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Sea of Moving Ice Preview Patch Notes: NW.70.20161017a.1



  • kitkathdkitkathd Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    Ok initial notes on Oathbound Paladin revamp:

    1. Sanctuary is finally fixed, it now activates properly and never fails to activate, this was not mentioned in any patch notes recently, even when it "fails" the sanctuary still fires and the animation screws up and the pally walks around without their shield up and has their defensive bonus, before, they would go into a guardian fighter pose and nothing worked. Kudos to finally fixing the god damned thing. This could be an issue of live/laggy server vs preview/nonlaggy server though.
    2. Binding oath seems to work very well now, I like how it is now.
    3. Absolution is still garbage. It should be like exaltation, no matter what when its cast it casts on the target AND the caster, instead its target only so you end up 99% of the time casting it on a companion or a teammate when you needed it yourself.
    4. The oath of protection bonus for Circle of power still, and never has, worked. You recieve no damage resistance from it, and now, neither do allies.
    5. While on the subject of powers not working with their paragon paths, Banishment has not worked since launch, devotion pallies do not give everyone damage resistance, and the units banished are not taunted afterwards for protection.
    6. If you are going to be adding shields to the OP, you should look into the shields given by the middle feat path. They are extremely underpowered and they also do not stack with other shields at all making the entire path useless with the new binding oath.
    7. Vow needs to be reverted, nobody likes the encounters that behave as a toggle. During the thick of battle you either forget to recast or you recast too much HAMSTER it up.
    8. You need to remove the casting animations from Divine protector and Heroism. The duration starts when the player presses the button and their cast animations are 1 second long.
  • uptondarkdiamonduptondarkdiamond Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 169 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Ok, what about giving us a non-RnG way to get gear like +5 rings and other desirable items....

    I am not looking for way to gain AD when I open these chests, I am looking for the high-end gear to drop.... The system we have currently in place makes it so our (gamers) only way to get this loot is through RnG. Let me tell you it is really starting to make your players really grumpy and unhappy. Underdark released the +5 ring almost a year ago, I have never seen a single ring, not even one I didn't want. I have done a lot of these dungeons, and the best have from them are the weapons sets, 5 twisted weapon sets to be precise....

    I'm really sick of the RnG. I'm not looking for this stuff to be easily attainable, but it should be attainable.

    Things that should happen to make this overall better for all involved:

    1. Stop re-inventing the wheel.

    With the new modules (underdark, SKT) where do we find the pants and shirts for these modules? Thats right, they are found in the campaign store.... WTF, why do we have a crafting system??? We can make pants and shirts using this system (probably still BiS when compared to campaign underwear), so why do we have to buy from campaign store? These recipes should be added to appropriate crafters and the components required to make the new gear should be able to be farmed from the new zones and maybe even bought with campaign currency (if you must add it), or even make the recipes have to be bought from the campaign store..... WHY IS CRAFTING SO NEGLECTED???? This system is hardly ever updated, unless you include master crafting (which is out of reach of a lot of players). Why have a system already in place and not update it with new recipes with new mod? Is it really hard to add new recipes.... i don't know and don't understand why this system is so underutilized?!

    2. When adding new gear please give us a non-RnG way to get this gear.

    With underdark, you (the game makers) did a great job with this, the twisted set could be obtained through the campaign using twisted Ichor and demonic Ichor. I even think your time gate for getting this gear was very acceptable. Also, around this time you made the campaign store gear bind to account or bind to account and BtC on equip. This was very good because it was very alt friendly hell even some the campaign content (zones and such) were account unlocked when one character unlocked, really good job there.

    Fast forward to Mod 10 (SKT), this campaign is so grindy, doing it on more than one character, f-it, even on one character is mind numbing. The current mod is probably the most alt unfriendly mod ever released. You (the game makers) need to take que's from underdark and how that campaign worked for future mods, dump the alt unfriendly process, move to alt friendly mod (there is some real money to be made there).

