Sadly none from Cryptic/PWE will reply. If the player base really wants to hurt this guys, money must not be spent in this game. They hurt my wallet (the value of my VIP is decreased drammatically), I going to hurt their: no €/$ anymore.
Oltreverso guild leader Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
darthpotaterMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,262Arc User
What if you put Coalescent wards / preservation packs / blood ruby in the dungeon chests with acceptable %?
(1) At the very least, the trade bars which could be accrued by current VIP programs should still be able to purchase aforesaid items until it expires.
(2) Furthermore, a refund ability should be put into place.
Sorry, they probably don't have enough "bandwidth" (aka dev time) for that.
NWS-DLXTNXRF2 - Angeline von Stein NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Ther eason they did the low price was they were trying to hide the fact that Underdark was a complete and utter failure.
Who says it was a failure? I rather enjoyed the mod for a while (though it's not enough content to last until the next module). Steam charts shows a pretty steady user base over the last 3 months (and more-or-less over the last 9 months).
Easy to make wild generalizations. Where are the facts?
yea botters dont tend to leave their jobs but when most of my guild up and stops playing and i know many other guilds can say the same and not everyone plays through steam so the numbers are a bit skewed
Take the money and run!!! Is really this the game philosophy? I really can confirm that Neverwinter Online is not a "PTW", instead it is a "P(a lot)TL". Many many compliments to the game keepers, thinking that other people take guns and go to robber a bank.
demonmongerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,350Arc User
I say we all sit in the moonstone mask and shout over and over "we are the 99%"
I hate paying taxes! Why must I pay thousands of dollars in taxes when everything I buy is taxed anyways!
Enchantments r11 and r12 will have higher prices because of this
zekethesinnerMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 805Arc User
Ahahahahahahaha PWE does not disappoints, u guys r company which cant be trusted at all, but i gues one ogtta do what he gotta do to keep up flow of $ to china, or some bosses of the bosses will get pissed.
Just i wonder, what will they say after this game death? Which may actully not last till mod9. What a shame.
What a staggeringly stupid, if not unpredictable move.
I've consistently paid out each month buying lockbox keys and VIP. The coalescent wards that I've been able to get from the tarm bar store are consolation for my bad luck/your appalling % chance in the boxes. I won't be buying coal/pres wards or bloody rubies from the zen store because they're simply bad value for money.
As the "decision makers" only seem to understand one language, I will speak to them in it..
I will not be spending any more money on your game
Whilst I can't just speak for the entirety of my guild, the general feeling from all that i spoke to when i logged in was that they would be doing the same. This isn't something that'll blow over and be clear when you emerge from your storm shelters. This is something that erodes what little good feeling you have left in this community.
After poorly directed development resources and ill written and ambiguous blogs you've decided to pull this out of the bag. I'm not surprised, I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed. Well, no more money for you. Simple. Easy.
I have yet to understand how the changes to wards "affected the economy in a bad way". I thought it was the opposite.
viperwitch23Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 205Arc User
OK You nuked the wards Give us x2 AD for weekend please This is a bad change.... People say: no use for VIP any more - you only bought VIP for getting enchantment keys? I bought VIP to get x3 dungeon keys per day I will still buy VIP for as long as here be dungeons to have fun with You guys should start to live self-sufficient and don't set the goals you can't archive. I see many people spending every astral diamond they got on more and more upgrades desperate to reach that Golden 3000 TIL and become as 1 guy put it ''One of the Godz'' a member of Elite or just flash it to others so they think he is a rich P2W This is soo stupid. Item Level doesn't make you a god - only your skill does. Yes this change was good for the F2P enhancements more affordable. But now it is back to reality - back to the system we had when leadership had AD And then those who had 50 chars on account at it or the botters. I always lived modestly and didn't had huge goals. I reached minimal to do the dungeons and to fun doing them All I am saying that to adapt to this change people need to rethink their goals. Restructure themselves and rethink their positions.
