp being account wide we no longer will be upgrading alts like dc, gf and op to help other players in need of a dc, gf or op the most needed classes in game , because majority of the game population is DPS players, u guys need to think of the changes a little better
Again we felt that having a different mark for the different artifacts wasn't enhancing the system and was just creating more items for players to track. These have been changed into a single item for each tier called an Enchantment Stone. Existing ones will convert over upon login and in the future only the new Enchantment Stones will drop.
these did not autoconvert at login on preview and i don't find any way to convert them to the new enchantment stones... i tested with greater mark of power, stability and union.
edit: found forum comment, that patch notes say autoconversion is not included in this build... so this question is answered!
Refining it to rank 29 costs 511 RP. It then converts into 406 RP.
(406-150)/511 = 50% of invested RP.
First remark : If you were to change the base value of a rank 1 artifact to 0 instead of 150, you could then enable the conversion of class sigils into RP
Second remark : Losing 50% of what you invested in an artifact seems a bit harsh to me. Losing 20 or 25% would already be a significant loss specially when dealing with mythic artifacts which can be, at the moment, converted with no loss during 2x RP events.
Edit : corrected a minor mistake in my calculations.
Bonding stones seem fine, though it is hard to test when so much stats are lost in comparison to on Live. (I'm down 50k HP, and either a lot of power or a lot of ArP.) I'm currently testing by "feel" rather than with any sort of log monitoring. But given I soloed eToS with weaker stats, a weaker companion and the only change is a trans lightning instead of my usual Pure Terror and I haven't manged this yet on Live... I'm thinking the situation is fine, at least for my OP Tank.
Hmmm....changes to bondings shouldn't affect HP...
bonding aren't working according to the tool tip, they still have 100% up time
@noworries#8859 We right understand, that this new "changes" changed nothing? Hight-lvl's players needest to farm max stones cp again, for 14? Nothing events, what deal a playing mondays more funny and giving a good prices, what in our time more people has't chance to take? In our segmets now players mass leaving game, becouse this most troubling and need much more time and ab donation. This changes not help to new members, round dealing more different between old and new players. Players, who has a max-lvl's stones now, doesent want lost all their works. This changes are finishing? Or be more?
The other Runestones should either be made worthwhile, or frankly just removed. Or better yet, remove all Runestones, including Bondings, and have a built in Bonding mechanic, ranked up the same way enchants will be, with the same end result as Bonding stones. Allow current Bonding stones to be coverted for equivilant increase into the new mechanic.
I don't know if it has been mentioned but another effect of the nerf of Bondings will be that Vorpal and Dread Enchants will be made all but obsolete, as they will be heavily outclassed by weapon damage based enchants. This is an additional hammering to many players that have based their character build around these enchants. The cost of 3 T. Azures, 3 R12 Bondings, and either a T. Vorpal or T. Dread is huge in real money or time and effort, and will be made worthless with the reduction in stats and cooldown proposed for bondings. Players who have this kind of investment will rightfully be howling mad.
Bonding stones seem fine, though it is hard to test when so much stats are lost in comparison to on Live. (I'm down 50k HP, and either a lot of power or a lot of ArP.) I'm currently testing by "feel" rather than with any sort of log monitoring. But given I soloed eToS with weaker stats, a weaker companion and the only change is a trans lightning instead of my usual Pure Terror and I haven't manged this yet on Live... I'm thinking the situation is fine, at least for my OP Tank.
Hmmm....changes to bondings shouldn't affect HP...
bonding aren't working according to the tool tip, they still have 100% up time
That tooltip is wrong.
enlighten me please
The devs changed them back to 100% uptime. If I werent lazy and tired I would link the quote. But I am.
speaking of bondings, well this is just a slap in the face. 50% uptime as opposed to 100% for what reasons? where are bondings over performing? 16k premades that farm hati for mats? the same 16k premades joined together farming msva for guildy alts? also in compliance to those BIS players, they needed something else to grind for and so we have 2 new ranks. im dreading my return to farming tier 2 content for salvage because my 3x12 bonding is no longer cutting it for paingiver idoling elitists. I have no issue with rank 12 eventually being replaced with higher ranks in time, but the time now just doesn't match up. there is no content that would even require 2 higher ranks.
Bonding stones seem fine, though it is hard to test when so much stats are lost in comparison to on Live. (I'm down 50k HP, and either a lot of power or a lot of ArP.) I'm currently testing by "feel" rather than with any sort of log monitoring. But given I soloed eToS with weaker stats, a weaker companion and the only change is a trans lightning instead of my usual Pure Terror and I haven't manged this yet on Live... I'm thinking the situation is fine, at least for my OP Tank.