    Getting the new boots or any of the new armor is so f-ing frustrating... It reminds me of how long it took me to get my black ice gloves in mod 3 (almost 2 months of HE's farming every day for at least 2 to 3 hours a day). All my boot drops from the HE's in the mod 10 for one of my characters, have been the wrong type....FRUSTRATING. We should beable to buy the components required for the new gear from the campaign store. This should be done using seals, older campaign currency, and new campaign currency.

    Also, use the already in place crafting system to assist us in our effort to get this new gear. You are smart enough to time gate this, similar to how you did it with underdark. When using the crafting system you can do something like the Unified Element process in Alchemy were it literally takes days or weeks to craft something. I don't mind the time requirement because I can see a light at the end of the tunnel where I can stop farming something and start enjoying playing the game instead of endlessly farming the same ole stuff over and over again hoping that this time will be the time that coveted item drops....

    I can't say it enough, the RnG is so frustrating, I spend a majority of my gaming time not moving forward because its stuck behind some RnG method, compared to Mod 5 and lower this was not the case, i spent a lot of my time dungeon crawling and doing skirmishes.

    I think the game makers could use a lot of the stuff already in game to introduce the new shiny's without having to use RnG. Using the already in place crafting system, stable old campaigns (keeps us going back to get the components for new gear), seals/campaign currency placed in dungeon chests, placing some of components in featured foundries, trade bar store, wonderous bazaar, and even the zen market.

    Please for the love all that is game stop place everything behind keys and RnG. I will not be happy to see gear drop from something that took time/effort to get and have it be the wrong thing....

    Be creative the key and RnG thing is beyond old and mind numbly boring.....

    Post edited by uptondarkdiamond on
  • mistsenseimistsensei Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Dungeon Key Chest Changes
    The changes announced in the Dungeon Key Changes thread are now on the Preview shard. Instead of being able to preview the rewards without spending a key, the player will now receive the rewards immediately upon opening the chest, consuming the key in the process.

    1) The time it takes to make these keys is 20 hours. So, the players will be able to open the dungeon chests once per day and also they will need to farm and do the dailies for EVERY campaign to get the currency to make these keys. I happened to run these dungeons for months and multiple times a day and in many if not the most of them I NEVER had a decent drop in MONTHS after running everything MULTIPLE times per day. The RNG is monumentally bad, it feels like some items are nonexistent.

    2) After the problem with the RNG the second problem is what the LOOT inside the chest amounts to. The loot is miserable to say the least! I had keys in my inventory for months not because I didn't want to spend them and use a "bugged feature" but because the loot in most cases doesn't amount to even 5.000 AD actually 5000 AD would be the maximum in most cases!! If me and the MAJORITY (I know what you did there at the other post ;) ) of the players in NW who knew about this used their keys in such a scarce way which took days/weeks/months to use them think about how many they will use (and of course how many they will buy which is the cheese here) now... !

    3) The new 5 Legendary Dragon Key pack price will be 250 Zen.
    250 Zen = 2,5 Dollars / Euros.
    250 Zen = 125000 AD.
    Each key will cost 50 Zen which amounts to 25000 AD per Key.
    Special Chest loot per dungeon run maximum amount is around 5000 AD except from those very, very rare occasions which a drop happens after a very, very long time of running something.

    Since players make multiple runs per day you force them to get a chance at the loot chests only once run per day IF they had time to grind the campaign dailies to make the keys needed and with this pitiful RNG which will give them nothing noteworthy in most cases (this chance that you MIGHT have some good loot is why many people ran these dungeons so what reason would they have to run these dungeons again). If they want to have a chance for a decent drop which will take days/weeks/months you 're forcing them to buy for every 5 runs 5 Legendary Dragon Keys with 2.5 Euros / Dollars or 125000 Zen and open chests that in most cases will give them something like 5000 AD each time or 25000 in general, do you even realize what you 're asking here?? Also let's not fool ourselves there is no chance to buy Zen with AD at the moment for PC at least ZAX has a backlog of 8 million ZEN and keeps increasing. I've put an order for almost two weeks and still didn't get any Zen for Astral Diamonds (Why do people are not putting as much Zen up for sale as they used to anymore food for thought there, ha!).

