Yes remove both the drains and Ambush/Cowardice rings
Won't fix PvP but well...better than nothing.
santralafaxMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,896Arc User
edited February 2016
Yes remove both the drains and Ambush/Cowardice rings
I think the drains are particularly unfair because 1)You have to be in a mid to high level guild (I am). 2)They take away abilities form other characters, rather than adding to your own: they are invasive.
The rings can be farmed by anyone, and should be fixed. I don't care much about them, though I've never used the discussed ones (only used rings of precision and power.)
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
Yes remove both the drains and Ambush/Cowardice rings
I do agree drains is bad addition to the game, but I haven't noticed people using it much... however when I do, I ensure I will make them regret... :O
I do agree drains is bad addition to the game, but I haven't noticed people using it much... however when I do, I ensure I will make them regret... :O
icy when i queue with my alt and that is worse when i am trying get gear enemies same item level with me use drains and rings(2-2,7k item level range). IS no excuse their item level. THE weak side was complaining all the time bis stopped using drains and now the weak side use drains?
its worth mentioning that this week we lost at least 3 old members of the pvp community .... is it time for changes? goodbye kroner, goodbye i'm not a trap, goodbye stylin
it's super annoying as a DC just starting out in pvp to be facerolled continuously by someone with one of these rings. I can see using it to get away from someone but to use it to intentionally frag someone, especially someone new, over and over and over. Well, that kills the mood.
So people still have their panties in a bunch over these rings?
I'm really starting to think that all of the underlying problems have just become too much for some of you to bear.
Fix the underlying problems with PvP and the rings are just another layer of items like any other game employs.
Put yourself out of your misery and quit the game.
Concerned about not being "top-dog" in a new game?
Spent too much money on this game and feel shackled to your investment?
Hoping against hope that they make this game great again?
Looks like a bad relationship. You can't "fix her up." She's gonna cheat on you because that's what she does.
1. Get cheated on and be okay with it, only to cry that she never comes home when you expect her.
2. Take advantage of her and have your side games.
3. Just walk out of the friggin' door and don't look back.
I'm holding at #2 because I no longer feel the need to take her out to dinner. #3 becomes ever the option as time marches onward.
maybe that´s the best way to go. I am fed up being drained and onerotated by ambush GF´s and TR´s/Hunter/CW´s no class balance will come, we ask for 1 year and were promised for warlock class So in mod 9, I gonna get my rank 2 drains at the start and beat the hell out of those GF´s , TR´s, CW, Hunter from 50 feet distance, going stealth mode again and watch them die yes that´s what it´s gonna be like , take advantage as long as possible and enjoy other games, more relaxing ones
i would expect more something life "we heard your feedback about rings but we think having players both in the forum and in the game is confusing. As a matter of fact we are doing everything in our power to remove them from the game" lol
Below ARGUMENTS from true PvPers: - drains is a part of game - i am using drains drains because OP using DP - i am using drains drains because i have problems with PvP guilds - OMFG! use wards - because GF can oneshot me
When i asked about satisfaction in 1vs1 by using drains then they mostly wrote fourth argument.
There is absolutely nothing unfair about the rings. Just players who can't cope with them.
The rings are accessible to everyone if you grind out enough Demogorgon.
The rings are only problematic because of all of the underlying issues with classes.
Don't like The RIng of Ambush? Use a Ring of Vision. It helps, a lot.
TRs mad that other classes can have stealth? Understandable. Go get a RIng of Vision.
are you joking or what?
1) ring of ambush doesnt have a cooldown 2) ring of vision does have a cooldown 3) TR general damage is what it is because stealth, other classes now have this priviledge while keeping their tab mechanic and all other 60K encounters. 4) some classes can effectively perma stealth without depletion, keeping their tab and so on... GF and more than anything else CWs.
i do really hope you are joking. the only class where indeed that ring changes more or less nothing is TR but still is conceptually wrong.
Yes remove both the drains and Ambush/Cowardice rings
There is not much to top a perma stealth ring.. Such an item in every rpg I played the last years was an unique and most powerfull item, hard to obtain NWO is a redicules mmo, spreading such things under player....perma stealth 24/7, lol We meat each other in mod 9, perma stealth and drains rank 2 on my side hope you enjoy
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,520Arc User
edited March 2016
I don't think you can remove the ring easily. Changing the behaviour of the ring (which is not exactly easy) is easier than removing the ring, IMO.
To "remove", on top of my head that I can think of:
It needs to remove the ring from every character who has it. It needs to extract the enchantment from every ring and put into the inventory properly. You need to inform every player properly (not just a thread in the forum) because a ring disappeared in a slot is a big thing. How about the salvage value of the ring? Should they be rewarded AD? ....... Wait! This character has a legendary ring and was obtained after 3000 tries and you just remove it and replace that with just salvage value? What is the proper compensation?
