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What type of companion do you use for enhanced stats



  • wildfiredewildfirede Member Posts: 886 Arc User
    it is not only the brokennes that disturbs me, i am more angry at the fact that you need specific companions to use bondings effectively. e.g. you like your damarian shepheard from way back when you were lvl 10.... well ***** you, get a l.thief or bonding stones worth millions are useless :)
    Please fix Zhentarim Warlock companion's skill "Arcane Warping" to the originally intended "Arcane Boost"

    Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
  • schietindebuxschietindebux Member Posts: 4,292 Arc User
    edited March 2016
    I use high level bonding runestones for increased stats

    it is not only the brokennes that disturbs me, i am more angry at the fact that you need specific companions to use bondings effectively. e.g. you like your damarian shepheard from way back when you were lvl 10.... well ***** you, get a l.thief or bonding stones worth millions are useless :)

    True, this company is doomed to everywhere and allways fak up the internal Cooldowns of everything.
    No matter where you go you can find 100`s of bugs and errors in this game in the past, realted to crappy coding or missing cooldowns.
    Just take the new Shadowclasd Enchant the newest and silliest "piece of masterwork" I experienced till now.
    An enchant wich should lose it´s stacks on deflecting... but never does and wich gives you a short period of invisibility at 8 stacks every 30 seconds ... but this seems to be a permanent status atm making player completely undetectable, no chance to target them in PVP, well done.
    Same with drains, wich drain your AP/stamina completely at once, no Cooldown...the guys who devellop the coremechanic these things and have to take care of interactions/buffs etc seems to be real scrubs in terms of coding.
  • beckylunaticbeckylunatic Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 14,231 Arc User
    I just use a companion I like, without worry of augment or bondings

    it is not only the brokennes that disturbs me, i am more angry at the fact that you need specific companions to use bondings effectively. e.g. you like your damarian shepheard from way back when you were lvl 10.... well ***** you, get a l.thief or bonding stones worth millions are useless :)

    There's effective and then there's min-max. You can be effective without being min-mixed.

    I think that the devs ought to run all the companions through a balancing pass to bring the very slow ones up to speed (pun incidental), and then that majority might be less inclined to only ever use the same 4-5 companions because they are the absolute fastest. This is in their interest because relatively few of the Zen market companions are particularly good with the current bonding meta. Making them more effective could inspire sales.

    Still, lots of companions are viable even if they aren't as fast to proc. I get a lot of mileage out of old Mr. Vicious Dire Wolf.

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  • wildfiredewildfirede Member Posts: 886 Arc User
    I am tooling with the idea to upgrade the sellsword from common to epic or legendary but the cost is killing the realization vor now.
    Please fix Zhentarim Warlock companion's skill "Arcane Warping" to the originally intended "Arcane Boost"

    Pure -> Transcendent Plague Fire weapon enchantment giving 80damge/20 seconds for 500k+ AD is a joke.
  • oldbaldyoneoldbaldyone Member Posts: 1,840 Arc User
    I use high level bonding runestones for increased stats
    I would think any companion that is not an augment would be better than an augment, as they will all, at some point, proc 3 stacks. The question is, will what you are attacking be alive when that happens and if not, does it even matter?

    I could see a scenario in which having a slow attacking companion proc a stone every 4-5 seconds be an advantage (more consistent buff instead of more front end buff).

    I would say too though that I absolutely agree with how this all sorted out. Active companions that can be controlled and die SHOULD give a better benefit than ones that can not. I dislike the idea that bonding stones are the key to that.
  • linoge63linoge63 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 373 Arc User
    I use an augment, such as an ioun stone, cat, goat or chicken
    I used and appreciated the man at arms to reduce threat when at low levels...now Mr Untouchable the legendary Cat brings it
  • kvetkvet Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,700 Arc User
    I use an augment, such as an ioun stone, cat, goat or chicken
    As I said here:
    kvet said:

    I typically use an augment (black dragon stone) and I slot bonding stones in it. You don't get the special combat enhancement from them, but they give you better power stat boots than Empowered runes (a lot better). If you aren't looking to boost power, my first question would be... why? Before you flame me, I know there are lots of valid reasons why one would prefer to use an augments enchantment slots for something other than power, but my reason for asking is mostly PvP related: those stats vanish when you enter PvP.......... which is why I always suggest sticking to power there since it's sort of the slush-fund of stats. You can use your gear to boost your other important stats (arpen, crit, recover, def, etc...) since those stats stick around in PvP and in many cases - arpen in particular, need to be carried over into the fight.