    So judging from 1 , 2 , 3 do you really think this change should go live as it is not to mention what was already said by the community at the other post made by @xeltey regarding this bug fix.

    This post is probably wasted time from my end since I believe the devs have no saying in this change but I still wanted to point out what I think is bad with this change. Best of luck in this game.
  • michela123michela123 Member Posts: 257 Arc User
    diogene0 said:

    diogene0 said:

    There's a lot of good class balance changes, however, there are some critical changes that still need to happen that break game balance completely, and that shouldn't take that long to implement.

    I'm mainly talking about stats sharing with companions equipped with bonding runestones. On my DC, I can buff people from 40k buffed power (with r12 bondings) to 125k power with anointed army and blessing of battle, feated with battle fervor. We're looking at a 212% damage buff with two spells only...

    But it's not only power. Def stat boots can boost characters up to the DR cap effortlessly. The siege master pet can do that. Any stat buffs to pets with bondings ends up giving broken results, amplifying power creep to unprecedented levels.

    I mean, do you consider this balanced?


    In addition, anointed army makes players almost immortal for 4 hits, and given how easy it is to spam with the current levels of AP gain, 4 hits is a lot and greatly trivializes content. I don't remember the last time I had to dodge a telegraph when playing my cleric.

    Stat buffs shouldn't affect pets. The changes you made so far are positive, but please try to find some time to fix this too. :smile:

    A typical dps with r12 bondings doesn't have 40k power and you also managed to fail the power formula.
    I'm not talking about base power but buffed power. If I fail at formulas you fail at reading comprehension. Goodbye. :smile:
    I never mentioned base power.
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    mistran said:

    weaver936 said:

    Today I got +5 Ring of Rising Lifesteal in Orcus.. from the EPIC DUNGEON KEY chest. It's the 2nd +5 I have gotten there.

    And I only do CN like maybe 10 times a WEEK.... not hundreds like the pro-peekers do.

    so you got lucky with the rng, i have run thousends of tod/pom/demorgons/cn and i have only seen 2 +5 rings, heck i even have seen 5 +4 rings i wanted.

    This @weaver936 guy is basically supporting the devs every move and attempting to counter every criticism - to the point of belittling people even when they give reasonable explanations for their opinions.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • helric9helric9 Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    Great... So now we have a good taunt but we'll be nuked at launch...
  • kitkathdkitkathd Member Posts: 286 Arc User
    helric9 said:

    Great... So now we have a good taunt but we'll be nuked at launch...

    Not really. I thought that as well but you can easily lead with sanctuary/templar then use binding oath spam. I tested it out on some heavy hitters and it seems to do as well as before. The biggest surprise to me was the fix to the sanctuary. Either its now 100% successful or it works very well on preview and not on live. Absolution and vow are absolute garbage though. And till they fix the shields not stalking/having low values in the middle feat line, everyones still going to be a justice tankadin.
  • helric9helric9 Member Posts: 62 Arc User
    Thanks for infos. Can you tell me if the shield from BO stack with Templar ?
  • This content has been removed.
  • loboguildloboguild Member Posts: 2,371 Arc User
    Oh yeah, POM remains annoying as hell. Not only Protecting the Prophecy is still bugged, in the other variant in Phase 2 not all closed portals contribute to the overall score.​​
  • armadeonxarmadeonx Member Posts: 4,952 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Seems to me like the devs have said to themselves "oh darn, the pally can survive FBI without our new gear. We'd better nerf them some more!".

    There doesn't appear to be any plan to address their overall relevance and position within the game, just a knee-jerk reaction to their one remaining talent - not dying.