At last give x2 AD for weekend you can do it guys. So it gives people chance to get new wards at the ''new'' prices
I haven't been playing this game since mod 0 or mod 1 like others, I started in mod 4. I had to learn the ropes on how to build AD and how to convert it to zen so I don't have to spend real money but eventually RL kicked in and I didn't have the time to build my AD the way I was taught. Then AD was taken away from leadership, which I understood but didn't agree with, some changes were made in the the game and I was still able to make my AD.
As usual new mods came in with new things to grind for... along with one of the mods came your very interesting VIP item. Get a daily lockbox key, get some ident scrolls, and dungeon key(s), and with it some very nice and interesting bonuses. I purchased my first month of VIP (with real money) and immediately I was hooked, from that first week I knew I wanted to buy VIP every month. I got a lockbox key, which gave me T bars. I was so happy for this because then I could buy Coal Wards to start improving my main character's enchants and artifacts. Soon after another happy surprise came, the cost of Coal Wards would be cheaper, so this meant I would definately need to renew my VIP every month! I must!
... now it is a few months after the price drop in the Tbar store, I see a notice in my ARC launcher "changes to Trade Bar store" it says that the devs are removing Coal Wards, Pres wards and Rubies from the Tbar store.
All day I've been trying to figure out how I feel about this decision, and in all honesty I feel swindled. I will no longer have any need to buy my VIP, I will no longer be able to upgrade my character's enchants. You devs say it is because there is some kind of confusion as to the "value" of coal wards being in two places. There is no confusion, there is simply no sales on the Coal Wards in the Zen store because YOU gave them to us at a great offer where back in September YOU promised they were not going to be removed.
Don't make promises you can't keep because all of the sudden your wallets are getting filled. Don't screw your players over. YOU don't have the power here, WE DO! Once you take those items away from us, how much money do you think you will end up losing? You think you are going to win after this, that your pockets and wallets and bank accounts will fill up again. They WON'T! ... So many of your players are saying they won't be spending anymore money on your zen store...
Well guess what, add my name to that list. because you know what I'm done buying VIP, it was honestly the only way for me to be able to upgrade the gear on my character.
<font color="blue">A better price for coalescent wards would be around max. 400-500 Zen</font color>, because weapon and armor enchantments require a whole lot of them. It costs 17 coal wards to make one transcendent enchantment, which is $170 not including refinement. That's just one enchant, for one character.
OR put them back in Tarmalune Store for 200 bars, on both Xbox and PC.
But... I'd be surprised if anyone in Cryptic even reads this thread. I've been here since open beta and I don't feel like any feedback has ever resulted in anything. The only things that Cryptic might fix after releasing are obvious bugs and only when they benefit players. Gods help us getting minor fixes for combat powers that don't work at all, for example.
EDIT: And saying that the reason for removal is not wanting to confuse players is a sad lie. Maybe Xboxers believe that, but after 3 years and 8 mods on PC? Come on.
Whomever made this decision needs to find another line of work. I'm not even kidding. VIP was the first smart thing this game had done in ages -- hey, a way to get a monthly fee for a reasonable price from players and make them feel rewarded for paying! This should have been ENCOURAGED. Now, you've ruined it. So many players had VIP and many more were saving up for it! What company wouldn't want a regular, expected income from their customers?
If you're going to kill VIP by making trade bars worthless, then you should lower the price of everything in the zen market to next to nothing to make up for it. Coalescent Wards $1.00 each... maybe. Someone who wouldn't buy one for $10 might buy 10 for $10... so you'd get that $10 instead of zero money. I know I won't be spending real money on zen for VIP now that I know it's worthless... and I certainly won't be buying wards in the Zen market without a 99% off coupon. Do you not understand the term MICRO-payments?
I don't know what school of economics your employees went to, but people have a certain amount of disposable income they're willing to pay for entertainment each month. While some will spend more than others, that amt is basically fixed for each customer. That means a customer willing to spend $10/month is only going to spend that much and no more - and only if it's fun to do so. A customer willing to spend $50/month or $500/ month is the same. This is also true for the free players -- they won't spend a dime no matter what you do. (but they will work hard for AD to buy zen from the "whales" that want their AD for the cash they spend)
VIP was a GREAT way to give perks to paying subscribers and most of the value was in the keys and bars from the boxes the keys opened. You KILLED it. And as recent as September, you said this would NOT happen. Is 5 months or so too long ago to remember?!?!?