Hmmm....changes to bondings shouldn't affect HP...
bonding aren't working according to the tool tip, they still have 100% up time
That tooltip is wrong.
enlighten me please
The devs changed them back to 100% uptime. If I werent lazy and tired I would link the quote. But I am.
r12 to r13 weapon enchant upgrading requires 10x Ultimate Marks of Potency (1.5M without VIP) and 3. Major Enchanting Stones.
According to the tooltip, Major Enchanting stones drop "rarely from epic dungeon bosses in Chult"
This 'rare' drop needs attention or weapon enchant progression will be a killer
From what I saw on preview... the difference between a trans lightning and an unparalleled one is an increase in weapon damage of about 8%. Not sure its worth the upgrade.
A'Mie Stormshield (GF) / A'Mie Stormshard (CW)
Play Legit or Quit
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
arcanjo86Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,093Arc User
should be upgrade and have an option to remove them safetly, because armor reinforcement kits on gear has to be made/bought everytime a new bis gear is live.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
should be upgrade and have an option to remove them safetly, because armor reinforcement kits on gear has to be made/bought everytime a new bis gear is live.
Reinforcement kit is a consumable. If it can be removed and reused, they may as well get rid of it and replace it with another special enchantment slot such as reinforcement enchantment slot. It is kind of silly though.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
How about any item that is purple doesn't go through auto-conversion but has to be done manually? That would remove the potential for expensive errors.
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
It's a shame. This game USE to be free to play. You use to be able to use leadership to gain AD, you use to be able to use invocation to gain AD. Now it's all about Cryptic making more money more money more money. The only real purpose of this is to cost players more money. It's not like there is a shortage of things to do or fix.
-When using lunging strike up-hill. It can sometimes not fly you up the hill, instead only going half way or so. -2nd boss in demogorgon will bug silver reward if killed too fast, sometimes if killed too slow aswell -If complete throne or POM & you stay in the dungeon & start another que of the same. At the end of 2nd run, you won't be able to open chest -Able to run past first group of mobs in sewers of river district if you sprint -Unable to put prefession resources into bank, or shared bank, even though it says "Double-Click to deposit in bank" on profession resources when bank is open. -lesser scroll of identification is able to identify level 70 items & others. -Cold run, only one person can click on exit at a time. (if one person clicks & waits, then no one else can click the exit until they are finished) -Can finish first phase of POM too fast & get silver instead of gold. To fix, when at 99% silver award, wait by stairs until end of phase -can bug fbi boss so he is unable to attack -When you first log in a character, if fast enough, you can invoke & get the invocation you left off on the day before, & right after, you can invoke again to get the first one for the new day -Update "shroud of souls". Coffer goes directly to over flow bag & is unable to be moved to any other bag other then first bag. -When using Knights Valor, it will keep player & sometimes party members in "combat mode" not allowing them to use "F" to open doors/chests or use mount. -If DC moves when casting Astral Shield, it will not cast Astral Shield, but still make the encounter power go into "cool down mode" -Threatining rush does not mark targets all the time. Happens most in middle of battle. -Companions in Chult will randomly attack groups of mobs.
This is only yet a fraction of the bugs in the game. It's not like these are new issues, these are OLD on-going problems. Instead of addressing problems, lets just release more buggy expansions & nerf the existing thing in the game that work?
I'm interested why none is protesting the only source of enchanting stones needed to upgrade anything high level:
It looks like they are available only from hardests dungeon availiable (and possibly lockboxes).
How low level are supposed to progress, particularly considering that AD sources are cut?
The current source of marks is dread ring, and it is possible to farm instances for marks when needed. So low level character does not have to amass AD to make any upgrade. If ToNG will be only source of enchanting stones, then character progression will be stopped.
I'm interested why none is protesting the only source of enchanting stones needed to upgrade anything high level:
It looks like they are available only from hardests dungeon availiable (and possibly lockboxes).
How low level are supposed to progress, particularly considering that AD sources are cut?
The current source of marks is dread ring, and it is possible to farm instances for marks when needed. So low level character does not have to amass AD to make any upgrade. If ToNG will be only source of enchanting stones, then character progression will be stopped.
That's interesting - on their 'technical details' chart they only show Greater & Superior enchantment stones. There's a gap on r13 so I'm guessing that's where the Major should be?
And yes, they've obviously locked them away behind ToNG to stop people from ranking up too fast, it's an efficient way of kicking players whilst they are down and trying to recover their removed stats.
However, it wouldn't surprise me if they put them in the Zen store...
Please Do Not Feed The Trolls
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
someonediesMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,257Arc User
Again we felt that having a different mark for the different artifacts wasn't enhancing the system and was just creating more items for players to track. These have been changed into a single item for each tier called an Enchantment Stone. Existing ones will convert over upon login and in the future only the new Enchantment Stones will drop.