    Let's face it, EF is an attempt at making things more difficult through bypassing that pesky DR stat - offset by a mind-numbingly tedious grind for EF resistant gear that requires more tedious grind to keep it working.

    The actual grind in the 3 zones itself is old, stale & boring. Nobody enjoys it after the first day or two. But the devs are aiming to make it absolutely compulsory just to access one dungeon that will be outdated and abandoned within a few months.

    What people actually want are big, interesting dungeons with big fights that are survivable with some thought and a decent team - without having to go through a ton of crud just to get through the door.
    Please Do Not Feed The Trolls

    Xael De Armadeon: DC
    Xane De Armadeon: CW
    Zen De Armadeon: OP
    Zohar De Armadeon: TR
    Chrion De Armadeon: SW
    Gosti Big Belly: GWF
    Barney McRustbucket: GF
    Lt. Thackeray: HR
    Lucius De Armadeon: BD

    Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
  • hanniballa#2401 hanniballa Member Posts: 74 Arc User
    Here's some feedback, give us back the decline feature/bug.
  • feadan#2363 feadan Member Posts: 70 Arc User
    kitkathd said:

    you can easily lead with sanctuary

    At lower levels maybe but later on Sanctuary doesn't help with incoming damage as it only increases damage resistance which is capped at 80%, and you can easily reach that cap without Sanctuary.

    The GF's guard on the other hand intercepts 80% of damage on top of a potential 80% damage resistance. Yet somehow the 50% from the Paladin's Binding Oath were too much.
  • This content has been removed.
  • mistranmistran Member Posts: 51 Arc User
    so this means my pally can get shelfed caus enoone want it in their marty anymore?
  • edited October 2016
    This content has been removed.
  • cdnbisoncdnbison Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 806 Arc User
    The cost / key vs. cost / chest loot doesn't need to *always* work out. Over the long term, though, it should, at the very least, be a break even proposition.

    For instance - 1 key, you might get a +1 ring, and a peridot. HAMSTER, essentially. We'll say the value is (a very generous) 5k AD. Over 100 keys, though, I should come close to recouping the 12.5 million AD I've spent on keys in some way - be it a valuable artifact, +5 rings (use Rosegold rings as a comparable for cost), new gear, or RP caches. Something to make the player go "It's been a hard grind, but *this* makes it all worth while!"
  • kitkathdkitkathd Member Posts: 286 Arc User

    kitkathd said:

    you can easily lead with sanctuary

    At lower levels maybe but later on Sanctuary doesn't help with incoming damage as it only increases damage resistance which is capped at 80%, and you can easily reach that cap without Sanctuary.

    The GF's guard on the other hand intercepts 80% of damage on top of a potential 80% damage resistance. Yet somehow the 50% from the Paladin's Binding Oath were too much.
    Well actually after defeating orcus with the new setup I think the changes are alot better than the old binding oath. Now I never have issue holding aggro, you can precast binding oath before combat starts and throw a judge up to reduce cooldown before engage for a double binding oath till your shielding strike ramps up. Absolution would be utterly amazing if it was like exaltation where no matter who you casted it on it hit you as well, but hey beggers can't be choosers. Orcus was easiest with binding oath, protection/truth, templar, absolution, shielding strike, and shield of faith. I have the artifact effect for protection where it gives me divine call, managing divine call is key, gotta always use one judge right after you pop a binding oath or time your wrath.
  • icyclassicyclass Member Posts: 207 Arc User
    cdnbison said:

    The cost / key vs. cost / chest loot doesn't need to *always* work out. Over the long term, though, it should, at the very least, be a break even proposition.

    For instance - 1 key, you might get a +1 ring, and a peridot. HAMSTER, essentially. We'll say the value is (a very generous) 5k AD. Over 100 keys, though, I should come close to recouping the 12.5 million AD I've spent on keys in some way - be it a valuable artifact, +5 rings (use Rosegold rings as a comparable for cost), new gear, or RP caches. Something to make the player go "It's been a hard grind, but *this* makes it all worth while!"