Killing the Bar store kills VIP, which means you're back to sporadic purchases in the Zen store instead of a steady income from VIP membership. Great job shooting yourselves in the foot. I'd have serious concerns if I were an employee of a company that makes such poor decisions regarding their customers. At least hire an economics professor or heck, have a class project for FREE at a major university to pick apart and repair the broken economy in the game. Basic Econ 101 mistakes are happening here, but a 300 level course would have more intelligent solutions for the game.
vip 1 month 1000 zen : coupon 15% 850 zen. exchange 370 ad per zen =314500 astral diamonds. enchanted key 125 zen -40% coupon it goes 75 zen . 75x30= 2250 zen x370 = 832500. what we have here? 1. you buy vip 1 month 314500. 2. in your pocket staying 518000 otherwise you could give 832500 to get x30 keys with coupon 40%. 3. your loot even if is a black ice pack is 5800 ad. in the worst case you will get 174000 astral diamonds. 4. tarmalune tradebars: even if you get 3 per day is 90. lets say enchant level 7 give 9000 ad each. 9000 x15=135000. 5. 174000+135000 =309000. that means -5000 but show me one person in 30 days got the worst loot of all in the lockbox. 6. i will say the average number since opened many lockboxes is 20000 per key. that finally means you gave 314500 and you get 135000+600000=735000-314500 =420500. WITH new changes with current prices you are +420500 ad per month so you will renew your vip or not?.
@pando on console it skyrocketed everything enchantment wise to the highest its ever been. Its very bad for the truly free to play people and the casuals that cryptic is always so worried about. Between the Xbox and PC rage, I'll give this game another couple months.
It's bad enough to sell VIP in 6 month packs in advance, then take away one of the main reasons to have it, but you have to insult our intelligence with this announcement, by inventing such obviously ridiculous and transparent excuses for doing it.
This is a terrible decision for genuine players, the people who are supporting the game via VIP. You're blatently insulting us, hugely reducing the value of VIP for those of us who bought many months in advance, and taking the game back a massive step.
ghoulz66Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 3,748Arc User
I'm not spending money on this game ever again. Taking something away from players is the biggest mistake a company can do.
And yet they do it over, and over, and over again. At this point I honestly think they have taken more stuff out of the game then they have put into it.
I went over to STO after reading this yesterday, and was amazed at what I saw.
They have a queue system similar to our skirmish/dungeon/PvP queue. But it shows how many people are queuing for a selected match. So you know when the list comes up how close it is to being filled enough to pop. Yet, that doesnt exist in this game.
They have lots of stuff in their trade store, uniforms, ships, equiptment. Probably about 5 to 10 times as much stuff as we have.
They have easily around 15 times the amount of content that this game has. And what? That game is 2 years older.
It's amazing what a responsible dev team can do huh? And this is the same two companies. Cryptic and PWE. And you dont see their player base being dicked out of stuff every few months. Where you get these awesome announcements at least once every two months or so.
Honestly, those of us who stay in Neverwinter are fools to do so. and at this point I feel the entire development team should be terminated or sent to work other under people at different projects. Nobody connected to Neverwinter should be in charge of more than the stocking of a copying machine at this point.
Now, that many players bought VIP for 1 year with the old coalescent policy, you break that "contract" and change conditions to squeeze a bit more their pockets.
I think that this change was thought at the same time you decided to set up the VIP program.
I have never seen a company cheating customers as much as you guys.
Imagine how many players will be filled with demonic rage when they log in this weekend to discover that .... Cryptic gave less than 24 hours notice about trade bar store changes. Glad I log in to NW every day, or I would rage about the 1000+ unspent trade bars in my account. Cryptic, if you decide to increase AD price on marks of potency, please give less than 24 hours advance notice, so that us daily players can profit! cha-ching!
