On my GWF I cant use the Shard of Orcus as when I go to activate it, no target appears on the floor. This started happening after I refined it to Mythic. The same targeting issue is preventing me from progressing through Gyrion campaign. I cant make a super jump as I cant target the next platform. Any one experienced these issues?
Mod Note: Updated Subject Title after multiple threads were merged.
Had the same issue on my GWF as on my CW. BeckyLunatic stated in another thread, that you have to reset your Keybindings (Settingspage one). After that reset everything works again
Had the same issue on my GWF as on my CW. BeckyLunatic stated in another thread, that you have to reset your Keybindings (Settingspage one). After that reset everything works again
Brilliant - it worked. Thank you so much
instynctiveMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,885Arc User
I've run into the same issue.. with my GWF on anything that targets (like Mighty Leap), my HR for ranged Cordon of Arrows, my TRs on Shadowy Disappearance, and with the jumpy thing in Gyrion.
I've also found that resetting keybinds wasn't a permanent solution. I'd reset my keybinds on my GWF (I was parkouring and needed Mighty Leap), but had to re-reset them in Gyrion. Also, even after resetting the keybinds on my HR, I still can't use Cordon of Arrows.
Regardless, I hope they figure out how to fix this and, well, fix it.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
@instynctive It's not clear if you just tried changing the binds, or restored the defaults. I know even that is not necessarily a permanent fix because it can happen again, and there doesn't seem any rhyme or reason to it.
When this happens to a character, it will affect everything that targets using a splat.
@instynctive It's not clear if you just tried changing the binds, or restored the defaults. I know even that is not necessarily a permanent fix because it can happen again, and there doesn't seem any rhyme or reason to it.
When this happens to a character, it will affect everything that targets using a splat.
I clicked the "Reset to Defaults" button and didn't add any keybinds. It sucks, because I liked my CTRL+M to check my mail and F12 to log directly back to the character select screen.. and, of course, all the emotes on my numberpad. :-)
But I'll keep clicking that button, as needed, when I want to go parkouring.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
After resetting defaults, I always put my custom binds back immediately. I think I tried copying the profile from an unbugged character and it promptly re-bugged the one I'd had to restore, so I tried setting them manually and it was fine. Pain in the hamster, but I do currently have them all working the way I like them, and more importantly, the way my fingers think they should work.
A few days before the latest update my hunter ranger character became unable to use Bear Trap skill and Rain of arrows skill and possibly other skills which require aiming with HUD ground reticle. Tapping the skill button does not give trigger the skill. If I press the skill button my aiming reticle disappears but there's not visible ground reticle. If I press alt to activate my mouse cursor I can see that skill ground reticle but I still can't left click to use the skill.
After the latest patch my character became zoomed in without the option to zoom out. This actually hinders skill use because of the reduced visibility and enemy position awareness.
I created a bug report in game but there are no tickets visible on the ticket list in game. After that I created a support ticket via arc support system. They didn't help me at all.
So is there anybody who can actually do something about this? This character is above level 60 and I wouldn't want to lose him. This is the first time HAMSTER like this happens to my MMO character. Check out the screenshot.
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,516Arc User
Did you remap your keys? May be you need to reset that and start over.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
beckylunaticMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 14,231Arc User
Yes, try going to options, gameplay options, and hitting the "restore defaults" button. Even if you never customized anything.
Well waht do you know. It worked! Thanks! You know what Arc support told me? They told me this was an unknown bug and they couldn't give me an ETA on a fix. OMG! It's hilarious.
Well waht do you know. It worked! Thanks! You know what Arc support told me? They told me this was an unknown bug and they couldn't give me an ETA on a fix. OMG! It's hilarious.
Any power that has an AOE will not activate. I do not get a targeting reticle on the first key press and even double pressing the key will not activate the power.
I met this bug with my SW, too. I wasn't even be able to jump at SP's 2nd boss. I reset to default for keybinds after I tried everything and it solved the issue. However i still don't know what triggered this bug since I didn't touch keybinds recently.
This has been a recurring bug since mod 11 launch. It affects all ground targeted powers even jumping for Gyrion and Spellplague and can affect any class. DC and HT are the most likely to notice it because of the number of powers those classes have that are affected.
What triggers it has never been known but resetting keybinds fixes the issue. Keybinds can then be reset manually without issue.
"We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
THANKS! @nyihaha@pitshade - That worked!! Lesson learned- I'll come here directly next time I have a problem. 3 weeks I've been waiting for support to help. You guys dealt with it over night!!