    Yes. Spending keys doesn't have to be a profitable endeavor, but the expected value should be close to even. At the casino most bets lose, but you win enough to want to keep playing and once in a while someone hits the jackpot. But at the end of the day the house has a slight (slight!) edge.
    In dungeons right now they payouts are terrible. (I care less about dungeon keys as VIP provides more of those than one can use, so we can call that a strategy there. But the second chest....)
  • lantern22lantern22 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,111 Arc User
    cdnbison said:

    The cost / key vs. cost / chest loot doesn't need to *always* work out. Over the long term, though, it should, at the very least, be a break even proposition.

    For instance - 1 key, you might get a +1 ring, and a peridot. HAMSTER, essentially. We'll say the value is (a very generous) 5k AD. Over 100 keys, though, I should come close to recouping the 12.5 million AD I've spent on keys in some way - be it a valuable artifact, +5 rings (use Rosegold rings as a comparable for cost), new gear, or RP caches. Something to make the player go "It's been a hard grind, but *this* makes it all worth while!"

    If ppl put money into this game, it should always be better than break even in the long run, otherwise it is nothing more than gambling, and gambling is a mugs game. In all other aspects of life (other than gambling), if someone invests money - they expect a decent return on their investment.
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    The changes are going live so lets be productive:

    - Upgrade the rewards a bit, you can be creative with refinement, Voninblood, black ice, marks etc.
    - More important: Implement something like tarmalune trade bars for chests so you get some of this bars from each chest and you can buy the big items gated by the RNG like +5 rings, artifacts like wand of orcus, etc. You can make this items BtA if you want.

    - I like the changes to BO and DP (still needs adjustment) but Absolution and VoE are still useless.
    - Divine protector duration should be 9-10 secs up from 6
    - OP needs some buffing skills to dmg, circle of power could be a good option.
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
    Caturday Survivor
    Elemental Evil Survivor
    Undermontain Survivor
    Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
    Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
  • rafaeldarafaelda Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 666 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    terramak said:

    While a significant bug (the dungeon key chest issue) is being addressed this update, as mentioned in the original post, we understand that some players have come to rely on this bug, and the nature of it caused some to perceive it as standard functionality.

    Significan to who ??? with this kind of drop all that it made was keep the complain from bad drops at bay...
    terramak said:

    I do not expect to pursue use of this functionality as an exploit. We understand that players are still putting time and energy into this content, whether or not they choose to use a key, and some may choose to do so until the moment the live servers go down for the module release.

    Now that is nice, or you would need to shut donw the servers and the Foruins since almost all Modarators didnt know about this BUG and heve used this "feature".
    terramak said:

    Personally, I just hope folks don't burn themselves out from the feeling that they have to make optimal use of this bug before the module update.

    Rest assure this will not be an issue. You see i did Tiamat last night and got a "good drop" (so i used my Key) the thing is the good drop didnt paid the Key (even the good one) since is was a Artifact belt the cost like 3k AD) and some currency that cant make me another key, so is pretty hard to "make optimal use"...

    Sorry if it looks like whining (is not the intention), but the other forum tread must have show that only "fixing" the Key wont solve anything, and by that i mean you will still not sell Keys, nothing wrong with selling Keys btw really, that's how you make money and must be on top of any business concerns) but the way it look like is going live you will loose money and we will loose more players...

    I will not bring the feedback from the other tread here (i think is unnecessary and some kind of flood) but i pray that you read that and make some implement to the drops togueter with this change, people will not wait to see better drops l they will rage ...
    Post edited by rafaelda on
  • treesclimbertreesclimber Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,161 Arc User

    kitkathd said:

    you can easily lead with sanctuary

    At lower levels maybe but later on Sanctuary doesn't help with incoming damage as it only increases damage resistance which is capped at 80%, and you can easily reach that cap without Sanctuary.