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
No, don't remove the drains and Ambush/Cowardice rings
PVP is complete garabage now, and trust me its not the rings i have bad feeling they will remove the ring trying to fix PVP and we wont be able to use them in PVE as well average player will lose 100 times and the system will still put him against high level PVP players over and over
if in the past i wholdnt mind trying 1:1 against high level PVP player now if someone offer me 5:1. i simply ask him to let me cap 2 times and kill me if it's make him happy
icyphishMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 1,255Arc User
Yes remove both the drains and Ambush/Cowardice rings
I know once a target is marked by GWF's threatening rush, we will be able to track down the stealthed target (as to those that uses ambush ring), I am not sure if other classes has a similar mechanic that allows them to track down stealthed target?
Either way, like morethar said, there are bigger problems than the stealth rings, such as certain class that hits 150k+ dmg from one daily, or other classes that hits over 200k in a 2 hits rotation or one that is completely invincible 24-7 not being able to take down at all... removing the ambush ring might be good, but the priority is certainly not as high as the ones mentioned above... :O
Wait until next week when we have 4k lifesteal and deflect rings, healing insignias, and some players with 4k deflect mounts. Those will be even more OP than drains and ambush.
I hope ambush is nerfed to get a cooldown, but it´s not my biggest problem. I met invincable TR´s even before these rings existed, timing their dodge dodge - ITC - dodge dodge -Bloodbath - dodge doge next... perfectly Ambush GF´s are morons imo.
but 4k deflect rings, really? Did noot read about that.
The rings can be farmed by anyone, and should be fixed. I don't care much about them, though I've never used the discussed ones (only used rings of precision and power.)
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
goodbye kroner, goodbye i'm not a trap, goodbye stylin
That's a whole minute of the person out of stealth which for some classes in PvP is more than enough for them to kill the person.
I am fed up being drained and onerotated by ambush GF´s and TR´s/Hunter/CW´s
no class balance will come, we ask for 1 year and were promised for warlock class
So in mod 9, I gonna get my rank 2 drains at the start and beat the hell out of those GF´s , TR´s, CW, Hunter from 50 feet distance, going stealth mode again and watch them die
yes that´s what it´s gonna be like , take advantage as long as possible and enjoy other games, more relaxing ones
i would expect more something life "we heard your feedback about rings but we think having players both in the forum and in the game is confusing. As a matter of fact we are doing everything in our power to remove them from the game" lol
- drains is a part of game
- i am using drains drains because OP using DP
- i am using drains drains because i have problems with PvP guilds
- OMFG! use wards
- because GF can oneshot me
When i asked about satisfaction in 1vs1 by using drains then they mostly wrote fourth argument.
1) ring of ambush doesnt have a cooldown
2) ring of vision does have a cooldown
3) TR general damage is what it is because stealth, other classes now have this priviledge while keeping their tab mechanic and all other 60K encounters.
4) some classes can effectively perma stealth without depletion, keeping their tab and so on... GF and more than anything else CWs.
i do really hope you are joking.
the only class where indeed that ring changes more or less nothing is TR but still is conceptually wrong.
They are self balancing
Such an item in every rpg I played the last years was an unique and most powerfull item, hard to obtain
NWO is a redicules mmo, spreading such things under player....perma stealth 24/7, lol
We meat each other in mod 9, perma stealth and drains rank 2 on my side hope you enjoy
To "remove", on top of my head that I can think of:
It needs to remove the ring from every character who has it.
It needs to extract the enchantment from every ring and put into the inventory properly.
You need to inform every player properly (not just a thread in the forum) because a ring disappeared in a slot is a big thing.
How about the salvage value of the ring? Should they be rewarded AD? .......
Wait! This character has a legendary ring and was obtained after 3000 tries and you just remove it and replace that with just salvage value? What is the proper compensation?
i have bad feeling they will remove the ring trying to fix PVP and we wont be able to use them in PVE as well
average player will lose 100 times and the system will still put him against high level PVP players over and over
if in the past i wholdnt mind trying 1:1 against high level PVP player
now if someone offer me 5:1. i simply ask him to let me cap 2 times and kill me if it's make him happy
Either way, like morethar said, there are bigger problems than the stealth rings, such as certain class that hits 150k+ dmg from one daily, or other classes that hits over 200k in a 2 hits rotation or one that is completely invincible 24-7 not being able to take down at all... removing the ambush ring might be good, but the priority is certainly not as high as the ones mentioned above... :O
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
Author of GWF Speed Demon PvP Build (Mod 11) <- Click to reveal the Speedy Beast! >:)
I met invincable TR´s even before these rings existed, timing their dodge dodge - ITC - dodge dodge -Bloodbath - dodge doge next... perfectly
Ambush GF´s are morons imo.
but 4k deflect rings, really? Did noot read about that.