    All that said... The last I paid attention to this, the Zhent Warlock at max level with 3 R12 Bonding Stones is considered BiS for DPS. (yes, even above and beyond Augments).

    Now that companions aren't just one-shot and done in every fight within seconds, I've been thinking about unpacking one of my Zhents and using it instead of an augment. I'm just old school and am still in the habit of never using a combat pet... probably time I start branching out. Jeeze... next thing you know I'm going to start ordering something other than the chili relleno at the Mexican joint we go to all the time.... Pretty sure I haven't even looked at the menu there in about 3 years.

    The first two options in your poll are not mutually exclusive. You can use an augment AND high level bonding stones because bonding stones give much better power stat bonuses than empowered runes do -you just miss out on the combat bonus from the bonding stones is all.
  • sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    I use high level bonding runestones for increased stats
    lirithiel said:

    ghoulz66 said:

    lirithiel said:

    grimah said:

    Switched from augment to bonding. I can see the appeal for dps classes. Even though bondings are more powerful, I do think there atleast is choice.

    They just need to equalise it a little, and make more companions viable. Lack of choice in this game is really killing it.

    I think there are plenty of viable options, it's just that they either haven't been tested or are being kept a close secret. The Battlerager looks especially promising, while any companion with a fast attack will do the job. Look to the ones that have multiple attacks like the Lightfoot Thief. Battlerager is one and Pseudodragon is another.
    I tried out the battlerager and found his attack rate and proc chance low for a striker sadly. And pseudodragon's double bite only counts as one attack.
    Pity about the Pseudodragon. I thought the stacking buff on Battlerager would turn out to be pretty good - oh well.
    Lies, the Psuedodragon procs them very fast - I usually have 3 procs straight away. The trick with any melee companion though is to not kill everything before it gets into battle.
  • sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    I use high level bonding runestones for increased stats

    putzboy78 said:

    they will be called broken until the proc rate on 10/11/12 bonding is the same as a 12/12/12. Surely you realize that having something at a lower level out performing a higher level cannot be WAI

    wait..what? You are getting more stacks from different levels of stones?
    It's not going over the procing cap (that requires the companion to die), it's more that one attack can proc each level, where as having 3xsame will only proc across 3 seperate attacks.
  • kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    I just use a companion I like, without worry of augment or bondings
    I have stone augments I can use, but for squishy classes I like using a defender companion to soak damage while my CW or HR does max DPS from a distance. And you don't need to buy a companion on the AH or Zen store - the man at arms and shield maiden are pretty good if you can afford to upgrade one or the other to green or blue level.

    And use whatever runestones you can afford that make sense.
  • santralafaxsantralafax Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,896 Arc User
    I use an augment, such as an ioun stone, cat, goat or chicken
    kvet said:

    The first two options in your poll are not mutually exclusive. You can use an augment AND high level bonding stones because bonding stones give much better power stat bonuses than empowered runes do -you just miss out on the combat bonus from the bonding stones is all.

    While I see that you CAN use bonding stones on an augment as an "Empowered +" runestone, it is not being used for bonding. Not a bad idea--although I would check on the difference in price of bonding vs. empowered. I would bet the price per stat point is much higher.
  • zebularzebular Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 15,270 Community Moderator
    edited March 2016
    I use an augment, such as an ioun stone, cat, goat or chicken
    All my characters at level 70 use augments. I generally only use combat companions during their leveling processes (mostly to level those companions at the same time) and even then usually start using augments around level 50-60. Almost all of my characters have "preferred" combat companions that I'll summon when I am not adventuring, just for the RP/Lore factor.
  • wylonuswylonus Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,376 Arc User
    my Pheora is a real nasty dps, with avenger set, it is very hostile pet, it kills any mobs in sight even i am not in combat, when i was riding to menothrax from dwarven camp in icespire, it kills any frost goblins.
    it get annoying when i see getting the pearls as i go and seeing lot of loots drop on the ground when i turn around.
  • lirithiellirithiel Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 2,482 Arc User

    lirithiel said:

    ghoulz66 said:

    lirithiel said:

    grimah said:

    Switched from augment to bonding. I can see the appeal for dps classes. Even though bondings are more powerful, I do think there atleast is choice.