    The GF's guard on the other hand intercepts 80% of damage on top of a potential 80% damage resistance. Yet somehow the 50% from the Paladin's Binding Oath were too much.
    You do reach it but paladins profit more from HP (well all classes do if they have a viable healing source up until +/- 250k hp *sigh*) so they wait to get tanky as a paladin is get HP, it's benefitial in everysence.
    armadeonx said:

    Seems to me like the devs have said to themselves "oh darn, the pally can survive FBI without our new gear. We'd better nerf them some more!".

    There doesn't appear to be any plan to address their overall relevance and position within the game, just a knee-jerk reaction to their one remaining talent - not dying.

    Let's face it, EF is an attempt at making things more difficult through bypassing that pesky DR stat - offset by a mind-numbingly tedious grind for EF resistant gear that requires more tedious grind to keep it working.

    The actual grind in the 3 zones itself is old, stale & boring. Nobody enjoys it after the first day or two. But the devs are aiming to make it absolutely compulsory just to access one dungeon that will be outdated and abandoned within a few months.

    What people actually want are big, interesting dungeons with big fights that are survivable with some thought and a decent team - without having to go through a ton of crud just to get through the door.

    The entire concept of EF damage is bad, the game should have diversity of choice" if i want to build for HP i'ill have hard trouble in regain the health back, if i build for defence it will be easier" the thing is getting health back nowadays is piece of cake with a decent healer, suports or even life steal, it's not just aiming to make things more dificult, it's simply a bad concept, they could just lower the absurd 80% DR cap that can be reached even by dps classes, Lower the total HP possible, make HP investment converge with Hit points investment and make mobs hit harder (not harder than now if those stats where nerfed they would probably need to be less) but the point is tanks have defencive powers and those defencive powers would separate them from the dps classes.
    Everfrost gear is not hard to mantain, a full 4 pieces set, suposing that a player has a master trowel and uses excavator potion takes around 1/7 th of the usage time, for each farm hour we get 7 of gameplay, it may seem much when continuously farming but nothing stops players from having a substitute set for reagions out of mod 10 content, 2 dusk set, 2 Df or drowcraft for example.

  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    Paladin changes feedback:


    Next mod feedback:

    x2 Meh

    Black Friday budget allocation = not for Neverwinter

    Ps: In the past I read somewhere that Vow of Enmity was planned as both a buff and an attack. You place it on the target, you get the buff effect and every subsequent cast does damage to the target. Every subsequent cast is of course on a cooldown. This is what you should do with Vow if people are ever gonna use it.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User

    kitkathd said:

    you can easily lead with sanctuary

    At lower levels maybe but later on Sanctuary doesn't help with incoming damage as it only increases damage resistance which is capped at 80%, and you can easily reach that cap without Sanctuary.

    The GF's guard on the other hand intercepts 80% of damage on top of a potential 80% damage resistance. Yet somehow the 50% from the Paladin's Binding Oath were too much.
    Exactly, unless they ninja turned Sanctuary into a separate layer of DR while they were ninja fixing the casting. The devs never acknowledged the broken activation did they (if they did i missed it)?

    Anyway before I test this on Orcus on Live and it actually works I remain skeptical
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • emilemoemilemo Member Posts: 1,718 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    kitkathd said:

    Ok initial notes on Oathbound Paladin revamp:

    2. Binding oath seems to work very well now, I like how it is now.

    Correct me if im wrong. This is the patch note:

    "Binding Oath now has the following effect: For 5 seconds, nearby enemies are forced to attack you and you gain 100% of your Maximum Hit Points as a Shield. When this effect expires or the shield is depleted foes in a 30' area take 100% of the damage that was taken by the shield and you take 50% of that damage. Additional ranks increase the duration of the shield by 1 second."