So, what happens to the type of artifacts? Union/Power/Stability Upd just removes part of the game.. Again?
Discard button on the artifacts you final solution?
What about RP requirement for arifacts/gear? Numbers from PTR:
@noworries#8859 no more r5 drops on daily quest map areas? and without rp being account wide we no longer will be upgrading alts like dc, gf and op to help other players in need of a dc, gf or op the most needed classes in game , because majority of the game population is DPS players, u guys need to think of the changes a little better
edit: found forum comment, that patch notes say autoconversion is not included in this build... so this question is answered!
A rank 1 artifact converts into 150 RP.
Refining it to rank 29 costs 511 RP. It then converts into 406 RP.
(406-150)/511 = 50% of invested RP.
First remark : If you were to change the base value of a rank 1 artifact to 0 instead of 150, you could then enable the conversion of class sigils into RP
Second remark : Losing 50% of what you invested in an artifact seems a bit harsh to me. Losing 20 or 25% would already be a significant loss specially when dealing with mythic artifacts which can be, at the moment, converted with no loss during 2x RP events.
Edit : corrected a minor mistake in my calculations.
Hight-lvl's players needest to farm max stones cp again, for 14? Nothing events, what deal a playing mondays more funny and giving a good prices, what in our time more people has't chance to take? In our segmets now players mass leaving game, becouse this most troubling and need much more time and ab donation. This changes not help to new members, round dealing more different between old and new players. Players, who has a max-lvl's stones now, doesent want lost all their works.
This changes are finishing? Or be more?
I don't know if it has been mentioned but another effect of the nerf of Bondings will be that Vorpal and Dread Enchants will be made all but obsolete, as they will be heavily outclassed by weapon damage based enchants. This is an additional hammering to many players that have based their character build around these enchants. The cost of 3 T. Azures, 3 R12 Bondings, and either a T. Vorpal or T. Dread is huge in real money or time and effort, and will be made worthless with the reduction in stats and cooldown proposed for bondings. Players who have this kind of investment will rightfully be howling mad.
"How I feel about the new announced changes!
We are searching for slave labor, will pay with food from our farm!
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
we need a lock button for things we definitely don't want consumed
According to the tooltip, Major Enchanting stones drop "rarely from epic dungeon bosses in Chult"
This 'rare' drop needs attention or weapon enchant progression will be a killer
Pandora's Misfits Guild Leader
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
-When using lunging strike up-hill. It can sometimes not fly you up the hill, instead only going half way or so.
-2nd boss in demogorgon will bug silver reward if killed too fast, sometimes if killed too slow aswell
-If complete throne or POM & you stay in the dungeon & start another que of the same. At the end of 2nd run, you won't be able to open chest
-Able to run past first group of mobs in sewers of river district if you sprint
-Unable to put prefession resources into bank, or shared bank, even though it says "Double-Click to deposit in bank" on profession resources when bank is open.
-lesser scroll of identification is able to identify level 70 items & others.
-Cold run, only one person can click on exit at a time. (if one person clicks & waits, then no one else can click the exit until they are finished)
-Can finish first phase of POM too fast & get silver instead of gold. To fix, when at 99% silver award, wait by stairs until end of phase
-can bug fbi boss so he is unable to attack
-When you first log in a character, if fast enough, you can invoke & get the invocation you left off on the day before, & right after, you can invoke again to get the first one for the new day
-Update "shroud of souls". Coffer goes directly to over flow bag & is unable to be moved to any other bag other then first bag.
-When using Knights Valor, it will keep player & sometimes party members in "combat mode" not allowing them to use "F" to open doors/chests or use mount.
-If DC moves when casting Astral Shield, it will not cast Astral Shield, but still make the encounter power go into "cool down mode"
-Threatining rush does not mark targets all the time. Happens most in middle of battle.
-Companions in Chult will randomly attack groups of mobs.
This is only yet a fraction of the bugs in the game. It's not like these are new issues, these are OLD on-going problems. Instead of addressing problems, lets just release more buggy expansions & nerf the existing thing in the game that work?
It looks like they are available only from hardests dungeon availiable (and possibly lockboxes).
How low level are supposed to progress, particularly considering that AD sources are cut?
The current source of marks is dread ring, and it is possible to farm instances for marks when needed. So low level character does not have to amass AD to make any upgrade. If ToNG will be only source of enchanting stones, then character progression will be stopped.
And yes, they've obviously locked them away behind ToNG to stop people from ranking up too fast, it's an efficient way of kicking players whilst they are down and trying to recover their removed stats.
However, it wouldn't surprise me if they put them in the Zen store...
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Upd just removes part of the game.. Again?
Discard button on the artifacts you final solution?
What about RP requirement for arifacts/gear?
Numbers from PTR: Thanks.