    They just need to equalise it a little, and make more companions viable. Lack of choice in this game is really killing it.

    I think there are plenty of viable options, it's just that they either haven't been tested or are being kept a close secret. The Battlerager looks especially promising, while any companion with a fast attack will do the job. Look to the ones that have multiple attacks like the Lightfoot Thief. Battlerager is one and Pseudodragon is another.
    I tried out the battlerager and found his attack rate and proc chance low for a striker sadly. And pseudodragon's double bite only counts as one attack.
    Pity about the Pseudodragon. I thought the stacking buff on Battlerager would turn out to be pretty good - oh well.
    Lies, the Psuedodragon procs them very fast - I usually have 3 procs straight away. The trick with any melee companion though is to not kill everything before it gets into battle.
    So which is it? I have wanted a Pseudodragon for so long now but don't want to spend all that ADs if it doesn't quite do the job.
    Our pain is self chosen.

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  • ghoulz66ghoulz66 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,748 Arc User

    lirithiel said:

    ghoulz66 said:

    lirithiel said:

    grimah said:

    Switched from augment to bonding. I can see the appeal for dps classes. Even though bondings are more powerful, I do think there atleast is choice.

    They just need to equalise it a little, and make more companions viable. Lack of choice in this game is really killing it.

    I think there are plenty of viable options, it's just that they either haven't been tested or are being kept a close secret. The Battlerager looks especially promising, while any companion with a fast attack will do the job. Look to the ones that have multiple attacks like the Lightfoot Thief. Battlerager is one and Pseudodragon is another.
    I tried out the battlerager and found his attack rate and proc chance low for a striker sadly. And pseudodragon's double bite only counts as one attack.
    Pity about the Pseudodragon. I thought the stacking buff on Battlerager would turn out to be pretty good - oh well.
    Lies, the Psuedodragon procs them very fast - I usually have 3 procs straight away. The trick with any melee companion though is to not kill everything before it gets into battle.
    Well you must be lying because I just tested it again and only got 1 bond proc within a 3 second span.

  • deathbeezdeathbeez Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 789 Arc User
    I use an augment, such as an ioun stone, cat, goat or chicken
    I use a boring old stone of might augment.
    Zhen with ++bonding is the cookie-cutter DPS way. But it seems really busted.
    I think it will get adjusted some day.
    I've never seen the rift between rich OP players and poor average players ever get this big.
    The bonding situation really highlights this.
  • duryntedurynte Member Posts: 132 Arc User
    I just use a companion I like, without worry of augment or bondings
    I pick a companion for the fun of having it by the side of a character. For my ranger I picked a Lillend, she is a halfelf and themed elvish. I wouldn't know, what the companion actually does, so I adopt to playing with it. The Lillend, surprise, is a nice companion for a hunter, it stuns and heals, fits well to getting in and out of melee combat.

    That is the main companion. The other companions are just stat buffers I never summon. I picked 4 green archons in green for the various +% if enemy is % something.

    As of lately, I tend to prefer not having a companion summoned at all.
  • sorce#8115 sorce Member Posts: 1,009 Arc User
    I use high level bonding runestones for increased stats
    The Pseuodragon has a 2 second cool down, in line with the companions I'd refer to as the Tier 2 category, that still proc bondings fast (like the Blink Dog). Like I said, if you've already killed everything before a melee companion gets into battle then you aren't going to have any bonding procs.
  • hustin1hustin1 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,468 Arc User
    I use an augment, such as an ioun stone, cat, goat or chicken
    I use a chicken as well as high-level bonding runestones.
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