    What I understand is that BO can take no more than your max HP in damage before it expires and at that point you get 50% of your HP as damage? Really heavy hits will expire BO in a single application. Imagine your BO shield equals your 160 000 HP and you get hit for 800 000. The shield will then absorb 160 000 and break. From those absorbed you get hit for 80 000. What happens with the rest of the initial 800 000 hit? What happens to the 640 000 points of damage that went over the new crappy BO? Do you get 1 hit killed? Does it simply vanish in the nether? Someone please explain. Perhaps Paladins are supposed to simply take the 640 000 points of damage that went over BO, reduce it to 128 000 via maxed DR and take that instead? Sounds crappy, GFs reduce damage much better and hit much harder.. Or perhaps the big idea is to use Sanctuary all the time for initial 80% reduction on hit with the remaining dmg being taken by the new, crappy BO shield? Is that it? Its crappy

    Everywhere I look I see crappy decisions being made.
    Row, row, row your boat, Gently down the stream.
    Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, Life is but a dream.
  • mightyerikssonmightyeriksson Member Posts: 842 Arc User

    The changes are going live so lets be productive:

    - Upgrade the rewards a bit, you can be creative with refinement, Voninblood, black ice, marks etc.
    - More important: Implement something like tarmalune trade bars for chests so you get some of this bars from each chest and you can buy the big items gated by the RNG like +5 rings, artifacts like wand of orcus, etc. You can make this items BtA if you want.

    A bit?


    The rewards are horrible at the moment, you get humiliated (almost) every time you run CN, Tiamat, EDemo and so on...

    Last time I used a Legendary Dragon key was at the start of Underdark, when trying to farm Twisted Ichor before you had time to make enough keys, can't even remember last time before that...

    I bought 20 keys I think, last Black Friday, and still have 15 left, that tells me that loot needs quite a bit of improvement...

  • hastati96hastati96 Member Posts: 499 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    "The Svardborg trial has seen more balance changes in both Normal and Master difficulties."

    Is it possible to be more specific in patchnotes? It is almost impossible to find 10 people who want to test the trial on the preview which means we cant test anything. If we would have numbers it would be easier to value the changes.
    Nero - Palacetamol - Essence of Aggression
  • nightranger7477nightranger7477 Member Posts: 211 Arc User
    edited October 2016
    You Devs must really hate the paladin class, mimic king did say his class was GF so more paladin nerfs are a comin, meanwhile a DC can buff power to over 3 mil with aa bob loop with multiple DC and this hasn't even been addressed but they have more than enough time to continually nerf the paladin class, I'm just sick of being nerfed every other mod. Oh and definitely not one more dime. Not for this game.
  • elromenelromen Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    emilemo said:

    kitkathd said:

    Ok initial notes on Oathbound Paladin revamp:

    2. Binding oath seems to work very well now, I like how it is now.

    Correct me if im wrong. This is the patch note:

    "Binding Oath now has the following effect: For 5 seconds, nearby enemies are forced to attack you and you gain 100% of your Maximum Hit Points as a Shield. When this effect expires or the shield is depleted foes in a 30' area take 100% of the damage that was taken by the shield and you take 50% of that damage. Additional ranks increase the duration of the shield by 1 second."

    What I understand is that BO can take no more than your max HP in damage before it expires and at that point you get 50% of your HP as damage? Really heavy hits will expire BO in a single application. Imagine your BO shield equals your 160 000 HP and you get hit for 800 000. The shield will then absorb 160 000 and break. From those absorbed you get hit for 80 000. What happens with the rest of the initial 800 000 hit? What happens to the 640 000 points of damage that went over the new crappy BO? Do you get 1 hit killed? Does it simply vanish in the nether? Someone please explain. Perhaps Paladins are supposed to simply take the 640 000 points of damage that went over BO, reduce it to 128 000 via maxed DR and take that instead? Sounds crappy, GFs reduce damage much better and hit much harder.. Or perhaps the big idea is to use Sanctuary all the time for initial 80% reduction on hit with the remaining dmg being taken by the new, crappy BO shield? Is that it? Its crappy

    Everywhere I look I see crappy decisions being made.
    all this so ... BO broken and completely useless ...
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