Coalescent wards were my only reason for buying enchanted keys. There's nothing else of value in Tarmalune Store because the game is too easy even without op pets and the mounts cost way too much. Fashion sets are ok, but all my characters already have one or two I like to use. I suppose I won't need to buy any more Zen ever again because I've never dropped $10 on a coalescent ward because they're way overpriced. Good.
viperwitch23Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 205Arc User
I can agree when I say that im surprised by your reactions (PC players). They lied to Xbox players and pulled a fast one on us and said that their needs to be "parity" in both games.
I can also say gladly that with PC and Xbox players both on the same page(outraged at this) and the current investigations with NW from Microsoft, something will be done soon.
Less people were buying them because we have our rank 12's...
This change is not good for the life of neverwinter....
If the player base really wants to hurt this guys, money must not be spent in this game.
They hurt my wallet (the value of my VIP is decreased drammatically), I going to hurt their: no €/$ anymore.
Oltreverso guild leader
Maga Othelma - DC | Svalvolo - SW | Dente Avvelenato- GWF
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
NWS-DOVA9JIJV - The Lost Seneschal
NW-DT3221YUY - The Wildcross Bride
Foundry Grand Master.
Is really this the game philosophy?
I really can confirm that Neverwinter Online is not a "PTW", instead it is a "P(a lot)TL".
Many many compliments to the game keepers, thinking that other people take guns and go to robber a bank.
Just i wonder, what will they say after this game death? Which may actully not last till mod9. What a shame.
I've consistently paid out each month buying lockbox keys and VIP. The coalescent wards that I've been able to get from the tarm bar store are consolation for my bad luck/your appalling % chance in the boxes.
I won't be buying coal/pres wards or bloody rubies from the zen store because they're simply bad value for money.
As the "decision makers" only seem to understand one language, I will speak to them in it..
I will not be spending any more money on your game
Whilst I can't just speak for the entirety of my guild, the general feeling from all that i spoke to when i logged in was that they would be doing the same.
This isn't something that'll blow over and be clear when you emerge from your storm shelters. This is something that erodes what little good feeling you have left in this community.
After poorly directed development resources and ill written and ambiguous blogs you've decided to pull this out of the bag. I'm not surprised, I'm not angry. I'm just disappointed.
Well, no more money for you. Simple. Easy.
Give us x2 AD for weekend please
This is a bad change....
People say: no use for VIP any more - you only bought VIP for getting enchantment keys?
I bought VIP to get x3 dungeon keys per day
I will still buy VIP for as long as here be dungeons to have fun with
You guys should start to live self-sufficient and don't set the goals you can't archive. I see many people spending every astral diamond they got on more and more upgrades desperate to reach that Golden 3000 TIL and become as 1 guy put it ''One of the Godz'' a member of Elite or just flash it to others so they think he is a rich P2W
This is soo stupid.
Item Level doesn't make you a god - only your skill does.
Yes this change was good for the F2P enhancements more affordable.
But now it is back to reality - back to the system we had when leadership had AD
And then those who had 50 chars on account at it or the botters.
I always lived modestly and didn't had huge goals. I reached minimal to do the dungeons and to fun doing them
All I am saying that to adapt to this change people need to rethink their goals.
Restructure themselves and rethink their positions.
At last give x2 AD for weekend you can do it guys.
So it gives people chance to get new wards at the ''new'' prices
Just my 2 cents
As usual new mods came in with new things to grind for... along with one of the mods came your very interesting VIP item. Get a daily lockbox key, get some ident scrolls, and dungeon key(s), and with it some very nice and interesting bonuses. I purchased my first month of VIP (with real money) and immediately I was hooked, from that first week I knew I wanted to buy VIP every month. I got a lockbox key, which gave me T bars. I was so happy for this because then I could buy Coal Wards to start improving my main character's enchants and artifacts. Soon after another happy surprise came, the cost of Coal Wards would be cheaper, so this meant I would definately need to renew my VIP every month! I must!
... now it is a few months after the price drop in the Tbar store, I see a notice in my ARC launcher "changes to Trade Bar store" it says that the devs are removing Coal Wards, Pres wards and Rubies from the Tbar store.