Always check the forums when you have issues, a search at the top would have found your answer without even waiting for a reply! This has been talked about numerous times here!
Hi guys, I found the source of this bug. As we know it's not related to only DC, but also other classes. What triggered this bug on my SW was the /gfxsetdefaultfov command. If you change the default value AoE is gone. Options / Gameplay / reset to defaults will fix it. Workaround: /camzoomin and /camzoomout.
I don't know how to report it to devs on this forum so please feel free to share this post to them.
Hi guys, I found the source of this bug. As we know it's not related to only DC, but also other classes. What triggered this bug on my SW was the /gfxsetdefaultfov command. If you change the default value AoE is gone. Options / Gameplay / reset to defaults will fix it. Workaround: /camzoomin and /camzoomout.
I don't know how to report it to devs on this forum so please feel free to share this post to them.
Just jumping in here to say that might be a red herring. I regularly use this command and do not get this issue (I've gotten it maybe once a year ago?)
I have /gfxsetdefaulfov bound to mousewheel and I constantly zoom in and out (setting the command to different values between 20 and 100). Sometimes I also manually type out the command for certain specific situations.
I main a DC, and use primarily groundsplat powers (my solo rotation is Chains, DG, and DL -- all splat powers). I would like to say I would notice if the /gfxsetdefaultfov command was responsible for breaking them for me.
However, it's possible that on SW it does (I don't personally play) but again I would be very surprised since I have SW friends that also use the /gfxsetdefaultfov command a lot and haven't even complained about ground splat interference.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
THANKS! @nyihaha@pitshade - That worked!! Lesson learned- I'll come here directly next time I have a problem. 3 weeks I've been waiting for support to help. You guys dealt with it over night!!
If you need response from Support through the Support Center, make sure you're filing a Support Ticket and not a bug report. Game Masters will respond to Support Tickets within a few business days. Since you've waited weeks, I'm assuming you filed a bug report instead.
Here's how to tell the difference between a Bug Report and a Support Ticket: Bug Report Ticket Numbers are one whole denomination, for example, "5,674,977." While Support Ticket Numbers are a two sets of numbers separated by a dash, for example, "870874-031030."
Bug reports and Support tickets are two entirely separate things, Bug reports go to the QA team at Cryptic and do not get responses. Support Tickets go to the Game Masters at PWE and get responses within a few business days.
zebularMember, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 15,270Community Moderator
Now that you have your keybinds working again, I suggest to export them so you can easily import them should this happen again to you. To do this, in chat type /bind_save_file filenamehere and then when you need to load that file to correct this issue, or even to import it onto a different character, type in chat /bind_load_file filenamehere - the filename can be anything you like. It will save it in the game's installation directory and you can edit it directly with notepad. You can even edit it while logged in, save the file changes and then load it with the command.
@dupeks Well, for me this command is that caused the problem. It wasn't bound to anything I just issued it in the chat window. I don't know whether it makes any difference.
So it seems whenever I get up close to a wall or edge, my zoom scroll stops working and the camera is insanely close on my character. The only way I've seen to fix this is restarting the game entirely. I haven't had this issue until today and haven't changed any settings. Anyone else having this issue? It's incredibly annoying.
sakurapink7Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 10Arc User
I have the same issue like you. Since last week,I have an issue with one of my character: its view is stuck, I have already tried using my mouse wheel to zoom in and out when in inspect mode and tried the any console commands to fix it . If I log out and log in, playing this character first, I wil be able to zoom in and out for a short time only as same as when in inspect mode. The character view shift automatically to the max zoom and I cannot unzoom it anymore. The other characters do not have this issue. I often play this character, but I can not solve it yet.
In the "Behind the Mask" weekly, when we're chasing Gyrion, we quickly reach a point where we have to make some impossible jumps. We're told that a "Jump Spell" will be cast to assist us. And, indeed, as we approach the ledge, red letters appear on the screen that say "Jump Spell."
But... dagnabbit! No matter what I do, my toon jumps as normal. Which means I just die over and over. How the heck is this supposed to work? What am I doing wrong?
When I hit 'Q', no targeting symbol appears. And hitting 'Q' again, or clicking the mouse, has no effect, whether I'm aiming at the next island or the ground beside me. My character doesn't jump anywhere.
I opened a ticket but Game Master told me to send bug report and... wait !!! Please forgive my not proper English, I'm Italian, I hope you understood me.
