I am trying this as an experiment. The first DC guide with no text at all. It's a quite long endeavor and I'm far from done, but I will update this post when new content is ready. Let me know what you liked or disliked about the format or the content itself in this thread. Discussions are also welcome. Videos should be short so that you don't have to watch it all at once.
1 - What is this channel?
https://youtu.be/GXfrQ5tiMOI2 - PvE Devoted cleric Divine Oracle Righteous buffing build 1/2 : feats
https://youtu.be/xm9_xZ9XMPw3 - PvE Devoted cleric Divine Oracle Righteous buffing build 2/2 : gear and stats
https://youtu.be/xvQELVTZGB04 - Let's talk about weapon and armour enchantments options.
https://youtu.be/Erqi6H_oleo5 - Some thoughts on cleric spells, their interactions and their mechanics
https://youtu.be/ervJOrA-s2Q6 - General thoughts on Anointed champion, suggested build and rotation
https://youtu.be/QZ1S6algr4o7 - Devoted Cleric resources management in dungeons, divine oracle edition
https://youtu.be/Ik8D4Hyz2_s8 - Devoted Cleric resources management, Anointed Champion edition
https://youtu.be/YGyntrS6duU9 - Your everyday Castle Never run as an Anointed Faceroll Devoted Cleric
https://youtu.be/6ggVQkp1Q3410 - Fangbreaker's Island in slow motion
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cuCSAaYmntI11 - Dungeon key changes and how to buff as a devoted cleric when farming dragons
https://youtu.be/UX3hvMkStZg12 - Decision making as a buffer devoted cleric in raids: tiamat
https://youtu.be/H6SxR8zkAZE13 - Tanks need not apply
1 - Anointed champion build part 1: Power sharing and AP gain mechanics
2 - Anointed champion build part 2: feats
In the process of watching what you've already uploaded.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
I'm starting part 3, and I think the reason you didn't crit any dummies with Chains at first was because the power is bugged and won't crit if you're too far from the target. This came up during the HR class balancing, as Cordon of Arrows has the same bug. Not something where they've identified a cause yet.
Neverwinter Census 2017
All posts pending disapproval by Cecilia
here is a good guide for buff / debuff pve DC
You can see I linked that build back in November last year. http://www.arcgames.com/en/forums/neverwinter#/discussion/1206996/3-different-righteous-builds-i-have-found-please-comment/p1?sso=eyJ1bmlxdWVpZCI6Ijk5MzcwNzAwIiwibmFtZSI6InB1dHpib3k3OCIsImVtYWlsIjoicHV0emJveTc4QHlhaG9vLmNvbSIsInBob3RvdXJsIjoiaHR0cDpcL1wvaW1hZ2VzLWNkbi5wZXJmZWN0d29ybGQuY29tXC9hcmNcLzVkXC8yM1wvNWQyMzQ2NjUwZWU0MjkyZmZhYWY2OTM2ZGE5ZDYwMTAxNDYxNzM1NDQ2LmpwZyIsInJvbGVzIjoiTWVtYmVyLG53cHZwYWxwaGFwbGF5ZXIsTlcgTTkgUGxheXRlc3QiLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiIxNDQzOTY4OTgxIn0%3D+70f6dd9119b67257dcab8c65b9ade31c1cbee3f7+1474654439+hmacsha1
I also exptect that the power buff interactions will be reviewed by the incoming DC "class balance" process. In this case it makes sense to move faithful as the secondary path. Anyhow, I would like to know if the DC is reviewed in depth as the SW-GF were or if it's just bunch of tweaks/nerfs here and there.
There's a risk that what we know about the DC (and the effort to reach a good level of knowledge) will be outdated in seconds after the review.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
Which is one of the topics I'm covering in today's video, along with other general tips I've learnt over the years.
I run a true High Crit DPS/ Buff AC with Power Share. I run almost all the same feats as the DO build with exception to putting 10 points in Virtuos to pick up Battle Fervor. I proc all the same buffs as a DO while dealing a ton of DPS. The only section of the game I feel the DO provides more team buffing than an AC is during boss fights where you can run Prophecy of Doom, Divine Glow, eBtS, HG. I'll run Chains or Daunting Light in place of PoD, and AA over HG. I'll give the advantage of buffs to DO in this area only, but for trash clearing, solo play, high Personal DPS I just can't see Terrifying Insight (20% damage buff) and PoD (17.5% damage buff) trumping 40,000+ power shared, the equivalent of Fox's Cunning, and a free encounter spot to run a nuke like Daunting Light or Chains.
If I'm wrong I'm wrong, but I haven't had a DO beat me yet in any aspect of the game in its current form on Xbox. (That may change for us in 2 weeks) I've also never had anyone complain about the speed of our runs as if I were not adequately buffing them. To the contrary I've heard phrases like "that's disgusting", "Omg!" , "how are you in 2nd place on Paingiver!", "The cleric just nuked red dragon... Stop giving him Frey!" Lol. Of course I'm just teasing with these accolades I'm sure there's a lot of good clerics out there but to post a horrible AC build to support your DO is better is a bit unfair.
I would/will go DO if someone wants to prove in game it's the better path. Not just on paper or theoretically.
You are free to use whatever you want, but creating a guide or build requires too much knowledge for me!!
However, for speed boss kills DO wins hands down. First terrifying insight adds a nice dps boost to the DC and thus to the party. When I was DO I could be third damage in decent groups, and first or second in bad ones. Then HG is superior to AA in boss fights so unless you can stack both (and I'm actively trying to find a way for it) DO is more relevant for the fast boss kill. If the boss doesn't die before HG expires though it's not worth it. Finally, hastening light is often not worth it as it doesn't benefit most classes having high recovery or short CDs or relying on dots that don't stack (and that excludes quite a lot of classes), except GWFs, so that limits the relevancy of hastening light, except in tiamat maybe.
PoD also adds a nice 12.5% debuff with a 50/60% uptime depending on your recharge speed, so it's a maybe 8% effective debuff. In raid it's extremely valuable but in CN too on bosses. That being said, after testing an AC faceroll spec maybe both are good but in different context. AC excels at clearing trash and carrying the party due to the fact that mechanics can be ignored, but DO has access to an extra debuff that's relevant for less than 15-20s kills. I'd pick DO over AC any time in raids, due to their design, but AC is good for the good old dungeons. I'd also pick DO for FBI bosses burns, but since people need the AA carry then AA makes things faster overall, especially on giants.
That being said, DO is a better "burst" buffer and will add a tiny but not negligible dps to the burn, especially in a buff/debuff party. You can extend the burn to 30s if the DO uses the sigil of the devoted for instant HG cast when it expires.
AC provides extra benefits that aren't quantifiable like not moving out of telegraphs, but anyone claiming there's maths behind that speculation is an idiot that should never claim he's tested anything and the guide should be trashed immediately.
Now granted mine isn't perfect yet but it's also a learning experience for me and I'm naive enough to believe that the current point of view I express is much closer to what truly happens in group content. However I will admit shamelessly that my first videos aren't as relevant as the latest ones. A lot happened since then. More is happening right now, and more will happen later, so it will be refined with time. I'm still in the process of testing to make the ultimate AP monster generation DC and I'm already using some quite interesting undocumented features, because I want to see how far I can push AC before emitting a final judgement on the spec.
And TBH that would take a race reroll for stats and a complete gear change for valindra's belt and other stuff. We're looking at a 10M live test. I can't do that yet.
I'm not saying this to downplay all your hard work. I admire the work and effort you've gone through to put this togather especially at such a time in the current state of the game with a major DC rebalance/overhaul on the very near horizon (and once those changes hit more than likely most every current DC guide will need major reworking). But as an avid fan of all things Neverwinter DC related I felt the need to point out the misinformation.
I will admit that I don't like the fact that AC is better. I dislike being an AC, but feel compelled to run the most optimal build for my friends. I hope when they do get around to rebalancing the DC that they give me a good enough reason to come back to DO (and hopefully not by just nerfing AC power sharing into the ground like they did too the poor GF's ITF).
Pup - Level 70 4.2k Buff/Debuff AC DC
XBL GT: TehPuppy