All day I've been trying to figure out how I feel about this decision, and in all honesty I feel swindled. I will no longer have any need to buy my VIP, I will no longer be able to upgrade my character's enchants. You devs say it is because there is some kind of confusion as to the "value" of coal wards being in two places. There is no confusion, there is simply no sales on the Coal Wards in the Zen store because YOU gave them to us at a great offer where back in September YOU promised they were not going to be removed.
Don't make promises you can't keep because all of the sudden your wallets are getting filled. Don't screw your players over. YOU don't have the power here, WE DO! Once you take those items away from us, how much money do you think you will end up losing? You think you are going to win after this, that your pockets and wallets and bank accounts will fill up again. They WON'T! ... So many of your players are saying they won't be spending anymore money on your zen store...
Well guess what, add my name to that list. because you know what I'm done buying VIP, it was honestly the only way for me to be able to upgrade the gear on my character.
OR put them back in Tarmalune Store for 200 bars, on both Xbox and PC.
But... I'd be surprised if anyone in Cryptic even reads this thread. I've been here since open beta and I don't feel like any feedback has ever resulted in anything. The only things that Cryptic might fix after releasing are obvious bugs and only when they benefit players. Gods help us getting minor fixes for combat powers that don't work at all, for example.
EDIT: And saying that the reason for removal is not wanting to confuse players is a sad lie. Maybe Xboxers believe that, but after 3 years and 8 mods on PC? Come on.
And can we get at least an editable spam filter against the AD sellers spam now?
And the people in charge should take a look at
and think about ways to actually bring more players back to the game.
exchange 370 ad per zen =314500 astral diamonds.
enchanted key 125 zen -40% coupon it goes 75 zen . 75x30= 2250 zen x370 = 832500.
what we have here?
1. you buy vip 1 month 314500.
2. in your pocket staying 518000 otherwise you could give 832500 to get x30 keys with coupon 40%.
3. your loot even if is a black ice pack is 5800 ad. in the worst case you will get 174000 astral diamonds.
4. tarmalune tradebars: even if you get 3 per day is 90. lets say enchant level 7 give 9000 ad each. 9000 x15=135000.
5. 174000+135000 =309000. that means -5000 but show me one person in 30 days got the worst loot of all in the lockbox.
6. i will say the average number since opened many lockboxes is 20000 per key. that finally means you gave 314500 and you get 135000+600000=735000-314500 =420500. WITH new changes with current prices you are +420500 ad per month so you will renew your vip or not?.
This is a terrible decision for genuine players, the people who are supporting the game via VIP. You're blatently insulting us, hugely reducing the value of VIP for those of us who bought many months in advance, and taking the game back a massive step.
I went over to STO after reading this yesterday, and was amazed at what I saw.
They have a queue system similar to our skirmish/dungeon/PvP queue. But it shows how many people are queuing for a selected match. So you know when the list comes up how close it is to being filled enough to pop. Yet, that doesnt exist in this game.
They have lots of stuff in their trade store, uniforms, ships, equiptment. Probably about 5 to 10 times as much stuff as we have.
They have easily around 15 times the amount of content that this game has. And what? That game is 2 years older.
It's amazing what a responsible dev team can do huh? And this is the same two companies. Cryptic and PWE. And you dont see their player base being dicked out of stuff every few months. Where you get these awesome announcements at least once every two months or so.
Honestly, those of us who stay in Neverwinter are fools to do so. and at this point I feel the entire development team should be terminated or sent to work other under people at different projects. Nobody connected to Neverwinter should be in charge of more than the stocking of a copying machine at this point.
squeeze a bit more their pockets.
I think that this change was thought at the same time you decided to set up the VIP program.
I have never seen a company cheating customers as much as you guys.
On the go, remove your stupids HAMSTER rings please.
Cryptic gave less than 24 hours notice about trade bar store changes.
Glad I log in to NW every day, or I would rage about the 1000+ unspent trade bars in my account.
Cryptic, if you decide to increase AD price on marks of potency, please give less than 24 hours advance notice, so that us daily players can profit! cha-ching!