Draven - GF
Celine Darkblade - TR
Zuul - GWF
I've also found that resetting keybinds wasn't a permanent solution. I'd reset my keybinds on my GWF (I was parkouring and needed Mighty Leap), but had to re-reset them in Gyrion. Also, even after resetting the keybinds on my HR, I still can't use Cordon of Arrows.
Regardless, I hope they figure out how to fix this and, well, fix it.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
When this happens to a character, it will affect everything that targets using a splat.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
But I'll keep clicking that button, as needed, when I want to go parkouring.
"...I grab my wiener and charge!" - ironzerg79
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
A few days before the latest update my hunter ranger character became unable to use Bear Trap skill and Rain of arrows skill and possibly other skills which require aiming with HUD ground reticle. Tapping the skill button does not give trigger the skill. If I press the skill button my aiming reticle disappears but there's not visible ground reticle. If I press alt to activate my mouse cursor I can see that skill ground reticle but I still can't left click to use the skill.
After the latest patch my character became zoomed in without the option to zoom out. This actually hinders skill use because of the reduced visibility and enemy position awareness.
I created a bug report in game but there are no tickets visible on the ticket list in game. After that I created a support ticket via arc support system. They didn't help me at all.
So is there anybody who can actually do something about this? This character is above level 60 and I wouldn't want to lose him. This is the first time HAMSTER like this happens to my MMO character. Check out the screenshot.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Any power that has an AOE will not activate. I do not get a targeting reticle on the first key press and even double pressing the key will not activate the power.
The bug is demonstrated in the video above.
What triggers it has never been known but resetting keybinds fixes the issue. Keybinds can then be reset manually without issue.
Lesson learned- I'll come here directly next time I have a problem.
3 weeks I've been waiting for support to help. You guys dealt with it over night!!
I found the source of this bug. As we know it's not related to only DC, but also other classes.
What triggered this bug on my SW was the /gfxsetdefaultfov command. If you change the default value AoE is gone.
Options / Gameplay / reset to defaults will fix it.
Workaround: /camzoomin and /camzoomout.
I don't know how to report it to devs on this forum so please feel free to share this post to them.
I have /gfxsetdefaulfov bound to mousewheel and I constantly zoom in and out (setting the command to different values between 20 and 100). Sometimes I also manually type out the command for certain specific situations.
I main a DC, and use primarily groundsplat powers (my solo rotation is Chains, DG, and DL -- all splat powers). I would like to say I would notice if the /gfxsetdefaultfov command was responsible for breaking them for me.
However, it's possible that on SW it does (I don't personally play) but again I would be very surprised since I have SW friends that also use the /gfxsetdefaultfov command a lot and haven't even complained about ground splat interference.
Here's how to tell the difference between a Bug Report and a Support Ticket: Bug Report Ticket Numbers are one whole denomination, for example, "5,674,977." While Support Ticket Numbers are a two sets of numbers separated by a dash, for example, "870874-031030."
Bug reports and Support tickets are two entirely separate things, Bug reports go to the QA team at Cryptic and do not get responses. Support Tickets go to the Game Masters at PWE and get responses within a few business days.
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
[ Support Center • Rules & Policies and Guidelines • ARC ToS • Guild Recruitment Guidelines | FR DM Since 1993 ]
Area targeting becoming bugged existed long before they added the zoom feature.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
Well, for me this command is that caused the problem. It wasn't bound to anything I just issued it in the chat window. I don't know whether it makes any difference.
Thank you for these useful commands.
gfxsetdefaultfov triggered the bug on my SW, but I will check it again after saving my custom bindings.
So it seems whenever I get up close to a wall or edge, my zoom scroll stops working and the camera is insanely close on my character. The only way I've seen to fix this is restarting the game entirely. I haven't had this issue until today and haven't changed any settings. Anyone else having this issue? It's incredibly annoying.
Since last week,I have an issue with one of my character: its view is stuck,
I have already tried using my mouse wheel to zoom in and out when in inspect mode and tried the any console commands to fix it .
If I log out and log in, playing this character first, I wil be able to zoom in and out for a short time only as same as when in inspect mode.
The character view shift automatically to the max zoom and I cannot unzoom it anymore. The other characters do not have this issue. I often play this character, but I can not solve it yet.
I tried it and I solved this issue immediately.
I really appreciate your comments.
Please read this thread (click here).
I opened a ticket but Game Master told me to send bug report and... wait !!!
Please forgive my not proper English, I'm Italian, I hope you understood me.
In this clip (click here) a player shows the bug.
The clip was not uploaded by me, but it shows the same bug of my character MAGO@gigalens#6466 !!!!
Someone of you found a solution?
Thank you very much!
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia